jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101
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Sustainable agriculture can be defined as “the production of food, fiber, or other plant or animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare.” Another way to look at this practice can be similar to organic farming. This process is environmental- friendly while using resources for the optimal impact. For example, farmers often use their own animals' manure (cow or pig) to spread on the crops to fertilize naturally, not involving harmful chemicals.
Conventional farming, also known as industrial farming, refers to a practice of “farming systems which include the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other continual inputs, genetically modified organisms, and/ or heavy irrigation.” This system can be highly productive.
Some environmental issues that can be related to conventional farming include climate change, irrigation problems, pollutants, and soil degradation. The use of pesticides, fertilizers, and plant-aiding chemicals can be harmful to the environment while polluting the air. Plus, intense chemicals can dry the soil if they absorb the nutrients in the ground in hopes that the plant receives all of the nutrients. Thus, killing an enriched-soiled area.
We can help our agricultural system by going to local farm markets and purchasing their crops. This helps support our farmers since many markets do not use heavy chemicals or preservatives. Chances are, the food item may have been picked earlier that day! This is healthier than buying them at the store, plus this is a reserved boycott against bigger corporations that transport crops all around the world, being bathed in preservatives and chemicals that are unnatural.
http://www.appropedia.org/Conventional_farming www.sustainabletable.org/246/sustainable-agriculture-the-basics
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101 
Environmental Economics 
Environmental Economics focuses on the economic value of environmental resources and emphasizes the use of environmental economic laws to solve environmental pollution problems. For example, how to use economic leverage to solve environmental pollution problems.
Rapid development of the economy is necessary to build factories. If there is no perfect purification and sewage disposal measures, these factories will definitely cause great damage to the environment.
 Only focusing  on economic development, ignoring environmental protection will cause many problems. In order to obtain resources, people have been exploiting oil and using a large number of coal. Power factories and manufacturing factories are emitting large amounts of waste water and waste gas. People cut down the trees and reduce the green land.
The changes that have been made to ecosystems have contributed to substantial net gains in human well-being and economic development, but these gains have been achieved at growing costs in the form of the degradation of many ecosystem services, increased risks of nonlinear changes, and the exacerbation of poverty for some groups of people. These problems, unless addressed, will substantially diminish the benefits that future generations obtain from ecosystems.
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101
Biomes and Biodiversity
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In this weeks class, we covered biodiversity and how it can be understood in terms of the environmental conditions where different organisms live, in terms of biomes, and in term of habitat types. It is important to know the influences of climate conditions, to start describing biodiversity and to conserve biological communities. Even though we know a great deal about many species, the world knows very little about all species. Of the world’s species, many are threatened or endangered.
Biodiversity is important to us because it can help the ecosystem stability and because we rely on many different organisms for things, such as food, medicines, and other products. Biodiversity has benefits toward cultures and aesthetics. Many factors threaten biodiversity, including habitat loss, invasive species, pollution, population growth, and overharvesting. The best ways to reduce these threats are by avoiding exotic pets and unsustainable fisheries or wood products that are harvested unsustainably. More laws are being put in place, like the Endangered Species Act, to preserve biodiversity for future generations.
I didn’t know that biodiversity was as important as it is. I learned that biodiversity is one of the most important parts of environments. There are a lot of components that make biodiversity a good thing. It provides us with different foods and medicines. It can also make ecosystems more stable, and I didn’t know that was a problem before. I guess I didn’t think about how ecosystems would become stable if they were already unstable. It was surprising to me how many things could affect biodiversity, even thought it is a really important thing. Like even one invasive species can cause habitat, which causes loss of biodiversity. I can see biodiversity playing a role in my life because I can now look outside and evaluate the biodiversity of where I’m at.
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101
Cities and population 
Our topic this week was discussing how cities have formed and have grown to huge populations. 
More than half of humans now live in cities, which is a dramatic change in previous history. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, cities have grown rapidly. The vast majority of urban growth will occur less-developed countries. Cities can be engines of economic progress and social reform. 
People migrate to cities for many reasons. Many people move to the city for the opportunities and independence that is offered there. They offer jobs, better housing, entertainment, and freedom from the constraints of village traditions. However, few cities in developing countries can afford to build modern waste treatment systems for their rapidly growing population. It can difficult sometimes to even find clean drinking water for urban areas. 
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Transportation is important in city development, but it can be difficult to get people around within large urban areas. Cities that were once compact began to spread over the landscape, consuming space and wasting resources. An alternative would be smart growth, which makes effective use of land resources and existing infrastructure by encouraging in-fill development that avoids costly duplication of services and inefficient land use. Sustainable development is effort to improve people’s lives using earth’s renewable resources.
Being an American and never living outside of the United States, I never fully understood how different countries live compared to here. Countries such as China and India have huge amounts of people living there but have limited space for them all. So, they are living in condense conditions within their cities. Developing countries have much more difficult transportation systems and are not as up to date as modern countries, like the United states. I learned that economic polices are often the root of the success or failure of cites, as they build from some basic sets of assumptions about the nature of resources. The world is constantly finding ways to improve living for all humans.
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101 
Solid Waste 
This week consisted on working on a lab that would increase our awareness of the solid waste we produce and opportunities to reduce our waste. For this lab, I tracked the type of items I use weekly that I could do a better job of recycling. Int this particular activity I tracked how much paper, cans/bottles, food and yard waste.
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Some steps I took to help reduce solid waste is by taking the time throw my recyclable items in recycle cans, instead of just throwing them in regular trash cans. For the most part, the university does a good job of having recycle bins very close or even next to where trash cans are located. So for me it is all about putting that extra effort in sorting out my recyclable materials and putting them in their respective areas. As for when it comes to food waste, I believe I could do a better job of limiting how much food I put on my plate. Having smaller portion sizes would allow me to fully eat my whole meal and avoid throwing the rest away. I noticed that I typically got large portion sizes, so when I got full I would just throw what I did not eat away. I believe limiting my portions would be a good start in avoiding wasting food, so it is better off being saved and sent to people who need it. 
I just need to be smart about which items to throw in the regular trash cans and which items are recyclable will make a big difference in my reduction. I heard in some areas that you can turn cans and bottles in and receive a little bit of money for it. So instead of just tossing my used bottles and cans in the trash, I will gather them all up. Once I have a decent amount saved up, I can take them in and get compensation for it. I believe just doing these minor things can go a long way when it comes to reducing my solid waste production. This activity allowed me to see how wasteful I am and how easily I can correct my mistakes. 
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101 
Energy Consumption
This week we did a lab that estimated our weekly energy consumption and different ways we could reduce it. Most of the energy I used came from my main appliances I have. 
Living in a dorm during most months throughout the year, I use common appliances such as microwaves, mini-refrigerator, and electronic chargers. Based off that information, I realized that my total energy consumption is lower than the American household average. With those results, the research considers more appliances that are being paid for in households that I do not necessarily pay for at college (i.e. ovens, dishwashers, heaters etc.).  I learned from this lab about ways I can reduce my energy consumption. One way being to switch from using incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent light bulbs for my appliances, like my desk lamp. I know when I graduate and get my own place, that I am not going to want to have a high electric bill. Using the information that I got from this activity, I can cut cost by switching to more energy efficient products.
 I would highly consider investing in energy saving technology not just for how beneficial it would be from an environmental standpoint, but also from a financial side. Knowing how much energy you are using, you can then track and find ways to reduce it which can have a major impact on you in the long run. I want to keep finding ways that I can reduce my energy consumption as soon as possible. The more information I learn about now, then the better off I can be when I have my own home.
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101 Class
Food Balance
We did a lab to assess total food intake and nutritional balance by estimating intake of each nutrient category.For this lab, I recorded the what I ate during weekdays for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
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This lab made me more aware of the meals I ate, and how I can do a better job of eating healthier. I always felt that I had a relatively healthy diet, as I would always avoid eating sweets and fries, because I knew how bad those can be for your body. One thing I think I can do to improve my diet, is looking up healthy meals that I can make, or can look for when I am eating at the cafe. Knowing which foods to look for and which ones to avoid, will help me make better choices when it comes to my diet. Also, I would try having more snack times throughout the day, so I am in taking more calories than I had been. Doing this lab, I noticed that I only eat about three times a day, so that is a reason for a such a low-calorie intake for someone who is as active as I am. Even though I have a busy schedule, having a snack will help me gain some of the calories that I miss out on when I am not eating that many meals the whole day. I do think that having more access to local or organic food, would help me have a healthier diet. Since I do not have as easy access, I eat unhealthily because it is more convenient for my schedule. I think now that I am aware of how I can improve my diet, I can began making strides to improve it with the information that I have learned. 
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101 Class
Water consumption Lab
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In this weeks class, we did a lab to estimate weekly water consumption and to consider possible ways of reducing our consumption. 
During this study, I realized how much a waste water when I am not necessarily using it. One example is when I am brushing my teeth and I have the faucet on the entire time. I had never noticed that I did that, or how much water I am really wasting by doing that. Once I cut the faucet off once I started brushing, I saw the reduction in the amount of water consumed. Two areas where I feel I could be more efficient on my water usage is with washing clothes and dishes. To fully maximize each, I should run full loads of clothes and dishes to ensure I am not wasting tons of water on small loads. One thing I think I need to improve on is making sure all leaks are repaired. Mainly with toilets or outside water faucets, are often the main source of the worst weeks. While conducting this activity, I realize two of the toilets in my house had minor leaks in them, so that cause a high amount of wasted water usage until I got it fixed. The biggest thing is making sure I am more efficient with the water I am using, so that I do not have high levels of water being wasted. 
Overall, with this activity I was able to get a good estimate of how much water I use daily. It was surprising to see just how much water I can waste for brushing my teeth for about 2 minutes at a time. I became more aware of how wasteful I can be and I will take steps to be more efficient. Even when I do a task several times a day, like showering or using a faucet, I need to reduce the amount of time I do each.Reducing how much water I use will not only be beneficial for environment, but also cuts the cost down on monthly water bills for my home. So, working on being more efficient can have a lot of positive givebacks.
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
ENV 101 Class
This week our readings summarized environment health and what people should be more aware about in relation to it. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Humans should work to improve their everyday lifestyle to have happier and longer lives.
Environmental health focuses on factors that cause disease, including elements of the natural, social, cultural, and technological worlds we live in. The biggest risk factors that impacts healthy lives is disease. Disease is an abnormal change in the body’s condition that impairs important physical or psychological functions. Eating healthy and exercising is important to try to reduce the risk of health disease. In taking toxic in small portions, makes them easy to be broken down before they do much harm. How a material is delivered, at the rate, and through which route of entry plays a vital role in determining toxicity. Although frowned upon, the most commonly used toxicity test is tested on lab animals. It is the most accepted procedure but, there are many people who against testing on animals. It is important and useful to group materials according to their relative toxicity. Assessing the risk and knowing how much is acceptable can be a tough to answer. Even with numerous tests done, it is still hard to determine the risk. Most people can tolerate a higher probability of occurrence if the harm is low. At the end of the day, public policy makers must make decisions on how to regulate toxicity and improve environmental health There are still a lot of toxic material that should be avoided and not be taking in large quantities. 
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jacobs1908-blog · 6 years
Air Pollution
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Pollution comes in many forms such as, smoke, haze, dust, odors, corrosive gases, noise, and toxic compounds. Worldwide, air pollution emissions add up to about 2 billion metric tons per year. Many pollutants come from a point source, one key example is a factory that lets out fugitive emissions. The primary difference between primary and secondary pollutants is that primary pollutants are substances that are harmful while release, while secondary become harmful after they react with other gases in the air. Three major pollutants are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. Sulfur dioxide is a colorless, corrosive gas that once in the atmosphere, it can become more damaging to plants and animals. Nitrogen oxides are highly reactive gases, and carbon monoxide are less common, but are more dangerously toxic. 
Air pollutants can cause climate changes due primary culprits of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and halogen gases. Pollutant levels have risen as, CO2 emissions have increased in the atmosphere over recent years. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) are a key reason for the ozone depletion. Therefore, CFC has been banned and the production in most industrialized countries have declined sharply. 
There are still concerns of the impact that pollutants have on health and the environment.  Breathing dirty air can increase possibility of heat attacks, respiratory diseases, and lung cancer. Air pollution has destroyed some of the oldest buildings around the world. Acidic rains cause limestone and marble to dissolve, destroying features and structures of historic buildings. The most effective strategy to reducing air pollution has been for develop worlds to conserve more. Meaning to reduce electricity consumption, insulating homes and offices, as well as developing better public transportation. Removal of particulate and sulfur have been in place to help reduction. With particulate removal, it involves filtering air emissions, while sulfur removal is important because sulfur oxides are some of the most damaging of air pollutants for human health and the ecosystem 
I was not aware about how air pollutants can travel around the world just by the winds. That is surprising to know that pollution can travel from one continent to another. With human population continuing to grow, especially in places with a huge population such as India and China, I wonder how they will be able to control their pollution. With so many people to have to monitor, I am curious to see how the government works to put in place more pollution control. Seeing the high rates of death due to outdoor air pollution, I hope a plan will be put in place to solve this world-wide crisis.
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