jagerloveme · 10 years
Your smile breaks my heart
i don't want to quit , i don't want to give up hope , but I'm not blind , you don't want me there by you side and i can't force myself  there nor do i want to force myself there.. , so what its there for me to do but bow down , take a step back and try to protect my heart, ..you love not and i know it so. i need and out ... i don't want to be waiting for something its not going to happened .. you look my way and you,  smile you look away and you smile the same ..  so why should i wait .. i don't need another broken heart 
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jagerloveme · 10 years
Friends when we are sober, lovers when we are drunk
i guess this it how it works, we pretend to be friends when we are sober and lover when we are drunk ?.. can we be friends and not lovers at all .. i think  i know you can but can i ? .... maybe ..  but i can't play  games and i can't pretend and i think you know that , so what do you want ?.. do you want to be friends ?.. or do you want more or perhaps less ...  if you do please hurt me no more .. talk to me .. be honest to me 
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jagerloveme · 10 years
Train Wreck
We met, we liked, we wreck 
To say we crashed into each other is understating it, we collied into each other and only i got hurt, some hearts are stronger than other and to be honest mine has always been kind of prone to break apart. take no prisoners says my heart:  if it hurts i'll fall apart
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jagerloveme · 10 years
The Beginning
Every good story has a beginning , and like must stories this one is about  a boy and girl, the truth is this is not a love story ( i think .. know ?) , and if we are being honest this is not even a good story,  and to continue with these uncharacteristic  candor i should probably let you know now this its not going to end right.. ( is it ? ) but since beginnings are about promises for tomorrow we will start this story with a promise: something will come out of this,  whether its good or bad only time will tell but if you saw my first post you'll know that the odds point to bad, after all,  if you only love me when i drunk how can you even like me when I'm not ?
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jagerloveme · 10 years
Jager Love
 The heart may want what i wants .. but my heart is a fucking idiot 
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