jablkovskacas · 3 years
CAS signatures
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
CAS Summarizing post
Evidence for completion of CAS project.
My CAS project was called "Przewodnik po restauracjach." It focused on making a blog about cheap but good restaurants in Poland's capital, Warsaw, to help its poorer citizens and students to be able to find restaurants that are affordable and offer tasty food. These are my posts:
Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1).
The first experience - cooking and baking:
The second experience - walks:
Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2).
The first experience-cooking:
The second experience - ice-skating:
Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3).
The first experience - cooking:
The second experience -yoga :
Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4).
The first experience-baking:
The second experience-yoga:
Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).
The first experience - amnesty:
The second experience - CAS project:
Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6).
The first experience - amnesty:
The second experience - ibzine:
Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7).
The first experience - amnesty:
The second experience - ibzine:
Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
Final reflection on CAS experience
The CAS experience is something very unique for the IB diploma program that is not present in Polish schools. At first I was very confused and lacked inspiration as to what to chose as my creativity, activity and service. It got even more complicated as the COVID-19 pandemic started and there was little possibility to do CAS outside of home. Nevertheless, this difficulty introduced me to yoga. I did not do it before CAS and I really learning more about it and seeing progress in what I could do. After finishing CAS I can definitely say that I started to love doing yoga and plan to continue doing it after IB. Having to do CAS at home was also a great opportunity to develop my cooking and baking skills.
Doing it as my creativity definitely opened my eyes to different cultures and taught me how to plan an activity – for example, when deciding to make green enchiladas I did not check whether all ingredients are locally available and ended up not being able to make them. This taught me to plan all my activities beforehand.
I found service to be the easiest to achieve as the Amnesty meeting were organized by my school and even when I could not add anything to a discussion, I could listen and learn from other people. Creativity was the hardest to achieve as doing IB I often did not have time for elaborate cooking projects or trips to specialized shops. Even though sometimes CAS was difficult to do as there was so much other work, I enjoyed it greatly as it motivated me to keep being active, offer service to others and develop my culinary skills even during hard times like the COVID-19 pandemic.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
CAS table
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
S 24.02
Today at our amnesty meeting we have talked about the anti-restrictions and anti-vaccine mandates protests in Canada. We have focused also on the ethics of mandatory vaccines and restrictions. It was an interesting topic which I have not heard about before, so I decided to research more about it after the meeting. I have found this article particularly interesting: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/22/world/americas/canada-protest-finances.html
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
A 22.02
Today I have done dynamic yoga again using this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ciS93shMNQ&ab_channel=AloYoga
This time I was able to finish all of the exercises from the video. However, I still needed to make many breaks between the exercises.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
C 20.02
I have written an article for our school's newspaper, ibzine, about the ethics of economic sanctions. Writing it made me research that topic which made me more aware of what sanctions are, how they work, their ethics and international crisis in which they were used.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
S 10.02
Today during our amnesty meeting we have discussed the book "Maus" written by Art Spiegelman being banned by a Tennessee school board. It was a piece of very surprising information to me as I have never heard about it happening before. I had read this article to inform myself even more about it after the meeting: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/31/holocaust-novel-maus-bestseller-after-tennessee-school-ban
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
A 9.02
Today I have done yoga and stretching again. I have decided to try a new type of yoga this time. I have done the exercises from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ciS93shMNQ&ab_channel=AloYoga
As I have never done that dynamic yoga before, I had to make many breaks and were not able to complete the whole workout.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
C 6.02
As I have made pizza many times already I have decided to change something this time and make a heart-shaped pizza. I was very happy cause it worked out almost perfectly, I just had to improve the shape with a knife a bit before baking it.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
S 27.01
Today in amnesty we have talked about Navalny's situation and the political reality in Russia, for example, the characteristics of Putin's rule and the situation of homosexual people in Russia. This meeting was especially interesting since I knew close to nothing about Russia's political situation.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
A 25.01
Today I have done stretching exercises since I've been having muscle pains for a while. I have done the exercises from these videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_tea8ZNk5A&t=872s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qULTwquOuT4&t=1s&ab_channel=MadFit
It was harder then the last time I have stretched since I did not do it for a long time, but it helped my muscle pains.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
C 23.01
Today I have made samosas and two samosa sauces from these recipes: https://www.cookwithmanali.com/samosa-recipe/ https://vegveganmeat.com/samosa-dipping-sauces-recipe/
I have made the scezhuan sauce and mango chutney. I have never eaten either and learned I am not their fan. I have also made many mistakes making the scezhuan sauce, for example pouring too much soy sauce into the mixture.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
S 19.01
Today in amnesty we have talked about the Pegasus spyware and human rights infringements. I did not know that much about the topic so it was very interesting especially as there was a presentation about it.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
A 11.01
Today I have gone on a walk to the Kampinos forest. I walked for nearly 10km since I have gotten lost a little bit. Nearly getting lost taught me how important it is to always be prepared when going on a walk, for example wearing warm clothes and having a water bottle with yourself. It was really nice since I have found interesting looking plants.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
C 9.01
Today I have made quesadillas. I have used this recipe: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/quesadilla_84511
I usually make non-vegetarian quesadillas so I wondered how the quesadillas would turn out. I did not like the recipe as much since the quesadillas seemed to taste quite bland.
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jablkovskacas · 3 years
S 5.01
Today during amnesty we have talked about lex tvn, which is a controversial Polish media law amendment of the Polish Broadcasting Act. We have focused on what it is and what the implications of this law could be. I already knew about this topic but it was still interesting to hear about it from other people.
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