jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“S-so I think I have this fighting c-class thing d-down. W-w-watch!”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“Just.. The people here are so interesting, and seeing some old faces is comforting. Y-you don’t? I’m sorry, I don’t really know how the whole s-siblings thing works.” 
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“O-old faces? I wish o-old faces were comforting t-to me. I m-m-mean you are, of c-course. But people from where I l-lived..well, they a-aren’t. You don’t have s-siblings? They are a d-drag, but only when you’re o-older. W-when you’re young they are f-fun.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“E-exploring? Oh I don’t k-know, what if we get l-l-lost or hurt?”
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“So what do you say about going out and exploring? If we’re going to be living here, I’d like to learn more about the town.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“I have to say that it’s probably more fun to be human. For one, I couldn’t talk to anyone. There wasn’t really much that I could do. But it was pretty, and all the animals were very nice and it was relaxing. But now I get to do all sorts of things!” Kamaka thought for a moment, before you could practically see a cartoon light-bulb above his head. “Why don’t you just wear clothes with spots? That is fun.”
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“O-oh that sounds l-lonely. I hope you m-make a lot of friends h-here. I bet it was g-gorgeous. I’m glad you like it h-here though.” Jake wrinkled his nose as he thought, finding that he might look sort of silly. “Won’t people l-l-laugh at me?”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“Why not? I-i mean, I was on the same boat with you, but my opinion changed, I guess. J-joy? I think I’ve talked to her once or twice.” 
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“W-why did it change, Ricky? O-oh..yes, s-she is my sister. We don’t g-g-get along, though.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“I don’t mind. I was an island, believe it or not. A little volcano in the Pacific. If it is any consolation, you are a handsome human, too. And do not think about it being colorless. Now, you are pink! Pink is a good color to be, I think.”
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“An i-island? I’ve never met an island b-b-before. That must have b-been very f-fun. T-tell me a-about it? O-oh thank y-you. You are, as w-well. I s-suppose I am pink. B-but I p-prefer when I had s-spots.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
She was almost disappointed that he didn’t hesitate ( not visibly, not audibly ) before he made his way to the door, hands on the knob, twisting, and the snick was clicking, unlatching. She wanted him to fear her. She wanted him to never let her in so she could force herself into those spaces he tried to cradle close to him, his shattered senses of security, anyways, just to spite them, just to spit her venom there so that it was all toxic, every bit of every thing he called his own. 
She wanted to ruin him. 
His voice did hitch a little, catch on the first syllable of his greeting– or maybe his observation– no, his greeting, she decided, because he was smiling and he would never start the confrontation. He was too weak for it, she was sure. Whether he’d been prone to that since she’d sold him over or if it was just a fluke, or a genuine reaction, or something inspired by the fear, she wasn’t sure, and she hoped it was the very latter of all the options, but she didn’t dwell on it, and she didn’t smile back, because she wasn’t here to play his games, to make this something half-way decent. 
She used a bony shoulder to bump him out of the way and stepped into that space; it smelled like him and it looked exactly how she knew he would make it look and she hated it. 
“You’re getting comfortable.” She didn’t hesitate, whipping around to look at his full-moon face. “You’ve taken to that body like a parasite, haven’t you?” 
She was different. Malice had eaten her like poison from the inside out and the air around her was dangerous, terrifying. Jake did not know how to function around this woman, this stranger of someone he had never known. This was not Joy, his sister. This was Joy, the girl he had met only briefly before being shipped off and away from him and their home. He had thought she would change, become someone he could recognize.
He was wrong.
He could tell when the tension shifted in the air, could tell that she wanted to start a fight. And there was a part of him that wanted it too. He wanted to hurt her like he was sure she would hurt him and had hurt him in the past. Was it not Joy who had Randall’s ear when she wanted it? Was it not her who had sold him out? Or was it? Was he perhaps just paranoid?
“I miss being a monster. The comfort of it.” He tried his best not to stutter, knowing she could sniff out the fear like a bloodhound. “What are you d-doing here Joy?” 
Which for the Empire? II Jake && Joy
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“That’d be nice, thanks Jake. Hey, you’ll be fine. New f-friends and all.” 
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“I-I don’t know if I want new f-friends. Everyone seems to k-know my sister, J-J-Joy.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“W-well for someone who does okay-ish in school, things have been going great! You’ll be fine, Jake. I t-think we have classes together, I’m not sure.”
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“I-if you wanted help in school, I-I could help. I d-do well. O-oh I hope that we do, v-very much. It w-will be nice to s-s-see a friendly f-face.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
Nobody visited Jake. Not any friends, no one he knew from before, and especially not his sister, Joy. It was strange, because as children Joy would have been the first to come see him--they would have gone out and seen everything this new world had to offer, figuring out the awkwardness of their new bodies together as they ran through a meadow or ate the strange, human food. 
But ever since they had grown older, Joy had turned into someone different. A dark version of her previous self and so different than what her name commanded. Their father had named her to represent light and laughter, but she had sullied the family name and made a disgrace of his life. In private, he blamed her for his suffering but in public he stayed strong, head held high like his father would want.
That day he was bustling around in his room, humming quietly to himself. His roommate was out, and so at first when he heard the rustle of someone outside the door he thought it was him, coming home from class. But the knock. It left nothing to the imagination and he took a long breath before striding to the door, attempting to be confident. Pulling it open he came face to face with the person of his nightmares and smiled brightly at her. “J-Joy.”
Which for the Empire? II Jake && Joy
There was, of course, nothing drawing her towards his door. She knew he was here, and that he would be freaked out here, and she had made no effort to soften that adjustment, to provide any familiarity. If anything, the next time Jake saw her, she wanted him to feel even more uncomfortable, like she wasn’t a thing of home at all. 
And she just knew he was loving this body, taking to it like it should’ve been his from the start, like their father probably dreamed about, and she hated him for this. She hated him with all her tar-gummed guts. 
Maybe that was why she was here, making an approach, the first in years, in literal decades, and it wasn’t even a milestone– it was only to further her own agenda, really, when she looked at it from a strategic standpoint, which was generally how she assessed these types of things. 
Her hands didn’t shake, as they might have, if her intentions had been anything other than what she told herself they were. And they weren’t. She knocked her knuckles hard against the door, a bruising alarm. She knew he would know it was her. She wanted to see him squirm about it. 
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“Thank you! I have not always been this way, no. And going off of how you are calling me human, you are new to it as well?”
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“W-what were you? I-if you do not m-mind me asking? I was n-not a human, that much is t-true. I was a monster. A very handsome m-monster. I m-miss it. Now I a-am colorless and before I w-was blue.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“See, Jake! You just gotta keep your head up and it’ll all be f-fine.” 
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“F-fine. Yes. H-how are classes for you h-here Ricky? Are they as g-g-good as promised?”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
▼ kissing them
♢ stabbing them
♞ shooting them
✖ punching them
➶ slapping them
☠ poisoning them
☎ hugging them
☂ picking them up
✗ bringing them alcohol
✣ bringing them food
☯ coming home late
♀ proposing marriage
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
*clears throat* if i looked you up in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of cute- *coughs* i mean, um, if i looked up dictionary in cute, there’d- no, i meant *shuffles cards* if you looked cute up in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of me- *drops cards* i, uh *flusters* the, um *panics* the dictionary thinks you’re cute
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
Naomi pondered over Jake’s merman statement before stating, “You know you could be right about the mermen. I have indeed run into my fair share of unpleasant mermen. Ah see! Already looking on the bright side!”
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He laughed and shook his head at the girl, finding her comment very silly indeed. “Y-you have met mermen before? I m-must hear all about y-your adventures!” He grinned at her and nodded, “I t-try to stay optimistic.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
“Everyone here isn’t s-so bad. Just hard to talk to sometimes.. But, ya know, no one h-has tried to hurt anyone I t-think so it can’t be so bad.”
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“Y-yeah, n-no one has been mean to me. T-they have been r-really great actually. A-and there haven’t been any fights. So m-maybe this place really is as safe as t-they say.”
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jakee-sullivan · 9 years
Serenity’s eyes opened lightly in shook: “She- She had you kidnapped?” She couldn’t imagine any siblings going to such extremes. “But- maybe everything will change here. Maybe she regrets it already!”
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Jake sighed and nodded, looking down. He hated himself for bringing it up--he should have just stayed quiet. “Y-yes. B-but it’s o-okay I learned a lot b-being gone.” He shrugged and nodded, “Y-yeah you know you’re p-probably right.”
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