jakemarave2 · 2 months
Perfect for this hot weather, street buko juice;Mr.Bukoman.
Captured: April 3, 2024
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jakemarave2 · 2 months
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“Idea on what to prepare for your baby; Monthly milestones”
Baby's first year of life is full of exciting milestones. For the first month of our baby what we choose was Greenwich Pizza Greenwich Pizza, also known as Greenwich, is a pizza and pasta chain in the Philippines. While eating you'll surely feel the warmth from ovens and you know you will also feel it from their service. They go beyond the average pizza chain and offer you an enjoyable combination of delicious food, a comfortable ambience and friendly service. One thing that you will remember is that the toppings were nice, and it's the best pizza i've tasted. The only thing that you'd have to get used to is that Greenwich Pizza is always full, and you would have to wait for an empty seat. It's the norm at most restaurants in the malls there, as their variety and quality of food is so good and people don't mind waiting for a seat, when such tasty food is being served. There is nothing more popular in pizza world I the Philippinea but Shakey’s. This pizza outlet is famous nation wide with so many choices of flavors to choose. On 2nd month what we choose was Shakeys pizza. Shakey’s has been one of the country’s go-to food joints for delicious thin-crust pizzas and addictive mojos. Despite the highly competitive restaurant scene, the brand has withstood changing tides and continues to be a place where family and friends make memories. Given this well-rooted position in the restaurant industry, Filipinos often associate the brand as being a homegrown one, when in fact, Shakey’s was founded in America—it just gained more traction in Asia. Here, we revisit the interesting history of Shakey’s Pizza from its humble beginnings in California to its flourishing market in the Philippines. Shakeys the gold standard. The live bands, the hot salty pizza with the distinctive smell, the chicken + hyper-fatty mojos. The Aristocrat Restaurant, an 87-year-old dining gem nestled in the heart of Malate, Manila, has been recognized as one of the world’s most legendary restaurants. The Aristocrat Restaurant, with its rich history and commitment to serving honest, no-nonsense food that is simply delectable, is a testament to the vibrant tapestry of history, tradition, and local flavor that defines the Philippines. It is a culinary landmark that has remained relevant and highly regarded in an ever-changing culinary landscape, a true icon of gastronomy that prioritizes substance over show. So, the next time you’re in Manila, make sure to embark on a culinary journey at The Aristocrat Restaurant. After all, bypassing this distinct culinary landmark means missing out on a quintessential aspect of the city’s vibrant tapestry of history, tradition, and local flavor. Bento cakes, mini cakes or lunchbox cakes, call them whatever you like, have become a viral sensation in India. These aesthetically pleasing petite cakes weigh between 240g to 400 g and are just two to four inches in size.These eye-catching confections with quirky captions are perfect for individual servings and have been flooding Pinterest and Instagram feeds lately.
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jakemarave2 · 2 months
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Collecting moments, not things.
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jakemarave2 · 3 months
● Topic: Boracay one of the famous Island in the Philippines
Target Audience: Group Travelers and Vloggers
Type of Travel Writing: Promotional
If Boracay Island is not one of the places you have to go on your travel bucket list, your global tour will not be complete. Situated in the first-class municipality of Malay, Aklan province, Boracay Island is a globally recognized tropical paradise that comprises three villages: Balabag, Manoc-Manoc, and Yapak. The island’s numerous attractions, including its stunning beaches, fine white sand, water sports, and vibrant nightlife, enticed many visitors. Thus, Boracay is unquestionably something to think about if you’re searching for a stunning destination.
● Topic: The New Star City
 Target Audience: Families , Friends and travelers
Type of Travel Writing: Travel-trade Reporting
 Introduction:It’s a great news for everyone who are planning to visit the Star City aafterwhat happened with the incident regarding the fire. The Star city has been re open since February 24, 2022  ready to welcome back guests to its grounds – but this time with   new   safety  precautions   in   place.   And the good thing is they didn’t remove when a Birthday celebrator will get a FREE STAR PASS - just bringing 4 paying companions.  And also you can enjoy ONE WHOLE YEAR of Unlimited access to Star City's Rides and Newest Attractions.
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jakemarave2 · 3 months
You gather experiences and tales, never really recalls what the time zone you're in, consistently keep your passport close at hand extend. Writing about travel gives you that ideal work that everyone aspires to. You've had the good fortune to explore some of the most remote areas in the globe, but you have also witnessed the the industry's shadowy side crowding, the disappearance of local environments, and communities degradation and exhaustion of natural resources, the exploitation of wildlife,Cultural savioralism of whites gentrification and deterioration.As a powerful intermediary between tourists and the gentrification and destruction of the places they visit.As a powerful intermediary between tourists and the places theyvisit, travel-related writing has helped to and hastened numerous of these issues.
In recent years, responsible travel writing has become increasingly important to ensure a healthy and safe environment for both travelers and local inhabitants. Writing responsibly is not only beneficial to the environment, but it can also make for more interesting storytelling.In short, responsible travel writing is not only necessary to ensure a safe and healthy environment for everyone, but it can make for more compelling stories. By understanding the basics of responsible writing and applying them, students can create interesting and thought-provoking stories that help induce meaningful change.
For those who want to write more responsibly and have a positive impact, a quick guide on ethical travel writing is a must. Gaining an awareness of the principles of responsible tourism is one of the first steps towards becoming a more responsible travel writer. Being aware of the potential effects your trip may have on the environment and local community is part of responsible tourism. Write with intention and think about how your work can be used to educate, inspire, and encourage more responsible travel stories. Make sure to highlight the work of locals, give back in some way, and always check your facts. Able to achieve these steps, a writer-traveler will be well on their way to creating meaningful and responsible travel articles that benefit both themselves and the destination they explore. Making thoughtful and conscious decisions when writing and traveling can lead to improved experiences and promote responsible tourism.Last but not least, ethical travel writers work to provide readers a fair picture by including both the positive and negative aspects of their destinations. Naturally, the primary emphasis should always be on how responsible travel can contribute to resolving the problem or obstacle at hand while discussing the concerns and challenges associated with a destination.
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jakemarave2 · 4 months
We are on the most stunning planet in the universe, Earth, which boasts a lush, clean environment. The best companion we have is nature, which gives us everything we need to survive. For our improvement, it provides us with clean water to drink, fresh air to breathe, food to eat, land to live on, animals, and plants for other uses. Without upsetting the ecological equilibrium of the environment, we ought to thoroughly appreciate nature. To ensure that we may continue to appreciate nature for all time, we must take care of it, make it calm, maintain it clean, and preserve it from being destroyed. God has given us nature, which is a priceless gift, to enjoy but not to damage.Alongside your loved ones, a nature trail can allow you to fully appreciate all that nature has to offer.
Your physical, mental, and even social health can be greatly enhanced by hiking and being a nature lover. In summary, hiking offers substantial benefits to you, possibly beyond your initial expectations, even while it may not offer a panacea or an instant solution to all your issues. Hiking is a rewarding and thrilling pastime that deserves greater respect and attention. It provides an opportunity for physical exercise, digital detoxification, connecting with the natural world, and appreciating the wonders of our planet. It also enables us to live longer and more meaningfully interact with the people in our lives. Having said that, trekking is quite good for you!
There are several mental and physical advantages to hiking. While certain advantages, like lowered blood pressure and stress levels, improved focus, and an improvement in immunological function, could be felt right away, other advantages, like weight loss and a reduction in depression, might take time to manifest. Going on a hike in the woods has several health benefits beyond just allowing you to connect with nature. One benefit is that hiking regularly strengthens the heart’s muscles and boosts stamina, both of which are beneficial for cardiovascular health. Furthermore, persistent exposure to clean, fresh air really lessens the symptoms of lung-related disorders.All things considered, the exercise is beneficial to the body and the mind.  Instead of viewing nature through a TV screen or reading about it online, one of the main reasons people engage in this kind of activity is that it enables them to feel and experience it directly through their senses.
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jakemarave2 · 4 months
GenZ :Sustaining environment through preferred travel trend
Tourism, at its very core, is about connecting the world. Nothing about the travel industry exist in a vacuum, which means that it’s particularly susceptible to trends and cultural shifts.One of this trend is Sustainable travel,Increasing awareness of environmental issues led to a rise in eco-friendly travel options and a preference for destinations promoting sustainability.
Solo travel more people, especially millennials and Gen Z, opted for solo travel experiences, seeking independence, self-discovery, and unique ways.
As per researching the first previous travel trends was Solo Travel means the tourist going somewhere else alone and during their trip, they choose and decide everything such as services, activities, places… based on their individual needs. Solo travelers give the choice and decision by themself. Second was also known as immersion travel, is a form of tourism in which people focus on experiencing a country, city or particular place by actively and meaningfully engaging with its history, people, culture, food and environment. It can often be transformative. Third was Wellness Travel and it was define by The Global Wellness Institute as travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one's personal wellbeing. Fourth was type of tourism, involving exploration or travel with a certain degree of risk (real or perceived), and which may require special skills and physical exertion. In the United States, adventure tourism has grown in recent decades as tourists seek out-of-the-ordinary or "roads less traveled" vacations, but lack of a clear operational definition has hampered measurement of market size and growth. According to the U.S.-based Adventure Travel Trade Association, adventure travel may be any tourist activity that includes physical activity, a cultural exchange, and connection with outdoor activities and nature. Fifth travel trends was Bleisure Travel combines business trips with leisure activities, allowing travelers to extend their work trips for personal enjoyment. It’s important because it offers a work-life balance, improves traveler satisfaction by blending professional responsibilities with exploration and relaxation, and opens new opportunities for the travel and hospitality industries to cater to this growing segment.
Three possible travel trends for the next five years are Reunion travel helps reunite the member with their dependants who do not live with them overseas. It recognises the need to maintain family bonds, and adds to the personal wellbeing of the member and their dependants, Virtual reality refers to interactive images or videos which enable the viewer to explore the entire 360 degrees of a scene. Unlike a regular image of video, which is shot from a fixed view point, VR production captures every part of a location, Emphasis on local travel compare to international travel. Domestic traveling can learn the geographic from your own country and know more history from it. However, travelling abroad is international travelling. For example, when the traveler going for a trip or business outside of their country. International travelling can be benefit like learning different geographic.
A generalized shift in a circumstance, a person's conduct, or the overall course of events can all be considered trends. Emerging tourism trends can be attributed to a number of tourism-related advancements that have altered consumer behavior and corporate procedures.
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jakemarave2 · 4 months
Journeying with a Goal
The world of travel writing has changed over the last few decades—as have the travel tendencies of the general public. In the past, travel was an expensive and prized experience. Trips were few and far between, and were most certainly not available to all. Now that travel is super accessible—and relatively affordable—the majority of us are seeing the world in one way or another each and every year, and we are documenting our travels as well. The advent of photo sharing and blogging means that any traveler can instantly share their experiences with their audiences at home.
Nowadays Generation Z, the trailblazers of the digital age, are not just globetrotters; they're on a mission to redefine travel with purpose and passion. Buckle up, folks, as we delve into the revolutionary travel purposes and goals of Gen Z – the generation that's changing the game!
First and foremost, forget about aimless wanderlust – Gen Z has a purpose for every passport stamp. They're not just checking destinations off a list; they're fueling their travels with a thirst for cultural immersion and a mission to make a positive impact. From volunteering in local communities to supporting sustainable initiatives, Gen Z wants to leave a footprint of good vibes in every corner of the globe.
Connecting with your readers has become increasingly important in travel writing. Not everything that readers desire is location-specific information, as that can be found online for free. They wish to see behind the scenes by purchasing your book. Travel writing is becoming more and more personal, and the point of connection is becoming increasingly crucial. Readers and authors experience the same emotions. The reader views the writer's journey as their own, and they are glad to share what the writer has gone through.
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