jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“How about your parents? Don’t they like me?” She asked curiously, raising her brow. Maybe they still wanted to see their son with his ex-wife, that was a possibility. It’s been almost a year since they met, Sarah couldn’t believe it. After all those obstacles they managed to get back together. And she was grateful for that. “Wow.. So you would dump me if I become too red? Good to know.” She gasped dramatically as if he said the worst thing ever. “Eh, I can always go back to being a blonde, you know? I am a natural blonde anyway.” She shrugged her shoulders, letting out a chuckle as well. 
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“Of course they like you. How could they not like you?” He flashed Sarah a sly grin. Admittedly, neither of Jacob’s parents had much faith of him winding up in another relationship after his divorce. They tried, of course, with occasional blind date set-ups and hopefully suggestions of ‘so-and-so’s kid, didn’t you go to highschool with her?’ but nothing really stuck and it seemed like there was a clear reason for that. “Uhm,” Jacob hummed low, as if thinking through Sarah’s dramatic display. “I wouldn’t dump you, but I would demand that you dye your hair. Like, you’d totally have to. Or wear a bag over your head until it cleared up. Essentially, never get a sunburn, Sarah.” He laughed, shaking his head as he thought about that happening in some upside down universe.
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“She’s a nice lady. And I am sure she is gonna like you. Even my sister likes you and that’s saying a lot, she doesn’t even like me.” Sarah chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. “I totally would. I am so pale.” With a sigh, she shook her head. When they first met, they both were in the beach and celebrating 4th of July. Sarah was avoiding the sun as much as possible, and vented about the heat to Jacob. It’s nice that he still remembered this little fact about her. “I am guessing you wouldn’t wanna spend the rest of your life with a tomato, would you? You are welcome.” She grinned playfully as he kissed her. “No, it’s not. It’s totally not.” She held his hand tight. 
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Jacob laughed as he listened to Sarah. “If it helps at all, my brother likes you, so we’re even when it comes to siblings at least.” Thinking back to when they’d first met in Charleston, Jacob almost couldn’t believe it’d been so long. He hadn’t thought much of when they first ran into each other on the beach, but one chance meeting had spiraled into dates, something that resembled a long-distance relationship, and now here they were -- on the verge of moving to New York together. He shook his head with an easy smile. “I think I’d rather not be in a relationship with a tomato, no. You’d have to change you hair color then, too, it’s just easier for you to not be sunburned.” He chuckled.
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
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“It’d have to be said ironically. Like if you got mugged and they said, ‘Happy fuckin’ Christmas,’ right?”
“Oh, for sure. There’d have to be some criminal intent or horrible implication with it -- like the fake gangster movie from Home Alone that Kevin quotes. ‘Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.’ But just in passing at the grocery store? I don’t think it works so much.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“She does!” She exclaimed playfully, her smile widened. “Hell yeah. What did you expect? We are in each others’ lives more than a year, of course I have been mentioning you to her.” Sarah shrugged her shoulders. Pretty much all of her family knew Jacob. Her sister thought he was too good for Sarah and she was somewhat right. “I get what you mean. Living there would be too much. I don’t even like the sun, I can’t survive there. My vampire roots can’t handle.” She joked, letting out a loud chuckle once he nudged her with his elbow. “Well, I understand that because I like myself much better as a city girl as well.” She brushed her nose against his. “Don’t worry. I won’t become a farmer,” She chuckled against his against. “And we won’t break up. Ever again. Like I said before, you are stuck with me.”
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Jacob chuckled at Sarah’s quick and reassuring response, looking over to her with an easy smile. “Well, that’s good know that she wants to meet me and hasn’t sworn me off entirely already.” He shook his head. Jacob’s own family knew about Sarah as well, going as far as having met her when they were still back in Charleston together. “Oh, jeez, you’d just burn to a crisp wouldn’t you?” Jacob asked with a grin, recalling the first time they’d met on the beach. “You’d be a total tomato for the rest of your life -- thank you for sparing both of us that and not becoming a farmer.” As their noses brushed, he leaned in closer, tipping his head to press a quick kiss against the corner of Sarah’s mouth. The line began to move forward so they could board the carousel and Jacob shook his head slightly before adding, “But it’s not a hostage situation.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“Have you seen Entertainment Weekly’s cover? Even though it took them two years, I can’t wait for the new Mary Poppins movie.”
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“I haven’t had a chance to check it out, but I did hear they were making a remake, right? Who’s the new Mary Poppins?”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“Ever have one of those days you feel like you been rode hard and put up wet? That’d be how my day went. Found out that apparently…some of the tourists need a little more hand holding than others,” he said with an exasperated sigh. “One guy pissed a fit cause he couldn’t understand basic math. Thought cause Boston and Florida are three inches apart on a map we’d make there and back in a day. Jesus on a bike. Don’t get me started. Tell me your day was better than mine.”
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“Tourists by default always seem like the worst human beings to deal with,” he huffed a light, sympathetic chuckle as he shook his head. “I can’t imagine being stuck out on the water with a whole group of them, either, so kudos to you. At least you have the patience to make it through the day.” Jacob’s gaze lifted, offering a smile in the other’s direction. He shrugged. “My day wasn’t nearly as trying as yours. Schools out for the summer -- finally -- so I’ve been cleaning out my classroom.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“That could work.” Sarah mused playfully, smiling at him. She loved San Francisco, there were tons of stuff to show. “Definitely! Plus, my nana wants to meet you anyway. So it would be the perfect trip.” Her voice was full of excitement. “I have never been in Canada, so I don’t know. I wanna visit Australia though. I don’t think I can ever live there though.” She sighed. “Damn it, I was planning to become one. Shit, I guess it’s time for us to break up again.” She tried to keep a straight face as if she was serious but of course she bursted into a laughter. 
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“She wants to meet me?” Jacob’s brows rose, smiling when he looked in Sarah’s direction. “Have you been mentioning me to your nana?” He asked with a teasing edge to his words. With a chuckle and shake of his head, he considered her next words for a moment. “I guess going on a trip anywhere wouldn’t be so bad -- even Australia. I think living there would be too much, though.” Despite Sarah’s teasing about becoming a farmer, Jacob was smiling in an instant, laughing along with her before swaying closer, letting his elbow nudge hers. “No offense, but I already like you much better as a city girl, rather than a farming lady.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“You haven’t? Well we can visit if you want, my nana would love to meet you.” She knew Jacob wasn’t a fan of traveling but she suggested it anyway. “It was very fun. I hated the heat but I love California. Nah, not whole summer. Only for two or three weeks.” She smiled as they reached the carousel. Her smile widened after his answer, squeezing his hand tightly. “Aww..” Shaking her head, she leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Well, that’a true, I am the one who hates small towns. “So you would move to anywhere as long as we are together?” Pouting playfully, she raised her brow.
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“Maybe this summer, huh?” He went along with Sarah’s suggestion, making an addition of his own. “If we’re not completely dead after figuring things out in New York, that might be a nice break. Better than any other trip I can think of off the top of my head.” As the paused in line, Jacob’s gaze turned back to Sarah, his smile widening at the chaste kiss pressed to his cheek. He chuckled at her question, shrugging as he thought. “There’d be a few exceptions,” Jacob decided. “Like Canada -- I’ve never seen the appeal. I probably wouldn’t move to Australia, either. And Idaho sounds like a literal hellhole. Please never decide you want to be a farmer, Sarah.” He begged in a teasing tone, grin wide.
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“We can try other rides too if you want.” She smiled softly, still holding his hand. The whole thing was a little bit too cheesy for her liking, but she didn’t mind. If anything, it was the opposite, she actually enjoyed it. She never thought she was a romantic person, a person who would hold her boyfriend’s hand all the time, then Jacob happened. “Oh yeah. When I was little, we would visit California all the time because my mom’s parents live there and they would take us to the amusement parks. It was so fun. When I was in London, there was this theme park named Thorpe Park, it was only an hour away and I literally took the train and spent my day there.” She smiled. “Definitely. Nothing could make me stick around Charleston.” She pointed out with a shrug. “I am curious though, let’s say I wanted to go back to Charleston, would you come with me? It’s not like there’s a possibility, I am just curious.”
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Jacob turned his head, looking in Sarah’s direction when she spoke up again about her own experience with theme parks. “I’ve never made it over to California --” Or London, for that matter, “but that sounds like it’d be fun. Would you guys spend your whole summer on the coast, or just a short visit each year?” Jacob’s steps slowed as they reached the carousel, finding the line to stand beside another small group of people. He hummed, eyes squinting as if falling into deep thought to consider Sarah’s question. “I think I would.” He nodded. “I mean, my family’s there which is nice, and as much as I hate some of the nosy people in Charleston, I’m sure it wouldn’t be so bad. But, then again, I’m the one who likes small towns more than you.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“I had no say in it. They took my measurements and called me in for a fitting and next thing I knew I was The Flash. One of the girls gave me the costume so for all I know she could have made it.” Cameron grinned, “Awesome. Anything in particular you wanna do? People have been all about doing these silly poses. I’ve held a lot of giggling women today. I’ve never felt more like a piece of meat in my life…”
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“That’s cool -- are they going to let you keep it?” He asked with a grin, brows raising at the idea. “I mean, if it was made just for you, it seems like a waste to not let you keep it for a backup Halloween costume or something.” Jacob shrugged, a bit of a laugh escaping him when he listened to Cameron. “I think I’m alright without a silly pose. Something casual and composed will do it for me.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“Right? I don’t want you to see me like that, like ever.” She chuckled, still holding his hand tightly. “Sounds like a great plan to me.” She agreed without any hesitation. Sarah and Jacob always managed to have fun together. “How about the carousel?” She suggested, pursing her lips together. “Then we’ll try Ferris Wheel. God I wish this carnival had some roller coasters. That would be so much fun.”
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“Carousel and then ferris wheel,” Jacob repeated in confirmation. As they walked, he glanced to Sarah and chuckled. “I don’t even remember the last time I went on a roller coaster. I think that was one of the few good things about living in Charleston -- you’d be so close to Disney and all those theme parks.” He shrugged as he looked around at the surrounding booths and rides, trying to spot the one they were looking for first. “Not a big enough perk to make me stick around there, though. I think I like it right here much bette. Roller coasters or not.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“I got a phone call at the restaurant from the festival organizers. I guess they asked a bunch of local business owners to have stalls and take part in the festivities so here I am. Wanna take a picture? It only costs you a couple dollars and you help a good cause.” 
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“Where does the costume part actually come in?” He asked with an easy smile and raise of his brows. “Did you get to choose The Flash or is there an organizer in charge you looked at you and decided that was the best fit?” Jacob chuckle, mostly just messing around, but at the offer for a photo he shrugged in agreement. “Sure, anything to help a good cause is worth it.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
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Cameron saw the familiar face out of the corner of his eye. He was mid pose with yet another kid as their parent took probably his hundredth picture of the day. As soon as they left, he rolled his eyes and grinned at the other person. “Before you say it, I know, but half of the proceeds go to the children’s hospital. Also, in case you were wondering, this suit is incredibly uncomfortable.”
“Hey, no, I’m not judging,” Jacob began, his hands lifting in a surrendering gesture. At the same time, though, a quick chuckle escaped his lips as he watched Cameron. “I’m just... surprised. It’s quite the costume and you know, it doesn’t look all that comfortable from the outside, either. How’d you wind up getting stuck with this gig?”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“Aww, that’s so sweet.” Pouting playfully, Sarah smiled at him. The red head didn’t mind PDA, besides it has been a long time since they could kiss each other without any worry. After three months (it felt like eternity to Sarah), things were normal between them. She took his hand and held it tightly. “Amazing. I am not gonna eat too much though, I wanna ride everything and I really don’t wanna throw up in front of you. I know you think I am beautiful all the time but trust me you really wouldn’t want to see me like that.”
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Jacob squeezed Sarah’s hand as their palms met, giving the other a smile. Listening to her, he let out a short laugh before shaking his head. “I guess that’s a pretty good point,” he started to agree, gesturing forward before heading further into the summer festival. “Maybe we should do it the opposite way around, so neither of us wind up vomiting today. We can go on a ton of rides and then check out the fair food, yeah?” As he walked, Jacob let himself sway closer to Sarah for a moment, his shoulder nudging hers. “What do you wanna try out first?”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
“My apologies then.” She chuckled playfully, still holding him close. “Would you forgive me if I told you that I was trying to look pretty for you. This –” She paused for a second, pointing her outfit, “takes time you know?” With a smile on her lips, she nodded her head. “Crap.. Hours? Now I feel bad. Let me I make it up to you.” Of course she could tell he was just teasing. Sarah leaned over and kissed him on the lips. This time kiss was longer and more passionate. Finally pulling away, she smirked at him. “Did that work? Or should I kiss you again?”
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“Oh, no doubt. I completely believe it,” he answered, teasing smile still in place. “But, honestly, you’re just as beautiful to me without the dress.” Jacob added a shrug and leaned forward, pressing into the kiss as their lips met once again. He hummed, as if considering her question before murmuring quickly, “Maybe one more. To be sure.” As they kissed again, he squeezed he hips lightly, having missed this during all the time they tried to desperately stay ‘just friends’ and figure things out. When he pulled back, Jacob smiled at Sarah, finally tipping his head to the side. “C’mon. We have every kind of fair food to try out today and I’m not willing to miss a thing.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
Sarah has always been fan of carnivals. She loved watching people having fun, eating carnival food and spending time with her friends. The bright lights of the carnival was enough reason for her to be happy. 
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She put a midi length yellow dress – mini dresses or shorts wouldn’t be the greatest idea since she wanted to ride few rides. Finally she arrived to the carnival, fashionable late of course. As she spotted him in the crowd, she ran to him and pressed her lips against his. “Helloooo!” With a playful hum, she pursed her lips. “Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” Her arms still around his neck, she locked her eyes with his.
Knowing that he was waiting for Sarah, hoping to cross paths before either of them got too far into the festival, Jacob had stayed close to the entrance they decided to meet at. He wasted a few minutes looking at the pamphlet map he’d snagged on his way in, but it wasn’t long at all until he spotted the redhead, grinning at the sight of the other. “Hello to you, too,” he greeted with a chuckle, leaning into the kiss after a second. As Sarah’s arms wrapped around his neck, he let his own hands rest against her waist. “Oh, jeez, I was waiting forever.” Jacob rolled his eyes as he exaggerated, a smirk already beginning to curl at his lips. “Literally hours, Sarah. I’ve been standing at this exact spot since opening waiting for you to show.”
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jaccb-blog1 · 7 years
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‘ — – - i usually wouldn’t do this because i’m not don for public humiliation, but the grumpy ride operator over there said i C A N ‘T ride the ferris wheel without a partner….odd i know. so, would you possibly maybe consider taking some sort of pity and riding with me ?? i have cotton candy, endless tokens and i’ll even get pizza or a funnel cake to share afterwards ?? ‘
“Do you they really have a partner rule about going on the ferris wheel?” Jacob looked up from the other, glancing back at the illuminated ride that was running. It probably had to do with counterweights and keeping the ride in balance. He shrugged as he looked back to her with an easy smile. “Sure, why not? I won’t even make you pay me in snacks after. -- But maybe some of those coins. I swear half the carnival games around here are rigged.”
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