jaehanaworldmap · 3 years
fathers day drabble ♥ 
sitting in amongst glitter, sequins, crayons & a whole load of pva glue, hana was beginning to question her life decisions. while jiho’s decision to make his dad a homemade card for father’s day was one of the most endearing things she had ever heard ---------- the mess surrounding them was going to be hell to clear up. jiho was old enough to make some sort of sense when it came to his card making skills... hyerim, however? not so much.
with another cloth pulled out to wipe the child safe glue that she had somehow gotten in her hair, the young mother couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘ bun? you realise it’s supposed to go on the paper, right? ’ the only response she was given was a toothy grin before pure concentration came over that little face as her tongue poked out and she focused on sticking a flower sequin to the corner of the card. ‘ hye!! mom -- !! hye is messing up the card! ’ their five year old whined in pure annoyance as he attempted to shove her arm away and peel the decoration off only for hana to scold him. ‘ yah!! this is both of yours to give your daddy ------- she needs to do some too. share, okay?! ’
a pouty jiho muttered something under his breath and hana couldn’t even be angry because he had gotten it from her. both kids had both negative and positive traits from each of their parents. but he soon got over it and like the good big brother he was, he was quick to help his little sister with trying to colour in the lines. the card consisted of all four of them as well as their dog, dal ( which was pretty much a floating cloud with four little sticks for legs ) but the meaning behind it was all that mattered. nothing was purer than a kids drawing and imagination.
as hye sprinkled a little more glitter onto a splodge of pva glue which she had placed rather messily with the little plastic spatula, hana could see jiho’s eyes twitching but he was soon distracted when he found some washi tape with little dinosaurs on. ‘ mommy, mommy! does daddy like dinosaurs?! ’ the young mother pursed her lips together, she never really spoke about them with jaehyun and he didn’t seem the type to be truly interested in that but at the same time, he surprised her on the daily. she leaned forward and brushed some of his curly locks out of his face, she was half tempted to get him a little hairband. ‘ who doesn’t like dinosaurs? the question is... what’s your favourite? ’ the little grin on her babies face when she asked him that was a picture as he thought about it for a moment, those huge doe like eyes ( reminiscent to his father’s ) full of concentration. ‘ i like the stegosaurus, it’s like godzilla! ’ hana’s eyes widened knowing that godzilla or any kaiju could be deemed as quite scary for children and how he knew about it. ‘ how do you know godzilla, bun? did somebody at school tell you? ’ but his words were quick and straight to the point as he started placing the washi tape down on the card. ‘ daddy showed me. ’
she was gonna kill him. godzilla used to terrify her when she was a child but then again, jiho had been exposed to a bit more than what she had been ( not by hana & jaehyun’s choice ) and he was a smart kid with a good head on his shoulders. he knew the difference between real life and fictional. and to be honest, he didn’t seem fazed in the slightest.
as they were finishing up, hana was just placing the cookies they had made and decorated earlier into the small little box they had bought before she placed it on the table and hyerim put the card on top. ‘ don’t we need an envelope? ’ jiho questioned before hana shook her head and pointed to the glue, ‘ it’s not gonna dry in time. i’m sure daddy will understand. go and get your shoes on and i’ll call yunho to pick us up. ’ it still felt a little surreal that her baby boy was all grown up and having full conversations with her. hyerim was getting there but she still had broken sentences & didn’t understand the full meaning of certain things. yet jiho knew so much and was quite an intellectual kid.
it didn’t take long for yunho to arrive in the car that they usually used if they were picking the kids up. hana had told him not to tell jaehyun that they were on their way, which made it a little hard when he was taking that specific vehicle but the boss was in his office buried under tons of paperwork from jobs that needed to be done. issues that had arisen with other gangs so he doubted that he even noticed anyway. as she strapped hyerim into her carseat, jiho was quick to do his own and buckle himself in before hana jumped into the front of the car and smiled towards yunho. ‘ thank you for doing this! i was gonna get a cab but hye’s been a little temperamental as of late so didn’t wanna risk it. were you busy? ’ the male only chuckled before shaking his head, ‘ you’re my bosses wife... one of my jobs is to make sure you’re safe and okay. i would’ve been here even if i was swamped in work. ‘ amusement laced his tone before he started driving towards the warehouse, ‘ things have been pretty quiet today but jae’s preparing a pretty big job... ’ hana groaned at the sound of that but yunho kept going, ‘ ------- that he’s not going on himself so no need to worry. we need him back at base so he’ll be with me while i ha --------- ’ there were a lot of forbidden words when the kids were around so at hana’s side eye, he quickly changed ( hacking ) into, ‘ -- play on the computer. ’
he helped get hyerim out of the carseat as they parked up outside and hana waved to a couple of the men who were out having cigarette’s. they had long since gotten rid of all the bad apples and all of the men who worked there now absolutely adored the kids and had the utmost respect for their bosses wife. it was a much better atmosphere than when she had first started dating jaehyun. even the ones who had had their doubts seeing as she was minhwan’s sister knew that there was no way she was a spy now, especially with everything they had been through over the years. when their little girl was quick to notice cheol in amidst the men smoking, she waddled over to them ( still a tiny bit unstable on her little legs ) before crying out ‘ uncy tol !! ‘ the male was quick to throw the cigarette on the ground and stamp it out before swooping her up and out of the way so she couldn’t even be near any of the smoke clouds. ‘ hi trouble! what are you doing here? ’ he rested her on his hip and poked her nose with his index finger earning a giggle as those huge eyes reminiscent of hana’s stared at him, her bangs slightly falling over them. ‘ we made daddy a card! ’ she stated excitedly as the male strided over to yunho, hana & jiho, who was busy rummaging through his bag for a snack. like mother, like son.
he ruffled the little boys hair and then proceeded to do the same to hana who scrunched up her nose and grumbled playfully which only had him grinning that pearly white smile & his eyes forming into crescents in pure amusement. he always treated her like a little sister, minhwan had missed out on caring for her on multiple occasions so seungcheol decided to take over that role. ‘ his highness is in the office. ’ he spoke sarcastically but there was still humour lacing his tone as he gently placed hyerim back onto the concrete ground and followed them into the warehouse.
it was rare for them to bring the kids here, usually they wouldn’t but jiho had been moping all morning that they wouldn’t be able to spend father’s day with jaehyun so hana thought it would be a nice surprise for both of them. hyerim was too young to fully comprehend, so she was merely just there for the ride. most of the men weren’t that bothered and only spoke a few greetings from whatever they were doing. some of them playfully held out a high five to jiho or ruffled hyerim’s hair and hana knew that they were the safest children in the entirety of south korea having these men watching over them constantly. as cheol and yunho headed over to one of the tattered sofa’s in the corner of the warehouse where the kitchen utilities were, hana led the kids into their father’s office clearly making him jump up in the process. nobody ever just wandered in without knocking aside from them.
the young woman was very quick to notice the stress upon his features the second they walked in but the pure delight and happiness it turned into when their babies attacked him from either side, jiho sprinting around his right side of the desk and hyerim ( a little slower but picking up the pace ) waddling to his left side as they oh so graciously climbed onto his lap not caring what chaos ensued -------- ie his ( luckily ) empty coffee mug crashing to the carpet below. hana had definitely matured a lot since having the children so she merely headed to the sofa which she used to play games on all the time when they were simply dating & watched the whole thing unfold with an amused smile on her face. never a dull moment with those two.
‘ daddy!! ’ they both cried in unison, hyerim more so in her father’s face as he quickly moved the wireless keyboard away and sat her on the desk so he could see her properly and then propped jiho on his lap. the little boy was quick to pretty much shove the card in jaehyun’s face while hyerim was more interested in getting the cookies they had baked for him out of the box so she could in turn have one as well. okay, so maybe it was like mother, like daughter also. ‘ happy father’s day! we made you this! we wanted to come and see you!! ’ jiho spoke barely even taking a breath before reaching for the box from his baby sister and taking it gently so he could hand it to jaehyun’s free hand that wasn’t holding his back to keep him stable on his lap. ‘ we baked you cookies as well! i wanted to make them blue and green but hye insisted on pink... ’ he scrunched up his nose and glared at the culprit who gave her father a toothy grin and giggled, ‘ pink!! ’
jaehyun couldn’t help but laugh as he ran a hand through the loose locks which had fallen from his ponytail and read the card. jiho had actually written the message but he could tell hyerim had left her own imprint with all the sparkles and the stick fairies. if anything could make him soft, it was these two. ‘ thank you, buns... ’ he said as he ruffled jiho’s hair and scrunched his nose up towards hyerim who giggled and leaned forward, her little chunky hands pressing against his cheeks as he shook his head ever so slightly and puckered his lips. hana watched the entire scene unfold before her and she felt tears well up in her eyes. she couldn’t believe how lucky she was. keeping quiet as to not ruin the moment, she merely stayed put. ‘ what’s in there? ’ jaehyun asked before his son was quick to open the box and state the obvious. ‘ these are the cookies! you gotta try one, daddy! ’ yet a squeak from a certain little lady had the man of the house almost tipping his head back in laughter. ‘ ladies first, hm? ’ he chuckled as tiny fingers reached into the tupperware and a shrill giggle of excitement emanated mid bite while crumbs went pretty much everywhere. and as much as jiho was older and much more patient and understanding, jaehyun could see the pure hunger in his eyes as he watched his little sister tuck into the sweet treat. offering him the tub, the young boy grinned happily taking one of the cookies and eating it a little less messily. 
the young father placed the tub on the desk next to hyerim before taking one and having a bite himself humming in delight since he had yet to eat lunch due to how busy they had been. a few cigarettes technically counted, right? but he certainly wouldn’t tell his wife that. ‘ how long have you guys been doing this? ’ he gestured towards the card and the cookies to which jiho replied, ‘ all morning! i had to wake hye up but she was being grumpy even after her milk... ’ another shot fired but it seemed to go right over the little girls head as she grinned towards her dad as though she had been an angel. 
‘ is this true, bun? have you been grumpy? ’ he couldn’t even say it with a straight face as she shook her head, her long bob swaying with her over exaggerated movements. ‘ i’m good girl, ’ which was said with a mouth full of biscuit only for jiho to glare at her. ‘ nuh uh, you wouldn’t even drink from the bottle. ’ if the two were ever arrested for any kind of crime, it was clear that he would rat out his sister any day. ‘ you kept crying for mommy! ’ but hyerim was having none of it and hana was staying far away from the little domestic their children were having as she played some random game on her phone but the smirk on her features suggested that she was enjoying their hilarious little conversation thoroughly. ‘ didn’t! ’ hyerim yelped but she was too happy to see her father so there was no chance of getting grumpy now. yet as jaehyun looked at her again with a raised eyebrow, he chuckled. ‘ bun... did you have mommy’s milk this morning? or were you a good girl and had the bottle? ’ they had been trying to ween her off for weeks now onto formula but what hyerim wanted, hyerim got. she held out her arms clearly feeling like jiho was getting all of the attention as jaehyun pulled her onto his lap just as jiho wriggled off to go and sit with hana ( in other words, steal her phone so he could play the game instead ). he reached for the phone and continued the level his mother was doing making her look back over to the father and daughter just as the little one said she was a ‘ good girl, ’ once more.
jaehyun could tell from the look on his wife’s face, the grin on hyerim’s and the pure level of frustration in jiho’s tone that she was indeed lying as he chuckled and tickled her earning a shrill shriek as she wiggled on his lap, pure giggles escaping her. ‘ i think somebodies telling me fibs. ’ he swooped her up and held her up high for a second before resting her on his hip and striding over to the rest of his little family on the sofa. ‘ and what has mommy got to say about all of this? ’ he spoke in amusement as he raised an eyebrow and looked down at her before long legs squatted down in front of the young woman. hyerim looked at her mom and then back to her dad with a cheeky grin. ‘ that i’m good girl... ’ jaehyun snorted as hana leaned in and brushed some hair out of their babies eyes. ‘ not this morning. you take after your father. ’ a knowing look was sent her husbands way before he grinned cheekily. ‘ hey, i drink from the bottle sometimes... ’ at what he was insinuating had hana almost choke on her own saliva as her eyes widened and she gave him a stern expression. it completely went over the kids heads thankfully, so no awkward questions asked but much to her dismay, he was trying his luck. ‘ do i get another cookie later if i don’t get the milk? ’ she glared at him but was trying not to laugh even though her face went beet red. ‘ stop it. ’ she spoke through gritted teeth but there was a hint of a smile.
with that he leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss against hana’s head before standing up to his full height and swooping jiho under his other arm with ease ( it helped being extremely strong and the leader of a powerful gang ) before heading towards the door. the kids giggling at their father’s antics and hana’s phone ( luckily ) dropped onto the sofa. he opened the door with a bit of a struggle before shouting for cheol and explaining for him to shut his computer down and lock up behind him... he was the only person he trusted with such things before heading out of the warehouse. a couple of men asked their boss where he was headed but he simply replied with ‘ home. ’ & he didn’t need anymore reasoning than that.
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jaehanaworldmap · 3 years
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( jiho showing mommy his first steps while she’s busy working but daddy couldn’t wait to call & show his improvement )
♡    hey, is everything oka -----  ♡    oh my gosh, hi baby! what are you doing up?! ♕   we’ve been practicing walking, right bun? ♕   you’re not really busy, are you? ♡    i’m on a break right now ♕   is that mommy..? ♡    hi bunny!! come to the phone... ♕   come on, just like we practiced ♡    oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! jae, he’s taking a step !! ♕   look bun, mommy’s right there...  ( jiho whines a little before giggling )  ♡    aren’t you gonna show me your talents? ♡    or are you only gonna show daddy? ♕   i think you’ve prompted him... ♡    look at you go!! keep going, bunny! ♡    i'll be home soon enough ♕   do you want me to keep him up for a bit? ♕   he still needs his feed ♡    yes! i’m just finishing this end tournament ♕   maybe we can practice a little when you’re home? ♡    oh, they’re letting me leave!! ♡    be home in 20! kiss kiss !!
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jaehanaworldmap · 3 years
world map
♡ headcanons ♡ hana ♡ jaehyun ♡ socials         ↳ ( snapchat )         ↳ ( instagram )         ↳ ( twitter )         ↳ ( facetime )         ↳ ( youtube ) ♡ musings ♡ manips
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jaehanaworldmap · 3 years
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( jaehyun bored at work missing his fam so he calls for a morning chat )
♡    hard at work, i see ♡    oh my god, i’m blind... lemme move ♕   wish i could see the sun from my office ♡    you should come and wake your son up ♕   he’s still in bed?! ♡    yea -------- oh, i hear movement... ♕   i may take the afternoon off & leave it to cheol ♡    that would be nice... your hair needs a brush ♕   tell me about it. just gonna finish up. ♡    i’ll start on some lunch... oh hi little man ♕   has he finally got out of bed? ♡    yes and he looks like he’s slept in his hair ♡    it’s as messy as yours!!  ♕   put him on the phone... ♡    bun !! come say good morning to daddy
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jaehanaworldmap · 3 years
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( hana calling jaehyun while he’s at work to be a lil shit as per usual )
♕    you okay, babe? ♡     yeah, just missing you ♕    i’m finishing up soon, just got a route to map out... ♡     it’s lonely here without you... ♕    i could have this done a lot faster if you didn’t call ♡     ‘cause i’m all alone... there’s no one here beside me ♪ ♕    did you just quote shrek? ♡     ... ♕    ...? ♡     love you! hurry up!!!! byyyyyeeeeeee, mwah!
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jaehanaworldmap · 3 years
⌞   ♡     (     their story.     )       h&j. ⌞   ♡     (     musing.     )       h&j. ⌞   ♡     (     headcanons.     )       h&j. ⌞   ♡     (     au.     )       h&j. ⌞   ♡     (     hana visage.     )       h&j. ⌞   ♡     (     jaehyun visage.     )       h&j. ⌞   ♡     (     manips.     )       h&j. ⌞   ♡     (     socials.     )       h&j.
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