jadeclash999 · 5 months
Pesterquest “Initial” Thoughts, Part 2
Going to be doing it differently this time, by doing it real time
Spoilers below...oooo....
Ok, I was worried this route would focus too much on Vriska because you can't really have a Tavros route without Vriska, but given how much spotlight she's taken I was worried it would be focused on her.
Well I was wrong, we tell her off at least and instead we get a lovely insight into Tavros' living situation and us (with the help of Kanaya) renovating his house. It's nice to see him mention his other friends. I feel bad for him considering he can't really meet them. Kinda wished we did a thing where we teleported to them but oh well. Adorable ending.
Also the Prospit bad ending... Kinda sad
Kinda anti climatic tbh
It felt short??? But I'll admit the whole rewinding part was really cool!! Not my favorite route though because it just felt too meta for my liking. Sure we kinda learnt about her hobbies but it just felt like a plot related route rather than an Aradia route. Which, I don't really like because I like routes where we at least hang out with the character more and learn more about them.
It was funny making her mad when I kept choosing "Wait, did she just say "gh0sts?" again and going to the main menu lol
Really enjoyed her route ngl
It's not anything special but its pretty heartwarming, kinda gives the same vibes as the kid's routes or jade's route. Honestly I might have missed the part where she ran away from home and shit
Again, really liked this route. It gives me more insight into a character I really do not like in canon as much. Also why on earth is Kanaya better written here than her own fricking route?
Also that bulge joke...its cursed but its funny I guess
Ok so far I like these routes and I don't hate Sollux anymore after this lol
I love how we went from his gender thing to fucking GENOCIDE even though Sollux said he doesn't even believe it. A bit lacking but I liked it. Worth seeing Shrek 2 with him despite him being an asshole.
Ok I'm prob one of the few people who like her but I liked her route a lot!! I didn't expect a friendsim character to appear. The route was kinda short to be though...
Rip that one ending where we meditate for a long long time
Ok its time for the Alpha kids route. I was ok with the trolls one so far but I'm kinda concerned for the Alpha kids
Because well, to be fair in the comic they weren't really handled as well as the beta kids. Dirk was ok UNTIL THE EPILOGUES where we see his character regress
This one was...surprisingly ok? It's a breather from the troll routes for sure
We see a lot of stuff about Jane that isn't her whining about Jake and shit (which is surprising in this route that she never mentioned him ONCE)
This route is really long so im just gonna dump all my thoughts as I'm playing it instead:
ok ok of all people to choose to ask for help why did it had to be VRISKA?
Jake being ace??
I am now realizing that the game expects you to go to the bad endings first before the good endings
not jade telling us to stop meddling with her life (valid but girl we just stopped yall from dying?? )
she apologized nvd
ok yeah that route was...ok??? i didnt like it that much but it was nice talking to jake at least. At least jade and jake got to meet
Ummm it was ok?? Tbh I don't have many thoughts on her
Ok his part of the route was entertaining ngl
Then the afterward hurts me because it reminds me how much of his character got butchered in the epilogues
Maybe one day I'll gather my thoughts and write something of worth, but this is just throwing in my initial reactions
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jadeclash999 · 5 months
Pesterquest "Initial" Thoughts, Part 1
What's up folks, About to give a pesterquest review of the day
Basically all I do is talk about pesterquest and my likes and dislikes of it
So in this review I'll just be going over the kids, karkat, kanaya, gamzee, vriska, equius and terezi
Oh, it has spoilers so don't read this unless you read homestuck (not that it would make sense anyway if you never read it)
Ok, its been a bit since I've seen the kid's parts and to be frank I don't care enough to go back to see them. I remember John's being a bit boring, Rose's was somewhat interesting, Dave was eh. I really like Jade's route because we actually get to see her happy in the end.
Karkat's route... I thought it was meh
Kanaya's was my least favorite because we don't really get to explore her character that much. We just...enter her room and watch her text Vriska. Rule 1 if vriska is mentioned SHE WILL EAT UP THE ENTIRE ROUTE. It's annoying but it makes sense given she's the thief of light. But still annoying because these routes are supposed to be narratives for characters, more like giving insight into their characters.
Gamzee was alright, I kinda got bored during his route
Vriska...oh boy...a lot of happened here. There was like 1043913 things happening at once. I liked the FLARP part but then we went meta, which was still interesting, then we came back. And oh boy, what came afterward was akin to a psychpathic mental breakdown and "Vriska did nothing wrong". Then we kill her lucus and she's somehow completely fine with that??? As funny as it is and given the nature of her lucus I have a feeling she might be initially ok with it but accept it.
Equius was alright too but its too short
Same for Terezi... Honestly so far these routes are hit or miss.
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jadeclash999 · 7 months
This really isn't a writing piece, more like a vent?
Honestly being in CS isn't really cool because even if you come from a family that doesn't expect you to succeed, you still get pressured by the workforce itself because of how saturated it is.
I've been jealous of two people recently and I just realized it's not a good thing to be jealous of someone that for one might not even hate you to begin with. Even if they don't give a shit about you, there's still other things in life.
Even if they really don't like me, it's not really something to stop yourself from growing.
Sometimes though I wish I was the same as I was before, before I became a teenager. I think she was fire for not being scared or anxious over every little thing.
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jadeclash999 · 7 months
They asked me, what did you want to do?
They asked me if I wanted to have a life of my own.
Well, I would have had a life of my own if I knew the current path would lead me to nowhere, leaving me in my own shadows of jealousy and insecurity.
I would have had a life of my own if I let myself go forward with my true thoughts, but that didn't happen, did it? You see the girl before you, sullen and defeated, as if everything has come to this moment to strike her down.
I would...
But at the end of the day, I still had hope for myself, the future and beyond. Even if people around me jade themselves to dull the pain of life, I embraced this pain in every work I do. I let it control me for better and worse. I refuse to let myself stop living because life wants me to be melted and molded a certain way.
Maybe, maybe something like a simple pen would lead me to victory in the end. Then, I can see myself finally rest in the grass while looking at the crystal clear skies that failed to protect me.
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jadeclash999 · 7 months
Yeah, there's really nothing going on in this blog, and it's newly made, but I will attempt to polish it out when I can.
This was made to be a privateish journal where I post stuff like drabbles, and where I can put it in one place.
Anyway, you will definitely regret coming here.
Tags: drabbles, freewriting , poems , concepts, general (anything not writing related)
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