jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
i have two sides: clown (intentional) and clown (unintentional)
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
🎊05/05/24 - 11:45🎊
I went ahead and ordered them! They should get to me between the 17th of May and the 7th of June! 🎊
That's sooooo long tho TwT can't wait!!! 😖
🧸18/04/24 - 12:49🧸
Really want a plushie companion to be besties with and bring everywhere with me!!!
I'm on a journey of completely becoming cringepunk, and though I know at the beginning I know I'll feel awkward with bringing them outside, I still want to, and I know I'll get over it, especially with their help!!
I want them soft and a like long ears I can fiddle with, so I have one in mind! The company isn't perfect nor like, but honestly I feel it's still better than Amazon so I think I'll go with it anyways /neu /info
I need to wait for next month's pay though, because this month's went into starting my lps collection again 😭
I'm thinking of making them clothes, accessories, matching jewelry woth me, and a little harness with a lanyard so I can wear them like a lil bag! I'd like to add a lil pocket to them to so they can carry my lucky stones and maybe some dice or sth 🌿
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
Hi!! First, wanted to say i love ur blog so so much!! /vpos /g
Could I get some tips for transynesthesia please?
I shall try !!
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Choose what sort of synesthesia you'd like ! There are many forms ! ( examples ; people with synesthesia may experience colors when listening to music , see shapes when smelling certain scents , or perceive tastes when looking at words ! )
When chosen your sort of form , for examples I will use taste when listening to music - practice feeling the said taste whenever listening to music , when listening to metal - most people have a metallic taste , while when listening to rap , it's a more sugary-sour taste ! So practice what your synesthesia would feel !
Daydreaming can help a lot if your form is shapes !
Make obvious distinctions between things , like numbers and colors - when thinking of 7 , what's a color that fits it the most ? Once you have done 10 numbers , assign them using their colors ( so putting them in a row based on the rainbow , if red is 8 then 8 will be the first number ) .
Memorize these patterns you make ! Really convince yourself that ' it's just the way your mind places it ' !
Hope these helped even just a little bit ! Fun Fact , your boy actually has cissynesthesia ! Good Luck and Happy Transitioning !
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
Any ttips for transdelusional?? also hi fellow metalhead. . . /pos
HIII OTHER METAL HEAD !11!11 <3 Had to do some DIGGING on this one so I hope its good enough !!
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First - actually going through delusions. Find a belief system that you wish to have ( most popular can be religion, drug induced, medical, ect ! ), and do LOTS OF RESEARCH ON THE TOPIC.
Research wise, ONLY FOCUS ON THE POSITIVES. If the belief system has a lot of warnings, debunks, ignore those - continue to do research and subscribe to the ideas that the said belief is good / real.
Incorporate those beliefs in everyday life - ' connecting dots ' with random things you see throughout the day can help a lot, even if the things can no correlation !
With incorporation - in comes in paranoia. Now this can be optional ! Not all delusions are rooted in paranoia ! Yet if you choose to incorporate paranoia in your transiotion - fear mongering can help. Believe that your belief is the only thing that makes sense can help with it !
Ignoring other beliefs or anything that is negative with your belief - ignoring any sort of distraction from your belief can help to stay on track with your delusions !
NOW. If you would like a diagnosis - speaking about your beliefs to friends or family can help, ignoring their worry can make them force you to seek a professional - to which you can explain your delusions to the professional !
I HOPE THIS WAS GOOD ENOUGH ! Know that you can change the ' belief ' to anything you want !! Happy transitioning and remember that I am your nr 1 supporter <3
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
Hello ! Not sure if you've done these before but any trans-Psychic tips? :))
Of course < 3
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Know what it means to be a psychic medium . Psychic mediums perceive spirits in other dimensions using one or more of the following abilities ; Clairvoyance . Clairvoyant mediums can see spirits , auras , objects and places that are not perceptible to others . Clairaudience . Clairaudient mediums can hear messages from the " other side " , either physically or psychically . Clairsentience . Clairsentient mediums experience psychic communication through pure knowing . 
Heighten your awareness . The psychic mediumship is about being open to communication from the " other side " . Try the following methods for raising your awareness and opening your third eye : Pay attention to your intuition . Don't dismiss your dreams . Acknowledge the odd feelings and urges you feel . Recognize the various energies that affect you throughout the day . Try free writing . Write what comes to your mind the moment it arrives . Don't judge the words , and avoid editing them . Read back over what you wrote a few hours later . The messages you receive from other beings won't always be clear , but writing them down may help you find patterns .
Meditation is key . Meditating can calm down your mind and let it be a vessel for spirits to communicate in our side . Meditate in the morning and before bed - it can help a lot .
Try actively communicating with spirits . Set up a room in a quiet part of your house . Dim or turn off the lights . A few candles may help create a spiritual setting . Say a prayer or chant to ready the space for communication and call on spirits to join the circle . Recognize the presence of the spirit or spirits that join you . Allow yourself to receive images , words , feelings , smells - whatever the spirits wish to communicate. Ask the spirit to identify itself . When you receive an answer , confirm it out loud . Continue communicating with the spirit by asking questions and receiving answers . Know that at this early stage you will not be able to control the effect the communication has on you . You may feel frightened , or you may experience pain . As you develop your skills as a medium , you'll be better able to control the way you communicate with the other side .
Try out tarot . Tarot cards are a way to communicate with many things , yourself , the universe , spirits , ect . Familiarize with the meaning of the deck , really bond with it , and when trying to communicate with spirits , shuffle the deck and wait for a card to fly out .
Hope these helped even just a little bit , good luck transitioning < 3
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
Typing Quirk!!!!!
Use z instead of s at the end of words sometimes
Use a lot of interogation & exclamation points when i do!!!!
No capitalising i
Writing u instead of you
Using more neos as first and second person pronouns
Capitilising when i feel sth is important or to emphasise
Using '&' instead of 'and'
Using more emojiiis 🫧✨🌿
Typing stuffs as i see fit (adding vowels to elongate sounds, adding z/s sometimes when not needed, etc)
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
:33 < repost if your blog is a pawsitively safe space fur people to use their typing quirks, if your blog is a safe space for those who are considered "cringe", or both!!
:33 < i know mine is!
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
Transition Goals
Wear collar more often
Get a new collar
Wear ears more often
Get a dog bowl
Get a cage & make a nest in it
Trinket collection
Learn to croak
Make accessories with black feathers & crystals
Wear more color + colored make-up
Sing more often
Learn to chirp
Find my clown name
Learn magic tricks
Learn the ukulele
Learn a few songs completely by heart
Learn flow arts
Learn some acrobatics
Make clowncore outfits for everyday wear
Make my first clown outfit
Learn make-up
Diversify my wardrobe
Learn to make patterns & clothes for myself
Learn voice acting
Typing Quirk
Write with it more often (but translate it when asked tho, bc accessibility >>>)
Fictional Kai
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
I'm not sure if these are the correct terms (I'm very new to the rq community and just starting to accept myself!)
But I think I might be transclown (or similar), transvamp (or similar), and transHoH [Hard of Hearing]
Do you have any tips on lessening the dysphoria and helping transition???
trans hard of hearing blog / trans vamp blog
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Decide your inspiration ! Do you feel more connected to circus clowns ? or maybe simple Augustine clowns ? There are a bunch of people to this day doing ' modern ' clown looks too ! inspo .. INSPO .. inspo ..
Figure out a style ! Are you more of a Pierrot , black and white type of clown ? Or maybe a colorful , fun pattern type ? !
Think of a clown name ! Most clowns don't use their own name , and professional clowns who have gone through Clown College are given their clown names by teachers !
Wearing your clown-types inspired clothing in your everyday life can help with dysphoria ! ( if a more classic clown , rainbow shirts or blocked out colors ! If Pierrot , wearing frilly shirts and lace ! )
Learn tricks ! Most clowns are performers for entertainment , so learning a couple of card tricks can help ! ( cards , balloon animals , juggling )
For transitioning , attend Clown college ! Its a 8 week program to teach you everything to know about being a clown !
Join a clown organization ! Many groups , like the World Clown Association , exist for the purpose of supporting aspiring clowns ! ( those fucks have insurance bro what /pos )
Hope this helped ! I actually tried out the tutorials linked and they are quite easy to follow ! GUESS WHO KNOWS HOW TO JUGGLE ? ME . As always , Good luck transitioning !!
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
I've seen "I don't know how to play with toys anymore" a few times lately from agere blogs and just wanted to point out-
Playing with toys looks different for everyone, even actual children!
Playing with toys can look like: 🧸🪁🚂
Taking pictures of your toys and writing captions for them
Brushing or grooming soft toys or toys with rooted hair
Ordering or sorting your toys by colour/species etc
Making up stories, poems or comics about your toys
Dressing or accessorising your toys
Imagining your toys talking to you or each other, forming opinions of their own, etc
Drawing your toys
Taking your toys for a walk outside, even in a backpack or pocket if you don't want to carry them openly
Making lists of the toys you have and where you got them etc
Feel free to add your own ideas
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
🧸18/04/24 - 12:49🧸
Really want a plushie companion to be besties with and bring everywhere with me!!!
I'm on a journey of completely becoming cringepunk, and though I know at the beginning I know I'll feel awkward with bringing them outside, I still want to, and I know I'll get over it, especially with their help!!
I want them soft and a like long ears I can fiddle with, so I have one in mind! The company isn't perfect nor like, but honestly I feel it's still better than Amazon so I think I'll go with it anyways /neu /info
I need to wait for next month's pay though, because this month's went into starting my lps collection again 😭
I'm thinking of making them clothes, accessories, matching jewelry woth me, and a little harness with a lanyard so I can wear them like a lil bag! I'd like to add a lil pocket to them to so they can carry my lucky stones and maybe some dice or sth 🌿
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
🎭 17/04/24 - 13:08 🎭
Omgs omgs omgs so excited but context first!!!
I've been doing theatre with the same people since I was twelve, and I'm now 20, so 8 years. It started as an afterschool fun thing with a show for the parents, but last year we named ourselves and became a troupe (I'll call us the Ks here for ease of talking but anonymity).
We created a play as usual, but without having to take younger peeps into account (our two youngest were 15 at the time) and made NML (once again, ease of writing but anonymity name), a play we're super proud of. In September 2023, beginning of this season, we started working on a promotion book and we recorded the play to try and go play it around.
We also shot a shot in the dark and applied to participate in the International Theatre Festival in Mont-Laurier, Québec. I didn't dare hope too much but...
We got accepted!!! We'll be going and performing there in September of this year!!!
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
🌿16/04/24 - 21:02🌿
Venture has a pet rock named Rosetta, Venture has a pet rock named Rosetta, I REPEAT, VENTURE HAS A PET ROCK NAMED ROSETTA
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
🔫16/04/24 - 12h54🔫
Hhhh I'm so dissappointed rn...
I really wanted to get the Chaos Bringer prestige title on this season in Overwatch & I got so close but i have no more missions to do and I've like 6 tiers under 💀
I'd play more but I'm buggy af since yesterday 😓
I'll get over it, I'm just having a lot of feelings bc I worked so hard for it...
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
🌾15/04/24 - 12:56🌾
I've been playing Stardew Valley a lot since the update. I'd set it aside for a while before that because I was super busy
I've managed to get the greenhouse in time for the first winter, and by spring of year 2 I also acquired ancient fruit!
Now the plan is getting 4 of each animals and upgrading the house to the max while finishing the community center (half of teh rooms are completed).
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jackais-blanketfort · 5 months
🌷 14/04/24 - 12:34 🌷
Beggining of this week, I found my two favourite lps from when I was a child, as well as 2 frog ones. My mom has sold all the rest I'm pretty sure, but finding them has awakened something in me.
Flash forward to a few days later, I'm at the store looking for them, but they don't carry any in shops where I live somehow. I go home with a few calico critters as a consolation price, because i want to learn to play again.
I choose one to carry with me all the time, as I've been yearning for a companion I could dress up and have adventures with for a while. I named them Aster.
I find LPS on Amazon. I buy 3 sets, aka 10 lps. I receive them. I don't think I've felt that childishly (/pos) happy in at least 10 years, before my first depressive episode.
I decide to collect again.
This is the star of my journey collecting LPS, and maybe calico critters.
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