jackwinch2-blog · 6 years
Free Bird(Rewrite) Chapter 1: Captain Hook
This runs closely with the show TWD, i do not own anything from it, or the show its crossed over with. 
Parings: (Future) Daryl x Reader
(Y/n pov)
It was peaceful… The groans of the death couldn’t be heard here, I've gotten so used to the sounds of the dead that it almost sounds scary not to hear them. Not to see them shuffling along the ground, looking for their next piece of living to feast on. Its almost unreal. I looked away from the window to my companions, Andrea and Michonne. Andrea was sat upon the bed, being treated by a nurse, of sorts. There wasn't really stuff like that in this world anymore. And Michonne was sat beside her in a chair, leaning against the bed. We had been here for a while, taken here by some men at gun point, our weapons taken from us. "We want to leave." Andrea spoke up. "You're not well enough. And it's dark, you should stay the night." I slowly started to walk away from the window, closer to my companions, eyes on the nurse. "Where are we?" Andrea pressed. Trying to get more out of this nurse. "That's not for me to say. He'll talk to you."
"Who?" Spoke Michonne, who before had remained very silent. But that moment was interrupted by the door opening, and a man came through. The same man who had us at gunpoint.
"Go check on your patient, doc." He said, making his way over to the desk near the window, taking a chair and walking forward with it, moving it so the back was facing us. He had one metal limb for a hand, a unique trait. "Bet you was wondering if I was real." He spoke. But his eyes were on Andrea. I looked over at her, she seemed to of recognized him, and not like the fact that she did. "Probably hoping I wasn’t." He said, before straddling the chair. "Well, here I am. I guess this old world gets a little smaller toward the end, huh? Ain't so many of us left to share air, right?" He took a moment, just looking at her before continuing his long talk. "You know, when they found me, I was near bled out. Starving. Thinking to myself a bullet might make a good last meal. Take myself a long nap after. Wait for Daryl on the other side." The name sounded familiar. I looked over at Andrea again. I believe she mentioned something about a Daryl, and his brother…Mayrl? Merle. I think it was Merle. I looked back over at the man. If I was assuming right, this could be Merle. "You seen my brother?" He asked. "Not for a long time." Andrea spoke. "He went back for you… Him and Rick.You were already gone." " Yeah Rick. He's that prick that cuffed me to the roof top." Both of them, continued to catch up. I crossed my arms. Looking at the three men. Two of which were guarding the door. They had weapons on them. I cared about the conversation again when Andrea spoke. "What do you want from us?" There was a weird silence. I could feel myself tense up as he started to get out of the chair. "Damn." He walks over closer to me and Michonne. "There she sits, four walls around her, a roof over her head, medicine in her veins, and she wants to know what I want from her." The way he talked confused me. I somewhat glared at Merle. "I plucked you and your mutes here from out of the dirt, Blonde. Saved your asses. How about a thank you?" Not a moment later, I heard the distained voice of Michonne, "You had a gun on us." "Ooh, she speaks." He said, mockingly. I started to wonder if I kicked him in the face, if he would be able to make that face again. He started to laugh, "Well who aint had a gun on 'em in the last year eh? Show of hands. Shumpert, Crowley." My eyes left Merle and went to the guards. I knew there was no possible way. But if I saw this man, and someone call Crowley, I would know that I was mistaken. "Y'all had a gun on y'all? Hell, I-""Okay we get it Captain hook, you and Andrea have history and whatever. Could you get on with it and tell us why we're here?" I said finally. And he immediately looked at me with raised eyebrows. He was about to speak again when Andrea interupted. "Thank you." She said, and Merle looked at her, as did Michonne and i. Merle looked impressed and walked off to a different door. I silently sighed in annoyance. Through the other door, another man walked through and started whispering something to Merle, once he finished, he spoke to Andrea. "How ya feeling?" "We want our weapons." Michonne interjected. Stepping in front of Andrea. "Sure, on your way out the front gates." Said the man who had just walked in. "Show us the way then. We've been locked up in here, and we want to leave now." I said, starting to get irritated with all the talk,  it was starting to be like they didn't want to let us leave. "You see any bars on the windows? You're not being locked up, you're being cared for." He said. "Under guard." Michonne bit back. Both her and I were starting to get fed with this, and you could tell. "To protect our people, we don't know you." He defended. I rolled my eyes, why even bring us here in the first place? Then Andrea spoke. "We know enough about you to want out of this place. We watched you drive a knife into the skull of two dead men" What the hell was that all about?!" She said fiercely at the man. "They turned," He said. And my eyes narrowed, that was obvious bullshit. "They weren't bitten." The man looked over at Merle, with a looked that kind of resembled shock at our statement. "It doesn’t matter." He said. Michonne and I looked at eachother in confusion. I glanced toward Andrea, who looked confused as well. "I put them out of their misery, it's not easy news to swallow at first, but there it is. You're not prisoners here, you're guests. If you want to leave, you're free to do so." He paused. "But we don't hold the gates past dusk, draws too much attention. And you  need a solid nights sleep. Ill have you all brought over to my place in the morning and return your weapons." He said,  turning and starting to leave. "Extra ammo, food for the road, some meds, keys to a vehicle if you want one." I could feel my eyes narrow as he started to list the stuff off. "Send you on your way. No hard feelings. " He said walking out, beckoning us to follow, so we did. He walked out of the building opening the doors and said, "Welcome to Woodbury." ------------------------------------------
It was weird waking up with wet, clean hair. And even weirder walking around in clean clothes. We were being lead to the governors house, the woman was talking our ear off about everything, and Andrea indulged her with questions.  Michonne and I walked closer together, looking around at everything. I felt like the Grinch, frowning at everything, being a big downer. But this wouldn't last. Even Rome fell to barbarians. It got weirder as we went into a house, and food started to be served to us. A weird alternate reality it seemed. "Eight months? Hard to believe you ladies lasted so long out there." Said the Governor. Coming over with scrambled eggs. I was seated with crossed legs on a chair beside Michonne, Andrea on the other side. I glanced at Michonne when he said that. Michonne and I had been out there for longer with just the two of us. And before the world went to shit, I faced worse than the dead before breakfast. "Because we're women?" Andrea asked. And the governor paused."Because you were alone." He replied, and I rolled my eyes. "We had each other." Andrea said, looking at us. "Three against the world. It's long odds." "We manage." Andrea said. Soon the governor came around with scrambled eggs and put them on my plate. "Oh we're impressed."
"Very" Said the other man at the table, who seemed very weaselly. "Survival in the wild is tough sledding." The governor said, and I felt Michonne tap my knee.  I looked at her out the corner of my eye, and followed her eyes, right to where her sword, my bird, and Andreas gun sat. I zoned out slightly as the governor continued to speak. Just the urge to have my bow back in my hands. The comfort in it. It was my bird. I got out of my staring contest with my bird when the weasel spoke. "Do you think they remember anything?""Of course not.  If you remembered, you'd have the sense not to hurt those you love or those you care about. They're just monsters. Only monsters hurt those they care for." I said quietly. They looked at me shocked, before Andrea took the attention away. "I don’t think about it. " "Milton believes there might be a trace of the person they once were, still trapped inside." "Like an echo." Milton added in. There was an odd silence, before Milton cleared his throat and turned to Michonne. "The two you had in chains. Who were they?" Michonne froze. I glared at him, so he likes to poke and prod at stuff. The way you controlled them, used them to your benefit. You did know them, didn't you?" He said, and I felt Michonne look over too. Probably giving him the same glare. "Let them eat." The Governor interjected, probably seeing the looks we were giving weasel. "My apologies." Weasel says. And the rest of the meal was chit chat between Andrea and Michonne. Soon there was a knock at the door, and one of the guards from before was talking to the governor."Sorry to cut breakfast short but, this can't wait."Michonne shot out of her seat, walking forward, with me close behind. "We want our weapons." She said. "Well, we can make this meal to go and your weapons will be waiting outside, but you should take time to relax." He said, and I started to glare. "Get your strength back, have a look around.  Who knows? You might like what you see." We left soon after.  The three of us walked together, for a moment in silence, before Michonne spoke up. "I don’t trust him." "Why not?" Andrea spoke, sounding a bit like she had an attitude. "Have you ever trusted anybody?""Yeah." Michonne said, sounding slightly defensive. "Then give this a day or two, that's all I'm asking. Some time to get our shit together." She said happily, walking with a sort of bounce."My shit never stopped being together." Michonne and I said at the same time, glancing at each other for a moment. It would've been amusing, if this wasn't annoying. "Didn't look that way when Milton asked about your walkers, or if they still remembered who they were.""Well maybe if he kept his nose out of where it didn't belong we wouldn’t have problems. He's way to inquisitive." I spoke, eyes narrowed at her back. "And it's none of his damn business." Michonne said. "I guess it's none of mine either." She said stopping and turning around. "Seven months together, all we've been through, I still feel like I hardly know you guys…." After seeing the looks on our faces she said, "I'm sorry, it's the truth. You know everything about me. And I-" "You know enough." "Those walkers were with us, all winter long. Protecting us, and you took them out without any hesitation. That- That had--" "It was easier than you think." Michonne said, her voice angry. Upset. And I didn't blame her. And after a moment, Michonne walked away. Andrea looked to me for help and I shook my head."Some people are trying to leave the past, in the past. Learn that Andrea." I said, and went another direction. Michonne needed some time. And I wasn't going to stay around Andrea.  I went walking off to go see what Woodbury is all about.
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