hey guys, i’m sorry i haven’t been active in like a month 💀
idk what to write honestly so if you guys have any ideas on mind please lmk and i’ll work on them!!
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Enhypen reaction to you sleeping on the couch
PAIRING: enha x reader
GENRE: fluff
hmm with this man idkkk i’m getting mixed feelings tbh
like he would be worried but he’d also find it funny/amusing
if he was worried he’d be all like: 😦😦
worried about your well-being and approach you gently to ensure you're okay. he MIGHT check your breathing, cover you with a blanket, or wake you up if he think it's needed and all.
buttt if he found it funny/amusing he’d: 🤪🤪
find it cute or funny that you fell asleep on the couch, might take a lighthearted approach. he would take pictures, gently tease you, or share the moment with his members to make fun of you LMAOOOO
Jay would be like hee but more like worried instead of finding it amusing.
Jay is literally showing genuine concern for your well being
he would approach you gently and look at your state to make sure there isn't any serious issue causing you to fall asleep on the couch unexpectedly.
he will want to ensure that you're comfortable, not in any physical or emotional distress, and that there isn't anything he can do to help.
he’s so sweet omg wife him up frfr
make sure to give him lots of hugs and kisses when you wake up ❤️😭👍
his reaction might be lighthearted and playful honestly bc it’s jake 😛
he will most definitely tease you in a friendly manner or make a ‘funny’ comment about the situation
"haha, look who decided to take a nap on the couch! you must have been really tired! did you forget we have beds for that? next time, I'll make sure to bring you a cozy pillow and a 'Do Not Disturb' sign!" he would say whispering while almost pissing himself 😭
he WILL use playful sarcasm or exaggeration to make light of the situation
he will be sleeping on the couch next fr omg
since sunghoon is a chill person, his reaction to you falling asleep on the couch might be relaxed and nonchalant
walks by and notices you sleeping "ah, you found a cozy spot on the couch. enjoy your nap, babe.” and kisses the top of your head
hoon acknowledges your presence and your choice to sleep on the couch but doesn't make a big deal out of it.
hoon will assume that you needed rest and respects your decision to relax in that manner.
for sunoo, i kinda see him being the same as jay tbh
his reaction would be one of genuine concern
he might want to make sure you're okay and address any potential issues that are causing you to fall asleep on the couch
sunoo is expressing his worry and care for your well being. he wants to understand why you fell asleep on the couch instead of your usual sleeping area and if there might be any underlying reasons or issues
he offers his assistance if you needed, indicating that he's willing to provide support or help alleviate any concerns you could have.
his reaction might combine a mix of concern and lightheartedness
he acknowledges your choice to sleep on the couch but expresses a mild concern about your well being yk?
his amusement is evident in his playful comment about finding the comfiest spot
however, he also emphasizes that he wants to ensure your comfort and offers his assistance if you prefer a different sleeping arrangement
jungwon's reaction combines a teasing tone with genuine care, striking a balance between amusement and concern for your welfare.
his reaction would likely be one of amusement and humor bc he find everything funny 😭
he will most DEFINITELY tease you and make playful remarks about the situation.
Laughs heartily "Oh my gosh, look at you! The couch claimed another victim! You must have been so exhausted that you couldn't even make it to your bed! Don't worry, I took a hilarious picture for future blackmail material!" he would whisper
he is clearly finding immense amusement in your unexpected choice of the couch as a sleeping spot 🙄
his intention is to bring lightheartedness and laughter to the situation without any harm or offense
here is another reaction for y’all! i didn’t think you guys would eat up my last reaction so i decided to make another. love y’all and stay safe!! ❤️❤️
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Wish Came True // Sim Jake
PAIRING: jake x reader
GENRE: fluff
It was a beautiful sunny day, and you and Jake decided to take a stroll through a nearby park. Holding hands, you walked along the winding paths, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping. As you explored, Jake's playful side came out, and he couldn't resist plucking a dandelion from the ground. He turned to you with a mischievous smile and held it up. "Make a wish," he said, his eyes twinkling.
You laughed, taking the dandelion from his hand. Closing your eyes, you made a silent wish in your heart before blowing on the fluffy white tuft. The wind carried away the seeds, and you watched them dance in the air. When you opened your eyes, you saw Jake looking at you with an expression filled with adoration. "I hope your wish comes true," he said softly, his voice full of sincerity.
You smiled, feeling a rush of warmth in your chest. "Thank you, Jake. I believe it will, especially with you by my side." He gently pulled you into a warm embrace, resting his chin on top of your head. "I'm here for you, always. Your happiness means the world to me."
As you continued your walk, Jake couldn't resist stealing a few playful kisses, planting them on your cheek, nose, and forehead. Each one was accompanied by a soft declaration of love, making your heart flutter. The park was filled with families, couples, and friends enjoying the day, but in that moment, it felt like you and Jake were in your own little world. Time seemed to slow down as you shared laughter, secrets, and dreams.
Eventually, you found yourselves sitting on a bench overlooking a tranquil pond. Jake draped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer. You rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "This is perfect," Jake murmured, his voice filled with contentment. "Being here with you, it feels like everything is right in the world."
You looked up at him, your eyes sparkling with affection. "I couldn't agree more, Jake. I'm so grateful to have you in my life." He leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to your lips, the love between you two palpable in that simple gesture. As you melted into the sweetness of the moment, you knew that with Jake, every day would be filled with love, warmth, and endless fluffiness.
Your wish had come true.
And so, you continued to enjoy the day, basking in each other's presence and creating countless cherished memories together
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Little Treat // Jay Park
PAIRING: Jay x reader
GENRE: Fluff
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and Jay found himself with some free time in the dorm. The other members were out running errands, leaving him alone in the peaceful atmosphere. He decided to take advantage of the solitude and relax for a while. Jay settled himself comfortably on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table. He had his favorite blanket draped over his legs, the soft fabric providing a comforting warmth. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and enjoying the tranquility around him.
Just as he was about to drift off into a light doze, he heard a faint rustling sound. His eyes fluttered open to see you tiptoeing into the living room with a mischievous smile playing on your lips. You held a tray in your hands, and on it were his favorite snacks—colorful macarons and a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Jay's eyes lit up with delight as he watched you approach. "What's all this?" he asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.
You set the tray down on the coffee table and sat beside him, scooting closer until your sides were touching. "I thought you might enjoy a little treat," you replied, your voice gentle and warm. His heart swelled with affection at your sweet gesture. He reached for a macaron and took a bite, savoring the burst of flavors that danced on his tongue. The soft and delicate texture contrasted with the rich taste of the hot chocolate, creating a perfect balance.
As Jay continued to enjoy the delicious treats, you rested your head on his shoulder, intertwining your fingers with his. The two of you sat there in contented silence, relishing each other's company and the simple pleasures of the moment. Every so often, Jay would steal a glance at you, his smile growing wider with each passing second. He couldn't help but feel grateful for having you in his life—someone who understood his need for quiet moments, someone who knew how to make him feel cherished without saying a word.
The afternoon sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. Jay leaned his head against yours, feeling a sense of serenity wash over him. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the love and tranquility that surrounded the two of you. And as the day melted away, Jay realized that sometimes, the most precious moments were the ones spent in silence, sharing a small act of kindness with the person who meant the world to him—moments like these that would forever be etched in his heart.
hey guys! thank you all so much for the love and support i’ve been getting. i just started this account yesterday and i’m having people liking and reblogging my stuff already! i made these in school so they may be a bit sloppy but enjoy! stay safe. love y’all! ❤️❤️
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I just wanna say that I love you || Yang Jungwon
PAIRING: jungwon x reader
GENRE: fluff
You and Jungwon are sitting on the couch, cuddled up together under a cozy blanket. The TV is on, but you're both more focused on each other than the show.
As you rest your head on his chest, you feel his heart beating steadily beneath your ear. You close your eyes, savoring the feeling of being close to him.
"Hey," he whispers, his breath warm on the top of your head. You look up at him, smiling softly. "Hey there," you reply. He leans in to place a gentle kiss on your forehead, and you feel a warmth spreading through your body. "I just wanna say that I love you," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. Your heart skips a beat at his words. "I love you too," you reply, reaching up to cup his cheek with your hand. He turns his head to press a soft kiss to your palm, and you feel your heart swell with affection for him. You've never felt this way about anyone before, and you know that you never want to let him go.
As the evening wears on, you both stay wrapped up in each other's arms, talking about your hopes and dreams for the future. You feel a sense of comfort and security with him that you've never experienced before, as if he's the missing piece of the puzzle that completes you. As the night wears on, you both eventually fall asleep, still cuddled up together on the couch. And as you drift off, feeling safe and loved, you know that you'll always cherish the moments you spend together with Jungwon, knowing that you've found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
im always gunna add pictures to the end of these lmaoooo 😭 stay safe. love you! ❤️❤️
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enhypen reaction to you calling them by their first name
“Heeseung what are your plans for today?”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” he would ask with this face 😦
dawg was literally eating his cereal when you asked him this and just stared at you eating his cereal slowly
“Heeseung, I asked you what your plans were for today” you said rolling your eyes bc he wasn’t answering you 🥱
He then gets up out of his chair and walks over to you. he puts his arms on your shoulder and says “Please, enlighten me on what you said again”
your literally malfunctioning like a robot that just got water poured on it.
“Uhm no man”
“ugh ew don’t EVER call me man”
“Well then what do I call you, Heeseung?”
“I don’t know maybe like, Heedeungie or Bambi?”
his eyes would be sparkling sm i swear 🥹
unfortunately you would give in and call him ‘heedeungie’ and ‘bambi’
“What no i’m- i dont- ugh fine. ONLY because your my boyfriend and i love you <3”
he starts jumping up and down like a little child when he finally wins.
You’ve always really liked Jay’s perfume collection. He had some sprays that he’d let you borrow but you wanted some for your own.
“Hey Jeongseong, where do you get all these perfumes from?”
mans socks almost flew off his feet when you said his first name. 😇
“I’m sorry who the hell is Jeongseong?” he asked as if you didn’t know what had just came out of your mouth.
you, being a watery 🤡 just replied with, “Uhm who is the only man here with the name Jeongseong?”
blud looked at you so offended 😭
when you stood up from the couch dawg tackled you back on the couch and cuddled with you.
“I’ll get them for you-“
“Omg yay thank you so much!” you cut him off but he continues
“-Only if you don’t call me Jeongseong anymore.” he said looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Okay okay deal!”
man smiles at his success 😃
since winter was coming up, you still had your summer stuff out and really needed help putting it all away. Jake was doing nothing besides playing a game on his phone (let’s say rhythm hive 😍) so you decided ask him for help.
“Hey Jaeyun, would you mind helping me out by putting the summer shit in the shed? 😃”
“Uhm you good Jaeyun?”
doesn’t make a big deal about it and decides to play along yk?
“Sure thing, Y/N. I’ll help you!” jake replied smiling from ear to ear.
You just stand there. You didn’t actually think that Jake would be so chill about it
“What? What’s wrong Y/N”
“Ugh baby your ruined it!” you said playfully while running into the backyard.
“HAHAHA I SAUR GOT YOU GOOD.” Jake laughs and runs into the yard with you.
“You SAUR didnt 🥱🙄” you said mocking jake.
blud is used to you doing this at this point. don’t even respond to you
“Hey Sunghoon what ya doing?” You ask.
“Oh nothing just watching TV.” He said as if it wasn’t obvious enough.
“Oh. Well Sunghoon I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me”
“Sure, I’ll pick the movie.” He said getting up
you were very confused on why he wasn’t reacting like you thought he would’ve. you honestly thought he would’ve been somewhat upset about it but he seems to not be bothered.
“Sunghoon can it be a action move please 🙏?” you asked. you called him sunghoon to see if it would tick him off but he didn’t budge.
“Hey! Why aren’t you reacting when I call you by your first name?” You ask upset
Sunghoon just slowly turns around and looks at you 😛
“Because, you do this to me all the time babe.”
you literally feel so embarrassed and now wanna dig your own grave.
Poor baby was so confused. he literally didn’t know what to do after what came out of your mouth.
“Hi Sunoo! Isn’t it such a pretty day out. Wanna go for a walk with me?”
babes just stood their with his mouth like 😦
looks around the room and then point to himself.
“Me?” he asked with his mouth still agape
“Yes you Sunoo! Who else is named Sunoo in this house?” you replied back
“No one..” he replied back softly.
“Do you wanna go for a walk with me Sunoo?”
“Only if you don’t call me Sunoo anymore. I like being call bub, baby, and ddeonu”
he was pouting and WHFILE he is saur cute.
sunoo rn:
“Okay bub i’m sorry. I wont do it again.” You said smiling and hugging him.
happy sunoo = happy life
you and jungwon decided to do some ‘spring cleaning’ in your bedroom. yalls were cleaning underneath his bed when you found a skateboard
you always wanted to learn how to skate but never did because your older brothers were just asses 🙄
“Jungwonnnnn, ouuuu can you please teach me how to skate? please please pleaseeee?”
shy creature istg
“What? OH skating yeah mhm I could teach you!"
you literally spent the rest of the day learning and let's say you have scratches all over each your legs and hands..
He made it his job to place a a huge ass bandaid on each one and place a tiny kisthy on each one which eventually annoyed you.
MY HEART ❤️❤️❤️
you saw this trend on tiktok where people are making cakes of pictures of people but end up looking like it just fell 30ft in the air. you really wanted to do this with niki because 1. you were bored and 2. because you just love spending with with him.
you heard him coming towards the kitchen so you call him over
“Riki i wanna make something with you come here now please!”
he does that thing where he slowly turns his neck and pops his eyeballs out. (KSJDNDJISKOWOA IHOPE YALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT)
"What did you call me?" he says with a psychotic look while smiling in the hallway.
he runs from the hallway, picks you up, and runs over to the living room to plop down on you.
acts innocent while your suffering
"So what did you wanna ask me? 😇😇😇 he says with his legs kicking back and forth while your under him
“I wanted to make a cake with you” you say out of breath.
“Oh yay! I love cake!” He says running back to the kitchen leaving you on the couch.
HAJOAPALA I CANT BELIEVE I FINALLY HAD THE NUTS TO POST 😭 yalls this is my first post so at least give me some credit for trying here ☹️ anyways, love yall. stay safe!! ❤️❤️❤️
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