jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Kithar and the Elder: Part Eight
Even with every fragment of strength Viiar could not release the hammer from the shell he had formed in the dark blue sand, so without hesitation he abandoned the weapon and charged at the recovering Elder.  Shockwaves reverberated through the frosted desert as blows were traded back and forth between the stone titans. Fists impacted and pebbles broke off and fell amidst the sand, however they…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Kithar and the Elder: Part Seven
Hours of the Elder’s monotonous stomping through the sapphire colored snow as the night truly dawned, stars shone bright across the lightless sands and gave a slight glow to the lethal frosted fog as it followed the Elder to a cliff. Mist and sand alike flowed, an endless waterfall down a bottomless pit.  For a while the Elder just stood. First his gaze sat upon the blissful view, nothing but…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Kithar and the Elder: Part Six
It may have been a few years that the Titans were gone, but as they reached the walled fortress of the Enclave they were greeted back as if they had only been gone a single day. The minimal visual expression of joy spread among the few Titans, “Elder!” one of the Titans bows his head and the others follow. Kithar leaps over the wall and crashes down onto the ice.  “Kithar’s returned with a…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Kithar and the Elder: Part Five
“Allow me a moment to rest…” The Elder, struggling to find comfort as he leans up against the mahogany, finally finds a spot where the tree trunk fits the curvature of his back and he slumps completely into rest. “The framework is complete, along with a mighty name, now the soul.” The Elder stares intently into the thick forest before shutting his eyes.  Off in the distance, through the trees,…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Kithar and the Elder: Part Four
The ore was so malleable it began to bend as Kithar’s rough rod-like fingers tore into bits of the metallic substance. Sparks of lightning still flicker between cracks in the metal.  The Elder was relaxing for once, their quest was finally coming to an end. He leans on a towering mahogany tree, and is ever so slightly straining the roots as it is tilted just a fraction.  Kithar is down on one…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Kithar and the Elder: Part Three
Eventually the heavy steps of the two titans allowed them to break free of the confines of the jungle and emerge through the underbrush into a completely new biome. An eerie wasteland, bubbling steam vents erupting a gray mist. The steam weaved through the cracked brown stones alongside lively flecks of white electricity trickling between the cracks in the eroded floor, illuminating the ground…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Kithar and the Elder: Part Two
A failed attempt at silent pathfinding comes with a patterned rumble. Echoing through the jungle are two Obsidian Titans who march side by side through the thicket. They usher fully grown mahogany trees aside much as a human would brush away a branch of leaves- clearing a path through the ever vibrant Essence. The sun’s glare is dimmed, finding it difficult to traverse through the densely packed…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Kithar and the Elder: Part One
Kithar begins his adventure with his companion the Elder by his side.
Another fortress lies within the Sanguine Mons, on the Western front near the summit, lies the most indestructible wall known to the planet. Made of pure obsidian, frozen a hundred times over, filling in each crack with hardened ice. Obsidian blades, thick as a Sag tree, sharpened to perfection spearing out of the mile high wall. The impassable wall stretches between two mountains, thousands of…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Titan Introduction
A clear sky, an unusual occurrence high upon the Sanguine Mons, Mätir reflecting upon the white snow, blinding light emanating off the high, fractured walls of the Ferraz castle. A horn echoes and shuffles of crossbowmen and well armed soldiers begin to secure their defensive positions.  A Titan comes storming up the cliff face, creating permanent dents in the compact snow with its heavy…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Gorilla Warfare
In the Tangled Essence, along the winding path of the Syrac river is where a tribe of jungle gorillas call their territory, casting their influence across the bounds of the jungle, defending a fortified encampment alongside the largest waterfall on the river. Resources are plentiful so close to the river, and their outposts, lingering to up to a dozen kilometers from their basecamp, allowing for…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Queen Apatoo: Part Four
Eventually the shroud of darkness did fade, to reveal the last few castings of Mätir, enveloping a primitive domed shelter, walls, a mixture of deep blue sand, limbs and torn bone. Deeper in the fortifications, past the first few layers of ice lie entire humanoid corpses melded into the icy wall, some with their eyes still red and bulging, muscles and skin blistered and scarred from the…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Queen Apatoo: Part Three
The amount of meat upon the prehistoric birds was satisfying, providing enough energy for their second venture into the barrens. Scars riddled each lion, wearing varied wounds as crests of a battle well fought, badges they would carry for life.  Much had changed through the passing of a single day, a once beautiful mane deteriorated to now only patches of fur. Flesh torn wounds began to mend…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Queen Apatoo: Part Two
A very short pause in their otherwise relentless trek, to huddle together for a moment of warmth. They struggled to clean each other’s wounds, while so bitterly parched. Eventually as the last specks of Soleo* (*The planets first rising sun, a silver glow that combines with the star Mätir to paint a traditional warm aura over the world.) began to complement the dark sand with a phosphorescent…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Queen Apatoo: Part One
The tale of Queen Apatoo begins with a story told from the ancients, a primitive people, with a scarce chance of survival amidst the brutal climate; the ones who persevered despite unrelenting hardship were forced to adapt, and utilize their surroundings at all costs. The natives attempted many times to tame the kings of the barrens; lions as they were known in the plains, absolutely fearsome…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Deathbringer Ajani: Part Two
A routined scene, where corruption spreads with the wind, and thoughts devolve into violent chaos, and the only thing that changes within the depths are the unusual unique mutterings of Ajani as he leans back in his throne. His hums were interrupted, his right hand forcefully rubbing his now blackened eyes.   “What could be foolish enough this time.”  Xavier stands, smelling the air, then takes…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Deathbringer Ajani: Part One
A month had passed and the damage done from Ajani had been systematically repaired. The frail dead trees grew back their sturdy blackened limbs, the pools of ichor expanded and stretched, staining the ground, and the spot where Ajani fell was now painted in darkness. The Reaper pulsates with energy as he sucks every bit of compassion and restrain from the benevolent mage. Xavier was hunched over…
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jacobsdailydump · 1 year
Professor Ajani: Part Four
Tonight’s dusk was as rough as the unprecedented torrential tides on a moonless night, for evil lurked though the darkness, searching for any creature to invoke and imbue its chaos. Ajani shook and grumbled in his sleep, just barely able to hold on to his nightmarish dream state as sweat flooded from his forehead and down his armpits. He trembled in fear, illusions of the depths haunted his…
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