jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
That sucks!! Are you on the way over with my cuddles and pizza?? I'm lonely and hungry!!
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Well technically I’m just an intern at a law firm, but my boss kinda makes me do all the shit, it’s annoying. Just paper works and stuff. Yeah you’re right though.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
@wutrian: @jakebraxwtf i dont wanna be a nerd lmfao
@jakebraxwtf: @wutrian it's better than being an idiot.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
Aww poor you!! Let's try and stay dry when we go exploring though okay? Is that pizza here yet? I might die from hunger!
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I fell into the canal the other day, chasing ducks that ended up only going in circles. Stupid ducks. Yeah, sure! That could be a lot of fun.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
Oh what kind of adventures have you gotten into here? Exploring would be fun, I'm a tad to scared to go exploring on my own. Maybe we could explore together?
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I like to travel and do a lot of sightseeing. Here in Venice I just like going around the city, looking for new adventures. What about you?
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
it is fun when I find someone who likes the same things I do. I'm like a huge nerd. What do you like to do for fun? Like what do you want to do while in Italy?
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Being odd isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you know. It can actually be quite fun at times.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
@wutrian: @jakebraxwtf yolo
@jakebraxwtf: @wutrian wow i forgot how stupid you are.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
@wutrian: @jakebraxwtf i dont like you :///
@jakebraxwtf: @wutrian the feelings mutual
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
I don't know either? I'm not that good at making friends...most people find me to odd.
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Yeah, sure. I’ll order some now for the both of us. Well, what do you want to know? I don’t really know the kind of stuff you tell a stranger that wants to cuddle you.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
@wutrian: who wants the job of doing something fun with me
@jakebraxwtf: @wutrian no one. that's a horrid job.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
Well okay then. So pizza still? Well tell me about you so I'm not a stranger...
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I’m not saying you’re crazy. I suppose people do a lot of stuff to strangers, but I don’t. I’m not one of those people.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
Ah man that sucks. So are you on your way with my food and cuddles?? I'm lonelyy
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Well technically I’m just an intern at a law firm, but my boss kinda makes me do all the shit, it’s annoying. Just paper works and stuff. Yeah you’re right though.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
Well you're acting like i'm crazy for wanting cuddles...so if you don't wanna come over i won't force you...
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Wait, you don’t want the pizza? And no cuddles either? Okay then.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
What kind of work do you do? We are supposed to be but we have to eat so I guess working is our only choice.
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Sounds pretty good. I’ve been doing work too actually, it’s frustrating, aren’t we supposed to be on vacation? Alrighty then.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
nice to meet you to.
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Thanks, I appreciate it. Hi Jake, I’m Charlie. It’s nice to meet you.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
I just like cuddling...forget about the food. I'll be fine.
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Or do you have a thing for cuddling with strangers?
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
Well if you ever need help eating I'll be here!! Oh by the way I'm Jake I never really introduced myself.
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Awesome! I just suck at making small portions of food, I always cook way too much.
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jakebraxwtf-blog · 11 years
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I don’t really know you that well, so I think that would be a bit awkward.
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