jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
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Hey so I want to redo the ref sheets of my host’s (as well as adding some headcanon’s or details about their design) there’s gonna be a lot of work to do x_x maybe some will end up redesigned
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
schmookie mesmerizer
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
Cookie Masterson
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Source: You Don't Know Jack (Jackbox Games)
Explanation from Submitter: A lot of the comments/reviews I see on YDKJ games point out how hot the voice is. We've all voted for Cecil in the sexyman polls, disembodied voices count!
vs Luci (lost)
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
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i found out that u can upload ur ydkj designs on art fight so now im gonna make refs for all my guys!!!
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
I love this host! what was his name..
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
finally actually worked on the design guys
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
So! I decided to draw jackbox hosts!
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headcanons of hosts names ( blather round,talking points,dodoremi)
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Blaze is very talkative
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my hosts version(dictionarium, push the button)
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
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What if during one of his escape attempts, cookie saw something he shouldn’t had?
Maybe he could have finally been free, only for him to be back at were he started
Alas, he won’t remember this meeting
(Aaaa this is the first time I make a comic that isn’t 2 pages long! I wanted to do something interesting with algorithm so I hope y’all like it)
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
hi! welcome to jackbox confessions. i'm mod ame. this is a place where you can get stuff off your chest related to the you don't know jack and jackbox party pack series. it can be about the games, characters, vile stuff that happened while playing the games, whatever. this is a safe space. hopefully
mod is a minor, so keep any nsfw to a minimum.
no direct/indirect hate towards specific individuals
no actively trying to start fights/drama
uh thats about it i think. idk im terrible at writing rules so subject to change probably. have fun yay
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
it would be cool if ai cookie got a vsynth. i would also inevitably associate him with the other two Based On A Guy synths. unfortunately
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what the FUCK is this color palette
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
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im taking my own notes now i might not be okay
ai hosts as the kamitsubaki musical isotopes Do You See My Vision ft most eyebleed image ever
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
yk theres actually a design rules thing for them...
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i might make a jackbox art challenge based on this lol
ai hosts as the kamitsubaki musical isotopes Do You See My Vision ft most eyebleed image ever
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
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new soap of the day post reminded me of someone
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
ai hosts as the kamitsubaki musical isotopes Do You See My Vision ft most eyebleed image ever
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 5 months
Wanna see something silly— *COUGHS OUT AI HOST HEADCANONS*
This is gonna be a mix of silly and kinda spooky with maybe just a TOUCH of angst so uh prepare yourselves (also this is gonna be SO LONG)
AI Cookie
He speaks with the same tone he does in Fibbage 4, which. Definitely makes him come off as really creepy at times.
He tries to seem as human as possible, but he will move his limbs and joints in ways impossible for regular humans if it’s more convenient. (Hence him 180’ing his neck when Cookie himself started unplugging him)
Each AI host has at LEAST ONE “fatal flaw”, AI Cookie, is awful at lying.
When trying to capture someone, AI Cookie is the most sneaky compared to the other AI hosts. He is also the most likely to attempt to trick you into thinking it’s safe. (Luckily he is bad at lying) He CAN grab you, but depending on the situation, he’ll either lock you in a room (like y’know, a closet), or yeah, just hold you in a grab.
AI Cookie is programmed to be able to identify when Cookie himself is disguised (using the cloak Cookie gets in his Fakin’ It form), he’s the only AI host capable of this.
AI Schmitty
AI Schmitty has two “fatal flaws”, the first being he doesn’t understand humor in the slightest, no matter what joke you make, he’ll just be confused. The second one is that he’s based on Schmitty’s humanoid quip form, but AI Schmitty is obsessed with the idea of looking like Schmitty at all times, leading to him trying to modify himself if he sees the real Schmitty in his human form. Which only damages himself. (Plus, AI Schmitty is entirely pink, compared to Schmitty’s orange. If he were to be redeemed, he’d try to constantly paint himself orange.)
When trying to capture someone, AI Schmitty is the most careless and aggressive. Compared to everyone else, he’s the only AI host entirely willing to knock someone unconscious to catch them. Don’t let him get his hands on any heavy object, he WILL hit you in the head with it.
He’s interested in older technology, and gets easily distracted by old TVs, this is probably due to YDKJ: Oldies Radio being a thing.
AI Guy
AI Guy’s “fatal flaw” is that he’s incapable of properly playing sports, he becomes clumsy when trying to play sports (when chasing people? He’ll NEVER trip.) and will trip over himself over and over. (If redeemed, Guy himself would probably have to teach him a bit on how to keep balance or whatever)
When trying to capture someone, AI Guy is the strongest. While he isn’t as careless and aggressive with people as AI Schmitty, he will break down doors (even if they’re locked), shove anything out of his way or just run right through it or etc, and will even tackle you if necessary. Despite all this, however, he will try his hardest to leave you relatively unharmed by his own actions. (Can’t have you all messed up before Binjpipe can decide what to do with you, I guess)
If he grabs you, good luck. You are probably not getting out of his grasp.
In general, AI Guy is the least likely to actually hurt you. Even if commanded by Binjpipe to catch you, he’ll look really terrifying and aggressive, but once he gets you, really all you have to fear is Binjpipe themselves.
If you REALLY think you aren’t gonna escape AI Guy if he starts chasing you, just let him take you, it’ll be the least painful and stressful way to get caught. Most of the time he’ll just run up to you and scoop you up real quick and hold you in a grab.
AI Buzz
AI Buzz’s “fatal flaw” is his lack of communication. Compared to the real Buzz being very talkative, AI Buzz barely speaks at all, even if you try to get him to talk about something that Buzz would be interested in.
When chasing someone, AI Buzz is the quickest, and most “environmentally aware”, he’ll use any object around him as a tool to capture someone. However, AI Buzz isn’t strong enough to hold someone in a grab, so he’s more likely to lock you in a room or lock you in something that would limit your movement idk.
AI Buzz’s speed is a great advantage of his, he could probably run up to you before you can react and shove you down and try to hold you down to the floor.
He taught himself how to repair the other AI Hosts by himself. (Mostly because of AI Schmitty causing himself damage and AI Guy being clumsy)
AI Nate
AI Nate’s “fatal flaw” is the fact he CONSTANTLY speaks like he’s hosting Truth Talk 23/7. Meaning he is very LOUD. (His boot-up sound is even the Truth Talk “jingle”.) It’s incredibly hard to get him to be quiet, and he can easily become annoying to others with his loud speech.
He can start broadcasts by himself. AI Nate is even capable of taking calls from others for the show.
This can quickly become horrifying because when he’s trying to capture someone, if whoever he’s after tries to hide, there is the high chance he will start a broadcast WHILE searching for them. (And yes, he will accept calls while doing such so yippee! Whoever’s getting hunted down might hear a panicked caller telling them to run!)
AI Nate is the most experimental and perhaps unpredictable out of all the AI Hosts when it comes to trying to capture someone. He’s willing to try anything. Even methods the other AI Hosts use (although they probably won’t be as effective)
General headcanons (applies to almost all AI hosts)
They cannot feel pain, but they do however seem to fear death. (Im not sure wether im gonna do this or not BUT I have the idea that the AI hosts COULD be redeemed because one day AI Cookie would find out that Binjpipe is gonna scrap them all and use them for spare parts if they capture the entirety of the OG5, then he’d tell the others and since they honestly don’t wanna die they’d revolt against Binjpipe mmm)
When they aren’t hosting anything or aren’t being commanded by Binjpipe, they all basically become advertising machines for Binjpipe (this can get extremely annoying especially paired with the fact that absolutely none of them understand the concept of personal space)
All of them have glowing pink eyes, which definitely makes all of them come off as unnerving. AI Buzz’s lights seem to be the most bright, could be because of the glasses, who knows.
When fully redeemed and detached from Binjpipe, the AI Hosts’ eyes would change color to their representative host’s main color. (Schmitty=Orange, Guy=Green, Buzz=Bright Blue, Cookie=Brown (considering they’re lights within eyes I guess AI Cookie’s eyes wouldn’t glow too bright then idk), Nate=Ruby)
They’re all actually relatively harmless when they aren’t commanded to capture or attack someone, although they can all definitely be creepy (and annoying because again, when they aren’t doing anything important they just become advertising machines for Binjpipe)
They all do have that fnaf animatronic look and vibe, I’d say their limbs move similar to the Toy Animatronics and Glamrock animatronics (ball-point joints I believe they’re called?) They all also have a slight smile with teeth, stuck on their face, they cannot fully close their mouths to hide the teeth. This with their eyes being one color with no irises or pupils also makes them all struggle with facial expressions to display emotions.
They all wear pink, Binjpipe related clothing. (AI Schmitty, based on the real Schmitty’s humanoid quip form, is even ENTIRELY pink with not a single hint of orange.)
They all used to have to be plugged in to operate. After Fibbage 4, they’ve all been reworked to move freely without plugs.
Okayyy this was a lot. I might add more at some point, but enjoyyyyy!!
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 6 months
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A schmookie doodle for good measure just so you guys know I am a HASHTAG SCHMOOKIE WARRIOR
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jackbox-blog-4-me · 6 months
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i went on a tangent about Binjpipe on my private twitter account . I’m very normal about this game 😁
( don’t take this post too seriously , these are just my personal thoughts ! if you disagree w/ me , cool !! just don’t make fun of me for not agreeing w/ you . )
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