jahishon · 5 years
I am a weirdo and completely okay with it. That being said, it is when you are new meeting new people;
Living in the same city you grew up in, had its advantages. I basically knew everyone I needed too. I was not accepting any new friend applications (no offence). I believed no one else was needed in my circle. Fast forward present day, I am the only 705 in a 902 area code community and very open into “making friends”.
Meeting people is a littler harder than I realized…. As adults we must learn that certain situations require, different seasons of your best self.
For Instance, there is work Jennifa, home/mumma Jennifa. One does not want their seasons to cross often… because hungover Jennifa at work is not good…
I have a new season; her name is Hali-Jennifa. She now must brush her hair in the mornings and make sure are always on her A game… because you never know who you can meet!
I was once discussing popcorn with a possible new friend… because we happened to be eating some at that moment. (weird convo, I know. This is hockey arena talk, when you kids play together, and you MUST speak to each other about fucking nothing)
This lovely lady asked me how I made my POPCORN?!! (WTF) Simple question right?!
WRONG… (its loaded) Microwave is the wrong answer in 2019. I guess, it’s the whole radiation piece, not organic blah blah blah.
So, the best answer is …. you buy your popcorn pre-made in that pretty bag. This answer is neutral and avoids the possible awkward silence of judgement.
Anyways, do I really want to be friends with a person that is to good for microwave popcorn? F that.. and you know they definitely cannot get down the way I like too either….
I have a very hard time hiding my weirdness around new people.
You need them to get to at least the second or third date before the quirks come out.
I believe not talking to people regularly, other than my family and children; has made me even weirder.My quirks just burst out at the worst times and places. leaving me wondering, what the fuck did I just say?
An important step in loner-hood is coming up with a plan of locations to meet your prey. Go to places where cool people hang out, put yourself out there. I love going to the library downtown Halifax. My friendship meeting skills here have been limited but I do talk to other adults, while I am there.( My next destination will not include CHILDREN.)
So this one time, I made a man feel very uncomfortable. I must share because it’s hilarious. ( to me anyways)
I had just arrived at my favourite spot, Central Halifax Library and I was joined with this nice-looking gentleman and young baby, ALONE. NO wife or partner (interesting I know)…  ALONE WITH A BABY OUT IN PUBLIC…
He said Hello, and I said hello,
AND for some reason, I felt the need to add: WOW, you are brave going out in public with a baby ALONE?!….
This gentleman, was very startled by my not so 2019 comment and responded:
“Actually, this is quite normal!!”  … oh, Okay. TAKE CARE!
Luckily, we did not get off on the same floor and he was never to be seen again.
Finding friends in your 30’s, is not the same as your 20’s there is no liquid courage or lame school projects that bring you closer to your people.  You must figure out ways to communicate with other adults about nothing, or the simple fact that you both have a kid.
You must pre calculate your answers and responses to hide your weirdness. Until you meet your person or people. 
To have no one, in the same area code to go out for a glass of wine. Leaves me yearning for, a new way to connect and a little TOO EAGER… I have the problem of being “over eager” when meeting a new possible acquittance. This approach I would not recommend, being chill is KEY! This ‘eagerness’, I possess, is out of respect to my homegirls; for always loving my weird ass self. I never felt the need to tone it down… (until now and only a little bit and only in SOME circumstances)
If you know me, you know that I tend to talk loudly and a little too much at the wrong times. If I am drinking adult beverages, then I like to be as close as physically possible to you. Now these qualities are what make me who I am, I mean I am learning how to tone down, but I will always be that loud girl.  You will never know how annoying you are until you raise a human being that enjoys talking more than; you and has no volume control… He will go great places in a life.
Loud talkers can come across as annoying and reminds of asshole children who interrupt you… First impressions are key at this age, as many people have full circles or squares (no room at all to get in). And to be honest, there are a few special people in my life that can appreciate my close talking breathe (and spit,) in a too close conversation. And I am forever grateful for these people in my life.
I am on journey to make new friendships to add to the beautiful ones that I have, I am getting closer and it takes you to really put yourself out there have courage to take a chance. I recently, had to dump my kid on a friend,who up until that point was only a new acquaintance; when my main babysitter called in sick. I was in a fucking bin, when I had no one to watch my child, and an entire classroom of students expecting my arrival in 15 minutes.
I texted my friend, this incredible woman,she took my kid. This gesture  made me feel human again. I got to go to work and I had someone to count on, for the first time in my new city. That feeling of warmth entered my black heart it’ had been a minute since I had a pal, in my hometown, that could care for one of my kids, if need be.We have crossed over to friends that now hang out, which is massive for me. (MASSIVE)
Friends are good for your well being.  It is all about connection, laughter, talking shit about shit, advice & memories. We all need a friend, or friendssss in this life. And I needed one (or more) here in Halifax.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and my kids but they get annoying and so do I…
Nothing will ever beat personal face to face connection with a new, old friend. Over coffee, wine, or even nothing at all.
I am very fortunate to be surrounded by amazing and strong woman who inspire and motivate me to be my best self. We connect and see each other when schedules allow, always giving me something to look forward too. These dates now stretch longer over time as we get older, yet the time is now more meaningful. I am the luckiest girl, that two of my best friends have made the trip to visit me in my new coastal home.  Sharing this journey with amazing people from my past keeps my heart full of joy.
The conversations that you can share with your squad, person, bestie… whoever it may be… are SCARED. Friendships is the rare thing in life that exist in vacuum and can be picked up where they are left off, as if nothing has happened or changed. No time, no space.It’s magical.
EDIT: I HAVE MADE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS GLORIOUS. the end.
  Let your weirdness hang out. I am a weirdo and completely okay with it. That being said, it is when you are new meeting new people;
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jahishon · 5 years
Bite size balls of goodness. All ingredients are usually in your cupboard. I stock up at bulk barn. Let me know if you like my balls. x
For Mrs Jackson! ❤️
1 cup instant oatmeal
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 ground flax
2/3 shredded coconut
1/4-1/2 cup of chocolate chips
1tbs hemp*
1tbs chia*
1/3 honey
If you add more seeds just add more honey or peanut butter.
-balls of life- Bite size balls of goodness. All ingredients are usually in your cupboard. I stock up at bulk barn.
0 notes
jahishon · 5 years
In 2019, I made a goal to start putting my content skills to better use. Giving a home to the photos that overload my phone and getting my crazy thoughts out of my head. ( the thoughts include swear words. Consider this your WARNING! Sorry Mum!)
For those that don’t know me, I am Jennifa, a thirtyish gypsy who recently moved to from Ontario to Halifax, Nova Scotia. My partner got his dream job, so we decided to move our two children across the country on the pursuit of happiness and Cannabis.
I have the privilege of having too much time on my hands, having quit my job to stay home with my babies. This has given me the opportunity to explore my new city, talk to  random strangers and see cool shit.
I feel like I did TONS of research, on what it takes to move 4 people from point A to point B. I took into consideration normal things, I believed would come in handy. From finding a new home, registering my kid in school, Insurance, ETC. But nothing will ever prepare you, for feeling like a complete moron, getting lost 24/7 and causing a lot of scenes.
For the record, I would like to say I am medium in the planning and organizing department. I really, really try, but sometimes I fall short in this department of being an adult.
So, I may have overlooked a few things in the move….Such as the first day of school. For the record no one directly told me the date . And I know you are thinking, “isn’t that important Information”?! Well it is, but I assumed it would be the same. The day after labour day, Kids across the country go to school.
We showed up at school bright and early, on time . For a tiny second, I was proud of us… WRONG DAY. A teacher in the parking lot; told us, school in fact started the next day. The Wednesday after the LABOUR DAY!
This moment will never be forgotten. As much as you can plan every detail of life, you can miss somethings. We need to have space in our life for these moments. We need to laugh at the fuck up and move on. Lesson learned. TRIPLE CHECK DATES. WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN. BE A GOOD GROWN-UP!
The Maritimes is a very distinct place in Canada. They have a different landscape, culture, weather, attitude. When we left Ontario, I didn’t realize we were leaving a huge part of what we were comfortable doing. Our brains in “autopilot”.
I can now say, things have settled down and I am in the driver seat ready for what is next.  Change is good, we just need to be open and I don’t get lost as much.
Tim Horton, must have been from Nova Scotia.
I think all Canadians love the coffee of our homeland. Tim’s is even MORE loved here. The Scotians, have additional language for their coffees. This is something, I have not even experienced in Orillia, ON, (which I thought was the Tim Horton Capital)
So I think, we all know a DOUBLE, DOUBLE and TRIPLE, TRIPLE…
Two cream, one sugar. WORD…
Nova scotia loves donair. FYI: Donair is a meat. You can find in a wrap, on a plate,  pizza, or egg roll. I have even seen on a DONAIR cupcake on TV. (I am just really into the sauce. It comes in a CUP!
DONAIR SAUCE goes with the meat. It’s soooo fucking good. Dipping pizza in it….is LIFE CHANGING.
I am currently on a pizza jurney, ordering pizza from a new shop each chance I get. There are a TON of pizza shops. All privately owned and amazing!!!! I would not even eat dominos again, if you paid for it.
Soo, what the FUCK is your problem ONTARIO?!  Just kidding 😆
Get this, random people will smile and say hello to you in the streets, elevator and stores. EVEN if they don’t know YOU!!!! Crazy right!?
I can sense that people genuinely care about each here, they are nice, just because. There is no reason, no motive. They are just KIND. It’s a simple fact that the entire province, loves the Pittsburgh Penguins, only because Mr. Crosby is the CAPTAIN.
I guess I feel the warmth of the people, because I am loner.You know those weird people that talk to you for no reason in public. And you think…whhhyyyy me?! Well, I have become that annoying person…
Lucky for me, people enjoy having random conversations about nothing all the time. They will even start one with me out of nowhere, it does help my baby is the cutest ever.People have been so kind to me,
I make friends all the time. Especially when I take the bus; simple smiles and conversations. It is nice to be acknowledged by someone. It can turn a really annoying long bus ride with an out of control toddler, into bearable.
Without going too deep, maybe you have felt this if you have lost someone. When I talk to a Senior; that would’ve been my grandparents age. I feel them with me. That connection may seem crazy, but it helps with being homesick in a weird way.
So, talk to weird-o’s, like me and the 90-year-old at the grocery store, because you should. WHY NOT? Are you to cool to to talk about nothing?
I have become an avid weather watcher these days. The weather predictions here are very accurate for the most part, thank you CTV Atlantic. When they say it’s going to rain like crazy… it rains HARD and at almost the exact time they say it will. You actually need to purchase proper equipment to handle the weather here. Like umbrellas and raincoats!
As for the winter, I was warned from everyone about it. WELL , I am still waiting for the bad shit to arrive. I mean it is wintery but nowhere near as bad as I thought, (I have most likely cursed myself). Or being from the Snow belt of Ontario has really prepared me to face CANADIAN WINTERS.
I have a feeling this bad winter weather curse, is really a trick to keep the others out.  Ssshhh don’t tell anyone.  Apparently, it is longer, then Ontario’s but we will see, it is March.
New Brunswick, different story. Go there for the SNOW! And a true CANADIAN winter if you DARE.
NO offence, Barrie, but culture does not really exist here.  I mean, you try. However, you will always be to me, the white trash capital of Ontario. I can say this, because I am from HERE. I escaped, but Barrie has shaped me into the white trash gypsy I am today. And for the record, in my new chapter, I say I am from, North of TORONTO.  It’s weird because a lot of people know, Barrie too well. So it will never leave me.
Now back to CULTURE, it’s very beautiful to see all different types of people, cultures living in one place. I love it. I love to people watch (not stare), and I truly believe our differences can really bring us closer.
My son has more knowledge of other cultures than I ever did, till maybe University (I was dumb). At almost 8 years old. My son has a classroom of friends that speak languages, other than English. The children learn and grow together and share about their faiths and cultures. My son knows, that some people believe in Allah, as their god. And some families speak Arabic at home, or Mandarin.
FACT: Our friend just celebrated the Lunar New year. The school shared the importance removing “Chinese” from the phrase. This is because in fact many Asian cultures celebrated this holiday, not just CHINA. DUH!
mind blown…Barrie Jennifa says THANK YOU!!!!!
They really do, me included. A lot of the drivers  make me look good on a regular basis. I tend to naturally drive like a 98 year old  with road rage. The things I have seen, keep it real and hands are always at ten and two.
The roundabouts are interesting for me, considering Park Place is a mini roundabout; and my only first hand experience. I have had to learn how these “real” roundabouts go. I believe the best way to approach them, is the “follower” approach and copy the car directly beside you .( if you can) And yell OH FUCK , WHILE you do it. You should be fine.
Highways: the exit lanes are the same as the entrance lanes here…and NO lights , it’s dark. 😒
It seems for the most part, people do what they want, when they want while driving motorized vehicles. SO move bitch, get out the WAY!
Duhh, right… I honestly had not seen the true beauty of Canada, until recently. I mean Ontario, is pretty medium when you compare it, to what’s on either side if the coast. Before this past summer I had never made it past the Eastern Townships in Quebec.  FUN FACT: The first time I ever visited the East coast, was when I moved my family here in August.
The east coast is stunning, I try and capture the landscape, my phone can’t even do it justice. The historical and environmental views can take your breath away. Literally, its’ windy as fuck here.
I love this amazing country even more, I feel prouder to be Canadian in a non-weird cheesy way. Having had the opportunity to see and show my children the other provinces that make up our great country. New Brunswick, PEI, I see you other beautiful places. (NFND to come)
Grade 9 geography comes to life, it’s magical. I encourage ALL CANADIANS to travel within our country;  at one point in your life. You will not be disappointed.
Don’t wait for them to call or message because it’s not your turn or whatever bullshit you feed yourself.
I did it too, trust me. I actually don’t really like talking on the phone, it can be annoying. Hearing someone’s voice you love, is something very special.  It has taken me a move across the country, to stop being an asshole and pick up the dang phone from time to time
When you think of someone you love, I believe, it is the universe telling that you are lucky enough to have these amazing people in your life. Like your Best friend or Mum. There are so many ways to connect but we are lazy or just waiting for the other person to do it, but they are waiting for YOU!
An unexpected text or phone call from an old friend is a magical thing. It makes your heart smile and can change your day or even week. We live at a time with greatest ability to connect to the people we love, however, many of us feel lonely.  Stop being an asshole and call your mum, I know she would love to hear your voice.
Events happen in our journeys at different time for different reasons. I am very grateful for where my journey has taken me and looking forward to what is next.
I am accepting new friend applications- HOLLA At your girl – MUST LIVE IN NOVA-
  .the nova way. In 2019, I made a goal to start putting my content skills to better use. Giving a home to the photos that overload my phone and getting my crazy thoughts out of my head.
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