Ooo I have a couple like slumber party massacre,and evil dead. Oh I know my favorite would have to be April Fools’ Day it had a very clever twist at the end that I like 
I heard you like cheesy horror movies I like that I love silly horror movies
I do yeah, I’ve been watching a lot of “Creature From The Black Lagoon” recently. I’ve also been watching “Jaws” too, this’ll probably be my 75th time watching it… Around this time of year those two just feel extra special. Do you got any favorites?
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Yeah I think this will work out I’m just being paranoid sorry,I just know that withdrawals can be super powerful and I don’t know how much willpower i have left and I feel like you can stop me if I do something that could harm any of usanyways I can’t wait to stay with you for a little bit you’re the best Morgan
Ich wünschte, ich könnte besser für dich sein
i could come over if you’d like? i just got off work, i’ll help you out and maybe cook you something nice. i’ll help calm poppy down too.
That would be very nice thank you
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I’ll try for you not going to promise you that this will be all peaches and cream but I’ll try and yeah we’ll figure it out just no promises that I might not fail but if I really think about it, if something were to happen, I have to keep me from doing something bad
i could come over if you’d like? i just got off work, i’ll help you out and maybe cook you something nice. i’ll help calm poppy down too.
That would be very nice thank you
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Yeah, I don’t wanna be alone right now either. you’ve been following my downward spiral you get why I don’t really feel safe being alone anymore and i understand why you feel that way to. All right, I’ll live at your place for just a little bit I trust you the most with my precious Poppy. I have to know do I have to go cold turkey?
i could come over if you’d like? i just got off work, i’ll help you out and maybe cook you something nice. i’ll help calm poppy down too.
That would be very nice thank you
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i could come over if you’d like? i just got off work, i’ll help you out and maybe cook you something nice. i’ll help calm poppy down too.
That would be very nice thank you
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hey.. i’m sorry to hear about what happened… i hope you’re doing better? how’re you feeling?
I’m not doing so hot.i just feel horrible right now and I’m just covered in blood and different fluids,my head hurts and poppy is crying but my body feels weak so it’s a little hard to check on her it’s bad
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I think i overdosed again
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Sometimes I think about how hard high school was For me since I didn’t know much English at the time when I was sent to live with my cousin and plus I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues high school just felt like hell but I guess I found myself but back when I was in high school. I just felt like I never had time to truly process what happened to me in Germany and I just felt like idk the foreign girl fetish to most boys back then it sucked. The good thing was I remember This boy i used to throw pebbles at I thought he was cute back then wonder how he’s doing now 
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Hmm either particles got stuck to you while smoking and got excreted while sweating or it’s because of Terpenes which get released either by exercise or stress 
why does my sweat kinda smell like weed?
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Thanks I like less normal questions to ask they’re less boring and really show you who the person is thank you law ☺️ 
Hm in your opinion, what is a good question to ask somebody to really get to know them
There is a gun with one bullet. In the room with them is you, the person who hurt them the most and the person who hurt you the most. How they answer and how they justify their answer is very telling.
But if you want something more normal go ahead and ask them if they believe they could win in a fight against 10 vampire bats. Watching them explain themself can be fun...
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jacquelinedieleiche · 16 days
I get it I feel it to I guess we’re both in this boat of this half empty feeling. Feeling like rocks are being thrown in slowly sinking us and a bit of loneliness comes in 
it’s weird how happy and half empty i can feel, life’s been feeling like a weight so i apologize for any inconsistency.
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jacquelinedieleiche · 25 days
i’m sorry life’s been a pain in the dick but i hope you’re doing ok. 🖤
It’s fine I get it. Life can be hard. and I guess I’m alright life‘s been a dick like always and I’ve been thinking about family and missing them and I’ve just been thinking about my cousin strade and all the crazy shit that we did as kids but he’s not around anymore so it’s not like I can go catch up with him anyways but at least poppy is doing fine so that’s all that matters 
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Feeling like this
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jacquelinedieleiche · 25 days
I miss my friends
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jacquelinedieleiche · 30 days
// mud here ugh i’m just so tired of all of the anti-Semitism that I have been dealing with for 2 weeks straight I had to block somebody that I thought was a friend because they kept reposting anti-Semitic things I’m so tired of this so sorry that I have not been posting lately. I’m just so tired of this that it is draining me i’m both disgusted with peoples actions and fearful to leave my house //

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jacquelinedieleiche · 1 month
Happy milf day everybody 
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jacquelinedieleiche · 1 month
I sometimes feel like just returning back to earth that I need to return to mother earth but I’m cursed to never feel her embrace I just want to rot i want to be nothing
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jacquelinedieleiche · 1 month
 I also want to be held. I would love to hold you. I just like holding people. It’s nice to feel like I’m helping somehow You also kind of have a nice feeling in my arms . But I know I can’t be everywhere all at once for you.
I wanna hold someone so bad, or be held, just like a python wrapped around each other laying down.
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