jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 1 year
The Stealer
SF9 – Knights of the Rising Sun/ Project OF9
Youngbin – Clemence
Inseong – Terry
Jaeyoon – Ethan
Dawon – Samuel
Zuho - Leo
Rowoon – Marcelino
Yoo Taeyang – Raphael
Hwiyoung – Logan
Chani – Michael
Seunghyub – Jae don
Hun – Zenoa
Jaehyun – Jay
Hweseung –
Dongsung –
YoungKwan - Young
Vixx – the Guardian of the Shadows
Cha Hakyeon – N
Jung TaekWoon - Leon
Lee Jaehwan – Ken
Kim Wonshik – Ravi
Lee Hongbin - 
Han Sanghyuk - Hyuk
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 1 year
"Wake up." The words were soft and gentle, but urgent. That voice. It was deep yet gentle. She knew that voice opening her eyes a man's silhouette was standing in front of her, "Jana-ah" blinking a couple of times as her sight is in haze, trying to remember where she is and who’s that person’s voice belonged to, open her eyes then the tall handsome man who was looking down at her, “Li Jae Don'' he called out which caught the tall handsome guy off guard, “Li Jae Don?” he repeated, as she sat on the bed rubbing her eyes, “..onnie..” she called out, “Donnie'' she corrected herself, stretching, “get up or else we’ll be late” he told her then left her to prepare their breakfast, quickly she got up from her bed and stretch away along she got her bath towel and uniform and into her bathroom, “Young-ah! Jana-ah! Come on and let’s eat!” He called his siblings over for breakfast, and a tall handsome and fit man came out topless as the little sister came downstairs from the second floor, “Jae Don-ah, so what’s the plan for Jana’s new semester?” he asked his younger twin brother, “plan?” he asked back as he placed the toasted bread on the table, the little sister sat as the older brothers sat as well, “I mean will you tell them about Jana being our younger sister? you do have hardcore fans…” Young explained to his twin brother,
“Ah, no!” he replied as he looked at his little sister,
“No?” Young looked at him then to their little sister who sat beside her, “why?” he asked, curious.
“Well, as per our majesty, she wanted to know how popular I am….” he replied as he starts eating,
Young looked at their youngest, “you sure?” he asked her, “you know fangirls can be very scary!” he warned her,
“Yeah! I wanted to see for myself, and I have other reasons…” she replied as she takes a bit of her toasted bread,
“What other reason?” Jae Don asked,
“How boys will react when they find out my brother is Li Jae Don, I mean boys are scared of you, especially your aloof personality…” she explained.
Jae Don sarcastic laugh it off but he knew for himself how intimidating he can be,
“Agreed, you’re somehow look mean do you know that?” Young commented, “hahaha! Said someone who looks exactly like me…” he snarl back,
the three siblings finished off their breakfast and went away with their school, and as expected two of them coming to school is a new sight, both boys and girls were curious as who is the new girl with one of their school’s prince, it been a week already since she was part of this school yet people are still curious about her real identity
in the classroom the student were discussing and even coming up with the weirdest theory and as they were discussing it a footstep was running down the hall to immediately share fresh news, "the newcomer's here!!!!!" A boy with his buttons down and showing his inner shirt, announced as he catches his breath, with that the next person who came in was their homeroom teacher who left the classroom door in front open, "ok class, kindly take your sits" she directly on a stern voice, "Good morning, Jana-ssi, hope you leg are getting better?” she asked her as she continue to walk towards her sit by the corner of the room beside the windows.
At first few day’s people gave her a few intriguing looks and asked random questions, she answered some but stayed quiet and didn't mind any of them which kind of ticked some of the bullies who later started to bother her more and more for their entertainment purposes. More rumors started as everyone thought the reason for the initial warning fro there home room teacher not to bother was, that she was a new teacher’s pet, but most of the boys especially in her class thought she was a prize for a new competition because she doesn't look just like your typical ideal normal girl, she had beauty on her and a weird aura of intimidating for some as she was very quiet. Days passed most of the boys means business, and she became their new play toy which dragged some attention, some girls started to bully her more, but she stayed quiet and distant, she gets along with most people here but still kept quiet and distant most of the time but some of the students especially the school's popular handsome group of boys, Sensational Feeling 9 or SF9 what the girls call them were close with her yet they kept a safe distance to observe her as something really intrigues them about her that looks like she is somewhat special.
As days, weeks, and months passed by, her cast had been removed and at the same time, some boys started to lose interest in her which equivalent to more bullies, girls are already bullying her, and more and more are becoming an addition to the group and as days past by their jokes and pranks became meaner than it was before, some of the boys from SF9 wanted to step in but just looking at her from afar she seems to handle it very well so they stopped themselves but then again until when? Especially when the bullies had poured milk and had thrown away her meals, yet she chose to keep quiet and ignore, "what the heck is she doing?" Ethan asked out loud, frustrated. His blood started to boil and most of his brothers had stopped him dozens of times "just for a little longer..." they said at a different time,   
"Until when exactly? Until she's dead?" he called out, feeling irritated,  
"Ok, let's say we let you get involved right now, and then what?" leader asked him, he was about to answer back but then his third youngest replied to his question, "then we could be friends, is that so wrong Hyung?" He asked back, worried and concerned at the same time,  
"No! there's nothing wrong but remember, we aren't normal when we get worked up do you even think what will happen?" He argued back. Keeping his other brother remain silent as he was right, they are not normal, they are extraordinary, not from this time, but Ethan can't stop worrying for her and there was this worrisome feeling in his chest he can't easily let go, a feeling that something bad would happen to her, and he was indeed right, as the school ends, as SF9 are enjoying their own time hanging out on the rooftop where they can see everything.   
"Silent ones are the scariest people, do you know that?" suddenly said the second youngest calmly as he was looking from afar, they all looked at him with dumbfounded faces,   ��
"What the heck are you talking about?" the youngest asked, in his deep voice, feeling absurd, the second youngest then calmly pinpointed towards someone near the school's library building,   
They found her riding her bike off to school but before she even reach the gate, she went flying to the school ground, while her bike flew on the opposite direction, the bullies gathered to have their fun, laughing and enjoying the moment, both boys and girl gathered around her in circle, they took her stuff and completely trashed it, then started throwing random stuff like paint balloon, spoiled eggs, white and black feathers and other more stuff they could think off, she's injured, her knee's bleeding so as her forehead, then one of the girls had hit her from behind and another but this time she grabbed the thick stick and took off her which of course surprised everyone, the guy behind him had his bat with him and now tried her chance, he tried to hit her but she had blocked him, she started to fight back, she started doing her thing, martial arts, kicking everyone's assess which was one of the plot twist with her, the bullies together with SF9 were left flabbergast as well were impressed with her, but then again she needed help so they helped her out of that area, moving her to the clinic and of course the nurse had help them clean her would, she suggested them to bring her to the nearest hospital which they did then brought her home for safety.   
The next day in school, the school was in chaos. The bullies were expelled and the reason? Her! Who would know the threat of the teacher was a MUST be taken seriously, the rumored queen bee that had been going on since their 1st year who was no show until now in front of them all, the quiet girl had a large influence on the school’s board member for some reason had brought more stir than the most unique class, Class 2-D. Well, this class is one rollercoaster ride, there are a lot of different personalities, and some feared this class more than Class A, why? Simple, Class 2-D has the greatest number of the bullies’ ring leaders, a mix of talented athletes, brainiacs, and handsome tall hotties. 
"Mr. Ethan and Ms. Jana, after school kindly came to my office... is this understood?" their teacher called them as the bell rang, everyone stood up and went to the next class, PE. The girls and boys had changed separately, and everyone was so thrilled about today's class because today is a class relay, and the loser will be the cleaners for the week. The team was separated into mixed groups and for Ethan, it was great for being on the same team as him, meaning he can closely observe her without freaking her out, and here he thought she was being serious in winning at the last minute of the game as he notices she purposely lost the last shot but he was doubting himself as it was impossible and why would she do it but then again one of his brother who was on the same class as his, "did you see that?" His younger brother asked him with his lips pouting and looking at her then to his with an intense eye,  
"Huh?" Jana questioned, surprised.  
"She lost on purpose!" He proclaimed, feeling somehow irritated,  
"You also noticed?" he asked, looking at each other than in her direction,  
"Yes, it's too obvious for us... " He told his older brother, “She seems to be interesting..." He claimed as he turned to leave the area.  
After school Ethan and Jana both went to the teacher's office, the teacher had told them that starting today she would be the class representative with him, and informed us that our other class representative had dropped out from school due to personal circumstances which she displayed some disapprovement and told the teacher she wanted to have a normal school life but of course, she couldn't do anything but to accept in the end, we left after the small talk and had to ask what happened this afternoon she caught her off guard which he earned a glare from her for a short while then left ahead. In the classroom where she took our things she started talking, "how did you know?" She asked, wondering,  
"I-I just noticed..." Ethan told her, shuttering as he was caught off guard.  
"Let's just say I just needed to lose..." She replied as she started cleaning,    
"What do you mean?" I asked,  
She looked at him and told him with a smile, "I'll tell you when you are worth it" then left, he was coughing more off guard seeing her smiling, "that was the first smile she gave to anyone" he said out loud as he placed his backpack on his bag.  
>> End chapter <<
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 1 year
Wondering deep alone in an old used to be abandoned warehouse now lived by numerous scary dark auras lurking around knowing any minutes from now she will be a goner, she has no other family but she knows only one person who would be worried sick towards her so she’s sure he knew, her best friend turned boyfriend, before she proceeds in risking her life with a gun with her she hides on a dark alleyway, made sure all the photos from her phone are upload to her online storage along as a piece of evidence with her current location sent to her best friend’s chatbox with a message, “if I haven’t message or called you after an hour call the police to this location, no question ask we are in danger”, then hide it somewhere no one would ever find except the authorities. As she goes on with her gun pointed out and she's going on stealth mode the boss's minions had especially come for her, “they want you to come with us” he told her, of course, what they seek wouldn’t be an easy task, they fought her with strict orders “do not kill her!” forcibly took her to them, fighting her way out but she’s outnumbered and was dragged to the bosses forcibly. 
On the deepest part of the warehouse, she was painfully dropped to the floor with both hands tied to her back, all weapons on her were taken from her, inspected her, up and down, and in Infront of her were 3 large men's silhouettes, 
"Pretty brave aren't you," one of the bosses said with a familiar sweet nasal tenor voice, 
"Where's my brother!!" she asked, furious, 
"Brother? You mean that deep shit that had sold us off to our enemy?" he replied, 
“Sold you off?” she answered back, questioning the words coming out of his mouth “he can barely speak!” she added, “are you sure you got the right person?” she sneered, 
“Barely speaks?” he asked back, “are you sure we are both speaking the same person?” he added,
“Well for a person who barely speaks he makes a great spy no, a traitor…” one of the bosses from the shadow speaks with a familiar low tone of voice, 
“Then let us give a brief description of him,” said one of the bosses with a familiar very clean, and clear yet low voice, 
“Dark straight hair, monolid, brown eyes, thin lips, pointy nose, 5’11”, muscular, and this..” said the boss with the familiar sweet nasal tenor voice as he drop a black round eyeglass and dark green bomber jacket with streaks of blood and his name inside the collar on the front of her, seeing the jacket her heart started to drop, she knew they are indeed talking the same person and she was sure that her brother is indeed here, 
"Where is he?!" She demanded as fear and anger started to run thru her body, 
"You know that man isn't your brother, right?" the boss with the familiar nasal tenor voice came near her, “he isn’t even a blood related to you!” unmasking his handsome face, crunching towards her as he forcefully looked her face closely, 
“Samuel-ie?” she called him, confused, she knew she called but it felt the words didn’t come out of her mouth but something different, “I know but to me my only family” she replied, “why are you here? She asked again but the words she wanted to say as well aren’t coming out.
“Yet you would sacrifice yourself for him???” he questioned, “That traitor?!” he added, glaring at each other’s eyes, he smirked, “this one doesn’t back down!” he commented with amusement, "you have a great eye!" He complimented her, letting her go as he stand, 
"Very well, since I feel you would entertain us, bring him out!" He said to his other minions, within seconds, footsteps came from the distance not far from where they are, coming with 3 men, the middle one shows weakness as he was dragged and forcibly made to kneel not too far nor near where she was and the bosses, 
" DONNIE!" She called out, 
"DONNIE?" One of the bosses who was sat down repeatedly. 
Surprised and confused by their expression, "Jana?" he confirmed with the left eye was swelling from a black eye, he was covered in bruises, cuts, burns, and blood all over his body, fresh blood still flowing down his face from his forehead, weaken shows from the torture they had done toward him, she stood up and ran towards him, the minions tried to stop her but one of the bosses signed just let her be, Seeing her brother, she has mixed feeling off fear, anger, and confusion, "what happened?" She asked him, he didn't react for a minute until he looked at her with an unfamiliar eye on her, a vengeful eye, “let’s end this!” he said, the rope that was tied both of his hands towards his back broken off, bringing out a knife he hides on his shoes’ sole, stabbing her in front on her left lower quadrant, abdomen, surprised and left speechless they looked at each other eyes, 
"…Sorry sister but you have to die!" He whispered but as he started to take out the knife a gunshot from his behind happened and within a second, he dropped as a lifeless person along with her, bleeding profusely, one of the bosses came close to her but as he got too close, she fainted. 
*Beep beep* “Jana-ie!” a familiar voice called out, opening her eyes she saw him, “you feeling, ok?” he asked her holding the curtain, 
“What?” she asked sleepy, 
“You feeling ok, silly girl? You fainted…” a handsome 6 feet man asked her as he sit on the bed, 
“Really?” she asked as she slowly got up from the bed, 
“Yes, this is very concerning.” He told her, “You rarely got sick but if you do it’s concerning” he added, she smiled as she was sat on the bed, “I’m fine, sorry to worry you” 
“No worries but please, don’t get sick.” He told her as he gave her a medicine and water, “Ethan, brought you here” he informed her, 
“Ethan?” she called out, then everything became hazed, waking up from the bright light on top of her, getting up a strong pain pinched her whole body, reality came to her, she was stabbed but upon assessing herself the stabbed wound and other wounds she had were all covered with bandages, 
“it’s better if you lie down...” a familiar calming honey voice talked from her left side, looking from that direction she was very surprised, 
“Ethan!” she called out as she immediately sit up, a hard sting came into her body from her torso, “did they capture you too?” she asked in pain, very concerned but looking at his clothes he was wearing a white polo shirt with navy blue tie vest and pants with a tray of food and drink, he placed on the bed side table and sat on the bed, “you feeling any better?” he asked, still confuse, she was not able to answer him, “I’ll assume you have plenty of questions just looking on your face,” he told her, she just stared at him and he hugged her tightly but enough for her to know how worried and how he cares for her, “I missed you!” he told her, letting her go he kissed her on the lips, she kissed her back with a hunger for his lips, “do you have any idea you almost completely left me?” he told her as he broke free, she didn’t respond in confusion and just looked at him, “you almost died, good thing Terry-hyung was able to heal you.” He told her, 
“Terry?” she asked, confused “Ethan-ie, what’s going on?” she added, 
“Listen, I’ll tell you everything but promise you to have to stay here beside me, no matter what!” he demanded, “this isn’t a favor not a request, for your safety” he clarified, she just looked at him confused and speechless, “promise me!” he told her again, she just nodded, and he began to explain everything that’s going on. 
>> End chapter <<
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 1 year
On the brightest day a sudden storm can break thru and can soak the entire field, drenched in the cold rain as tears fall wishing the lifeless lady in front of him wasn't his lover, it wasn't supposed to end in that way, no, not that way, a prophecy was supposed to happen that night, someone else should be lying on the ground, lifeless but not his lover, he asked repeatedly why did the prophecy changed and then he remembered once a great man told him, 
"Protect what you love, go back in time" remembering the right words he picked the magical item in front of him and placed it in between his lifeless lover and him, pouring the magic potion and cast the right words, the muddy ground started to light up and form a magic circle opens under both of them expanding to longer distance and radius. His brothers were able to catch up to them, but it was too late to realize what their pained brother was doing and what he intended to do, they were too late to stop him. Time ticks to where it should take them.
Along one of the longest night where the full moon shines the brightest, an 8 years old little girl trembling in fear hiding and running away from dark shadows, no one is around to help her and if there was someone, no one would even believe her as she was a just a school age girl, people would just assume her imagination had run wild and she was playing pretend, she saw a hiding spot inside a junk field where she hide deepest part of the field, behind an old junk and abandoned truck, sitting under it, hugging herself like a fetus, she repeated to calm herself under the cold weather, eyes shut yet upon hearing the screech from the metal scattered around the field she knew the hungry large shadowed creatures were so close and no one is there to save her, she thought that night would be her last but she was wrong, a shadowed figure of a teenage boy with the bright hazel brown eyes looked at her and disappear, after a while she heard loud noises far yet so close then into the silent, unhiding herself, looking around, surprised to see the creatures that was lurking for her was gone but there were evidence of a fight, some junk where smashed and distorted to pieces, the little girl who was in fear few minutes ago is now surprised and full of curiosity of the event of that night yet smiling and thanked the boy figure knowing she was saved by him. That friendship lasted for years yet they never met directly, the little girl was so carefree around the teenage boy, she was very open towards him, which was bothering the boy, 
"Aren't you afraid of us?" The shadowed gray-eyed boy asked with his semi-static voice, little girl replied to his question which surprised him, "humans are much scarier than any creatures...I know you're not human, but I know you’re much kinder than many humans I know..." "but I never introduced myself, aren't you scared of me?" The boy asked, 
"If I am, I wouldn't be here with you right?" She replied smiling over him, the shadowed gray-eyed boy said something which the little girl did not catch, "what?" She asked, "….is my name..." He said, "if needed my help just call my name and I'll come for you!" He continued. The creature in the shadows and the little girl became close friends and sometimes he would leave notes or flowers for her at their meeting place which she's always thankful for, but on a full moon, the wolf not far from the city started to haul which alerted him and his brothers. It started to rain cats and dogs, but what they smell wasn't the moist of dirt or plants but blood, human blood to be exact following the scent they found a car tumbled around on the main road intersection, windows smashed and the whole car had a sign of an accident occur and was attacked, they quickly examined the scene and found inside the vehicles where sign of human lives, immediately they perform a secret emergency rescue operation where they can sense any moments the car will explode, the people that they have saved some survived some died on the spot, there he found her human friend, unconscious, bleeding and in few minutes away from dying as well, he kneel down and held her hand as he slowly placed it near his chest a red aura glowed from within him passing thru her hand to her body, slowly her breathing pattern stables, he looked at her in endearment and cupped her little stained face, His brothers heard siren a few kilometer away, they hide away dragging his brother out of that scene, well, out of people's eyes at least. 
8 years later, on a one sunny day a sudden downpour came were students who were outside on the field needed to run inside the school building where some unusual student sensed a dark aura, looking at each other they ran towards the dark aura secretly, slicing and dicing the dark emitting force as it lingers in the school ground, unknowingly someone far away was observing these unusual students, on their break these unusual students or people from their school called them Sensational Feeling 9 or SF9, nine unhuman-like handsome and talented boys who had made every girl in their school and even some girls from other schools, FNC high school pride and joy, 3 of them have gathered to their usual spot the rooftop, the sky had cleared up right after they had eliminated the dark aura, observing the fellow student below, discussing random things but one of them had himself on silence, observing the human kids on the field as he was silently thinking to himself,  
“you ok?” his tallest younger brother asked in concern,  
“Huh? Yes, I’m ok, just observing them” he replied yet his thought is still out there somewhere which made his younger brother look at him with more concern, he realizes the concern looked and this older brother had to ask his taller younger brother on his concerned yet curious tone of voice, “I don’t know if you sensed it but when we were slaying that dark aura I felt something weird and it's not from the dark aura"  
"Really? I haven't sensed anything, aside from the dark aura" the tallest younger brother replied. Wondering what that weird aura was and where was it coming from  the school bell rang and these 9 boys returned to their classroom, returning to their classroom they bump into a girl making her fall to her the ground wearing casual clothes with a cast both on her right hand and foot, bandages on her face, she was a stranger towards them, they knew they never met her yet something strange emitting from her, probably her familiar aura, some of her brothers had helped her back to her feet, they apologize, “oh! I guess you have met our new student” there student council president who is also their group leader said, 
“New student?” one of his younger brothers asked, 
“Yes, this is Li Jana, she is our new student that will be joining your class Ethan, Samuel I hope you three can be friends, especially since she has some troubles” there student council president and group leader introduced, 
“Troubles?” the guy with a brown bob hair and thick black glasses asked, “looking at her she looks like she had indeed trouble,” he thought, 
“She had an accident and is currently mute, she’s currently on therapy for her voice but it was badly injured the reason for her not to talk, she communicates temporarily thru her cellphone, her casts on her foot will be removed later and will be replaced by a brace, she still some help so I was wondering if you can both help her out since both of you are your class president and vice president”  there student council president and group leader explained. 
“Sure, no problem” the guy with a bob hair and thick black glasses replied, there he releases she was staring at them for the whole time, “oh, our apologies, we haven’t introduced ourselves haven’t we,” he told her, 
“I’m Lee Samuel Year 2 Class 3 vice president and here is Lee Ethan, same class and the class president” he points the 6 ft tall man with his short black hair, “if you need anything, i mean thing you can just ask or tell us, we are happy to be at your service” he said in his bubbly self, the new girl typed on his cellphone which she showed at once, “thank you, then I’ll be in your care” then she bowed showing her respect, the boys smiled and Samuel continued introducing the rest of her brother, “here is our tallest and the handsomest brother, Kim Marcelino, his part of the baseball team” he introduced. she bowed and so as Marcelino, beaming his handsome smile towards her, it was indeed charming and looking that them they are indeed like prince like yet somehow she seems to kept staring on their student council president which Samuel noticed, he placed his arm on him, “this is our Group Leader and Student council President Kim Clemence, he used to be our school’s basketball player but decided to focused on our student counseling, we also have other 5 brothers you can approach when you need help, I’ll introduce them to you next time,” he said excitedly, she smiled at him in his hyperactivates and nodded in agreement. 
After a week, on a one sunny day, everyone in the school was having there not so fun time as times pass by until a certain class in the middle of their 3rd class, they were interrupted by their homeroom teacher, 
“Sorry to interrupt everyone in the middle of your class but I would like to introduce you all to the newest addition to our class,” she said beaming with happiness, the transfer student came in, and like the sun’s rays, she stands out as she walks in, students were both astonish on her aura, her bandages were removed yet she still wearing the brace on her right foot. “class let me introduce you to our new transfer student, she’ll our newest addition on our class but she’ll be needing our help...” she introduced as she explained in detail about her voice, “Samuel-ssi, Ethan-ssi I believe Clemence have already introduced her to you last week, I’ll be expecting her in your care,” she said. Samuel excitedly smiled and nodded in agreement, “don’t worry about her you can leave her to us” he said, the homeroom teacher pointed to her sit which was beside Ethan in the corner of the room next to the window, Ethan followed her with his looks and something within him triggered, looking at his brother who sat across the room who also looked at him with a look that seems off, it felt something burning within Ethan’s body, this was a 1st time something like this happening to him, yet he is trying his best to kept his composure and silence on the back, Jana was worried and was silently panicking as Ethan slowly bowed his head toward the table, she noticed some changes from him upon sitting down, she taps something on her phone and showed him under his table,  
“Do you need to go to the infirmary?” she asked in her text message, he was surprised by the question and declined, “N-no, I don’t think so” he whispered, shuttering, he then started feeling weirder he knew something was off, his cell phone vibrates from his pocket, “your eyes!” said on the text message sent by Samuel who was looking at him from the other side of the room, and looking on the black screen his eye was changing color, he then raised his hand and asked to be excused to go the men’s room, the teacher excused him and he went out. Outside he felt his heartbeat increase so he rushed to somewhere else, to the rooftop, he can feel his aura releasing for some reason, eyes fully changing color and senses increasing, burning within him but after some time he calmed himself down back to his human self. On their break, he and his other brothers gathered, and he was asked “What happened? We can feel your powers emitting on our 3rd subject, did something happen?” Marcelino asked concerned, 
"I’m not sure but something weird is happening and it’s not my doing” Ethan explained, 
Weeks have passed since the new girl became the class’s new plaything but with her emitting aura of pushing people away, she attracts bullies who think she is an easy girl to bully. She didn’t budge on anything they had done towards her well, not until her casts, bandages, and wounds are fully healed. On one of those days when the sun decided not to show and to be as cloudy as possible, these bullies decided to make the greatest prank in their history but did not know what she is capable of, this girl is not an ordinary person but of course, no one knows about it yet. 
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 1 year
inseong youngbin and jaeyoon doing the puzzle alibi dance 😭
cr. Y_sasa__ on twitter
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 1 year
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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scream / jaeyoon ☆ 220714.
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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“no wait a minute...”
“press press pangie” (pangie is making biscuits on the blanket)
“i finally woke up..”
“dad was melting”
“how did you cover yourself with a blanket..”
“i cant take a picture of you...?”
“whats wrong with your eyes...? why are you so sentimental”
“dont touch you? okay okay”
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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07-17-2022 dawon universe message
“when we filmed” “for the dance practice video”
“my hair was very weird”
“so i took youngbin hyung's hat & used it because he was in front of me”
“there were some Binpeu (bin fans) who wanted to see youngbin’s eating ribs”
“should i give you?” “Picture of eating ribs”
“Let me check the public feelings here”
(Sends photos)
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
I miss you...
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yb_dkxh: 휴가 😁
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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Youngbin ⊹ TRAUMA MV
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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yb_dkxhl: 첫 휴가🙂 세상에서 제일 멋있는 SF9 SCREAM 활동 화이팅!!
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
a sudden scenario:
Youngbin/Rowoon loves the process of taking care of your scar after delivering your beautiful baby through C-section. "It's the least I can do for you, my love.", he reassures you with kind eyes and genuine, encouraging smile. His fingers gently ghost over your skin, his touches full with love and gratitude. He looks at you with unwavering amazement and admiration. He is in awe of how perfect Mother Nature is. It's such an intimate moment, a tear rolls down your cheek.
Your hand move to tenderly stroke his fluffy hair. "Thank you.". He stands up and takes your hand in his, his thumb drawing soothing circles on the soft skin. Your lift your free hand and caress his cheeks, lips find their way to one another, continuing the silent conversation between the two of you. Sometimes who needs words, anyway.
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jaeyeonatorsf9 ¡ 2 years
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