jakesullysleftnipple · 2 months
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LOOK AT WHAT I GOT!! Might post some of my favorite pages of this! ^^
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jakesullysleftnipple · 5 months
Help Palestinian families get out of Gaza
Hi, I don't really post but I would like to share these two GFMs that two families had reached out specifically.
This family has a set of twins younger than 5 and are exremely sick and don't have enough food for sustenance I am in contact with the mother Alaa so if you have anything to ask don't hesitate .
Another family had also asked for help is this one they aren't in much contact but they are also desperate
if you can't donate please reblog and repost if you want but please don't ignore.
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jakesullysleftnipple · 6 months
Send this garlic bread đŸ„–đŸ§ˆđŸ§„ to the five nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart
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jakesullysleftnipple · 6 months
Sorry to be mean but I keep seeing these theories about white navi this, red navi that, green navi and whatever else colors people think the navi are gonna be based on the different biomes. It's not gonna happen. THEY WOULD STILL BE BLUE!! EVERYBODY IS BLUE!! Just different shades of blue!!
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jakesullysleftnipple · 6 months
Why So blue?//Mission With Miles continuation//
Miles Quaritch finally sees your new Na'vi body
a/n: So sorry for this coming out so late. It's a little hard trying to write avatar fanfic since my fixations keep changing but a promise is a promise!
Weeks have passed since the mission you had with Miles and his team. Since then you and him haven’t seen each other often. Aside from casual heys and team meetings you guys practically never talked. With the newfound information about the Na’vi base, he was busy coming up with a plan to storm it. Once General Admore heard of the location that was all she wanted to focus on. Getting Miles and his team back out there and “passive the hostels”. But thanks to you it took longer to make a plan. Your words and how you viewed this vast and dangerous world gave him second thoughts about this mission. He constantly tweaked the plan or held off planning altogether. Not everyone noticed but people close to him like you and Lyle did. Speaking of you, today was a very big day for you. Today was the day your avatar was finally ready for you to link with. 
You were standing near your avatar in its chamber. Pressing your palm against the cold glass tube, wanting to feel closer to this new version of yourself. As your human body stood there watching intently, The Na’vi you were still in deep sleep. It was insane how they managed to capture your looks so well, the way your eyes were shaped, the way your hair was, hell even down to the body shape. The major differences are the blue color, the size, and the tail. You were enthralled by your Na’vi, how different yet familiar you looked. You’ve dreamed of this day, the day you could roam this vast planet as one of them and now that dream has become a reality.
“Alright, it’s time to get you set up. Ready to link with your avatar?
It was Max, another one of your good friends. Since you and he study in a similar field of work you were always rambling to each other about work. You haven't seen him in a while too, he’d go on frequent trips to Pandora with the other scientists to study the plants, animals, and Na’vi if they came in contact with them. His words broke you out of your train of thought. You whipped your head around being met with a kind smile, of course, you were ready. 
“Yes, I am.”
You say confidently as you pull yourself away from the glass chamber and follow after Max. Even though you were excited you were just as nervous. Your nerves make your body tense and your breathing grows shallow. It wasn’t a busy day at the base today, hallways were crowded with people due to frequent scouting missions lately. Within a few minutes, you both arrive at your designated linking pod. Max gave a quick rundown of what to expect and what you should do during your time in the pod. It didn’t take long for you to get set up, you loved watching your coworkers link up so you were very familiar with the process. As he talked you through it you started to climb into the pod, the softness of the foam comforting and helping relax your nerves. Now it was time for the process to begin, Max carefully laid you down in your pod and made small adjustments to make sure you were comfortable. Nervousness was written all over your face, clear as day to anyone.
“No need to be nervous, the linking process is not painful at all. When you wake up in your new body it will feel very different so go slow when it comes to moving. Other than that you’ll be okay.’’
He reassured you while placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You knew this already but hearing it from someone else made you calm down more. You and Max give each other one last smile before he begins the linking process and closes you in your pod. Now you were alone. Just you and the many thoughts that circled your thoughts. As you lay there your heart pounded, the sound loud enough for you to hear and not just feel it shake your being. Now wasn’t the time for that, now was the time to relax and transfer your mind into your new body. So you closed your eyes and took some deep breaths while thinking of things that relaxed you, Pandora's life. As quick as your nervousness came it left as your mind transported your mind to Pandora. You could feel the warmth of its sunbeam on you, the softness of the grass brushing against your body, the sounds of nearby creatures moving through the trees and ground. It was like you were there again. Your heart no longer raced and the only thoughts on your mind were the ones of Pandora. You craved that life again, even if it was for a few moments. Without warning your mind went blank. You felt nothing, you thought of nothing, and for a brief moment, you were nothing but a conscience. Then bright fluorescent lights stained your site. You wanted to get up and cover your eyes from these painfully bright lights but your body was so heavy, like you had sleep paralysis. Slowly your vision came back to you, the bright lights getting no softer as you slowly became aware of your surroundings. Sounds of people running back and forth now filled your ears. It was hard to make out what they were saying and see them, hell you weren’t even sure what was happening. Max told you before you went under that it was normal to not remember what was happening but that too slipped your mind. You were just focused on moving. Right as you tried to pull yourself off the medical bed someone placed their hand on your chest and held you down.
“Stay down for a sec, they need to do some motor function checks.”
Who said that? You asked yourself as your face scrunched up still trying to adjust to the light. From the feeling of their hand, they were not a human. Your first instinct was to shove them back and move anyway but your vision finally got clear when you noticed it was Lyle, your best friend. He was busy looking at something else in the room but still, he held you down. Then 2 more nurses came up to you and started to run some small tests. Seeing how your eyes reacted to light, how your fingers moved, how your ears reacted to sound, and a few more things. Once you were aware of everything you laid back down and just let them do their job. The heaviness of your body dissolved the more you became aware of your body. Your new body felt so different, even though you were several feet larger you felt lighter. 
“Alright now let's get you up.”
Both nurses help pull you up from your lying position in bed so you can start some training. As you sat up you finally got to see what your body looked like up close. It felt unreal to be a Na’vi, you couldn’t help but admire your new features. If it wasn’t for the nurses guiding you upward you would’ve sat there longer just to look at yourself.  It was necessary to do a bit of training before you were allowed to continue with your day. Lyle gave you a few words of encouragement for your training before he too had to go off. 
“Wish I could stay to help but Miles needs me again, see ya later!”
Oh shit Miles! You thought to yourself almost forgetting about him. Since he was always ducked away in his office it was so easy to forget about him and every time he was brought back to your attention you couldn’t shake the thought of him. Thankfully you had to train so hopefully that could distract you a bit. Alongside this new form, new clothes were made for you. Every Na’vi recom could pick So for the next few hours, you trained your body and explored the outside facility. You were getting used to your new instincts like your eagle eye vision and your newfound flexibility. It was fantastic! You felt so alive and now with your new Na’vi form, you can finally get the full Pandora experience. Just the thought of it made your ears perk and your tail twitch. You were thrilled to be in your new body, you were thrilled for all the new things you could experience like bonding with creatures. It wasn’t long after the training that you got back to work inside, most of your equipment was too small to handle so you helped out elsewhere. For the most part, you hung around Max, telling him about all the cool things you could do. He enjoyed having you company as he worked on his assignments. It was nice sharing a conversation with someone who had the same passion as pandora as you did. Most people here were only focus on money or any excuse to escape Earth, it was rare to find anyone here who wanted to work here for none selfish-ish reasons. 
“Hope I ain’t bothering anything but Miles needs you for a bit.”
Lyle butted his head into your conversation with Max to tell you that. He gave your shoulders a firm squeeze before dragging you off. 
“Hey!- ugh, see you later Max!”
You shouted to him before Lyle pulled you in front of him and nudged you off. Lyle seemed to also be happy that you were Na’vi now. The grin on his face still ide like when you transferred into your new body. He kept shoving you down the hall like it was urgent. 
“Why does that old fart need me? I thought he was busy with the general again and stop pushing me damnit!”
“Alrighttt. I don’t know why, might be to look over the information you two gathered on the mission. All he said was to bring you in quick while he was rummaging through papers.”
He pulled back from you and crossed his arms, letting out a small sigh as he continued to walk alongside you. Even in your Na’vi you still came up a little shorter than him, only by a foot or so. As you both walked he talked about the mission Miles and the general were plannin. He said they didn’t have an exact plan yet due to last-minute changes and uncertainty from him. You too found it weird but one of the last statements was how you changed him. Enough to start him on the path of thinking logically when it came to his harsh actions. You didn’t think much of it until Lyle brought it up to you. Once you both made it there Lyle patted you on the back and wished you luck as he went off elsewhere.
“For a soldier, he is a bit strange.” 
You mumbled to yourself as you headed into his office, first, you knocked but he didn’t answer so you just walked in after a few moments of waiting. And there he was. Not paying attention to anything else but the papers in front of him. He was hunched over his work like his life depended on it.  He brushed his fingers through his short hair and he grumbled incoherent words under his breath. He glanced up quickly, only catching the bottom half of you. He assumed you were one of the other recom members. He smacked his teeth and with a deep sigh, he spoke. 
“You’re not who I asked for, excuse yourself and get who asked you to get, and stop wasting my time.”
His voice was strong and demanding, it was clear that he was aggravated and stressed. Just then you closed the door behind you and walked up to his desk. Your tail whipped with curiosity as you watched him look over and over the files. 
“We haven’t seen each other for a while and that's  how you speak to me? Wowwww.”
He says with sarcasm written all over your voice and face. You threw your hands up and turned away from him. As soon as you spoke he stopped everything, the papers he had slipping out of his hand and onto the desk. His eyes finally meet your figure. His ears narrowed as he looked at you. That was when you turned back to him. A sly smile on your face as your tail moved quicker. It was hard to hide your emotions with your new body, you looked like a cat ready to pounce. Once he figured out who it truly was he too couldn’t hide his excitement. He stood up from where he sat at his desk and walked over to you. His hands held his hips as he waltzed up to you, that sly smile he always wore on his face. Even in your new form, he was still roughly a foot taller than you.
“Well look at you buttercup...You're just as eye-catching as you were in your human body
“Thank you, sir, probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me pfft.”
You both laugh a bit before Miles gently grabs your chin and examines your face. His tail slowly swayed as his low-set yellow eyes took in every inch of your face. You and him have grown fond of each other's physical touch so you didn’t stray from his touch. He stood still as he took your presence. His eyes longed for you, it had been a while since the both of you had been alone. He took one step closer to you and pulled you into a kiss. A deep sigh of relief escaped his lungs as his lips pressed firmly against yours. You were a little surprised but kissed him back, leaning closer to him as he did the same. You let your hands rest on his chest while his other hand held your lower back, not wanting you to move just yet. His tail like many times before wrapped around your leg as he continued the kiss a few moments longer. Finally, you both pull back, just looking at each other in comforting silence. He smiled at you, the tension and stress melting away thanks to you. 
“Hm..That’s what I needed
But since you are here, I could use your help.”
He nodded and let him lead you to his desk. He sat down in his chair and had you sit across his lap. Before he got back to work he couldn’t help but yo admire you, he looked at you with the same look in his eyes when you were in your human body. No matter what form you were in he still found you captivating. He wasn’t big on expressing things like that verbally but he could physically. While he worked and explained some of the details to you, you brushed your fingers against his short hair and he kept his arm around you. That's why he needed you, he didn’t want you to work or run errands. He wanted your presence again, he needed it. And now you were here to do so.
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jakesullysleftnipple · 7 months
Finally working on the miles quaritch sees your avatar form fic! 😼‍💹 Hopefully I can have it down before this week is over
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jakesullysleftnipple · 8 months
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pose study w recom!Jake
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jakesullysleftnipple · 8 months
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jakesullysleftnipple · 9 months
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I need avatar fic ideas! suggest some down below, fluff and NSFW are okay but don't suggest NSFW with the Sully kids or the other kids. I'll only write fluff of them. But for the adults, anything is on the table ^^
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jakesullysleftnipple · 9 months
Mission With Miles
Chapter 12: Hayalovay “Until Next Time”
Miles and the team decided it was best to rest here and head home in the morning. Throughout the night members of the squad kept watch while others rest. You slept near a fallen tree, curled up by a patch of moss as your aching body rested. Miles couldn’t sleep so he sat a few inches beside you and did some work on his tablet. He often found himself having trouble sleeping at night but the time he slept in your quarters and the time you and him slept together in the shack was the easiest he managed to fall asleep. Those memories gave him a little mood boost as he continued with his work. Your body would sometimes toss and turn or cling to him but he didn’t mind it. He enjoyed the little reminder that you were there with him.
Almost Home
“Ready for pickup, sending coordinates for drop point.”
Miles speaks into Lyles's earpiece, informing those on the other line that they are okay and ready to circle home. It took no longer than a handful of minutes to get the generals okay and a dropship to be on its way. The team including yourself woke up early and started moving. It would take the ship a few hours to get here so it would give the squad enough time to move to the rally point, replenish natural resources, and take a well-needed break. Miles rallied up his men and informed them to start heading west and stop at the river bed. One by one the squad members fell in line and walked in said direction. He gathered up other stranglers, pointing in the direction of everyone else until he caught up to you.
There you were crouching over, looking at something in the distance. The playful side of him wanted to tip you over but another part of him was curious. What are you so interested in? He thought. So he stooped down low enough behind you, thanks to his larger and slimmer build he was able to move quickly and silently. As far as you know, you were alone in this moment. His eyes narrowed to what you were looking at and there it was.. It was a small herd of hexapods. A mother and a few babies, each one playing and running around each other until she’d turn around and make an odd noise, as though she was yelling at them to stop. Your eyes glint at the sight. How are there so many beauties on this planet? It was so vast and you’ve barely scratched the surface of this place's complexities. You craved to be further immersed into this planet but you can’t seem to get a full break to enjoy it without someone stopping you. Little did you know someone was here to stop your observation. Large hands gripped your sides and pulled you several feet off the ground.
“Who the fuc-”
“Watch your mouth, just moving you buttercup”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes as you heard his voice. In one big swoop, he tossed you over his shoulder, grabbed your bag, and started following after his team. Why does he always do this? You thought as you lay limp on his shoulder, giving the hexapods one last glance as you were pulled away through Pandora's vegetation. You see the creatures play happily with each other as they too move deeper into the forest. Your eyes had a look of longing to them, you wanted to stay but you knew you couldn't stay. You had a life to return to at home base. A life you weren’t looking forward to. You shifted your body and turned towards him, seeing where he was taking you. There in the distance were the other members of the squad still going forward. Without much thought your fingers laced around his braid and gave it a gentle tug. His body jolted and the hand holding you in place squeezed you tighter. His breath hissed as he side glanced at you and waited for you to do or say something, filled with a bit of anticipation.
“I want to get down, so put me down Miles.”
He too scoffed a bit when you told him that, was it that he wanted something else? Maybe but he wouldn’t dwell on it. So he did as you asked and put you down. He handed you your things and continued to guide you to the group, his hand hovering behind your back to make sure you would keep up with the group. Continuously he glanced down at you but you didn’t return the looks as you were deep in thought. About what? He didn’t have a clue but he assumed it was about what you were previously doing but he wouldn’t pry. Instead, he gently nudged you with his tail before asking you a question.
“Y/n, How’d this mission go in your opinion? It was successful but this is your first mission off base if I’m correct. So, what do you think?”
He asked with curiosity dripping from his voice. His first mission was thrilling, he enjoyed the rush of being in the action. Every mission felt the same except for this one because of you. You gave him the rush but in a different way and not only that but you made him feel something new. Compassion. Never has he felt this genuine compassion for you and those around him. The last thing he expected was for that to happen yet here he was, feeling such a feeling for you. Patiently he waited for you to answer his question. You were shaken out of your focus but got back in it after his question. You thought of everything that has happened over the past few days. You almost got killed 3 times, you sustained a pretty bad injury, and you even were told something pretty discouraging by miles. On the other hand, Miles found you when you were hurt and tended to your wounds, you and him bonding in more ways than one and he listened to you. There were positives and negatives about the mission but after giving it a bit of thought you gave him your answer.
“It was..scary. Who knew my first day I would almost get killed? hah...This place is so beautiful but danger lurks in every corner. I don’t regret coming, I'm glad I had this experience, even if there were some negatives. I’ve learned so much and experienced many fulfilling things here.”
You spoke with a small smile on your face as you replayed all the good and bad memories, resonating with the parts that affected you the most. Your fingers lightly trace your shoulder the more you think about everything that took place here. Finally, you looked back at Miles, a look of sincerity that contrasted with his look of mild confusion.
“Even if it wasn’t everything I thought it would be it was still okay. At first, I didn’t want to go with you, you weren’t as pleasant as you are now but I am glad I came with you Miles.”
“Oh...I can agree with you there. Glad you came y/n.”
His look of confusion was soon replaced with a soft look. One you’ve seen only a few times but one you enjoyed. He was confused by your response and how you thought it was scary. His first time wasn’t scary at all, even if in his old self's memories he received that nasty scar he never remembered feeling fearful. Everyone does have different feelings from their first day but he’s never heard someone feel scared until you. Most people he worked with were never that honest with him. Not too long after the small exchange of words you both reach up to the group and reach the designated stopping point. The squad broke up into small groups, some keeping watch and others continuing small talk while they replenished resources like water. You and Miles sat on the ground near a fallen tree a bit farther from the group, also keeping watch of all the others before the arrival of the dropship.
Arrival of the dropships
Finally, after 2 hours of sitting and scoping the area for any dangers, the dropship's roaring engine grew louder and louder. You and the others quickly gathered your packs and other equipment before moving out into the dense forest to make room for the dropship. The high wind speeds and the rumbling of the engines were something you didn’t miss, hearing the sounds reminded you once more of the life you were returning to. Life behind a computer screen. You rushed behind the nearest tree gripping its bark tightly as the dropship landed a couple of meters before you. Once the roar of the engines was silenced and the gate to the transportation bay was opened the squad began to fall in. One by one they followed each other into the ship. You followed after them but before entering the transportation bay you looked back at the forest.
Part of you wanted to stay here, live, and learn about this place first hand but another part of you knew that couldn’t happen. You deeply wanted to explore the world of Pandora but something pulled you back, literally. Lyle grabbed your arm and dragged you onto the ship, you hadn't noticed but the ships were about to take off and you alongside a few stragglers weren’t buckled up. Before your brain could process what was happening you were tossed into the nearest seat and Lyle buckled you up. Once secured he left you there and went back to his seat. You were still in a daze to see who was around or where you were either. Your breath shook and your eyes gazed down at your feet while trying to make sense of yourself. You weren’t frightened or mad, you were taken from a place where you truly felt at home. You were sad but still reminiscing on the wonderful memories you made while you were here. It felt shorter even if you were there for 3 and a half days. Pandora days are already pretty long but at home base, they were long, tiresome, and boring. Yet here, the days didn’t feel long enough. There on Pandora, you were happy and got the experience of a lifetime yet it didn’t last long enough for you.
“You alright?”
A familiar voice rang in your ears slowly snapping you back into reality. You felt a warm grasp lace around your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze before repeating the question.
“Are you alright y/n?”
He asked now with more urgency. You looked up to who it was, and to your surprise it was Miles. You previously thought Lyle placed you near one of your other squad members, instead, he sat you near Miles but you were too out of it to notice. You glance down at his hand on your thigh and then back at him. His look was serious but concerned, his ears narrowed as he impatiently waited for your response. As all of the surroundings and noises came back into your focus you nodded yes. Frantically you scooped your surroundings to remember where you were, what noises you were hearing, and what was happening. “You’re on the dropship heading home y/n” you continuously repeat as you take big deep breaths to calm your tensed nerves. Miles's hand stayed firmly on your thigh until you were fully back to reality and somewhat relaxed. He could feel the muscles in your leg tighten and contract once he grasped it, eventually thanks to your deep breathing the muscles in your body relax. Your jaw loosens, your shoulders drop, your racing heart now steady once you’ve come to your senses. Seeing how calm you looked he pulled his hand back and let it rest in his lap. He didn’t know what else to do or say so he kept to himself. You did the same, trying to drown out the rumbling and roar of the engines until you made it back “home”. From where you sat you were blessed with a view of outside, the trees and irkans so clear to see and admire. Your soul was at peace getting reminded of all the wonderful things you saw on the mission. But the longer the ride went on the less and less you saw Pandora's natural beauty was slowly replaced by human-built structures and large clearings that were once full of life.
“We're here, boys! Unpack and make your way inside, we got a lot to debrief!” A familiar voice broke through the noise of the engines. Miles got up from his seat and ordered his men off the ship. The anxiety you felt when you left came back, you didn’t want to be here. After seeing all that Pandora had to offer you didn’t feel at home here. Nonetheless, you followed his orders unpacked your gear from the ship, and headed out. One by one you and your teammates fell out of the ship and marched back inside. Your return resulted in claps and cheers of praise. Other humans and Na’vi recom members cheered everyone on for another successful mission. Nervously you waved and smiled back to your coworkers. You weren’t used to praising especially on this level, it was a nice feeling but one that wouldn’t last long. As you made it through the doors of Homebase more familiar noises rang your eardrums. Drills, yelling, bangs, the hums of large machinery, a sound you didn’t miss. Miles informed everyone, including yourself, to head to their quarters to put away their things and immediately head to the conference room. So that's what you did, you rushed back to your room, dodging and squeezing through your other teammates until you made it outside of your room. Once inside you took off all your equipment and let out a big breath. Your shoulders and knees ached from the continuous walking and running you’ve been doing for the past few days. You smelled like must, sweat, and old blood. It was an unpleasant smell, and you wanted to relax in the shower but have a conference first. You threw your things down near your bed and quickly freshened up, all you had time to do was put on some deodorant and a little fragrance you had on your dresser before leaving your room. Again you were greeted by coworkers, congratulating you for your work on the mission. Some said they were surprised you didn’t die on the mission and others just gave you a nod of approval. As you approached the conference room someone stopped you in your tracks. Your “buddy” Selfridge.
“Hey y/n, missed ya! We need you to do some paperwork regarding your mission.”
“I’m supposed to meet up with Miles and t-”
Before you could finish your sentence he threw files into your arms and patted your back with a “Thanks”. He left before you had the chance to repeat yourself. Your body whipped around to look for him but he was too far gone. A low grunt escaped your mouth as you looked down at the large stack of files in your hands. You looked back and forth between the conference room and your room. After a few moments of contemplating you sighed and went to your office to get to work on files. You dragged your feet behind you and your shoulders slumped the more you fixated on the stack of files you needed to finish. Once you were at your office you threw the files down and slammed your fist against the desk. Again another groan left your mouth, louder and with a growl to it. This wasn’t how you wanted to spend your day back here but knowing Selfridge if it wasn’t done soon he’d only get more annoyed by you. You shook your head and ran your fingers through your hair as you came up with the plan for the rest of the day. Shower, do paperwork, catch up with miles if you can, clean your room, and sleep.
So that is what you did
well tried too. The files lay messily on your cluttered desk as you left the room and gathered clothes from your quarters. You take the well-needed shower in your private shower room, one of the few benefits of being an “Important” worker here is getting private showers. You scrubbed away the grime and gunk off your body, untangled your hair, and cleaned the dirt from underneath your nails as the warm water trickled on your body. Giving you the feeling of relief the longer you stood underneath the showerhead. Of all the things to miss about this place, you missed this the most, until a stinging sensation covered your hands and wrist. You shoot your head down to your hands to see what caused this discomfort, it was the rope burns you had from the mission
Carefully you unraveled the bandages that bound your hands to reveal the semi-healed skin beneath them. The water cover dripped onto your hands bringing back that stinging feeling but it didn’t bother you anymore. Your eyes were fixated on the new scars you gained, the ones you gained from escaping a near-death experience. Not only that but you notice the rough skin of your palms. This wasn’t from the mission, the skin was completely healed but still rough. This was before the mission when you ran away from Miles, a memory you couldn’t forget but didn’t realize it left such a scar behind. More memories of the mission and training you did with Miles came back like a wave. There in solitude, you stood as you replayed countless memories in your head, letting the warm water fall down your body and hug you like a blanket of warmth. A warmth that would be short-lived as it was soon replaced with cold. You jumped back almost slipping as you moved from the water. Hot waters out. You thought to yourself as you quickly finished your shower and got dressed in more comfortable clothing.
Time to get back to work.”
You mumbled to yourself for motivation, making your way back to your office to get started on those files. For the next hours, you stayed in your room sorting the files, filling them out, and rewatching clips from the mission to mark down. Your fingers tighten around your pen, your eye bags deepen, and your focus only on the work in front of you. It was so intense that you didn’t even realize someone had walked into your office. That was until a cup of coffee was placed in front of you, it was freshly brewed and smelt amazing. Snapping you out of your deep focus for a moment. Just from instinct, you thought it was Selfridge encouraging you to finish so you respond to the gesture.
“I’ll have them done by tomorrow Selfridge, I’m al-”
“Oh, so he’s the one who made you miss the briefing. I’ll have a word with him later.”
“Huh? Miles?”
Your head shot up and there he was, leaning over your desk examining your files and the mess of a desk you worked on. That sly grin was back on his face as you noticed him, he circled to your side of the desk and rubbed his large hands across your shoulders. A feeling of relief washed over you as he did but still, you worked. Before you could even write anything down he grabbed your wrist gently and made you put down the papers and pens.
“Come on, take a little break. We have a bit to talk about buttercup.”
“...Okay fine, what is it that you want to talk about Miles?”
You asked as you grabbed the cup of coffee he brought for you and took a generous sip of it. It was delightful. You took another sip and smiled down at the cup. Miles too smiled at you, making his way back in front of the desk and sitting in one of the extra chairs you had in the room. He crossed his arms and leaned forward against your desk and watched you take another sip of the coffee.
“Any good? Thought you could use it.”
“Mhm, not as sweet as I’d like but good so I won’t complain this time heh
What you needed again?”
“Right, We can get into the mission debriefing later. More importantly, me and my team think you did well on your first mission. Even if you almost died, what like 3 times? Hehe”
“ Your point?-”
“ We want you to come on the next one, they think you're a great addition to the team.”
“Oh..well that’s..sweet. But if it’s going to the na’vi outpost I don’t want to go
I don’t want their blood on my hands. I’d love to go but under those circumstances, I wouldn’t be a good asset.”
He paused. Taking your answer into consideration, thinking of his next words carefully to either convince you to join or dismiss it entirely. He nipped the skin of his lip before continuing the conversation.
“I respect that, but there will be more opportunities for you, because..Your Na’vi avatar is nearly ready to be taken for its first official test run. Once you get used to it, we want you on a mission to test it out.”
Now you paused, eyes widened and your hands covered your mouth. Watering eyes look back at him as you process what he just told you. Not only were you given aallowedback to Pandora but you’d be in your Na’vi avatar too. You were overjoyed hearing it but Miles thought he said something wrong. Without thinking you jumped from your chair and ran to him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. He froze thinking you were going to hit or yell at him but once he realized it was a hug he hugged you back tenderly. You uttered the words “Thank You” into his ears, still holding him tightly. He smiled and pulled you up and onto his lap, still holding you. He smiled happily seeing your reaction to the news. You pulled back from the hug to look up at him and he looked back at you. A few moments passed before one of you decided to move, it was you this time. You reached up and cupped his cheek, your hand was so small compared to his face but he could feel the tenderness from your touch. He pressed his cheek into your hand and watched you intently. His big yellow eyes had small glints in them as he continued to watch you. He was curious to see what you’d do next so he stayed silent and waited. Then you pulled yourself up closer to him and gave him a kiss, a sweet and tender kiss unlike the ones before. This one was sweeter, a true gift of thanks to him. He kissed you back slowly letting his hands hug your figure. Soft moans escaped your lips as you two continued the kiss before pulling back to catch y’all’s breath. He smiled wider and his tail whipped quickly with excitement once the kiss ended. His ears perked up and his cheeks grew a deeper shade of blue seeing your expression after the kiss. Your cheeks were a bright red color and an identical smile on your face.
“Thanks Miles
For everything.”
“No problem y/n, Thank you as well.”
For the rest of the night, you and he stay in the office, you working on the files for today's mission and him keeping you company with old mission stories and memorable moments of the past few days. As you both entertained each other your mind began to wander back to you and Miles's first encounter. He didn’t like you and you sure as hell didn’t like him. It was a mutual dislike but slowly over the next few days of training you and him started to tolerate each other. But you truly saw his kindness and mindfulness for you on the last day of training, When shots were fired at the innocent direhorse. Ever since then, he has been kind and more mindful of you and your feelings. Sure he slips back into his old ways of being arrogant but the more time you spent together the less he did it. He was still the strong and overbearing leader but still made sure to treat you with the respect you deserved. It was very unexpected for the both of you to find comfort in each other. Thankfully the mission with Miles wouldn’t end your relationship with him. Maybe you wouldn’t have to wait until you got your Na’vi body to bond with him again.
Thank you guys for the love I’ve been receiving on this fanfic but I’m ending it here! I’ve been writing this since March 3rd and this fanfic will conclude today. December 16th. Seems right to me, I appreciate everyone reading this fic deeply. You guys motivated me to finish and I’m so happy with how far I came with writing this. I will write more avatar fics, one being Miles's reaction to your Na’vi form! Once again thank you for the love on this fic and I hope you guys will stick around for more fics to come!
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jakesullysleftnipple · 9 months
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jakesullysleftnipple · 9 months
The new ATWOW extended and deleted scenes are so good! I have a bunch downloaded from tiktok but here's my favorite so far.
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jakesullysleftnipple · 10 months
Fanfic update!
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The final chapter of this fic will be updated on December 16th! If you are a fellow Avatar lover you should know that ATWOW was released on that day! So it's only right to end it on that day as well! I will be making 1 shots of characters from Avatar after the final chapter is done so don't worry! Thank you guys for the support of my series and I hope you enjoy the final chapter.
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jakesullysleftnipple · 11 months
Mission With Miles
Chapter 11: Decisions, Decisions pt.2 : 
“Well come on Lyle spit it out already.”
He grumbled as he tied a secure knot in your bandages before standing in front of Lyle. He was slightly annoyed that he interrupted you and him but little did he know the information he was about to receive would change the course of this mission.
“While you were with y/n we managed to locate the na’vi threshold, It’s far closer and larger than we assumed.”
He took one of the spare tablets to pull the coordinates of their base. Miles took the tablet and looked, Lyle was right, with the right equipment and faster transportation they could be there in less than 2 hours. He smiled down at the screen, nudging Lyle with his free hand.
“Well I’ll be damned, This is better than good this is great, we still have time left in the day so let’s check it out. Make sure it’s legit”
“Yes sir, I’ll gather the rest of the squad and you can give orders from there, glad to have you back sir.”
He said with a smile, now returning to his team and helping them tie up the na’vi. As Miles was busy examining the location and the best way to get there you were sitting on an overgrown tree root processing what happened. They found their base..? You question yourself as you think of what to do or even say. You were against killing, it wasn’t right especially to those who don’t deserve it. You knew exactly what would happen if they got to that base and the thought alone made your stomach churn. It would be something you couldn’t handle let alone participate in. You stared back up at Miles with his back turned to you. Thoughts ran wild in your head as all possible outcomes of that played out. Even if you were captured and almost killed by the na’vi it didn’t feel right to harm the natives of this land. It wasn’t in your nature to be a killer. What could you possibly do to stop this from happening? What could someone like you do to stop miles? Then the idea that could be the key to leaving mostly unharmed came to mind. Convince him not to go there and just head back to home base! You convinced him to ride the dire horse and he seemed to have a soft spot for you. You can use that to your advantage to get him to take you guys home. It was the best and sensible option too, you were sore and weakened. You were in no shape to fight again. Finally, you broke the silence and started to enact your plan to get home. 
“Hey sir, don’t you think it’s best we gather the final sample and then go to the threshold? We’ll complete the mission and then have more good news to bring back.”
“That would be ideal, yes. We’ll get your sample and then head there alright? You’ll be good now won’t you, your wounds aren’t too bad hm?”
He asked as his hand wrapped around your forearm tenderly, again that softness returning as he looked at you. He did care, care immensely about you. A small smile crept on his face as he awaited your answer, his tail lightly whipping with curiosity. Your cheeks grew warm from his closeness and kind behavior, even if he was like this with you more it still made your heart race. You return the smile to him and give your wounds one final examination before nodding yes. 
“I’ll be fine sir, let's finish this mission sooner rather than later.”
“Couldn’t agree more y/n, let’s get going.”
He said in that sweet tone of voice as he gave your arm one more firm squeeze and let go of your arm to focus on the mission at hand. He gathered up his men telling him the game plan for the remainder of the mission. They would gather the samples and once secured they would advance to the na’vi threshold and raid it. Hearing and seeing the thrill the squad members felt from getting the chance to raid that na’vi base made you feel out of place. You didn’t feel the thrill they felt, you had a distaste for this plan. You couldn’t bring yourself to try and act like it either, so as the others cheered with Miles there you stood, away from the group just watching them in solitude. In the moment the feeling of true detachment returned to you, You weren’t like them. If it weren’t for Lyle coming to get you, you still would’ve been stuck in dissection. You snapped out of it and put on your brave face, no need to dwell on that feeling anymore
Again you and the team venture through the thick jungles of Pandora but this time around you weren’t acting like you were on previous trips. Quiet and reserved you were as you traveled alongside Miles, simply taking in all of the life this planet had to offer. Not only was it weird for you but for Miles too. He expected to see that happy and upbeat version of yourself as you rambled on about the wildlife but that wasn’t the case. He didn’t think much of it at first, In fact, he didn’t pay you much mind as he was busy with Lyle and catching up with him. You caught his attention from the lack of conversation the moment that he and Lyle’s conversation ended. So he stepped up and decided to ask you about it.
“You alright? Mighty quiet this time around.”
“huh?Oh yeah
sorry, just ya know, thinking to myself.”
“What about exactly? Care to share?”
Again with a soft-spoken tone, something about it expresses more than just a soft spot for you but concern. He gestured Lyle forward to give you both a bit more privacy. His tail gently rubbed against your leg, it wasn’t the first time it happened but he still didn’t know how to control it. You looked back up at him, nervously nipping at the skin on your lip thinking whether or not you should ask him this. A few more moments of silence pass before you finally get the courage to ask him a question that would interfere with his intel plan.
“Do you want to harm the na’vi because you want to or because it’s what you were told to do?”
He was stunned, what kind of question is that? He wondered to himself as he continued to walk forward but his mind was frozen. The question played on a loop in his head as he tried to decipher its meaning. It may have been a simple ask but it made him question his morals a bit. Before he dived down deeper in this mental rabbit hole he shook his head and just gave you an unsure smile. His eyes tightened and the smile he gave looked tight and tense. He was uncertain. 
“That is a uh
interesting question. Why do you ask?”
“..Just curious that’s all. Forget I asked.”
You mumbled the last bit of your sentence as you dismissively waved your hands. You cracked a nervous smile for me hoping you could shake the feeling you felt. But it didn’t help. Even more, the silence was exchanged between you both, you both wanted to speak but y’all were tongue-tied. Just as Miles was about to attempt to make conversation you cut him off and spoke again.
“I don’t want to stop this mission nor complete it unsatisfied. But seeing the way you act with me and then the way you act with your squad, it makes me think..what do you want to do?”
You waited for his response, hoping that he’d have a slight change of heart. He was a brutal and harsh leader but over the past few days, you’ve seen a side of him that most people haven’t. A side that was caring, mindful, and kind. You weren’t a killer, you couldn’t bring yourself to harm the natives or other inhabitants. That wasn’t in your nature and you thought for a second that Miles too didn’t want to either but did it because that was the only thing he was good at. The thing he was told to do. You inched closer to him slowly wrapping your small hand around his much larger hand. Gripping it a bit as you leaned closer to him, still awaiting for that answer you wanted. But right as you felt him about to speak Lyle came around again. This time to inform Miles they were close to the last stop point. You quickly retracted your hand and buried it into your pocket. Miles didn’t want you to let go, he loved the feeling of your warmth on his cold skin. But there were more important things at hand. He and Lyle once again chatted for a bit about the plans while you waited beside him.  You didn’t want to be a bother so you quickly told Miles you were going to the front of the group. He tried to pull you back or tell you no but got wrapped up back in his and Lyle’s conversation. You didn’t want to be a bother but Miles enjoyed it. Every second he could get to talk to you he enjoyed, you gave him a feeling of bliss he’s rarely experienced. He craved it, He craved you, but you felt like he didn’t. Instead of trying to convince him otherwise you decided to focus on the mission at hand while he stayed with Lyle. Now that you two were spilt up it gave miles time to ponder once again on that question you asked him. "Do you want to harm the na’vi because you want to or because it’s what you were told to do?” The question stung and lingered, he knew for a fact that he was doing his job. He knew his purpose as a colonel but did he enjoy it? Did he feel the same way as his human body felt about this? He was.. unsure. Now he had to figure that answer out for himself. 
The last stop 
“We’re here boss!”
Lyle shouted out as you entered the final stop before you headed to the final point, the discovered Na’vi threshold. You squeezed and pushed yourself forward through the crowds of people. And there it was, the final sample you needed. Binary Sunshine. Without hesitating you walked into the area that was bustling with these plants. It wasn’t as open as other areas were, and it was a bit cluttered but thanks to the formation of the plants there were small pathways you and the others could fit through while harvesting these plants. This area was thriving with all types of plants, some dangerous and some harmless, even so, this was what you needed to feel like yourself again. Your smile came back and your body shook with joy as you came in contact with the plants. You whipped your head around to speak but there everyone stood in confusion. They were expecting you to say something but you froze, the sudden attention and judging eyes made you stiffen. Your heart raced as you stammered your words together, making no sense. Your face burned bright red from embarrassment as your eyes frantically looked at their faces. Some were talking and others snickering at you. You could feel your brain and body shortcircuit as you tried to speak but it was no use, thankfully someone noticed your struggle. Miles did, he moved through the crowd of people toward you. Once in front of the group he gave you a small nod and rested his hand on your back. 
“I don’t take disrespect nor do I like it when my comrades are being disrespectful to someone new in our squad. Give them your attention or you’ll have to deal with me once we rotate back home. Understood?”
He snarled as he gripped the gun holster on his side while glaring at his group, his glare more harsh to the ones who laughed at you. In unison, all of them said “Yes Sir!” They patiently waited for you to give them instructions. Your body no longer shook but still was stiff from Miles. He gently rubbed your back, he looked down at you giving you a look that told you it was okay, and continued. You nodded and took a big and deep breath, you were still nervous but more confident thanks to him. 
“..These plants are called.. Binary Sunshine or Penghrrap which translates to Danger Teller in Na’vi. In
Instead of just taking samples we’ll need the whole plant. So get the smaller plants, dig them up from the roots, and put them in their labeled pouches. Only take 10 plants, that should be enough.”
“Alright you heard em, get to work!”
The squad was divided into small groups and were each given pouches for the plants. Swiftly they collected the plants and packaged them up carefully there was something oddly amusing about seeing the usually hostile recom members carefully pick plants. You smiled and laughed a bit as you watched them work. Miles was too busy looking at you, seeing that happy expression of yours return felt like a relief to him. He rubbed your back once more before pulling his hand back from you to do something else. He leaned down towards you seeming to ask you something.
“What’s so special about these plants here y/n?”
He was taking an interest in the things you like, usually, you would tell him about them later but this time he asked you first, His voice was low was soft but full of genuine interest. He smiled at you and waited for you to ramble on about them. 
“Oh, like I said before they’re called Binary Sunshine or danger tellers since the leaves can change color depending on the surroundings. So if there is danger nearby it’ll change color and since they glow in the dark they’re like lamps.”
You continued to tell him about the plants, that nervousness dissipating due to how comfortable you felt with him. He listened attentively, keeping his eyes on you as well as his ears. Since there were others around he didn’t have to be so attivent to the surroundings. He enjoyed the sound of your voice and how happy it sounded every time you explained something new to him, it was one way he was able to calm down a little while on this mission. This interaction was soon cut short by Lyle once again. How inconvenient. Miles thought to himself as he stood back up fully and waited for Lyle's next words.
“We got all the samples, they’re packed and ready to go. Ready to make the next move boss?”
The air seemed to get thicker from his question. His tail stopped moving and his ears tilted back a little. Miles Squad stood behind Lyle as they waited for his next order. They smiled with anticipation, grinning in malicious excitement as they thought of storming the Na’vi threshold and taking it over by any means necessary. Miles stood tall and prideful as he thought of his answer. Figuring out the way to say this. You however weren’t thrilled by the question, because you knew the answer. It was inevitable, he was going to go to that Na’vi base and you’d have to pracitpate or lose your job
You all stood in tense silence as you listened for his next words.
“...We..We are heading home boys. We’ll heal up, tell General Ardmore of our findings, and bring more men out. That way we have a better chance at winning and taking control.”
More silence. Confused mumbles were exchanged throughout the group. Their thrilled faces switched to ones of confusion and disappointment. You were just as startled as the rest of them, mouth hanging agape as you looked at him. Lyle rushed up to him gripping onto Miles arm’s slightly. He looked at him in disbelief. 
“I thought we were going to their base sir, whats the game change??”
“Don’t step out of line Weinfleet. We still going, just need to get more men and get patched up. All you know is their location, you’ve yet to give me any numbers or what else they have there. So until then, we are going home.”
Understood sir.”
He was displeased with the sudden turn of events but he wasn’t going to argue. Lyle informed the other members of the changes of plans while also encouraging them that they would get to storm the base at a later date. Thankfully they were too disappointed and understood his sudden change. What they didn’t know was that you were the reason he changed his mind. While walking here he had plenty enough time to think of the question you asked him. He couldn’t seem to figure it out truly, there was some hesitance as he thought about storming the base yet he still wanted to. So he postponed the raid. If he still wanted to he could gather more men but if he didn’t want to he could get Lyle to do it. He was a great solider and a grea-
“Why did you change your mind?”
You interpreted his train of thought with a tug on his shirt and a puzzled expression. He looked down at you, being brought back to reality. Before he could answer your question he called Lyle and asked him to call in the dropship. Once that was handled he leaned down lower, a bit closer to you so only you could hear him. The look he gave you was tender, you asked yourself how can a man like him give anyone such a tender and sweet look. You clasped your hands behind your back as you nervously nipped the skin on your lip. If it wasn’t your red cheeks that told him you were flustered it was everything else. He smirked at you, his tail whipping back and forth as he continued to look at you with that tender, heartfelt expression. Then he whispers his answer. 
“You sure do know how to make a man change his mind, y/n.”
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jakesullysleftnipple · 11 months
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Miles Quaritch Headcanons
I haven't seen any post on here of Miles's headcanons, so let me make a Google doc full of them for all the Miles lovers like myself. So enjoy~ (You can find the link to the Google doc on the pinned post as well)
Click here to read
I will be updating this Google doc if anyone else suggests new headcanons that I too agree with! Let me know your headcanons for him you have, I'd love to hear them!!
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jakesullysleftnipple · 11 months
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Hi peeps! Just wanted to give a mini update in the next few posts on this account! First off the next two chapters will be the last parts of Mission With Miles, I've been working on it for almost a full year that's so crazy, and thank you for all the support! Secondly, I forgot I never mentioned this but this story takes place after Avatar 2, maybe a few months after. And lastly, before I post the second to last chapter of this fic I'll be making a Miles heacanons post! Either a post on here or a google doc that I'll share with you guys! until next post, love you guys! <33
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jakesullysleftnipple · 1 year
Mission With Miles
Chapter 11: Decisions, Decisions pt.1
After a few hours of searching, finally, you arrive at the last known location. Of course, the area was surrounded by trees but something was off. It looked as though the place was cleared for camping or a small village. There was a large area of land, no trees just smaller plants and grass. Miles stayed on the dire horse and held you in place, his grip on you tightened around your waist. A firm and protective grasp as he brought the horse to a halt. He was on high alert, keeping his gaze loose to scan the air quickly. This time around if you two would get into trouble he would be sure that you wouldn’t get hurt. Keeping you safe and finding his men were his top priorities. You stayed quiet taking note of his demeanor shift. Something in the atmosphere made the air feel thick, it was already hard to get through Pandora but now it felt like you couldn’t move. The fog in your mask grew from the quickness of your breath, you couldn’t put your finger on it but this was a setup. Miles remained silent thinking of what to do next. He looked down at you, nipping his lip with frustration. Finding his men would’ve been a piece of cake but he was left with you. Not a recom, just you. Your hands were still injured and you had limited knowledge on handling big weapons even after training. Now it was setting in how unfortunate this really was. He remembered how the first na’vi attack went down and how we were frozen in place. If there was trouble like that here and you were to freeze up again who knows what could happen? It was good to get alone time with you but in a situation like this, it was extremely unfortunate to him. Doubt stirred in his stomach about what could happen, instead of speaking he just acted. He hopped off the horse and broke the bond with the direhorse. You looked at him confused about what he was doing, you too were about to hop off the horse but he stopped you. He pressed his fingertips into your chest, forcing you to stay put. He grabbed his gun and advanced forward not looking back at you. Again you tried to get off the horse but the rustling of your bags and equipment made him aware. His ears narrowed and his lips curled into an unpleasant and smug look. He turned around and headed back in your direction
“Sir I can help, it’s best if we move together.”
“I’m telling you to stay. That’s an order so follow it. Last time we came in contact with the na’vi you hesitated, the ones who hesitate are the ones who get left behind. So stay put.”
You tried to tell him or ask him again to let you help but he didn’t listen. Was it his protectiveness or his mistrust in you speaking? You had a suspicion it was the second option. Instead of arguing with him and possibly blowing your cover, you sat on the horse and did as he said. Stayed put. He looked back at you for a moment as he advanced into a line of trees, scanning around the area. It was silent besides the sounds of leaves and branches crunching underneath the direhorse's hooves. Miles clutched his shotgun tightly as his eyes frantically searched the area for anything. Every few steps he’d look to see if any signal had been picked up on the tablet. Everything looked clear so far, no na’vi or hostile creatures were spotted. He turned to you ready to wave you to come over, but as he turned around his smile faded. There stood a Na’vi with an arrow pointing at you from a few feet away. You hadn't noticed yet since you were distracting yourself from what Miles said to you. “GET DOWN Y/N!” Miles screamed at you while raising his weapon up toward you. You looked up and turned around to see the na’vi, the moment you turned around they let go of the arrow. Without thinking you grab your bag and miles equipment and throw yourself off the horse. Instead of freezing up, you moved in time, the arrow missed you by a hair but it shot the horse and scared her off. Your body hit the ground with a loud thud, your arm now aching as you groan out. Once you were in the clear Miles started shooting at the na’vi. The na’vi yelped and ducked from most of the bullets. You dragged your things to a nearby covering and hid there, catching your breath and waiting for the all-clear. Once the na’vi was no longer in site Miles ran to your spot to see if you were injured. Thankfully the only injury you had was from the fall, and that was a slightly bruised arm.
“You alright y/n? Nothing broken?"
“No sir.”
You huffed out as he looked up at him with a smug look. Like one of pain and minor disgust. He reached out for your hand but you didn’t take it, you pulled yourself off the ground. You threw on your own bag and handed Miles his own. Why are they acting weird? He thought to himself as he took his bag from your hands.
“You sure you’re not hurt?”
“What was with the whole that is order bit huh? I know you’re my superior but what was that about?”
You said as you crossed your arms and looked up at him, you knew something was up but wanted him to say it himself.
“We don’t have time for-.”
“I’m just as important as everyone else on this mission Miles. I’m a part of this mission too so I’m going to help find Lyle and the others, I'm not going to just Stay Put
The na’vi went in that direction so maybe Lyle will be there. Let’s go before they get too far sir. ”
That's all you said to him as you exhaled and advanced forward. Your body was less sore than before so moving wasn’t too bad for you now. You moved in the direction of the na’vi yet miles stood there. Unsure of what he should do or say. So he’d stay quiet until he could think of a better way to apologize to you. He followed after you closely as he continued to be silent. After a few minutes of tracking the na’vi, you two make it to another clearing but instead of entering it, you decide to stay in a well-hidden area with a clear view of the clearing. There pinned and tied up against each other were the rest of the group. They were bruised up and like Miles predicted, stripped from their equipment. Miles's breath hissed as he saw his men like that, he turned around and sat down leaning his back against a tree. You continued to think, keeping your eyes on them and the surrounding natives. More silence was shared between you two before he broke it.
“I’m sorry, sorry for saying that to you y/n. I let your past mistakes define you in that moment. Let’s work together to get them back, alright?”
He spoke to you in a hushed voice that sounded sweet and sincere. He looked down at himself and then back up at you. The look he gave you was one of regret and hope, regret for saying that to you, and hope that you’d forgive him. You looked back at him with a narrowed glance that soon softened at him. Your shoulders relaxed as you let out a long sigh, your head swaying to the side as you withheld your response for a moment. After what felt like an eternity of silence between you two you finally spoke back to him.
“Alright, I appreciate the apology. But we should worry about the others right now. I have an idea.”
He smiled at you and nodded, gesturing you to continue and explain your plan to him. The plan was simple and more focused on rescuing them instead of engaging in combat. However, it would require you to give yourself up. The plan you made had you give yourself up and get tied up with the others. In your bandages would be a small sharp object that was strong enough to cut the rope. While you would be tied up against the others you’d inform Lyle of what’s going to happen. You’d use the sharp object to cut you guys free as miles would distract and neutralize the threat one by one. He wouldn’t kill them no he’d knock them out. The gun would be too loud and you would have his knife in case things would go left after cutting yourself free from the rope. As you finished up telling him your plan he seemed fond of your plan. It was well thought out and if things were to go south they weren’t alone, they had the other squad members there ready to fight. Before Miles left to start taking out the other na’vi he handed you his hunting knife. He passed it to you and held onto your hand. He gave you a proud look as he tenderly held your hand, he trusted you to do good but was worried about you as well. It was clear in the way his ears narrowed yet his expression was calm. You looked back at him, squeezing his hand, reassuring him that it would be okay. You weren’t scared or planning to hesitate anymore, you were here to act and save your team.
Now it was time to act, it was time to inaugurate this plan.
You enter the clearing acting distressed and unaware of their presence. As you suspected they ran to you with their bows pointed at you ready to shoot if you even so much as raised your voice at them. Slam! Two na’vi slam your “unarmed” body into the ground and step on your back. You groan from the forceful slam and Miles watched from afar with a pissed expression. The veins in his arm throbbing as his fist clutched tightly. It took every fiber of his being to not go out there and kill them where they stood but he trusted you, he trusted your plan. As your body was dragged against the ground and to Lyle, Miles went area and slowly began to take out the remaining na’vi guards.
“Why are you here?- You should’ve waited for Miles or backup before coming for us.”
“Aw come on, though you would’ve been happy to see me, Lyle.”
You say with a snarky tone of voice as you were once again tied up but this time by your teammates. Lyle was happy to see you but wasn’t happy you surrendered. Once you were secured in the ropes they pulled back and started to scout the area for anyone else who might have followed you. While they did that you quickly acted and told Lyle of your plan. You wriggled your wrist out of one of the ropes. This time it was easier since the hunting knife was wrapped around the rope. Your skin blistered and old wounds reopened as he continued to break free from the ropes that bound you all. Lyle replayed your plan to the others so they too would know they weren’t going to end up all benign captured by the enemy. Miles was close to getting all the guards out, so far he hadn’t been caught and hid the bodies well enough. The moment he was finished he would come out and give new orders to the group. It took close to 10 minutes for Miles to finish, as the last na’vi enemy fell to the ground unconscious he came into the clearing waving his hands at you guys. You successfully freed the rest of the squad from the ropes as well as yourself. Lyles ran up the miles and gave him a firm handshake, they shared a short conversation before Miles gestured him to go back to the group. He nodded and replayed his orders to the rest of the group.
“Alright! Gather up the bodies and tie ‘em up! Hurry up we don’t got time to waste ladies!”
Lyle shouted to the other squad members, his hand moving in circular motions in the air as he did so. Right before he went off he kneeled down near you and patted your back.
“Glad you came to save us, that was some clever thinking there. Proud of you y/n.”
You and he exchanged a smile before going separate ways, he went to help his men clean up the scene while you searched around looking around for their equipment. Miles caught up with fellow comrades, filling them in on almost everything that happened, leaving out the juicy details of what happened the previous night. Sometimes things are better kept secret, in this case, he wouldn’t want anyone else to hear of the lovely things he had the honor of doing to you. He finished up the conversation and checked on you.
“Alls well over here I’m hoping buttercup?”
He walked up behind you, looking down at what you were doing intently. Watching your movements and the way you reacted to his closeness. You turned your head up at him, giving him a small smile as you refocus your attention on the pile of tablets and equipment in front of you.
“They shattered all the tablets, no wonder we couldn’t find them sooner. Their equipment can still be used but they’ll need- “
“I wasn’t asking about that but thanks for the intel. Are you alright?”
“Oh...Uh yeah, I’m good. Besides some of my arm wounds reopening I’m alright Miles.”
“That’s good, glad you’re good. Let's patch those up real quick before moving.”
He kneeled down in front of you and put his bag to the side of him. He pulled out some of the supplies he gathered from the shack for you. He took the old bandages off your arms carefully as he spread a thin amount of cream on the reopened cuts. You watched him reapply the cream and bandages to your arms while staying quiet, just watching him work. You were about to thank him for trusting you, helping with your wounds, and checking on you. But right as the words started to form on your tongue someone interrupted the two of you. It was Lyle and it looked as though he had something urgent to say.
“Sir you’re going to want to see and hear this..”
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