jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
"Cis is casual gameplay. Trans is hardcore mode." 💀 https://www.reddit.com/r/lesbiangang/comments/19351kz/am_i_welcome_here_as_a_transbian/
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So while the entire thread was deleted, one of the few replies they left up was:
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LMAOOOOO I LOVE THIS PERSON SO MUCH this is how we should answer in the future to every of these asks lmao
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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TikTok has absolutely rotted peoples mind. I’m sure you’ve seen this trend of mainly cis women posting what they look like without cosmetic work done in response to the rise of plastic surgery and facial filler becoming more of a norm. Everyone who has participated in this trend has gotten utterly ripped apart and bullied in the comments.
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This was the top comment and like.. what are you talking about? Have we forgotten what real people look like?
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
they're mad at her for this. oh my god
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
there is so much to unpack here. oh my god.
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
Lol I totally think JKR should sue for defamation. I highly doubt Willoughby will shut up and back off.
I’m sick of these narcissistic autogynephilic males with their misogyny, demands to be centered all the fucking time, their raging tantrums that they are not getting their way/have lost control of the situation, and their fragility.
Fuck off, Willoughby. No one owes you validation—NOT that you deserve it, you self-absorbed POS.
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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Happy International Women's Day
Keep making art that makes men uncomfortable.
(Piece by Audrey Wollen)
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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"Our Body" from the See Red Women's Workshop
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
As a butch lesbian, there’s two main reactions people have to my gender non conformity.
Number 1 is when they’ll try to convince me to be feminine, “you’d look great with eye shadow”, “you should grow your hair really long”, “I think this skirt would suit you” are all things I only ever heard after I gained to confidence to fully embrace my butchness.
Number 2 is when they’ll try to convince me I’m trans in denial, “I saw an ad for chest binder, you should get one”, “that sounds like gender dysphoria, you should consider exploring your gender identity” “I think you should experiment with different pronouns” are all things that have been said to me only after I embraced my butchness.
Often times people will do both, in this order.
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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(I believe this happened a few months ago, absolutely heartbreaking. Rest in peace.)
This tweet is currently going viral with (of course) a lot of men claiming ‘this is because of culture, not religion!’
They clearly lack critical thinking skills because while yes, the religion does not state women should be killed for showing their hair, she is still ordered to wear it by the Quran and threatened with Jahannam (hellfire). A woman revealing her hair is seen as a dishonour to the family - the exact motive for this case. Misogynistic culture obviously is a factor too. The entitlement to women’s bodies, control over their life or death, normalised violence. This case is clearly a result of both religion and culture.
Religion and misogynistic culture thrive because of one another. They use religion to justify their misogynistic cultural views and then claim ‘it’s culture!’ when something bad happens as a result.
In response to these comments from men, maybe do something about the mistreatment of women rather than play mental gymnastics because its culture not religion. Have some accountability. It’s still your culture and your religion, women are dying and you don’t care.
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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can’t stop reading this over and over
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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"lesbians have to like dick"
who said it: a christian conversion therapist, or a trans rights activist in 2023?
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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saw this YouTube comment on a video about Sephora 10 year olds.. this shit is so fucking bleak
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
Quiz time! Who said it, my homophobic Dad, or a TRA:
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"Look you can be into women, just shut the fuck up about it"
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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top 10 most divorced men to ever live right behind henry viii
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
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Today I went with my son (10) to the library and they were making badges with the kids out of the trans, intersex, genderqueer, or progressive flags. You could also choose to make a pronoun badge or a "Terf-be-gone" badge.
But no, there's no ideological pressure on children here.
They also had stickers that said "Be Trans, Do Crime"
They did not have the lesbian, bisexual, gay, or original pride flags.
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jakantakanga ¡ 3 months
Protesters at Vancouver Women's Library asked a list of books to be removed. Here they are:
Admission Accomplished - Jill Johnston -Against Sadomasochism - Robin R. Linden, Darlene R. Pagano, Diana E. Russell, Susan Leigh Star -Amazon Odyssey: Collection of Writings - Ti-Grace Atkinson -Buddhism after Patriarchy - Rita M. Gross -The Female Man - Joana Russ -Female Sexual Sl*v*ry - Kathleen Barry -Feminism Unmodified - Catharine A. Mackinnon -First Buddhist Women: Poems and Stories of Awakening Susan Murcott -Gyn/Ecology - Mary Daly -The Idea of Prostitution - Sheila Jeffreys -The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade - Sheila Jeffreys -Intercourse - Andrea Dworkin -The Lesbian Heresy - Sheila Jeffreys -Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women - Geraldine Brooks -Not a Choice, Not a Job: Exposing the Myths about Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade - Janice Raymond -Not for Sale: Feminists Resisting Prostitution and Pornography-Of Women Born - Adrienne Rich -Pornography: Men Possessing Women - Andrea Dworkin -Radical Acceptance - Tara Brach -The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism - Janice Raymond -Women As Wombs: Reproductive Technologies and the Battle over Women’s Freedom - Janice Raymond
These are the books they are afraid of women reading. Keep this in mind. Read these books. Share them with others. Keep fighting.
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