jackstarlight ¡ 3 years
The build up (Jack maynard imagine)
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I had this dream last night and I thought I would turn it into a little blurby thing. Enjoy 😊
Me and jack had been together but due to busy schedules and timings we drifted apart as lovers but remained friends. There had been some tension between us recently as we had decided to go on a group ski trip. We had spent nearly the same amount of time together in the last week than we had in the last year of our relationship.
We had decided to head into Westfield to grab some of the last bits we needed for the trip, and the boys needed some more vlogging equipment as they apparently were upping their game this time round. Mainly just because Josh broke jacks camera last time they went. I headed into Zara to find some warm joggers and a new jumper for the plane, Jack and Bertie heading in there with me too. We made conversation while walking round. I found the items I needed and told jack and Bertie I was heading to the changing rooms if they wondered where I had gone. “No worries babe” jack said as if it was second nature to call me that.
I brushed it off and headed to the changing rooms, while I was changing into the second pair of joggers I heard jack and Bertie walk into the changing rooms too. Seeing as they were neutral they were in the same block as me so I could hear the boys chatting between themselves. While changing back into my clothes I heard this noise and like a skin slapping sound. I thought what the hell is that noise , I shout out “Jack you alright?”.
No answer, I didn’t hear him leave so I climb up over the partition and stick my head over to see jack with his trousers and boxers dropped and his hand wrapped round his cock. I try and hold in the laugh but it slips passed my lips and I jump down. I hear jack stop and shout to Bertie “ fuck sake, can’t I have 5 minutes to myself” I laugh again and Bertie knocks on my door. “ mate it’s Kristen laughing”
I can’t keep it in any longer and burst out laughing. Bertie jumps up and looks over my door, “why you hiding we know it was you” I come out from the corner of the changing room. “Mate why the fuck are you having a wank in the changing rooms” I laugh.
I hear jack come out and knock on the changing room door, I open it to see a red faced Jack with a smirk on his face staring at me. “ Well being single means you have to sort yourself out, you should know” my face turns red and I pull Jack into the changing room and shut the door. Bertie walks off laughing and saying “ I can’t believe you too” . Jack sits on the stall while I hover over him. I slowly move my hand up this thigh, teasing him.
“Look Kristen why you doing this, I’m not going to give in”. He smirks.
“You sure jack, because I would say you already have” I whisper back.
I feel jack becoming harder underneath my hand and stroke his bulge a few times before pulling my hand away and putting my jacket on. I pulled the lock off of the door and went to walk out when he pulled me back stared at me for a moment before placing a loving kiss to my lips. I instantly relaxed and hummed to myself with satisfaction. “I’ve missed that” I whisper. Jack smiles at me , I turn around and walk out the changing room before his hand comes down and slaps my arse cheek. “What a way to ruin a moment” I laugh. “ You know me babe, got to keep things alive” he winks as he takes my hand and we join up with the rest of the group.
We pay for our stuff and head towards everyone who is waiting outside. “Well well what have we got here?” Cass laughs pointing to the both of us, “I wondered what was going on in there. From what Bert says, you’ve been feeling frisky” she laughs and Bertie just pushes cass to keep her walking, laughing and shaking his head at his girlfriends words.
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
oh shit i love jack maynard 🤭
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
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i’m sorry that i missed your party
i wish i had a better excuse like
i had to trash the hotel lobby
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
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The only moment worth making a gif of in the history of everything.
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
I’ve definitely watched this too many times
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
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Soooo true😂👌
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
I stg, they are going to ruin my life. Just... god
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
Noise - Jack Maynard
Where you live in the apartment a level lower than Jack and you can’t sleep because Jack has way too much fun with a girl.
Warning: Mentions of smut
Ugh, I know it’s short, but I’m thinking about making a part 2 maybe…
It was nearly 2 am, and Y/N couldn’t sleep. She lied awake, actually having to study for her upcoming finals tomorrow, but she was too tired for that. She really wanted to rest, she needed to, but she couldn’t. And there was only one reason why.
Jack Maynard.
Out of all people, he had to live in the apartment above hers. He was the loudest person she had ever met. She didn’t even know when he slept, because there were people over yelling and cheering in the middle of the night, or he would bring random girls home literally 24/7. Two days ago, it had been 9 am, and they were so loud that she did not only hear them in her bedroom, but in her living room, too. Today though, they reached a whole new level of noise. It sounded as if they were about to break the bed. She didn’t mind him having an active sex life, she had one herself, but she didn’t do it so loudly that everybody else in the entire building lied awake and was forced to listen.
Enough was enough. She had an exam tomorrow, she could not go there completely sleep-deprived, so she decided to go up there and disrupt their little… encounter.
She took the lift, went one floor up, and rang his bell. Y/N was surprised that she couldn’t hear them as well as from her bedroom below. When nothing happened, she rang again. And then she just kept ringing until finally, the door opened, revealing a thoroughly fucked out Jack.
“What do you want?”, he asked as he recognized her. She had caught his eye once or twice as they met at the mailboxes or as they shared a lift.
“Look”, Y/N said, “I’m glad you have a healthy sex life and all but will you please try not to pierce a whole through my ceiling with your bed? Thanks.”
She wanted to turn around and go back to bed, finally getting some sleep, but there was something that caught her eye. It was a very prominent, purple hickey that started right at his collarbone. She took a closer look at his state now, finding that his face was flushed, his hair a mess, and his body was bare except for a pair of boxers that he apparently had put on in a rush.
She suddenly became very aware of her soggy pajama pants and her top that, as she discreetly looked down, revealed way more than she wanted. To top it off, she didn’t wear a bra and the chilly air in the hallway made her nipples stand out through the thin fabric. She felt herself blushing, but there was nothing that she could do about it.
“Look, I know we might have been a bit louder, but… we’re done soon, okay?”, Jack said and tried to shut the door.
But Y/N wasn’t having any of it. She placed her foot in between Jack’s door and the frame, wincing slightly as the door squeezed her foot. She hadn’t bothered to put shoes on, she just went up there in fuzzy socks.
“No”, she said. “No, it’s not okay. I have a bloody exam tomorrow and I can’t sleep because you choose to ruin your bed right above of mine. I don’t care what you are doing to her, but keep it low”, she stressed the last few words, “or I’m calling the security guy.” Then she turned around and stomped back to the lift.
Jack really was an idiot, although she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had had when she saw him like this. Still, she reminded herself, he was an idiot.
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Based off this post from @dailyau
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
Calm after the Storm (JM)
A/N: the one where I decide Jack’s career path + life for him and he’s an ex-Youtuber and a popular DJ. hope y’all enjoy <3
It was a normal event for me, a new dress fitting my figure, my makeup blended to perfection, hanging out with the same group I tended to stick to, and overall, just wanting to go home and take the whole facade off. I’d been having a rough few weeks-my Youtube channel had taken a hit over a small misunderstanding and I’d finally cleared it away but what I needed right now was time alone. Not a PR event.
“He obviously agreed to the gig because he knew the demographic,” Greta laughs beside me. “Didn’t he tweet you that one time Y/N?”
“Tweeted who? Who tweeted me?” I realise I wasn’t keeping up with the conversation but my friends don’t seem to mind.
“Jack Maynard-London’t top DJ at the moment?” Our other friend reminds me.
“Oh yeah.” I remember being extremely flattered as I’d had a huge crush on him back when he did Youtube. “He’d sent a heart when I said I was feeling overwhelmed by all the sudden negativity with my followers-“
“Awww,” both friends make that face people do when they find something cute and sad at the same time. They glance over at Jack who was setting up his equipment. As they go on to discuss other cute guys at the event, I tune them out again and glance back at Jack. When I’d gone through the backlash on Twitter a lot of my friends spoke out to support me but a lot of my friends didn’t-which stung. Jack was one of the few popular strangers that showed me support even though he wasn’t following me anywhere.
He glances up at that moment and looks into the crowd and I assume he was too far away to notice me staring so I keep my eyes on him. Except he does notice me. He nods my way with a smirk and I smile and quickly glance away.
“I’ve got to use the toilet,” I lie, feeling a little overwhelmed. “But I’ll catch up to you two later?”
My friends let me go and I quickly locate the mostly-empty women’s room. Inside, the harsh lights above the mirror highlight the small pimple that was refusing to calm down on my chin and accentuates my badly done eyebrows. This night wasn’t easy on me and I wasn’t being easy on myself either, I decide. It was darker outside and it really didn’t matter. Not like anybody would want to take pictures with me tonight. After all, what did I have to lose anymore? So with that thought, I push the door open and run smack into a broad chest.
“Oh jeez sorry,” two large hands grab hold of my biceps.
“Oh sorry,” I apologise before getting a good look at the handsome face. Of course it was Jack Maynard.
“Sorry, my fault-I was rushing to the storage room, I need to set up quickly before I get in trouble.”
“Oh no no, I should’ve checked before I-“
“You look familiar,” Jack squints. “Have we met?”
“Um,” I feel the blood draining my body. How would I explain that the scandal was probably how he knew me.
“Didn’t you come to one of my earlier gigs once and call me Conor-“
“Before falling on you? God, good memory,” I cover my face with my hands. Back when I was the type of fan to go to concerts I saw Jack live and got the chance to meet him. It wasn’t my finest moment. “To be fair my friend was trying to hug you and I took a wrong step in between you two! How do you remember that? I was so bloody nervous!”
“I guess bumping into one another is our thing?” Jack laughs. “I remember faces well. But I think I’ve read about your…situation on Twitter recently. It’s a bummer but I’m glad to see you’re doing better.”
“Only slightly,” I fidget with the strap of my purse. Somehow, Jack made me more embarassed about my teen obsessions than recent events. It was refreshing.
“They’ll forget about it soon. You did great handling it-trust me.” Jack places a hand on my shoulder and it feels electric. He must feel it too because he looks to where our skin touches and removes it. “Uh but I should get back.”
“Right. Of course. Don’t want to get you in trouble.” I tease-nothing to lose right?
Jack chuckles ans takes a step backwards towards the storage room before speaking. “No-although you seem trouble already. For me.”
I pretend not to be as affected by the comment as I am but when he turns to go I turn and squeeze my eyes shut. Was Jack Maynard just flirting with me? Me, Y/N? Jesus.
Once the bar opens up, I drink in hopes of numbing my senses a little. I couldn’t take people glancing at me when they thought I wasn’t looking, curious looks as if they could spot something about me others couldn’t. When Jack begins his set, most people head to the dancefloor and I head for another drink. As I sip it, Jack makes eye contact with me and winks. I raise my glass to him and take another sip. He tilts his head in the direction of the dancefloor and I shake my head, trying not to look crazy.
“Go,” Jack mouths as he looks at the dancefloor. I point to my glass to indicate I was drinking and he shakes his head, looking back down at his music. After the second glass, I feel my foot tapping to the bass and with the way Jack keeps shooting me glances, I feel recognised in a way I hadn’t in a long time. Like someone was looking at me and seeing me, not the girl who screwed up or the girl who was lost.
When Jack looks at me next, I narrow my eyes at him and give a defiant smile. I would give him the trouble he asked for; I sashay my way to his direct line of sight and begin dancing to the music, but mostly dancing for him. Everytime I turn his way, I make eye contact and make sure he’s looking. I try to hide the smile as his face grows more and more serious until he’s barely looking and concentrating on his controls a little too hard.
Once the event ends, I wait by the coat check for my jacket, flushed but happy. Even though I couldn’t find Jack after, I had a night I wouldn’t forget. But miraculously, Jack finds me standing in line at the coat check. He looks nervous, almost like I did with him all those years ago. His hair is perfectly tousled and none of his equipment’s with him.
“It’s Y/N-right? I had to actually ask around for your name since you didn’t give it. But anyway I was wo-“
“1230?” The man at the coat check takes my ticket and interrupts Jack. His pink cheeks makes me want to tease him but his nervous tic of running his fingers through his hair feels like he’s teasing me.
After I get the coat and fold it in my arms, Jack almost trips over his words asking: “I was wondering if you’re busy tonight?”
I raise my eyebrow but my eyes fall on his lips. I can’t help my gaze as it travels over his toned arms and lower.
“As busy as you’ll be,” I say without thinking. Jack glances at me with a shocked expression he covers with a smile and I internally cringe. My big mouth is the reason I got into any messes and somehow I still hadn’t learned my lesson! “Sorry I-“
“I have a feeling I’ll be really busy,” Jack finally takes the step towards me so we’re only inches apart. He’s so close I can see the depth in his eyes as they search mine. We were on the same page, it seemed. His hand comes around to my back and I feel electric again. Except this time, Jack doesn’t let go. “My car’s outside. I just need to tell my team I’m going home.”
“Sure,” I say. The word home sparking a warm feeling in my stomach. He leads me outside, his hand still on my back and leads me to the car. I lean against it as he fumbles to find his keys.
“That was quite a show you put on on the dance floor,” Jack says, glancing at me.
“I’m known to put on shows-I love drama if you haven’t heard.” I say bitterly. I couldn’t help it, after dealing with the world’s negativity recently, it had somehow seeped into me.
“Hey,” Jack stops what he’s doing and lays his hand on my shoulder. “Stop-stop doing that. Putting yourself down-I think the internet’s doing that plenty.”
I can’t respond to him for a moment because I’m shocked at him for calling me out. For caring enough to say something all my friends were afraid of saying.
And again, I’m at a loss for words when he slides his hand up my neck and cups my face, leaning down to kiss me. Luckily, I remember to close my eyes and as soon as his lips touch mine, the warmth in my stomach flows through me. I go to pull him closer but his phone vibrates between us.
“Wait. Sorry I should-,” Jack pulls away and picks it up. His team was asking where he was. When he’s done he turns back to me. “I should probably open the car doors now?”
I laugh, we’d done a good job at getting distracted.
The drive home is filled with the radio and I feel Jack’s gaze on me but I feel too nervous to meet his eye in the small space. I could feel the electricity between us-we obviously wanted each other but I couldn’t figure out if I was just another Maynard girl and Jack was sweet to get his girls in bed. Or. If I was seeing a rare side of Jack.
All doubts escape me, however, once we reach his flat. As soon as the door’s closed behind us we’re leaving a trail of clothing leading to his bedroom, putting all that electricity and eye contact to work. And afterwards, I’m surprised when Jack wants to cuddle and lets me lay my head on his chest.
“I was serious about what I said earlier.” Jack mumbles into my hair after a while. “You’re really special Y/N, don’t let all the bullshit get to you like this.”
I don’t respond, letting the words soak into me instead. Our conversation feels intimate even though we talk about general stuff and then more specifically about us. The scandals we faced, how hard it was, our families, having our whole lives public. It’s morning by the time we’re done and Jack keeps stroking my face which leads to getting in between the sheets once more. By the time our “night’s” over, it’s 8am and I tell him I should go.
“It really was a busy night,” Jack says as I put on my clothes. I laugh and he swipes my phone as I reach for it on the bedside table. “I’ll give you my number in case you have another night to be busy on. Or maybe we can grab dinner or something?” He looks at me with those clear blue eyes. “I really like you Y/N.”
“Are you trying to get me back in bed?” I play off the intense moment; Jack saying that made me nervous. I knew he was a player-was this a line he threw out or was he being serious?
“You and Jack?” Greta asks on the phone later that day. “Are you kidding Y/N? That man is not what you need right now!”
“What do you mean?” I ask. I’d come home and taken a shower, made a cup of coffee, and called Greta right away. “He was really sweet.”
“After everything you’ve just been through? That man’s just going to add more drama in your life. You’ll be known as his girlfriend! Imagine how much publicity you’ll have to deal with! All the girls he’s been with probably think those baby blues are sweet.”
I chew on my lip. Of course she was right. “You’re right. But what do I do?”
“Nothing!” Greta shouts. “He gave you his number. The ball’s in your court. And you do absolutely nothing babe.”
And so I do nothing but my brain can’t seem to comply. Jack is on my mind without even trying, the way he felt and the way his words fell intimate on my heart. And I’m unsure. A couple weeks later I have a message from him online asking if he’d upset me. I ignore it until he messages me again, asking if I was alright and if I wanted to hang out. I blow him off, telling him I’m busy but I pull up the message throughout the day, wanting to ask him if he was worth it? If he was worth the risk of exposing myself all over again.
I could just imagine all the headlines criticizing me, all the fans saying I wasn’t worthy. Maybe Jack said what he said to all the girls he spent the night with, I decide, and try to force it out of my head.
Fate, or the universe-whatever it was must have pulled our strings taut because I don’t expect to bump into him at a club I always visit yet almost a month after our night together, I spot him there. When he spots me, his eyes bore into mine before he walks my way.
“Hey,” he says in my ear.
“Hi,” I swallow the hot guilt and it burns going down. “How’ve you been?”
Jack looks at me, confusion flicking across his features. “Is that-is that what you want to know?”
“I…” I didn’t. I wanted to reach up and hold his face, bury my own into it. I wanted to ask him if he meant what he said, if the sadness I felt the last couple weeks was the love I was denying myself of.
“I didn’t realise you only went home with me for the one night.” Jack says, his jaw clenched as he glances around before leaning down to say. “Didn’t realise your words to me were empty. That it was just another night for you.”
“That’s not it-“ I try to say.
“You don’t owe me an explanation,” Jack says close to my ear. “I guess I just read you wrong.”
He turns to leave and I panic, grabbing his sleeve. He freezes and I tug on his arm to get him to turn.
“Did you mean everything you said that night?” I ask once he’s close enough. Greta’s warning passes over me, but I didn’t care. I remain open to Jack, letting him see the doubt and the caution. But also, how hard it’d been to stay away all this time. His eyes search mine and slowly, his hands wrap around my waist. I keep my arms to the side, waiting for his response.
“Of course,” his voice rumbles.
“You really meant it? It’s not something you just…said?”
Jack nods.
“So read me now,” I let my protective armor slide off and show him everything, ask him to try again with me. His eyes soften and I see him too, all of him.
I didn’t know if there would be a storm coming for me again, or if Jack would be my calm after the storm. But when his lips meet mine, I find an answer-one that settles the rapids and leaves no doubt in my heart.
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
Forgetful (JM)
Request 1: Jack fluff where your on ur period and he cares for you? Your writing is brilliant btw you’re my favourite buttercream imagines writing atm 😇💗
Request 2: This is random lol but can you do jack one where you’re lactose intolerant and he doesn’t know or something fluffy where he takes you out and you have to tell him…
Jack would never admit it but women scared him sometimes. The sometimes being when they were on their period-he’d been through the birthing stimulator on Joe’s channel and when his girlfriend told him that’s what bad period cramps felt like, he’d seen the women in his life in a whole new light. Women were scary tough and he wouldn’t dare annoy one while they were on their period. Yet, he couldn’t seem to stop doing just that.
“Jack!” His girlfriend, Y/N shouts. She’d been curled in pain on Jack’s bed while he stood uselessly nearby for the last half hour. “I don’t want to hear about how strong you think I am! I’m in pain! Not about to give a fucking speech!”
“I know,” Jack blanks. “I-where do you want me? What do you want? I want to help.”
Y/N buries her head in the pillows and Jack takes a step towards her before thinking again.
“A hot compress would be nice,” Y/N groans. “And another pain killer.”
“Okay!” Jack says quickly-he could do that.
Y/N had shown up at his flat with a blanket and no makeup, looking as bad as she felt-not that he would ever tell her. He’d quickly let her in and straight to bed.
When he comes back with everything Y/N needed, he helps her sit up and rubs her back as she leans against his shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he says despite himself. Her only response is to slip her fingers between his and squeeze. He squeezes back-gently and kisses the top of her head.
“Thank you,” she says after a while. “I know you’re only trying to help.”
“That’s alright,” Jack leans away to look Y/N inthe face. “Is it still really bad?”
“The pills helped but I feel crampy and bloated and hot! Is it just me? It’s really hot in here!”
And even though it was the middle of November Jack opens the windows for her before throwing on a jumper. He was very cold.
“Lay with me for a bit?” Y/N says.
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
Just a Simple Crush, Jack Maynard Fluff
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-Y/N is Conor’s best friend and has a crush on Jack-
-I was just bored and decided on writing this, hope you all enjoy, please send in requests-
“Y/N, you’re really not gonna like this one!” Conor says trying to hold back laughter. 
You were over at Conor’s and Jack’s apartment to film a video with Conor. You were told it was a dare video full of submissions from his fan base. You were a little nervous because you know its hard to predict the internet and their ideas.
“What is it this time??” You groan at all of the possible answers you didn’t want to hear. 
Conor had always been your best friend, and you never looked at him as anything more, he would laugh with you and stand up for you when you were sad, but the two of you had an unshared agreement on having no interest. Jack, however, was a different story. Whenever Jack was around, the two of you always shared quick glances that always left a questionable tension between you. When you were alone, you would both share jokes with each other but there was almost a longing stare that followed after either of you laughed. You knew you had the hots for him, you just didn’t know what to do about it. 
Conor’s laugh brings you back to reality, “It’s too bad Jack’s out, he would’ve loved this one!” You glare at his laughter until he shares your fate, “you have to drink a fridge smoothie!”.
Terror reaches your soul as you let out a fake gagging noise; a fridge smoothie is a smoothie that is made of 3 different condiments that are from your fridge, and unfortunately the choices aren’t yours. 
Conor sees your pain and begins to laugh more as he jumps up to grab some items from the fridge. “Ive got you a smoothie that is made up of, mayo, mustard, and tabasco sauce!” Conor grins at you. 
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
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Imagine… Jack having a crush on you and Conor doing everything he can to embarrass his brother whenever you’re around.
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
Polaroid (JM)
Request: Polaroid by Jonas Blue x Jack Maynard
“Stop waving that camera about!” Nina shields her face with her hand but the flash goes off and I pocket the undevelopped polaroid with a smug smile.
“We’ll look back on these when we’re thirty and you can thank me then, I promise.”
“Ugh,” Nina looks over to our other friends. “I look so bad in those pictures.”
“You look the best out of all of us,” Sean says. “My eyes only ever show up in those photos.”
We laugh when Juan says, “They’re your best features anyway.”
My friends bicker back and forth until we reach our station. We pile out and head to the restaurant nearby.
This morning we’d all graduated and as exciting as that had been, tonight’s plans were where we were planning on doing the real celebrating. Without our families and school rules, we were going dancing after our celebratory dinner.
The five of us make it to a club eventually and do a couple rounds of shots. Despite drinking as much as I did in the last three years of college, I couldn’t really hold my liquor so I feel tipsy after the last shot and ask everyone if they wanted to dance instead. They agree easily and we let loose, making each other laugh, and belting out lyrics as everyone gets progressively drunk. As I take more photos, I wonder if my drunkeness would show with each shot.
Jack’s POV
Back when I first started going to clubs, I used to believe that I’d find love there and have amazing relationships with the woman I fell in love with. Only a few months in, I realised it wasn’t a place I was going to fall in love which was why I wasn’t looking for someone that night. I didn’t even believe in love at first sight but when I spot her I feel the blood rush to my head as I freeze. Everything slows down an I feel my heart thumping in my chest as I try to make sense of my reaction.
The first thing I notice is how carefree she looked, like she had no worries. Even the way she moved, it was like it didn’t bother her how uncoordinated her dancing was. As I watch her dance, I can’t help smiling to myself-it was endearing.
I watch as she raises a small camera to her face and stops moving to take a picture-her friends probably. They push her away once the picture was taken and she laughs. I secretly want to go down to where she was just to hear her laugh, did it sound as wonderful as she looked. Where had she been my whole life?
“I love this song!” Juan shouts, grabbing my hips and shaking his own. I laugh and try to mimic his moves-it was no secret that I was one of the worst dancers in our group but it didn’t stop me from dancing. It was fun and it made my friends laugh which made me happy.
“Where’d everyone else go?” Nina asks when she returns to our dance geoup with her drink.
“They all found dance partners,” Juan says, rolling his eyes.
“We’re supposed to celebrate graduation!” I say.
“I know!” He shouts.
“To be honest,” Nina shouts. “I spotted a cool drink of water down over there while I was ordering. Do you guys mind?”
“Ooh water sounds good right now,” I think aloud. All the dancing had made me thirsty. “Want anything Juan?”
“Leave me,” Juan looks annoyed but I knew he’s only pretending because the next second, he smiles and waves us away. Nina points out the guy she was going to talk up and I spot a guy near him. He was pretty cute too.
He turns in the flashing light and I catch blonde hair and a perfect set of teeth.
“Good luck,” I tell Nina absentm indedly while my eyes remain trained on him. But I glance back at Juan’s direction and decide I wouldn’t ditch him, I would continue the celebration.
A few songs later, someone taps me on the shoulder however and it’s the gorgeous face from earlier.
I raise an eyebrow and he asks if he could buy me a drink. Did Nina send him? I squint into the crowd but she’s nowhere I can see.
“I noticed how well you were dancing and I thought maybe I could buy you a drink?” He asks again, his blue eyes alight with humour.
I assess him, was he making fun of me or was he actually interested?
“I’m a terrible dancer,” I shout. “Everyone knows that.”
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
Spill it or Shot it? || Jack Maynard Imagine
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Summary: Can you please do a Jack or Joe imagine where the reader and the guy are friends and they do a spill it or shoot it video together and embarrassing things and feelings are revealed? I love your writing so much! Request: yes Word count: 1483 words  Authors Note: Yes guys I wrote a fic, a miracle really xx, I’ve missed you. ENJOY xx
A soft smile graced my lips, as Jack slams his body down into his bed, softly patting the space next to him. I rake my eyes over the group of boys sitting around the ‘set’ before taking a seat next to him. 
“So what’s going on everybody and welcome back to my channel,” Jack shouts making you jump slightly, “As you can see I’m joined by Y/N." 
"What are we doing today, Jack?” I question, a giggle escaping my lips as the boys roll their eyes. 
“Why, I’m glad you asked, Y/N, today we’re doing the spill it or shot it challenge,” He gestures down towards the table in front of him, “As you can see there are a bunch of shot glasses with different mystery liquid inside, its just vodka. Basically, the rules answer the question asked or take a shot." 
I make a face at the camera and look back towards Jack as he reaches forward to a  shot of clear liquid, "I’ll start,” You say regretfully. A chorus of 'oohs’ echo from the boys sat in front of you. 
“Brave,” Jack laughs, “Okay, your shot is this mystery liquid. Your question is…” he trials off scrolling through his phone, “What was your last dream about?" 
My eyes go wide, I had been joking around with jack about a dream I had the night before, "You’re joking,” I stammer, Joe lets out a laugh, “Fuck sakes. Fine, it was about a date, and that’s all you’re getting.”
“Bullshit, we need more,” Caspar laughs. 
I shake my head. “No fairs fair, I asked what it was about not specifics,” Jack says sliding the liquid back towards the others. 
“For this shot, I ask you Jack, Who was your last hook up?” I say winking at the camera. 
Jacks face pales, “Nope,” is al he says as he raises the shot and downs it. He grimaces and pulls forward another shot, “Out of all our mates, who would you most likely snog?" 
"You,” I admit, but take the shot anyway. The liquid burnt as it went down. Vodka, perfect, I take a second, wanting to ignore the pit forming in your stomach. Just don’t let it on that you’re into him Y/N. “Who here are you most jealous of?” You splutter, trying to distract all the eyes on you from your previous statement.
“Jealous in what way?” He asks, I just shrug in reply, “Probably Joe, I don’t know. When was the last time you were drunk?" 
"I’m going to sound like such an alcoholic,” I laugh, “I was actually drunk last night, just by myself in my apartment.” I quickly grab another shot and down it. A couple of the boys’ wolf whistle and start making comments about me not playing by the rules.
“Y/N, remember you take a shot when you don’t want to answer,” Jack jokes placing his hand on my thigh under the table and out of view. My breath catches in my throat and I nod my head softly.
“Who is your best friend?” I ask. 
“Y/N, really?” He asks I nod, “Okay, then you. What was the last text you sent?”
My hands immediately reach out to a shot each and I drink them both, a conversation with my best friend about Jack? Yeah, not going to read that out. “Who is your biggest off-limits crush, Jack?” You ask leaning in towards him. 
The boys immediately go silent. “And that’s all for this video guys. I gotta go put 'drunky’ to bed.” Jack says pointing towards me as I grab another shot, confusion evident on my face. “Like, follow my social media, I’ll link Y/N in the description, check her out, subscribe and I’ll see you all next week.”
“Wait why are we finishing?” I ask as Jack gets up to shut off the camera, I tip the glass up and swallow the liquid inside it. My eyes meet Joe’s. “Joe! Come take a shot with me!” I shout giggling. 
“You’re such a lightweight,” Jack states moving the shots away from me, “Seriously no more alcohol.”
“Surely someone else will get drunk with me though, I don’t want to be the only girl and the only drunk one,” I say my words slurring slightly. I begin to stand up and feel the effects of the shots hit me, “Oh fuck.” I giggle.
All the boys stand around me, basically forming a human barrier between me and the floor. 
“Jack, I think I should go home,” I say stumbling ever so slightly. I close my eyes to stop the spinning around me, “Less likely to be a mess there.”
“Okay, Y/N.” Jack says linking his hand through mine as he leads me through the apartment, “Better off to not be around those lot anyway. Although I wish you weren’t such a lightweight so we could actually hang out." 
"We hang out all the time,” I say as we exit his front door, leaving the boys inside, “Aren’t they going to make a mess? I can take myself home, or ill call a taxi." 
"I’m not letting you go home by yourself, you’re tipsy,” Jack says. 
We reach the street and exit the apartment complex. The cold London air enveloping us, I tuck myself closer to Jack and I feel my heart rate increase. We walk together in silence, the alcohol not affecting me as much anymore. A man on the corner of the street, holding bunches of roses, calls out to us, “A beautiful flower for your beautiful lady, huh sir?" 
I let out a slight giggle as we get closer the man hands me the flower, "No we’re-” I’m cut off with soft lips pressing themselves to my forehead. 
“She is quite beautiful isn’t she?” Jack says softly. I feel his eyes burning into my skull, but I don’t look up at him. I begin to hand the flower back to the man and he pushes it back towards me. 
“You made me smile tonight, keep the flower with no charge, you’re love is beautiful,” He says, bowing his head slightly. We both thank the man and continue down the street. It seems as though fate is pushing us towards hanging out for as long as we can manage that night. But it felt like no time had passed at all, Jack was my best friend and I had feelings for him. 
“We’ve finally made it,” Jack jokes, motioning toward the building, his other arm linked around my shoulders, just as it had been most of the night. I felt my heart drop, he didn’t want to spend more time with me. It wasn’t even past midnight yet and he was eggar to get rid of me. “Can I stay at your place tonight? I don’t want to deal with the mess right now." 
I nod my head softly, "Yeah, of course.” I say dazed. A few moments of silence pass and we make our way up to my apartment. I pull my key out of my pocket, and shakily unlock the door. I take a step inside and motion for Jack to come inside. Once he steps inside I close and lock the door. 
“Hey Y/N?” Jack calls out, I mumble in acknowledgement and turn around to face him, “I really care about you." 
"Awe, Jack,” I coo, moving closer to him to poke his cheek, “I care about you too.”
Jack shakes his head no, a sexy smirk on his lips. I allow my hands to rest on his face as his arms curl around my waist. His eyes rake across my face before our eyes meet. His blue orbs pierce into my soul. 
“I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say, love,” He says endearingly, one of his hands trailing up from my waist to my face. He gently cups my face.
“If you do this Jack, you can’t back out,” I say as our foreheads press together, “I want this, as long as you’re serious." 
"I don’t want to just be friends with you anymore,” He confesses, my heart swells in my chest in excitement. I run my tongue over my lips ever so softly as my eyes rake toward Jack’s. 
Everything in me tells me that I shouldn’t kiss him, that we shouldn’t cross that line. But then it happens, our lips connect. It feels like magic, it begins in my stomach and flows all through my body making me feel like I’m on fire. Our lips moved in a perfect symphony, it feels like everything fell perfectly into place. 
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
dating jack maynard would include
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credit to @peanutbuttercreamjelly as you inspired me!!
shopping dates. is that a thing?? idk. now it is. jack loves a bit of clothes shopping
stealing his clothes all the time bc he’s fashionable
taking Instagram photos for each other 
sometimes you just have days where you do n o t h i n g but it’s great because,,,, company amirite
cute facetimes when he’s away 
“i miss you” “don’t worry, i’ll be back soon”
jack goes to Dubai every year??? and does the same things… every time? but anyway this time you’re going with him how nice
buying him those weird maynard bassets sweets as a joke
“what’s better? Jack Maynard or Maynards wine gums?” 
a shit tone of sex i’m not gonna lie here soz
he will pose the cutest™ instagram stories and photos of you and him,,,,, fans are dead left right and centre
sometimes he will just take photos of you and post them bc you’re cute right
joking about your sex life on camera and him having to cut it out
video length goes from 1hr to 10 mins… mostly because of this ^
having the weirdest sense of humour with each other and not being able to b r e a t h e 
jack hiding the fact he can cook
“jack what are you doing?” “i’m cooking dinner” “…you’re ordering dominos”
when he does cook it is actually the shit™
oh and sex
baking cakes and getting angry with him because he’s DOING IT WRONG
“JACK I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU EAT THE MIXTURE ONE MORE TIME” and jack apologising whilst he continues to eat it
being great friends with the boys and him being great friends with your girls
the hottest couple when you go clubbing
mikey saying “phwoarrrrrrr jack and his girl!” or whatever
wars of posting embarrassing baby photos of each other
“What the fuck have you just done” and “i will be getting you back…just you wait”
pet. names. 
him being sleepy and you cuddling him
turning on Netflix knowing you won’t be watching it in about 15 mins because boy gets distracted
soooooo many running jokes…fans can’t keep up
your friends have probably walked in on you both at least once 
“at midday? seriously?”
the way he announces your relationship is goals… cute instagram gotta do it
finding his sensitive side
comforting him when he’s down and vice versa
holding hands. lots
he’s also your best friend
gossiping and bitching about people with each other
wait did i mention sex
destressing from work
candlelit dinners when the power goes out and sometimes just because
you’re his first proper love
“can i tell you a secret?” “i think i’m falling in love with you”
you just really love each other. like a movie or song lyric 
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jackstarlight ¡ 5 years
Exclusive - Jack Maynard
“You mean, exclusive?”
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Y/N felt as if she had to throw up. The music seemed to fade away, only because it wasn’t important anymore. The only thing she could focus on was him. And the girl who was grinding on him. Jack had his arms around a petite blonde, pressing her hips flush against his own, swaying to the beat that seemed like background noise to Y/N now.
Conor, who had been dancing next to her, noticed her stopping in her tracks. 
“What’s wrong?”, he loudly asked so she’d hear him. He noticed how she glanced at his brother.
“I need some air”, Y/N said and made her way through the dancing crowd without looking back.
When she finally reached the smoking area outside, she desperately tried to fight the tears that threatened to spill. Y/N wasn’t even sure why she felt that way. She shouldn’t feel jealous, she shouldn’t feel sad and angry, but that confused her even more. They had hooked up a few times, when they both went home drunk after going out clubbing like today. It wasn’t regular, it wasn’t anything special. It was just in the heat of the moment, a used opportunity. She tried to steady her breathing as someone approached her.
“Can I offer you a cigarette?”, a handsome stranger asked. He was rather tall, quite tan and muscular. Y/N found him very attractive, but he wasn’t Jack. She was surprised that this was the first thought that came to her mind when she looked at him.
“I don’t smoke”, she said, although that wasn’t even true. She did smoke one or two cigarettes when she was very drunk, and she’d actually really like to have a smoke right now. But she knew by the way the guy looked that it wasn’t just a cigarette he offered. And she didn’t want that. Looked like Jack was the only one who’d get laid tonight.
“Maybe a drink, then?”, he asked and smiled at her. He actually had a pretty smile, but it made her feel nothing. She only wished Jack would smile at her like this. He’d never, probably.
“No thank you”, she said a little more determined this time.
“Playing hard to get, I see”, he said and came a little closer. Y/N felt a little bit uncomfortable at this point.
“Look”, she said, “I don’t play anything. I just don’t want to talk to you. If you want a hook-up, go look for someone else, I’m not interested.”
“You might want to think twice before turning me down, promise you won’t regret it”, he continued.
Y/N was just about to say something when someone cut her off.
“She fucking told you to back off, mate”, Jack said and put an arm around her. You could see that his tone affected the guy. He sounded very angry and if Y/N hadn’t known him, she would have been scared.
“Hey”, the guy said and raised his hands in a defensive manner, “didn’t know you had a boyfriend. You could’ve just said that.”
Y/N contemplated whether she should object, but she was pretty glad that the guy finally seemed to stop his approach.
“She’s taken, fuck off”, Jack said and watched as the guy finally left the smoking area and disappeared in the dancing crowd inside.
“You okay?”, Jack said and turned around to look at her. He noticed how puffy her eyes were. “Have you been crying? Did he hurt you?”
She shook her head no, but didn’t look up to him.
“What is it then?”, Jack asked, worry now evident in his voice. “Hey, look at me.” When she didn’t obey, he gently took her face in his hand and lifted her chin up. Their eyes met for a second, and Y/N was surprised at how soft his eyes were, so full of concern for her and her wellbeing.
“Where is your little blondie?”, she asked him. She really didn’t want to say it because she knew she’d give herself away with that, but she couldn’t stop herself. Y/N watched his face when she said it. First, it was confusion that she could see, then realization hit him, then confusion returned.
“Dunno”, he said, “why’d you care, though?”
She shrugged her shoulders and tried to pull away from him, but he held her by the waist. She managed to look away from him, though.
“Why don’t we go on a walk”, Jack proposed as he noticed some curious stares from some social smokers. He turned around, not letting go of her waist and gently nudged her in the direction of the closest exit. They passed the security guard and walked in silence for a few minutes. Still, his arm rested around her waist.
“Are you mad at me? Because it kind of feels like you give me the silent treatment. And I don’t know why you’re mad. Please, just tell me what I did wrong”, Jack said.
As Y/N finally looked over to him, she saw that he was truly sincere. This look he had truly got under her skin, it wasn’t often that she got to see him like that.
“I’m not mad at you, Jack”, she said and stopped walking, “I’m mad at myself.”
“Now you’ve lost me”, he admitted.
“When I saw you in there with this blonde girl, I just felt so jealous of her and I know I don’t have any right to be jealous because what happened between us wasn’t important but maybe I want it to be important. And I know you don’t want that, but I don’t know if I can still be friends with you now when I suddenly feel this way and now I’ve ruined everything”, Y/N rambled until Jack finally cut her off.
“Breathe, Y/N”, he said and took one of her hands in his. She let it happen, but raised an eyebrow at him.
“Look”, Jack started but this time, it was Y/N who cut him off.
“Please just make it quick before this gets really embarrasing.”
“I didn’t know you wanted this between us to be important”, he summarized and squeezed her hands.
“Well I didn’t know that either till earlier”, Y/N said and let out a rather raspy chuckle, “but I know that you don’t want that.” “You suppose, but you don’t know for sure, don’t you?”, Jack asked and smirked at her. Unlike the smile of the stranger earlier, this affected very much. Her heart began to race and she could feel her palms become sweaty. She just wished that Jack wouldn’t notice. If he did, he was too nice to say something.
“Well, do you want it to be important?”, she asked shyly and looked away again. She was sure that she couldn’t bear to see his face if he rejected her now.
“Yes”, he said, making her look at him to see if she didn’t get him wrong.
“You mean, exclusive?”, Y/N asked.
“Yes, exclusive”, he confirmed, making her blush. He looked at her with such a wide smile that she just couldn’t help but to return it.
“Can I… kiss you now?”, he asked, which Y/N found absolutely adorable.
“Of course”, she said and felt butterflies in her stomach as Jack closed the distance between them.
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