jackisreal-blog1 · 7 years
The Benefits of Marijuana
Benefits of marijuana which they don’t show in marijuana news
Marijuana is infamously famous world over and while it has many ardent users, it also has sceptics. While the stuff is banned in many countries and public places, it continues to woo a large number of people. While there is always marijuana news floating on the internet, very few people actually know about the health effects that it has. Given below is a list of some benefits that marijuana has.
Prevention of glaucoma
Glaucoma is a disease which results in pressuring of the eyeball and subsequent damage to the optic nerve followed by loss of vision. Marijuana is actively used to lower this pressure inside the eye, thereby preventing the disease or slowing its spread. While many studies confirm these effects, the naysayers who want to come in marijuana news tend to still fight this benefit off.
Lowering the carcinogenic effects of tobacco
Some researchers suggest that marijuana smokers have actually shown improved lung capacity and lowered levels of carcinogenic deposits in the lungs. This can be because of the large breaths that smokers take while smoking marijuana and not because of any chemicals in marijuana itself. But nonetheless, it is a benefit worth paying heed to.
Prevention of epileptic seizures
Various studies have shown that marijuana is helpful in preventing epileptic seizures by binding brain activity and causing regulated excitation and relaxation. This was confirmed by some experiments conducted on epileptic rats who were then administered marijuana. That kept the seizures at bay for a prolonged period and thus proved the point.
Preventing the spread of cancerous cells
Another study found that the chemical, cannabidiol, found in marijuana can help in turning off a gene which is responsible for the spread of cancer. The cancerous cells spread by replicating themselves and in this study, the chemical successfully stopped the spread by turning off the activity of the major gene involved in the process. So, if not completely, marijuana does help in slowing down the growth of cancerous tumours in the body.
Relieving anxiety issues
Mild dosage of marijuana has been found to produce a soothing and relaxing effect on the brain, thereby helping people with anxiety issues. In low doses, marijuana can help in relieving the sensation of pain and suppressing the nauseous feeling, the main two reasons for people to have anxiety issues. The chemicals in marijuana hit the brain spots responsible for these feelings and produce a relaxing and divergent effect, thereby soothing down the person and relieving anxiety.
Help in relaxing during arthritis discomfort
Marijuana contains chemicals that directly affect certain centres in the brain and help in alleviating pain and stress. The joint pain, inflammations of the body and lack of sleep which are major issues faced during arthritis and are a cause of discomfort among people suffering from it can be lessened and their impact can be made less painful. Moreover, improved quality of sleep is something which has been proved by multiple studies and hence people experiencing pains can use marijuana to get a good rest at least.
Improves metabolism and reaction to sugar
Marijuana smokers have been found to be skinnier and much fitter and active than non users. Their bodies have better metabolism and a healthier reaction to sugars as compared to normal people. This is despite the fact that people eat more calories after smoking marijuana. Their hormone levels and their blood sugar levels are less heightened as compared to non-users and their bodies are healthier.
Spur in brain activity
You must have noticed how many artists, musicians, painters and creative people are regular users of marijuana. That is because marijuana contains chemicals that spur brain activity and activates the nerve cells, making them function better. The ideas, thoughts and plans which come in this state of mind are often very unique, different and good. Although people might act to have short term forgetfulness under the effect of marijuana, but the horizons of their brains increase and they are able to come up with varied ideas for the same thing, thereby spurring creativity and logical thinking.
So, marijuana is not as bad as what the marijuana news proclaims it to be. There are multiple good effects of marijuana too.
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