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#ThrowBackThursday to the night i looked undoubtedly dashing. ugly christmas sweater? where?
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i turned 4yrs old in december. i don’t feel any different than i did in november, but i guess birthdays are some kind of milestone? a reason to celebrate. i guess being alive is a reason to celebrate... and being alive for 4yrs is definitely a reason to celebrate. SO... they bought me a couple of toys and treats, donned this here party hat on my head and clapped and smiled like crazy people while I just sat there feeling like a fool. but let me just say, the smiles on their faces were worth it. i’d wear a party hat everyday for the next 4yrs of my life, if it meant they would smile at me always. 
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struttin’ in the sun... like a prized winner! #jacktheretriever
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waking up on the wild side
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i’m instafamous... not really... please follow me... no leash required. 
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they bought us a house last month. i gotta say, this place is pretty sweet. i have a whole great big back yard of grass. i chase rabbits and birds every morning... not for fun, it’s really just clearing out my space to poop in private. owls live in the trees, lizards scurry in the brush and every once in a while a half eaten carcass of a bird will fall from the sky, with thanks to vicious sky terrorists! it’s a jungle out here!
we said goodbye to cheap apartment carpets... for good! i nap on stained concrete floors. the coolness on my belly is bliss. but talk about getting no where slowly during an indoor running fit. they laugh outrageously at me like i’m a buffoon trying to ice skate. let’s just lay it out on the table (no pun intended)... i eat shit, daily, on these blissful concrete floors.
and hey, i’m no city boy anymore. i poop without a leash now!
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“they had their 6th anniversary this year, but they’re really celebrating 3 and a half years.”  (chocolate croissants and black coffee... um, gross)
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They're decorating my home for me. And, yes, they bought me a magic carpet.
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Got me a new yard, guys! I so happy!
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Extra treats cuz it’s the weekend? I must be dreaming!
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Tennis ball, shnemmis ball. Deflated volleyball!! (&clearly she can't kick worth a damn.)
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Mom supports local Tucson art, with my face! I think I'm feeling kind of cool in this one.
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…for what you have in your hand… or, really whatever is in your heart. I’m not picky!
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I never stray from a good ball.
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Pre Park Panic -J.M. #jacksmom
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One Reason to Love Weekends...
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