jaepil6 · 6 years
You wear your broken pieces beautifully
You are not damaged
Every thing they told you you couldn’t possibly make
You insist you’re made Of broken pieces
But you wear them beautifully
You make every flaw into a crown
And you make a kingdom of poetry
From every broken bit of you
You create something magnificent
Something radiant in beauty
You took everything the world shattered
So they decide it was their job to break.
But you took the pieces
Of their disapproval
You took every riot in your mind
Every protest
And you said proudly
“I’m going to make this mine.”
In a world of greedy politicians,
And blind men telling us to see,
You wear your broken pieces beautifully
You never needed them to show you how to build a society
Because theirs is too “perfect” to work
They eliminate their mistakes,
Well it’s time for us to take
A stand against their bigoted utopia
You built a kingdom
Where love spreads like wildfire
In our own world
We built our own empires
From our broken pieces
That society tried to take away from us,
But they forgot
That even broken glass
Can make mosaics.
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jaepil6 · 6 years
It’s cold
And dark
And drowning alone
I fight
I swim
To change the depressing tone
Sometimes life is a lake
Sometimes we float
Sometimes we drown
But each time we come back around
I found myself in a lake
And when it seemed most bleak
When I was chained to the ground with no way to swim
The tide came in and I was swept away
To better days
The harsh water
The gentle waves
Each ripple reflects better days,
And although life may take you under
It’ll never let you forget how to breathe
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jaepil6 · 6 years
The outdoors at night
The outdoors at night
Where dreamers take flight
Where the grass grows longer and stars shine bright
The outdoors at night
Is where the rebels go to sing there songs
And where the outcasts belong
Where the music comes from the water in the creek
And the lovers find their perfect meet
The sky glows blue softly
And the moon lights a beacon
For everyone crushing disappointment
Every “failure”
Every “I raised you better.”
The outdoors at night is the safe haven
For every kid who couldn’t
But knows damn well they can.
The outdoors at night
Is the party for the sleep through the days,
For the bigger-than-life ideas,
The day dreamers,
The poets and the singers,
The dancers and the jocks,
The outdoors at night is the new empire
The next generation
The picture of success
All gathered under trees
And neon signs gone out too soon,
For empty railroads or passing trains
Miles of fields
Anything but plain,
Distorted reality- broken time
To make up for how life is unkind,
Under the protection
Of the outdoors at night
Is where every oppressed heart
Finally takes flight
@charmingsides - prompt)
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jaepil6 · 6 years
Education down stream.
Albert Einstein once said
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish
By its ability to climb a tree
It will spend its whole life believing it’s stupid”
And I’m sorry but it sounds to me
That our school system has become a tree
And it rewards the lack of individuality
So our education flows downstream.
We are taught
How to obey
Say yes and okay
To look the other way
When injustice plagues our schools
Like the way they crush creativity
Kill individuality
And feed conformity
I’m sorry but I’m not made to climb trees-
I know because I gained bruises and scars
from trying to force myself into something that’s not me.
We use a cut and paste format
And teach like we’re training
A generation of clones
And expect them to reach fame
We are beaten into being alike
Beaten down until they beat out the fight:
The fire in our eyes-
They think they can blow it out
Calm it, tame it down,
I don’t know about you but I’m tired of being treated like a candle
I am a wildfire
And you are too
You see, the thing is
They’re scared of us
Because we know how brightly we can burn
And that we don’t want to learn
How to nod ourselves into complacency
I want to learn how to add fuel to this fire
I want to learn how to swim downstream
Where their common core module, copy and paste guildelines don’t reach.
I want to bring the flame from my eyes and onto my tongue
So every word is a riot and
Rapid fire revolution
Our education system doesn’t work
We need to start putting our selves first
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jaepil6 · 6 years
I don’t believe in trust issues
I don’t believe
The broken trust
And flinching souls
Is a reflection of an issue
That being hurt and guarding yourself
Becomes a setback,
You see broken trust tends to attack
Because you can forgive and forget
But it lingers around
Like a stray dog
It keeps you nailed to the ground
I don’t believe in trust issues,
I believe in loyalty issues,
I believe in fidelity issues,
I believe these issues can cause more pain than gain
It causes wounds you can’t see
Things you feel
But can never heal,
So I don’t believe in trust issues
I believe in people issues,
When people can’t be upfront,
Can’t be honest,
Can’t be real,
So when you describe me don’t tell me I have trust issues,
Ask me where my fear of trusting others came from
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jaepil6 · 6 years
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jaepil6 · 6 years
A walk in the woods.
I want to run, far away into the night
Leave the world behind,
The phone on my bed,
Take my jackets and my backpack and run
To the railroad tracks
Wait for the train and never come back
I want to leave everything behind
Let it fall to the dust like Pompeii
Leave behind every catcall and slur
Every moment of not-belonging
Where I am Outcast
I want to take my poetry and build a road
A road to a better place
Where our dreams can be realities
And we’re not fish spending our entire lives trying to climb a tree
I want to run into the night
And take flight to a world better than this.
But I can’t do that,
So I took flight to the woods
And I let the rain come down
As I ran past the trees
Below the storm clouds
As my converse hit the mud
And my tears hit the floor
I realized this isn’t what I want anymore
I want to be strong
And face my problems head on
Who cares if I don’t belong?
If life’s made of music
Then I’ll make this a verse in my song.
As each branch hung low
And the leaves drip water
I wonder if my dad is proud of his daughter.
As the birds sing sweetly
And the hum of the bugs
It’s like I’m calmed by nature,
Taken in her beauty like a hug
And I walk back to the roads
That I ran from before
Because a scared little girl
Isn’t me anymore.
(Inspired by a prompt I took creative liberty with- ahh-)
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jaepil6 · 6 years
If you were at Walmart on June 21st and complimented me on my green hair and said I passed really well
Please message me!!!! You were really cute and I didn’t have the balls to say so, and I was stressed out over a failed shopping trip. You are very sweet :)
Please reblog this!!!!!!!! I live in South Carolina and it was in the electronics section of walmart haha
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jaepil6 · 6 years
This popped up as an ad on my instagram feed, and I’m so glad it did
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jaepil6 · 6 years
Dear you who’s reading this : I just wanna remind you that you’re strong and there’s a reason behind your existence. So hold on.
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jaepil6 · 6 years
You may be going through a lot now and think like “ no one is here “ or “ no one cares “ believe me even tho I don’t know you but I just wanna tell you that I’m here for you whenever you needed me and I care about you. A lot . So please hold on
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jaepil6 · 6 years
Everything is gonna be alright soon.
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jaepil6 · 6 years
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