jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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His gaze faltered a bit when she insisted that his offer was sweet and he nodded a bit; trying to ignore the quick flood of heat rushing to his cheeks. “ Yeah, uh--- ”  his voice was trailing off before he had even begun to speak again, “ you know, I’m just sorta... you know... ”  A small laugh escaped him; realizing how ridiculous he must sound but unable to help himself. “ Why don’t you make one of them a priority then ? ”  He offered. “ I mean, it’s not completely impossible moving to Europe. ”
Having Jack asked her to hang out kinda made her stomach do flips - but not in the good way. Going back to the house where she spent nearly everyday with her ex, it probably wasn’t the best idea; was Levi gonna be comfortable? All these questions ran into her head after he asked for them two to hang out. “No no, I want too.. I appreciate it, Jack, to get me out of the house.. Very sweet.” she plastered a soft grin on her lips. “I’ve always wanted to go to Paris.. Paris, London, Amsterdam. Typical girly locations, but it all seems so beautiful, that I couldn’t possibly pass that up.”
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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Shaking his head, an expression of ease lightened his features and he grinned. “ Listen, it would be next to impossible for me to not, promise.  Especially considering how disgusting I will prove myself to be tonight. ”  He chuckled lightly, he shook his head again before turning to see her as she posed the question.  His smile faded gradually but there was still a slight glint in his eye. “ Uh-uhh... I mean, I wanted to, I guess. ”  There was a brief pause after he spoke and he swallowed a bit before continuing; not feeling as though his answer sufficed. “ I-I mean, we’re not that close but, I, uh, I figured it’d be nice--- if we were...? ”  Inhaling quickly, he turned his attention ahead again and started the car, clearing his throat before anything had a chance to come out wrong.
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“As long as you promise that you won’t be scared with how much I can eat, then it’s a deal. I’ll promise on it.” She smiled before turning away from him. “Why did you asked me to prom?” She asked not sure why she was asking but too curious to know the answer. “I mean we’ve barely talk since… you know and we aren’t exactly close friends. You don’t have to answer, though. I’m just curious.“ She finished trying to make an excuse for her question. 
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
✉️ → emma
Emma: if you're trying to be punny, save it to someone who'll actually laugh
Emma: while you're at it, kiss your loved ones goodbye
Jack: Hey, I'm just saying... if I'll only have until you kill me to learn to never wake you up... it doesn't sound like it'd be all that strenuous
Jack: And by the sounds of it, ur gonna probably kill me sometime today, so I can probably spend my time kissing my loved ones goodbye instead of thinking of my actions ;)
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
 And one day we will die
And our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea But for now we are young Let us lay in the sun And count every beautiful thing we can see
- In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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“ We’ll both just take a vow to open our eyes or something, ”  he grinned, turning to look at everyone on the dancefloor before looking back to him. “ You know, I almost feel inclined to believe you but you’re standing pretty close to the sidelines. ”  He explained, drumming his hands on his thighs a moment. “ I’m pretty good, actually--- ‘Ve been sorta waiting around for them to bring out the next platter of shrimp though.  It’s been like, twenty minutes. ”
“No, sorry, it was all my fault. I should have been more careful and been looking where I was going…” he let his voice trail off. Matthew looked up from the ground at the other with wide eyes. “Yeah, I- I’m fine. How are you?”
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
Hayden: 😞
Hayden: No they won't, dummy. Just do it, stop being so shy and take a leap of faith!! No she won't, I'm sure she likes you if she agreed to go with you on such short notice.. GOOD! this is good.......... im happy to hear that.
Hayden: your blood is already 50% sugar, what are you talking about??? idk abt firey tho ugh its a good thing i didnt get any bc we both know my eyebrows would have somehow caught fire :/
Hayden: ... :)
Jack: 🙈 idk
Jack: I'm not SHYYYYYYYY I'm just obsessive and completely self-aware LOL uhm.
Jack: And would much rather have me be the only one to know I'm like... dancing impaired OK, YOU'VE SEEN IT. WE'VE ALL SEEN IT. We can pretend it never happened now
Jack: *Whispers that she thought she liked me until she sees me dancing and changes her mind*
Jack: FINE, THEN IT'D BE 90% SUGAR, WHATS UR POINT??? I'm kind of offended that you don't think my blood is even like, 5% fire but I'll pretend that I'm not. HONESTLY, it is a good thing. Those things are hazardous
Jack: Anyway...
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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“ Hey, a good time is a good time, ”  shrugging a bit, he chuckled lightly, shaking his head. “ It doesn’t ‘matter’ per se, but I definitely try not to give myself the chance.  And I promise this will turn very quickly from us both looking silly to mainly me looking silly and you wondering why you initiated it. ”  Lifting his hand, he scratched the back of his neck idly. “ Plus, it’s like--- proper dance-date etiquette to ask the person I came here with if it’s okay, before dancing with someone else, right ? ”
“Probably.” Bo nodded happily. “But who cares?” she stated, swaying slightly to the beat. “Come on, dance with me. Have a little fun, it doesn’t matter if you look silly. We can look silly together.”
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
Hayden: Oh. I, uh.... I really wanted to be there with you too, jsyk... I'm sorry again (for the thousandth time). :/
Hayden: No, no.. don't put it off! Just take her to dance when everyone starts dancing that way no one notices how bad you are at it. Ahhh, that sounds so good lol eat extra shrimp for me pls what the fuck, flaming donut? like... on fire?? what the fffuckkk :/
Hayden: Good, you better.. shut up, i'm sure you'll enjoy it. listen, you could always record it for me even, i'm sure you'll do great w/o me
Hayden: Yeah.. idk too...
Jack: Okay...
Jack: Everyone is already dancing but I stg, I'll get over there and they'll all stop, gawk and laugh lol. No. Plus, she'll notice. She'll notice. I've already ate my weight in shrimp so, you're welcome. It was all for you.
Jack: Yes but idk, man, it makes sense that they were limited cuz if they weren't, my blood would probs be like 40% their sugary, firey goodness
Jack: I can't make any promises here but I will admit to that sounding very tempting. I can see him rn
Jack: :/
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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He smirked. “ You know... early, ”  he considered elaborating a bit but instead, left it at that. “ Okay, so I’m going to have to stop you for a second so you can take the time to promise not to be disgusted when I shamelessly do a flaming donut and the chocolate fountain at the same time. ”  Buckling up, he put the key in the ignition and hesitated a moment before turning it; glancing at her through his slightly timid eyes. “ Uhm--- yeah, I mean, go for it. ”
“Relatively early?” She chuckled to his words. “Oh stop, donuts? And they must have a chocolate fountain! What are we waiting for?” She smiled buckling her seat belt. “Can I ask you something?” She asked looking at him again.
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
Hayden: Because its prom, ya walnut!! You're not going to waste it texting me when you've got a gorgeous date-
Hayden: Speaking of which, have you asked her to dance yet?? What kind of food are they serving?? Okay, I know pranking Phelps is an /us/ thing, but you can def handle going solo just this once :)
Hayden: things came up....
Jack: Right...
Jack: Well, I'm not gonna say that my date isn't gorgeous and obviously worth my undivided attention but I'll just lyk that I really wanted to be here with you
Jack: .... Not yet???? I can't dance so, it's better to probably put it off until the last minute or smth... And tbh I've been drowning in shrimp since I got here so idk but they had these cool flaming donut things for a bit?? That's all I got
Jack: Ugh fine... we'll put it this way: if I see an opportunity, I'll seize the moment. The question will really be left to whether I'll really enjoy it or not
Jack: Right....... well, idk
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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His brows pulled together in confusion and his eyes lit up sightly. “ Funny ? ” Repeating the word, he paused for a few seconds, giving himself a chance to process what that could possibly mean. “ Oh my god, ”  the words left him completely scattered through his laughter. Before she had a chance to clarify; simply because he was unsure he wanted one, he closed the door and grinned all the way to the driver’s side. “ Uh-- ”  extending his arm, he took a good look at his watch. “ I wouldn’t say so--- I wanna be there relatively early.  Who knows how long that flaming donut bar will be open. ”
“I wouldn’t mind going back. It was actually kind of really funny seeing you in there.” Calliope kept smiling as he opened the door for her, she slide into the car. “Thanks.” And waited for him to walk around to his side. “What time is it? Is not to early to arrive, right?”
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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“ Oh, shit,  I didn’t even see you there. ”  Jack said, lifting. “ Naw, it was my fault... Gotta remind myself that I can’t see in three directions at once sometimes.--- Hey, are you okay ?  You look a little freaked out over here. ”
Matthew was so nervous. His hands were shaking and he kept pulling at his tie. He’d never been to one of these big school dances before and his first time made him shake. He’d been hiding out on the sidelines, watching everyone dance for a while before he ran into someone- literally. “Oh, I’m- I’m really sorry,” Matt nervously laughed.
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
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“ Okay, ”  he breathed, relief coming over him before lifting a hand a bit as if to shush her. “ Just don’t say that too loudly or we’ll be dragged right back out there.--- Honestly, I think we got off easy this time. ”  Opening the door, he grinned at her once more as he waited for her to get in. “ Definitely. ”
“Dont’ worry. Really. That was fun.” Calliope sat looking up at him. “My mom will probably be asking your mom for some copies. So it’s all’right.” She nodded with a smile. “So… let’s go have some fun?”
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
Hayden: Right, right..
Hayden: I should let you go, have fun.
Hayden: Nothing. Don't worry about it. :)
Hayden: The free food and hot girls. Spike the punch, J, prank Mr. Phelps for me..
Jack: See, idk why you think having fun entails "letting me go" but
Jack: Free food is the only thing there that sounds all that appealing honestly. Considering the fact that I should /only/ really be focusing on my date and well idk... pranking Mr. Phelps sounds like an /us/ thing...
Jack: Not a me thing...
Jack: Oh yeah, btw, why tell me two days before prom that you're not going? jw
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
☆*:.。. [ @hayescallie ]  .。.:*☆
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Stepping to the passenger’s side of his car, Jack placed a hand on the handle, about to open it before turning back to face the girl.  Lifting his fingertips to the top of the vehicle, he tapped the hood anxiously a few times. “ Yeah, sorry about that... ”  he began. “ When my mom said a couple pictures, I--- well, I can’t say I didn’t know she meant like, a hundred, but I had hope. ”
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jackparkson-blog · 8 years
Hayden: You know what you're doing..
Hayden: I said I was sorry. You were better off with someone else as your date anyway..
Hayden: You never know, just be safe, okay?
Jack: Lol I'm just letting u know lol lol
Jack: Yeah...
Jack: Wait, sorry for what?
Jack: Listen. If herpes and children aren't my destiny tonight then what am I really here for?
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