jacksonleoblog · 1 year
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Antinol USA offer Vetz Petz Antinol for dogs and cats which is the natural super potent joint + wellbeing supplement. Enhances joint comfort and mobility + helps support skin and coat health in dogs and cats! Safe for long-term use. Find best nsaid for dogs at best price online. Get detailed information at Antinol USA.
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jacksonleoblog · 1 year
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Browsing for diving dogs online? Get nadd dock diving at Antinol USA Online. Diving Dogs is a canine sport in which dogs are enticed to run the length of a dock and leap as far out into the water as possible to compete for height or distance. Get detailed information at Antinol USA.
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jacksonleoblog · 1 year
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Discover Best Joint Supplement for dogs with hip dysplasia online at Antinol USA. At Antinol USA, We offer anti inflammatory meds, joint pills and joint medication for dogs online at best price. We contain no mussel powder. Mussel powder is a waste product of our production process. Get detailed information at Antinol USA.
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jacksonleoblog · 1 year
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Discover Best Joint Supplement for dogs with hip dysplasia online at Antinol USA. At Antinol USA, We offer anti inflammatory meds, joint pills and joint medication for dogs online at best price. We contain no mussel powder. Mussel powder is a waste product of our production process. Get detailed information at Antinol USA.
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jacksonleoblog · 1 year
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Browsing for diving dogs online? Get nadd dock diving at Antinol USA Online. Diving Dogs is a canine sport in which dogs are enticed to run the length of a dock and leap as far out into the water as possible to compete for height or distance. Get detailed information at Antinol USA.
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jacksonleoblog · 1 year
Is your dog struggling to move?
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jacksonleoblog · 1 year
Watch Duke's 30 Day Mobility Makeover!
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
Traits of Highly Successful Veterinary Supply Distributors
Who are veterinary supply distributors?
Veterinary supply distributors are individuals or businesses that inventory and distribute veterinary products produced by different veterinary companies. They often employ their own distributor representative sales force that helps in detailing the veterinary products they have to veterinarian clients and hospitals.
Some of the leading veterinary supply distributors include Antinol Animal Health and Veterinary Distributors, Coventus, Midwest Veterinary Supply, Victor Medical, Penn Medical, Animal Health International, Clipper-Vet International, MWI, Patterson Veterinary, PBS Animal Health, Med-Vet International, and Victor Medical, among others.
Looking for veterinary supply distributors? Key traits to look for
With so many veterinary supply distributors, you may wonder how to choose one that is able to effectively inventory and distribute your veterinary products. That is a good dilemma because choosing the right veterinary supplier is almost as important as choosing a lifetime partner! Their success has a bearing on your success, and vice versa.
Highly successful veterinary product manufacturers understand that finding and selecting a veterinary supply distributor who is successful in his ability to inventory and distribute products is an essential first step to managing veterinary product quality and limiting product defects in orders.
Choosing the wrong veterinary supplier will lock a business into unnecessary shipping delays, poor service quality, and despicable product returns. On the other hand, choosing the right veterinary supply distributors will catapult a business toward quality products and satisfied customers.
So, how do you determine whether a particular veterinary supply distributor is the right one to help you achieve the quality of your products that you want as well as satisfied customers? The answer to that lies in researching the distributors you’re interested in working with from the perspective of the traits that endear leading veterinary suppliers to great success.
What makes a highly successful veterinary supply distributor?
It is not a secret that highly successful veterinary supply distributors tend to exhibit certain distinctive traits. So, if you are looking for a veterinary supplier to work with, assess your potential candidates based on the following key traits that successful veterinary suppliers tend to exhibit:
Being accountable for product quality issues
Highly successful veterinary supply distributors will not pass the buck whenever the product they are inventorying and distributing is found to have quality issues. Yes, it is common knowledge that admitting to mistakes is not a walk in the park for many people, but when the products a veterinary supply distributor distributes are on the line, a great supply distributor is one who takes responsibility for the quality issues in the products and works tirelessly toward addressing them.
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Suppliers who don’t own up to mistakes are vexatious to the growth of the business because they could potentially hinder the business’ ability to meet deadlines as well as product requirements. So, when considering hiring a veterinary supplier, look for signs of accountability.
Capacity to produce the product
Highly successful veterinary supply distributors have adequate capacity to manufacture a veterinary product you want them to produce. When looking for a veterinary supply distributor for your product, go for a supplier that is able to consistently manufacture your product in a way that meets your product specifications and requirements.
Let’s consider a product such as Antinol for dogs as an example. Getting veterinary supply distributors to inventory and distribute this joint support for dogs entails detailed and careful consideration to find suppliers who are able to precisely deliver products with 50 mg of patented marine lipid extract EAB-277 active ingredient, comprising of 30 mg of Perna calaliculus lipid fractions and 20 mg of Euphausua supeba.
The EAB-277 should contain the full spectrum of all known Omega 3s in a highly bioavailable form, as well as other vital and rare polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and antioxidants. A supply distributor without the capacity to produce the product to the desired standard and requirements will mess up the enterprise.
Expertise in the product type and the target market
There is no highly successful veterinary supply distributor who lacks expertise in the type of veterinary product they are inventorying and distributing. In fact, any successful veterinary supplier must be familiar with the common quality issues related to the product they are dealing with.
The reasoning behind having a veterinary supply distributor with expertise in the type of product and target market is that if they're familiar with the product, they’re more likely to be able to identify and fix problems proactively before they can affect a large portion of the order.
Other key success factors of highly successful veterinary suppliers
There are other traits to look for that indicate a particular supplier will be successful in inventorying and distributing your products. These include being culture fit so that the best veterinary suppliers are willing to work with them; having the ease of communication; having the amenable ability to cooperate with third-party quality control systems; having ethical and regulatory compliance; and having the ability to clearly and comprehensively keep records.
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
A Guide to the Greatest Veterinary Suppliers
The art of supplying veterinary products
Many veterinarians tend to be hesitant about supplying veterinary products because they lack knowledge of the necessary marketing and sales techniques.
Many prospective veterinary suppliers are hesitant to enter the business of veterinary supply distribution because they are afraid of being pulled out of their comfort zone when displaying and strategically marketing various veterinary products.
A recent conversation I had with a number of veterinary supply distributors at a diving dog event hosted by Antinol USA in our neighborhood revealed to me that a lack of marketing experience, combined with competitive pressure from veterinary supply distributors and other high-volume, low-margin veterinary supply outlets, makes it tempting for veterinarians to avoid getting into the veterinary supply chain in order to focus on their professional service side of the business.
However, this does not have to be the case. To challenge this status quo, I went on a fact-finding mission to leading veterinary supply distributors and veterinary suppliers to learn what makes a great veterinary supplier.
This was after I had a difficult time locating a credible veterinary supplier for a natural anti-inflammatory for dogs that I was using in conjunction with the dog muscle supplements I had stocked before relocating to the current country.
I turned the lessons I learned from the veterinary supply distributors and suppliers with whom I interacted into a guide to assist any veterinarian interested in entering the veterinary supply business or improving their practice.
A guide to strategic and correct veterinary supply business
The secret to any veterinary supply distribution or veterinary product supply, as I learned from the greatest veterinary suppliers I interacted with during my fact-finding mission about how to become a great veterinary supplier, lies in the intelligent use of marketing to create awareness and stimulate action on the part of the clients.
There are some veterinary practice-specific guidelines you can implement to help you stimulate your veterinary supply business and become a great veterinary supplier, just like any other supply business. These include the following:
Identification of a suitable location
You need to understand the types of veterinary clients you wish to serve and how they are geographically dispersed. This will assist you in determining the best location for your veterinary supply business.
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Regardless of the amount of space you have, make sure your veterinary supply display area is visible to clients as they move through the client area of the practice after choosing the right location for your business. The area should be situated in such a way that client traffic can flow freely through and around the display area.
Don’t over-brand
Having multiple lines of any veterinary product or many posters about your veterinary supply business usually crowds your market, takes up a lot of space you could use for other things, raises your purchase and carrying costs, and frequently confuses your clients. Stay away from them.
As a general rule, the most effective advertising materials to carry with you or have on hand as a veterinary supplier are those that capture the distinct competencies and complement the veterinary services provided.
Set up a catchy display
The appearance of your veterinary supply display unit should be appealing in order to create a visual impression that encourages clients to examine the products you offer more closely. Make sure the display is welcoming, well-lit, and well-organized.
Some guidelines for having a catchy display include inclined or graduated shelving, placing best-selling products and high-margin items at eye level, grouping products functionally or according to their purpose, and ensuring that the literature supporting a product is available near the actual product.
Taking advantage of existing marketing opportunities
The most successful veterinary suppliers take advantage of available marketing opportunities, such as diving dog events, veterinary supplier events, and so on, because they are excellent vehicles for identifying potential clients for your supply business.
During marketing opportunities, emphasize your company's one-stop shopping for products like dog muscle supplements, natural anti-inflammatories for dogs, and leading dog joint supplements like Antinol for dogs. Because today's veterinary clients have hectic schedules, they prefer one-stop shopping for all of their pets' needs. Demonstrating that your veterinary supply company can meet those needs increases client satisfaction and income.
Expand your veterinary career into the veterinary supply business!
A career as a veterinary supplier entails caring for both the animals and the people who own them. A veterinarian is the only person that pet owners and clients can trust with their animals' health because of their special knowledge and experience in veterinary product supply and marketing. Why not use the guides I've provided to get started in the veterinary supply business if you're a veterinarian?
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
What is Joint Care for Dogs and How is it Realized?
Understanding joint care for dogs
The daily tasks that your dog performs usually have an effect on its joints. Experts warn that up to 65% of dogs will develop arthritis in their lifetime as a result of daily tasks that require active use of their joints.
According to studies, a dog's constant jumping up and down increases the inevitable wear and tear on its joints. Joint care for dogs helps in the prevention of joint problems in dogs as well as the relief of pain and strain on joints that are already afflicted.
Joint care for dogs, also commonly referred to as joint health for dogs, is the planning and implementation of measures aimed at reducing the pain and inflammation in dogs' joints or preventing the onset of joint-related problems in dogs. It includes both preventive and management components.
The preventive aspect of joint care for dogs
There are several habits that dog owners can develop sooner rather than later to help delay or even prevent the onset of dog joint problems. They include beginning a sound nutritional diet early in the dog's life, taking the dog to the veterinarian on a regular basis, exercising the dog properly, working with your veterinarian to determine the best joint support supplements to give the dog, and keeping the dog trim.
A slower rate of growth on nutritionally complete diets benefits a dog's joints and skeletal system significantly. According to leading experts in canine joint support, rapid growth may exacerbate some developmental orthopedic diseases. This means that feeding your dog nutritional diets that allow it to grow slowly and steadily is a viable approach to joint health in dogs.
Taking your dog's joint care seriously as a dog parent also involves collaborating with a veterinarian you trust so they can provide you with guidance throughout your dog's life.
Regular veterinarian visits will ensure early detection, diagnosis, and treatment planning for any joint-related issues or conditions in your dog that could lead to arthritis.
Dogs also require exercise to keep their joints healthy. Effective joint care for dogs also includes monitoring their ability to participate in exercises and generally enjoy their lives.
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Exposing your puppy to the appropriate exercises allows you to detect any developmental joint problems early on. This means you'll be able to take appropriate action by providing the best joint care for dogs before the problem worsens and negatively impacts the pet's quality of life.
Giving your dog the right supplements can also help to prevent the onset of joint problems. Strong muscles are essential for keeping joints healthy and avoiding injuries. Whereas exercises are extremely beneficial in strengthening the muscles surrounding a dog's joints so that they brace and protect the joint, dog muscle supplements effectively supplement exercises in keeping these tissues healthy.
The key ingredients in supplements that provide effective joint support for dogs are glucosamine and chondroitin. These ingredients help to slow the deterioration of joint cartilage and keep the dog comfortable for a longer period of time.
Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, such as EPA and DHA, are also powerful antioxidants that help scavenge free radicals, reduce toxic damage to a dog's joints, and fight inflammation in the canine's body.
Another important preventative measure for canine joint health is to keep their weight under control. Obesity puts undue strain on a dog's joints, resulting in faster joint wear and tear. Weight loss will help your dog avoid arthritis and will also improve the severity of the signs of joint problems in dogs who already have the condition.
The management aspect of joint care for dogs
The first thing you should do if you suspect your dog has arthritis or another joint problem is to consult your veterinarian. They will be able to confirm the diagnosis and then assist you in determining the next steps.
If your dog has a joint problem, you should indeed adopt the approach to joint relief for dogs that works best for the dog.
Weight management; exercises; physical therapy; hands-on techniques such as massaging, joint manipulation, and stretching; use of pain-relieving medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); use of supplements such as Antinol for dogs; heat or cold therapy; use of alternative treatments such as laser therapy, acupuncture, shockwave treatment, and electrical stimulation; and surgery are among the approaches available.
Prioritize taking good care of your dog’s joints and cartilage
Healthy joints are essential for your dog's mobility and activity as it ages. Although you may not be able to completely avoid injury or health conditions such as arthritis in your dog, there are many tips for joint care for dogs that you can use to protect your dog's joints throughout its life. Put them to use!
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
Check Out the Joint Medication for Dogs Everyone is Talking About!
Not sure about giving your pup joint meds for dogs?
If your dog is in pain and has difficulty walking, it is likely that joint and cartilage damage has already occurred. Joint medications for dogs may assist in the management of any existing symptoms of joint and cartilage damage, such as pain and inflammation. They may also help to prevent further joint and cartilage deterioration.
As a dog parent, you should be aware that many dogs develop joint and cartilage problems long before the associated signs and symptoms appear. Joint and cartilage problems can occur in any dog.
On the other hand, larger dog breeds, senior dogs, and dogs with a history of injuries are more likely to develop joint and cartilage issues.
Protecting your dog’s joints and cartilage
Have you ever heard the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" Allow the saying to guide you as a dog parent in your efforts to protect your dog's joints and cartilage.
Many dog owners mistakenly believe that giving joint medication to their puppies is only necessary if the dog exhibits symptoms of joint and cartilage problems. This should not be the case because good joint and cartilage care should also include preventative measures.
As a new dog owner, I was unaware that even my young puppies needed preventive joint and cartilage care. That was until I attended a Vetz Pets awareness seminar in our area, where I learned the importance of working with a veterinarian to develop a comprehensive joint care plan for one's dog, regardless of age.
I also learned about dog mobility supplements and natural anti-inflammatory products that leading dog owners use to keep their furry friends free of arthritis and arthritis-related pain and inflammation.
Key ingredients in top joint meds for dogs 
At the Vetz Pets seminar, I also learned that it could be difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to dog mobility supplements and joint medications.
While knowing what everyone is talking about, especially those that are producing exceptional results for dog parents, is beneficial, researching what actually works and discussing any products you want to purchase with your veterinarian is essential.
Even though each dog's medication and supplementation requirements vary greatly, some of the joint medications for dogs and dog mobility supplements that everyone was talking about at the seminar included key ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, cannabidiol (CBD), omega-3 fatty acids, and green-lipped mussels (GLM).
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Glucosamine aids in the relief of joint pain and inflammation caused by arthritis and joint damage. When its levels in a dog's body increase, the dog will feel less pain and have a greater ability to bear its weight.
Any popular joint medication for dogs that contains glucosamine also contains chondroitin. This is because the two ingredients have been shown to work best when combined. Experts believe that when the ingredients are combined, they are absorbed more quickly.
CBD has been shown to improve movement and reduce pain in dogs with osteoarthritis. Top scientists believe it has anti-inflammatory effects on a dog's body, which aids in the fight against arthritis and osteoarthritis causes. CBD holds a lot of promise for dogs with osteoarthritis because it may help control pain sensitivity.
Omega-3 fatty acids help boost the dog's body's natural anti-inflammatory properties, making products containing them beneficial for dogs suffering from arthritis-related inflammation.
GLM contains glycosaminoglycans, which are molecules that help lubricate joints, cartilage, and tendons.
Leading dog mobility supplements and joint meds for dogs
You may not have heard about the dog mobility supplements and joint meds for dogs that everyone is talking about.
All of these have been reported as safe for dogs to consume in appropriate doses by leading veterinarians and dog owners. Turmeric, Boswellia, Antinol for dogs, Dasuquin with MSM, Cosequin, Movoflex, Nutri-Vet Joint Health DS plus MSM, Duralactin, Elexadin, Vetoquinol Triglyceride OMEGA, and Zesty Paws Mobility Bites are a few examples.
Important reminder when choosing joint medication for dogs
As a dog parent, your dog's safety and health should always come first when deciding which joint med for dogs or dog mobility supplements to buy. Before beginning a new regimen, as with any other supplement or medication, consult with your veterinarian to ensure it is safe for your dog.
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
Check Out the Joint Medication for Dogs Everyone is Talking About!
Not sure about giving your pup joint meds for dogs?
If your dog is in pain and has difficulty walking, it is likely that joint and cartilage damage has already occurred. Joint medications for dogs may assist in the management of any existing symptoms of joint and cartilage damage, such as pain and inflammation. They may also help to prevent further joint and cartilage deterioration.
As a dog parent, you should be aware that many dogs develop joint and cartilage problems long before the associated signs and symptoms appear. Joint and cartilage problems can occur in any dog.
On the other hand, larger dog breeds, senior dogs, and dogs with a history of injuries are more likely to develop joint and cartilage issues.
Protecting your dog’s joints and cartilage
Have you ever heard the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" Allow the saying to guide you as a dog parent in your efforts to protect your dog's joints and cartilage.
Many dog owners mistakenly believe that giving joint medication to their puppies is only necessary if the dog exhibits symptoms of joint and cartilage problems. This should not be the case because good joint and cartilage care should also include preventative measures.
As a new dog owner, I was unaware that even my young puppies needed preventive joint and cartilage care. That was until I attended a Vetz Pets awareness seminar in our area, where I learned the importance of working with a veterinarian to develop a comprehensive joint care plan for one's dog, regardless of age.
I also learned about dog mobility supplements and natural anti-inflammatory products that leading dog owners use to keep their furry friends free of arthritis and arthritis-related pain and inflammation.
Key ingredients in top joint meds for dogs 
At the Vetz Pets seminar, I also learned that it could be difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to dog mobility supplements and joint medications.
While knowing what everyone is talking about, especially those that are producing exceptional results for dog parents, is beneficial, researching what actually works and discussing any products you want to purchase with your veterinarian is essential.
Even though each dog's medication and supplementation requirements vary greatly, some of the joint medications for dogs and dog mobility supplements that everyone was talking about at the seminar included key ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, cannabidiol (CBD), omega-3 fatty acids, and green-lipped mussels (GLM).
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Glucosamine aids in the relief of joint pain and inflammation caused by arthritis and joint damage. When its levels in a dog's body increase, the dog will feel less pain and have a greater ability to bear its weight.
Any popular joint medication for dogs that contains glucosamine also contains chondroitin. This is because the two ingredients have been shown to work best when combined. Experts believe that when the ingredients are combined, they are absorbed more quickly.
CBD has been shown to improve movement and reduce pain in dogs with osteoarthritis. Top scientists believe it has anti-inflammatory effects on a dog's body, which aids in the fight against arthritis and osteoarthritis causes. CBD holds a lot of promise for dogs with osteoarthritis because it may help control pain sensitivity.
Omega-3 fatty acids help boost the dog's body's natural anti-inflammatory properties, making products containing them beneficial for dogs suffering from arthritis-related inflammation.
GLM contains glycosaminoglycans, which are molecules that help lubricate joints, cartilage, and tendons.
Leading dog mobility supplements and joint meds for dogs
You may not have heard about the dog mobility supplements and joint meds for dogs that everyone is talking about.
All of these have been reported as safe for dogs to consume in appropriate doses by leading veterinarians and dog owners. Turmeric, Boswellia, Antinol for dogs, Dasuquin with MSM, Cosequin, Movoflex, Nutri-Vet Joint Health DS plus MSM, Duralactin, Elexadin, Vetoquinol Triglyceride OMEGA, and Zesty Paws Mobility Bites are a few examples.
Important reminder when choosing joint medication for dogs
As a dog parent, your dog's safety and health should always come first when deciding which joint med for dogs or dog mobility supplements to buy. Before beginning a new regimen, as with any other supplement or medication, consult with your veterinarian to ensure it is safe for your dog.
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
What Makes the Best Joint Supplements for Dogs Effective?
How life can be exciting when spent with your healthy pup
Have you ever taken your dog's leash from its hook and watched him dance in delight? How about picking up a tennis ball and watching your dog jump up in anticipation of a game of fetching the ball? These are the exciting things that every dog parent hopes they never stop doing with their dog throughout their lifetime relationship.
But wait... that is never the case because, with time, your dog will slow down. Their hips and joints will stiffen with time, and leaping up from the ground will be more difficult than it was in their early years.
This causes anxiety in many dog parents, prompting them to wonder, "What is the best joint supplement for dogs?"
Even if your dog appears to be in good health, the prevailing statistics should cause you to consider this question. While we all want to see our dogs bounding through life, it is important to remember that one in every five dogs suffers from joint problems, including osteoarthritis.
If you have a larger dog breed, an overweight dog, or a senior dog, you should talk to your veterinarian about the best joint supplement for dogs you can start giving your pup because such dogs are highly susceptible to joint problems.
If you have a dog who is prone to joint problems, you should be aware that, with time, any physical activity they undertake is likely to be accompanied by discomfort, reluctance, or even physical restriction.
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The good news is that if your dog already has the problem, there are effective joint medicines for dogs that can help them regain their spring in their step. But how do you pick the best joint supplement for your dog from the plethora of products on the market that claim to be effective in providing joint health for dogs?
Guide to choosing the best joint supplement for dogs
While there are numerous options on the dog joint supplement market that promise effective joint relief for dogs, reading the ingredient list is the key to finding the best supplement, including the best joint supplement for dogs with hip dysplasia.
The best joint supplements for dogs will contain active ingredients that have been scientifically proven to help relieve a dog's pain, stiffness, and symptoms of other joint-related problems such as arthritis.
The most effective joint relief medications for dogs contain a high concentration of glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, Green Lipped Mussel (GLM), MSM, fish oil, and other naturally occurring sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Glucosamine and chondroitin are two components of normal, healthy cartilage. The ingredients provide essential joint nutrients that aid in the protection, nourishment, and repair of cartilage, promoting mobility and the maintenance of healthy joints.
Collagen-rich joint supplements help to keep dogs' coats healthy and shiny. This is due to the collagen ingredient's contribution to the dermis layer of the pets' skins, which aids in the restoration of the skin's moisture and health. Collagen also contributes to shiny hair, soft skin, and strong nails.
When included in the best joint supplements for dogs, GLM effectively provides anti-inflammatory and joint-protective properties, reducing pain and swelling and supporting joint repair in dogs.
Antinol is one example of a joint supplement for dogs suffering from GLM. The GLM-sourced marine lipid oil contains 91 free fatty acid components, sterol esters, polar and non-polar lipids, and carotenoids extracted from the mussel to create the supplement.
Because of its natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) improves the effectiveness of the best joint supplements in treating osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, and tenosynovitis.
Before buying a dog joint supplement, make sure you know what to look for
When looking for the best joint supplement for dogs, look for one that contains ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, omega-3 fatty acids, and others that your veterinarian will recommend.
Several of these ingredients are commonly found in the best joint supplements for dogs. You should be aware of the ingredients that will produce the best results for your dog's condition and get a supplement that contains them.
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
Why Joint care for dogs is Harder Than You Think
What is joint care for dogs?
Dog joint care is the skilled and hands-on care of a dog's joints to prevent the onset of joint problems such as arthritis or to manage pain and inflammation in injured or diseased dog joints.
It entails evaluating a dog's joints to determine whether or not they have problems or the potential to develop problems; performing appropriate diagnostic testing to determine the best overall plan of care for each dog; and carrying out appropriate preventive or management actions.
The importance of joint care for dogs
Muscle, bone, and joint problems can limit a dog's ability to participate in daily activities. As a dog parent, you may occasionally notice your dog moving a little slower than usual or even limping. In many cases, this is due to the dog experiencing hip or joint discomfort.
Hip and joint problems can occur in dogs of any age. While some dog breeds are more prone to hip and joint problems than others, and senior dogs are more frequently affected simply due to age and the natural deterioration of their joint, muscle, and bone health, it is important to remember that hip and joint problems do not discriminate in their dog victims.
The essence of dog joint care is best understood by distinguishing between two types of dog joint health problems: developmental and degenerative. When a dog's joints do not develop properly, it is said to have developmental dog joint problems. A good example is when a dog develops hip dysplasia.
Degenerative dog joint problems are those that occur when the condition of a dog's joints deteriorates over time. One example is the wear and tear that occurs as a result of joint use.
Whether a dog has developmental or degenerative joint problems, joint care can help reduce pain and strain on the affected joints by assisting it in changing the way it does things or engages in daily activities.
Joint care for dogs is more than just treating dogs with joint problems or providing post-operative joint pain relief. It also includes proactive canine joint care. This includes ensuring the dog maintains a lean body weight and engages in regular exercise to help keep the joints healthy; providing nutritional supplements to improve joint comfort and protect cartilage from damage; optimizing bone growth by mildly limiting food consumption during growth and avoiding calcium supplementation; protecting joint cartilage by using the best joint supplement for dogs; and keeping the dog trim.
What makes joint care for dogs hard to achieve
Indeed, every dog owner understands that joint care for dogs does not imply preventing the dog from using the joints. It simply means assisting the dog in using its joints in a way that does not strain or damage them. However, this is more difficult than the average person believes. This is due to the following factors:
Dogs are masters at concealing their pain
It is a dog's natural instinct to conceal or mask its pain. Our furry friends will hide their pain for as long as possible, making the pain they may be experiencing difficult to diagnose.
Being skilled at concealing signs of disease, injury, and pain in dogs helps them avoid being perceived as weak and thus easy targets by potential predators. While this is beneficial to dogs, it makes joint care difficult because it requires someone who understands the dog's behavior to detect any subtle changes that may indicate pain.
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Difficulty immobilizing a dog’s affected joint
It is common knowledge that joint care for problematic joints necessitates immobilization of the affected joint for a period of time. Given the playful nature of dogs, it is difficult to ensure that the affected joint is immobilized in order to achieve faster joint care results.
Wide-ranging clinical signs of canine joint problems
Because of the wide range of clinical signs and severity, as well as the large number of retroactive management approaches, dog joint problems such as osteoarthritis make joint care a complex undertaking.
It is even more difficult for dog parents who have multiple dogs because a diagnosis for one dog cannot be generalized to the others. Every dog is unique, and joint medicine for dogs prescribed for one dog may not help with the ailments of another dog.
The challenges involved in encouraging mobility
As part of their joint care program, dogs with hip and joint discomfort will require regular, gentle exercise.  This can be difficult at times because the affected hips or joints are sore and stiff.
Given the importance of keeping such dogs' muscles strong, ligaments flexible, and blood circulation functional, their owners must do everything possible to encourage them to move around and warm up. This could include using treats like tasty arthritis supplements or anti-inflammatory meds for dogs.
Having difficulties with joint care for your dogs? Get help from a vet
When faced with the difficulty of carrying out a joint care plan you've devised for your dog, always seek professional assistance from a trusted veterinarian.
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
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jacksonleoblog · 2 years
What’s Beneficial for Joints in Elderly Dogs?
Joint problems in elderly dogs
Joint problems can be quite common in dogs of any breed or age, but they are much more likely to develop in dogs as they grow into their senior years. While many dog owners may casually interpret this as their dog slowing down, this process could much more likely be caused by pain in a dog’s joints than by old age on its own.
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For every dog owner, if your dog’s muzzle is getting gray and arthritis pain is threatening to steal the joy from those golden years, it is advisable you ensure your home is safe and comfortable for your elderly dog, especially if it has mobility challenges.
Most dogs are great at concealing their age. However, as they develop arthritis and their mobility changes, it becomes more apparent that the years are taking a toll on them.
How to recognize arthritis in senior dogs
As arthritis progresses in senior dogs, some of them will have a harder time standing up from a lying position or jumping up into the car or onto the bed. Others may appear stiff, act sore, or begin limping when they walk.
If your dog is in its golden years, there are simple steps you can take at home to give the canine gifts of mobility, comfort, and more good days. If your veterinarian diagnoses your dog with age-related joint problems, don’t despair because there are countless ways to ensure joint support for dogs at home.
Ways to help your elderly dog with joint problems
Here are some beneficial ways to provide joint pain relief for your senior dog:
Creating a prescription plan and tracking progress
Based on your dog’s exam findings and medical history, your veterinarian may prescribe certain joint meds for dogs to alleviate your senior dog’s pain and inflammation.
These joint pills for dogs may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioid medications, muscle relaxants, or medications to reduce nerve pain.
For the prescribed joint medication for dogs to work effectively, you will need to stick to the plan developed together with your veterinarian. This may entail your dogs taking the medications on a daily or twice-daily basis for an extended period of time.Other medications might be used on an as-needed basis, as will be advised by your veterinarian.
When creating the medication plan for your dog, understand that getting your dog to take the prescription medications will not be a walk in the park. Use creative ways to encourage your four-legged family member to take the prescribed joint medication for dogs and keep your veterinarian updated on how the dog is doing.
If your dog has arthritis, a word of caution about pain medications: never give any human pain medications to your dog unless directed to do so by your veterinarian. Dog-specific NSAIDs are commonly prescribed for arthritic dogs because they effectively reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain.
Using joint supplements
As your dog ages or joint mechanics change due to injuries, the canine’s cartilage becomes worn out. Over time, this degenerative process will lead to arthritis, and the dog’s joints will become inflamed and painful. Joint supplements can help alleviate the dog’s inflammation and pain.
The best joint supplement for dogs usually contains a variety of compounds proven to be effective in addressing arthritic changes in the dog from different angles. It contains glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), turmeric or curcumin, hyaluronic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Keeping tabs on your dog’s diet
Diet plays a huge role in a senior dog’s joint health. Paying attention to how much and what kind of food your dog is eating can be a simple way to help an elderly dog with joint problems at home. This entails feeding the dog the right amount of food and selecting the correct kind of food.
Moderate exercises
Exercise is important for all dogs, regardless of their weight or age. Exercise your elderly dog in moderation so that it becomes a fun way to help the dog get comfort from the joint problems it may be experiencing.
Helping the dog get a grip
It will be beneficial to make sure you keep your dog’s nails clipped. That is because long nails change the mechanics of the dog’s foot and can make walking quite difficult and sometimes even painful.
Always look out for a creative hack to keep your senior dog at home
Be on the lookout for innovative ways to make your dog comfortable. You can enroll in a community of dog owners where you can learn about how fellow dog owners are creating interesting ways to keep their senior dogs happy at home. It will also be great to keep tabs on what new developments exist from dog meds suppliers and veterinarians, such as Antinol U.S. That is because dog joint support is one of their core businesses, which means they spent incredible amounts of time undertaking research on what would help dogs with joint pain.
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