jackoffcollection · 1 month
Fat Habits
Having fat on your body is not enough, becoming a fatty should be a permanent lifestyle change like a black hole that only sucks you in deeper.
Let food become the answer to every situation.
Celebrate every victory with over indulgence, eat your feelings when they hurt, pass the time with snacks...
Food is beautiful.
Food is your true best friend and is always there for you.
The warm feeling of stuffing yourself is pure happiness and bliss.
Isn't it great that being truly happy is always at your finger tips?
Don't think about it, just give into it.
Whenever you get a craving indulge it immediately.
Get used to indulging your cravings all the time and forget what it's like to have self control..
Get addicted to your favourite foods and keep reinforcing that addiction until it's impossible to break.
Every day that you give in pushes the possibility of turning back away.
The process should become so automatic that even if you are trying to show restraint and debate over whether or not to indulge, you mindlessly have started eating without even realizing.
The realization that you've become a slave to food might upset you at first but it's so hot to see how you've degrading and it just gets you so horny that you end up eating more instead.
Soon you will train your mind to crave food just from the thought of losing weight.
You will condition yourself to meet all forms of resistance to your new fat self with more eating.
Feeling a lack of confidence from your fat and considering dropping some weight to fit your clothes better?
Go stuff yourself.
Worried about the negative effects this lifestyle might have on your health?
Go stuff yourself.
And when it comes to physical activities you will always choose the path of least resistance.
If you have to decide between being lazy or putting in effort you will choose the fuzzy, cozy, happy feelings of lazing around.
Being lazy and sedentary feels sooo good. It's your other best friend after food after all.
Remember when you used to like going on walks? Now the thought seems horrid to you.
All of your interests have grown to revolve around being lazy and eating.
Watching shows, playing games, hanging around the computer or lying in bed on your phone...
The further you go, the more permanent this lifestyle is becoming.
You will condition yourself to meet all opportunities to give effort with being lazy.
Left the light on in the living room?
It's too far away now, you'll just stay in bed.
Friends getting together for a night out?
Maybe next time, it's too comfortable and happy hear on the couch with snacks and good shows.
You no longer just have a fat person's body... Now you have a fat person's brain.
You are wired to be lazy and you can't even comprehend the idea of anything else.
You relate to all the fattest people around you who got that way by accident and struggle with daily life.
There struggles have become your struggles.
You've become such a natural fatty that everyone will assume you've been this way all your life.
And as far as anyone is concerned, you have... because you are now exactly the same as someone who has been fat all their life.
Your muscles have all atrophied and left you weak.
You swear you used to know how to flex your muscles but now when you try nothing happens, it's just jiggly fat everywhere.
This is you forever now.
The habits have become permanent and you're only going to gain more fat habits along the way.
Welcome to the fat life.
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jackoffcollection · 2 months
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jackoffcollection · 3 months
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jackoffcollection · 4 months
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jackoffcollection · 4 months
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Santa relaxing at home
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jackoffcollection · 4 months
(via daddysweetass, daddysweetass)
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jackoffcollection · 4 months
A force feeding video, tied up, stuffed and bloated until i burst 🎈🪡🍩🍩
Check this video and the rest of my content for only 10 usd on my patreon! Help me get bigger
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jackoffcollection · 5 months
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It's amazing having this big growing belly. I can't stop getting fatter. I love playing with my big fat belly
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jackoffcollection · 6 months
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funnel stuffing
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jackoffcollection · 6 months
Sometimes your feeder doesent feed you quickly enough so your gluttony takes over and you shove the whole thing in one bite. 12 cream cornets and half a liter of heavy cream later a whole 3800kcal have disappeared into my greedy gut
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jackoffcollection · 6 months
More food truck stuff. As usual expect completely normal and realistic proportions (1/3):
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Had a few dudes wear some very telling jerseys:
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Heights vary so wildly, even when adding in 'short' 'under awning' and similar. Exception being 'tiny', that makes gnomes and gremlins. It's probably reading the 'big', 'large' and/or 'huge' in the belly description.
General prompt (that still works as of 12/28/23!) in part 3.
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jackoffcollection · 6 months
🎄 a xmas special 🎄access to my 30+ most exclusive videos for a discounted price plus unlock all my available content. Only for 72 hours 🍪 🥛
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jackoffcollection · 6 months
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jackoffcollection · 7 months
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jackoffcollection · 7 months
How about a Hooters but for bears. Booters. Or something. Whatever.
This is but a teaser of the 500+ images I generated. I made em using a wide variety of prompts that I'll get around to posting as I have to dig around for them.
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Got some chunks.
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Couple hunks.
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Delivering food they'd rather be eating.
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They also accept belly rubs as tips (don't worry, they're paid well + free food and drink)
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jackoffcollection · 7 months
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jackoffcollection · 7 months
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Feeling big after a big dinner.
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