Content Curation Made Easy, Look Like The Expert
Every business owner can look like a true expert with content curation made easy.
Content curation is the simple task of researching, discovering, gathering and ultimately presenting content that is focused on a specific topic or subject matter. It is a tool gaining in importance to the successful marketing of many online business. Unlike content marketing that includes creating new content, content curation is taking content from a variety of different sources. Then organizing all the content in your own unique style for presentation to your customers, clients, and online viewers. The responsibility of the content curator is Definitely not to develop or create new content. Instead to go out there and research and discover informative content that is relevant to an online business or specific category. Then to strategically sharethis information to all your readers in your unique and specialized style.
Use RSS Feeds
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Content curators come in the form of RSS feeds, links that are posted on various blogs, social media platform feeds, and even online news platforms. There are no restrictions or limits when it comes to the style, type, and kind of content you can curate. Choicesrange from videos, songs, pictures or any other type of digital content that viewers can share. Facebook and Twitter accounts are perfect examples of content curation as are Delicious and Digg. These two ever-popular social bookmarking sites giveusers the opportunity to share content and even cast votes as to whether or not the shared content is interesting or news worthy at all.
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The benefits of content curation are many, especially since there is endless information available to us on the internet. By way of content curation readers are able to sift through all the ongoing information and find the most relevant pieces of content specific to a particular topic or subject. It allows readers to disregard and completely dismiss information that is not relative and give total focus to only information that is truly relevant and primary to their specific needs.
3 Free Content Curation Tools
Today most companies use content curation to drive SEO by linking multiple pieces of specific content together. This increases overall exposure when that particular subject is searched by users. The use of content curation tools has increased because it allows business owners to find, organize and share informative content regularly. This ensures that their site is delivering new or updated content consistently. This certainly assists a ton in search engine ranking. It is important, to reach out to, and take advantage of, the many content curation tools available on the net today. Here are 3 free tools to check out!
These toolswill contribute greatly to the success of your online business. Since these tools assist in sorting through the TONSof online content to find only the information that is pertinent and relevant to your specific business needs. You will definitely be able to findcontent thatwill satisfy the interests and needs of your specific target audience each time, every time.
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Want even more information and resources to create perfectcontent for your business?
Check out Content Creation Like A Pro ==>http://ClickHereNow.co/ContentCreation
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Are You Using Social Bookmarking in Your Business? I Sure Hope So!
Social bookmarking
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is a method designed for internet users and businesses to organize, store, search and manage favorite web pages on the net. When using social bookmarking in your business, internet users are able to access all their favorite bookmarks from multiple sites on their computer and their mobile devices and share these same bookmarks with other people online. This innovative and very effective method is a great resource for generating traffic to websites and, therefore, is beneficial to online business owners. Social bookmarking should play a very visible role in your business marketing strategy since, whenever a business owner adds a bookmark to one of their pages on any one of the varied social bookmarking sites online, abacklinkis created which contributes to the visibility of your business website. In addition, the use of social bookmarking can improve your business page ranks as well.
There are a variety of ways in which social bookmarking can generate traffic to your website. To begin with, when internet users search social bookmarking sites, whether simply browsing or searching for something specific, they can easily stumble on your bookmark and ultimately click on it and reach your website. In addition, by bookmarking pages you are linking your pages which results in higher page rankings in search results which allows people to find your website much faster and easier. This can often result in not only increased traffic to your site, but contribute to the overall growth of your business.
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Social bookmarking is not only effective, but is quite easy to perform. Optimizing social bookmarking as a key element of your online marketing strategy will benefit your business greatly by spreading your business content, enhancing your company visibility, and improving your page rankings. The key to social bookmarking is demonstrating authority in your niche by providing informative and useful content that is optimized for keywords. The proper use of keywords in titles, tags, and descriptions results in the creation of backlinks to your site which contributes to your companys visibility online. Joining social bookmarking sites such asDigg,Reddit, andDelicious, to name a few, will enable you to start bookmarking your links, demonstrating your authority, as well as sharing your business content with others. When joining these bookmarking sites be sure to create a business network by following other people on these sites, specifically leaders in your niche, in the hope that they will then turn around and follow you back.
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Be certain when bookmarking your links that you choose the best and most relevant categories to place them in. Choosing categories that are highly related to your website content makes your content more relevant and makes people want to click on it. Mixing in special offers and giveaways as well as generating questions to actively engage your followers will help generate more traffic to your site as well. In summation, social bookmarking helps generate backlinks for your business, improve your page ranks, and drive more traffic to your website, all of which have an enormous impact on your companys visibility and success.
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Free Webinar Solution Google Hangouts for Your Business
Are you looking for a free webinar solution to communicate more easily with your clients and customers online? When starting out with your online business it is important to recognize the variety of marketingtools available today that will help to improve your business productivity and enhance your dailytasks. One of the many resourceful tools available today to aid small businesses with their startup is that ofGoogle Hangouts.
Your Best Free Webinar Solution
Google Hangouts is a communications service that offers its users the capability to initiate andparticipate in text, voice and video chats, whether one on one with individual customers or witha group of customers at the same time. Built right into Google+ and Gmail and also available asa mobile app, Google Hangouts has earned its spot at the top of the list of useful and must havebusiness tools and resources for all business owners.
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Google Hangouts is growing in popularity more and more with every passing day because of themany benefits it offers to small business owners of every niche. Billed as a social network in and ofitself, Google Hangouts is designed with a primary focus on helping businesses with their overallmarketing and business strategies. Offering businesses a range of online marketing tools, including this free webinar solution, its easeof use and its diverse capabilities is ever present on all types of devices. The most practical andpopular of all its uses is that of setting up meetings with fellow business owners, potential customers,existing clients and vendors, and any other group of important peoples you, as a business owner,deem fit to communicate with.
WithGoogle Hangouts, your free webinar solution, you can introduce your targeted audience to your products and services andalso offer them insight on how to utilize the products. In addition, business owners can inform theircustomers and clients on the many features and benefits of their products and services as well asuse this spectacular tool as a means for customers to communicate with you on other issues,including problems with products or services. It goes without saying that any customer wouldappreciate having the capability of communicating with a product or service provider on a personallevel and receive prompt and attentive responses to their communications. Certainly GoogleHangouts allows for such a professional and satisfying experience.
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Automatically Posts your Google Hangout Directly to YouTube
Another attractive feature of Google Hangouts is the simple fact that you can record all yourmeetings or perhaps product or service presentations made, and then be able to post the videoscreated on your other social media sites. Your Google Hangout video automatically is posted to theYouTubeaccount associated with your Gmail. Further, you can add all your recorded videos to your business website or toyour company blog affording visitors to your site informative content about your business, yourservices and your products.
Overall, this simple, easy to use, and very resourceful marketing tool is a must have, must use forevery small business owner. Surely enhancing your marketing strategies is important to yourcompanys presence and success and indeed Google Hangouts is a truly innovative tool that canallow small business owners to accomplish that very task.
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Content Curation Made Easy, Look Like The Expert
Every business owner can look like a true expert with content curation made easy.
Content curation is the simple task of researching, discovering, gathering and ultimately presenting content that is focused on a specific topic or subject matter. It is a tool gaining in importance to the successful marketing of many online business. Unlike content marketing that includes creating new content, content curation is taking content from a variety of different sources. Then organizing all the content in your own unique style for presentation to your customers, clients, and online viewers. The responsibility of the content curator is Definitely not to develop or create new content. Instead to go out there and research and discover informative content that is relevant to an online business or specific category. Then to strategically sharethis information to all your readers in your unique and specialized style.
Use RSS Feeds
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Content curators come in the form of RSS feeds, links that are posted on various blogs, social media platform feeds, and even online news platforms. There are no restrictions or limits when it comes to the style, type, and kind of content you can curate. Choicesrange from videos, songs, pictures or any other type of digital content that viewers can share. Facebook and Twitter accounts are perfect examples of content curation as are Delicious and Digg. These two ever-popular social bookmarking sites giveusers the opportunity to share content and even cast votes as to whether or not the shared content is interesting or news worthy at all.
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The benefits of content curation are many, especially since there is endless information available to us on the internet. By way of content curation readers are able to sift through all the ongoing information and find the most relevant pieces of content specific to a particular topic or subject. It allows readers to disregard and completely dismiss information that is not relative and give total focus to only information that is truly relevant and primary to their specific needs.
3 Free Content Curation Tools
Today most companies use content curation to drive SEO by linking multiple pieces of specific content together. This increases overall exposure when that particular subject is searched by users. The use of content curation tools has increased because it allows business owners to find, organize and share informative content regularly. This ensures that their site is delivering new or updated content consistently. This certainly assists a ton in search engine ranking. It is important, to reach out to, and take advantage of, the many content curation tools available on the net today. Here are 3 free tools to check out!
These toolswill contribute greatly to the success of your online business. Since these tools assist in sorting through the TONSof online content to find only the information that is pertinent and relevant to your specific business needs. You will definitely be able to findcontent thatwill satisfy the interests and needs of your specific target audience each time, every time.
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Quick Content Creation Your Best Customers Are Looking for You By Carla McNeil
It is important to create informative content as a critical element of a marketing strategy to increase traffic and generate leads. Even quickcontent creation takes both time and effort in the beginning. You cant expect to see results immediately, but surely you can engage in quick content creation that will allow you to streamline your strategies as well as generate results at a greater rate.
Know Your Audience
To begin with, you have to know your audience. It does no good at all to create spectacular content if you are going to simply put your content out there with no specific target audience in mind. You must first define your brand image, the type of content that will successfully resonate with yourspecific audience, and the perfect means of delivering your content to your audience. Knowing your audience also make forQuickcontent creation.
Where is your audience heading?
Are they the same age group?
Do they need or want your product or service?
Are they willing to listen?
What do they have in common?
Collect Your Ideas
Brainstorm for Content Ideas
Next, you want to collect your ideas and thoughts and put together a good months supply of content ideas and headlines well in advance of your ongoing postings. This allows you to keep a consistent flow of ideas going at a steady pace. You can keep your audience engaged without losing valuable time to individual brainstorming sessions. Its very time consuming to come up with ideas each time you choose to update a blog or add new content to your site. Collecting and creating your ideas and headlines in advance will minimize the amount of time necessary to create the ongoing content pieces and headlines later. A great resource is the questions people ask you, keep track of them in a special spot and use them to create super targeted quick content.
Personal Productivity Patterns
When are you most productive, morning, noon or nite?
Further steps you can take in the creation of quick content include knowing your own personal productivity patterns and levels. If you are typically not a morning person then surely you do not want to attempt to create content in the morning hours since you are apt to make mistakes, criticize your own work, write and rewrite and waste a great deal of time trying to collect thoughts and ideas that are just not there. Writing content at the time of day that tends to be more productive for you personally. This will also result in creating quick content that will require little time to tweak or revise. In addition, it is important not to allow your inner critiquing voice to distract you while writing. Come up with a simple system when writing if you find yourself questioning the content simply input a notation of choice, perhaps a ? indicator after the content and continueon with expressing and writing your ideas. Personally I use the yellow highlighter because I want it to really stand out, sometimes I will even put it in CAPS LOCK!
Once you have created your content it is much easier to go back and give attention to those special notations made and make any revisions or tweaks at that time. Stopping and rethinking, rewriting, and revising during the initial write up of content will not only waste a great deal of time, but couldalso hamper your thought process and cause distractions that can ultimately affect the quality of your content and the speed at which you are able to create your quality informative content.
Want even more information and resources on creating content for your business?
Check out Content Creation Like A Pro ==>http://ClickHereNow.co/ContentCreation
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Natural Growth for Your Business with Social Bookmarks
Business with social bookmarks is a must today. You may ask why. For starters,social bookmarkingcan indeed boost your search engine rankings. A means of storing, managing, and sharing links to your favorite content on the internet, social bookmarks are public which means that other users searching for the same kind of data and information can see which resources you thought to be useful and which resources you ultimately bookmarked.
The use oftags and keywordsallows users to organize their specific bookmarks even better and makes them far more searchable to others. Depending upon the social bookmarking sites you favor and prefer the features available to you will vary on each site. Social bookmarking generates high authority back links, which ultimately increase your website rankings. Back links are incoming links to a webpage. When a specific web page links to any other page on the net, it is called a back link. Backlinks are very important to the ranking of your web site. Typically, a web page that contains many back links will tend to rank much higher with search engines such as Google. Since social bookmarking generates backlinks and backlinks increase your website rankings, it is, therefore, clear that social bookmarking contributes to your increased website rankings as well.
Because backlinks play a primary role in the ranking of your web site, they serve to build authority. They are essential to SEO and to the success of your online business. Web sites that contain many backlinks benefit by having the content placed in front of a much larger and even more targeted audience. Social bookmarking contributes to the increased visibility of your company and brand and can play a critical role in the overall success of your online business and to the potential for increased profits and sales moving forward. For all these reasons, social bookmarking is fast becoming one of the most innovative and favored techniques for increasing traffic to websites and for providing an effective means of increasing the visibility of online businesses and promoting web site content an rankings as well.
It is important when utilizing bookmarking that the bookmarking looks natural and real to the various search engines and that you create a balance of backlinks so that users who stumble on your bookmarks will not be offended or put off by your excessive promotion of your own website. The creation of natural bookmarks and backlinks will most assuredly alleviate this possibility. Further, the use of relevant tags and keywords will contribute to the natural presence you are trying to create. Mixing in bookmarks from other websites that contain relevant content to your topics and bookmarking a handful of popular, but high quality topic related pages could greatly increase traffic to your site, build authority, and assist with your overall rankings. All in all, running your online business with social bookmarks nowadays is an effective and truly innovative strategy for the promotion of your website and your company brand.
You may also like:Easy Social Bookmarking Tips to Make Money in Your Growing Business
I found this great training program. If you really would like to have a ton of traffic to your website you need to take a peek at it. It is a step by Step Guide that reveals how to massively boost your traffic and get indexed rapidly using freely available resources. Check it outhttp://clickherenow.co/SocialBookmarking
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How To Get In Front Of Your Best Clients Today
Now that you have established your online presence and determined your target audience, the time is now to get yourself in front of your best clients with informative content about your products and services. Its not enough to have customers and clients since many can amount to be one-time customers if you dont keep your business visible, and your clients updated and engaged. Engaging your clients in communications and keeping them updated and apprized of all your goings on is imperative to a successful business, and definitely to a successful online presence. There is many a technique to get in front of your best clients, but here a few of the best.
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1. Guest blog posts Creating an online blog post and updating it regularly with product, service and company information is a definite way of driving more traffic to your site. Be certain to welcome guest posts to your online blogs affording our customers and clients the opportunity to discuss topics of interest, and potentially offer useful suggestions as well as enlighten you, the business owner, on what your customers are looking for and any concerns they may have about products or services.
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2. Presentations A very useful and informative tool for any business, speaking in front of a group of client and potential new customers, whether online or in person, is sure to generate new leads and establish your level of expertise within your industry. It is important to include handout materials at your presentation that contain all your contact information and will coincide with your topics of discussion as well. It is many times easier for participants to follow and comprehend information presented when they have a hard copy document to follow along with during a presentation.
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3. Social Media Platforms Everyone has social media circles and communities that they engage in, and certainly social media communities are an efficient and effective way for business owners to network on the web. Creating your company profile on multiplesocial media platformsaffords you and your business the exposure needed to interact and communicate with clients all across the net and get your brand out there.
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4. Professional Groups With an abundance of professional groups available today, taking the initiative to actively join and participate in specific groups of similar industry professionals will most assuredly help you with your networking. In addition, it will also provide you with business and educational resources to benefit your online company and further enhance the presence of your brand.
5. Write a Book Nowadays, unlike yesteryear, it is ever so fast and easy for professionals to get published on the internet. Creating an informative eBook that highlights and focuses on your industry expertise and business experience can generate ongoing leads for your company that will be beneficial to the growth and overall existence of your business going forward.
There are several important components that come into play when creating and developing an online business, and indeed in getting clients and customers. However, it has been proven that one of the most vital of all components is that of getting your business name and brand out there. Your business can certainly offer the best of the best in products and services, but unless you get your name and brand out there, all that goodness goes to waste. In addition, once your name and brand have a visible presence, as we have indicated here, it is crucial to get in front of your best clients in order to maintain your client base, and to enhance their overall participation in your business, all the while increasing your revenues and growing your successful business.
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Powerful Social Bookmarking for Free Viral Traffic
Youve gone to all the work of creating posts for your blog and Facebook, but they never seem to really go anywhere, just sitting there without any comments, likes or shares. A VERY frustrating place to be considering how hard you worked on those posts! Hours of thought and preparation go into each of your posts, deciding how to serve your customers and clients in the best way possible. It can be so heartbreaking when you post them, sit back and wait BUT nothing happens. I remember being reduced to tears in the beginning before I understood what it took to REALLY get the post out there.
Social bookmarking is a way to make that happen!
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What exactly is Social Bookmarking you might ask?Wikipediatell us;
A social bookmarking service is a centralized online service which enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents.[1][2] Many online bookmark management services have launched since 1996; Delicious, founded in 2003, popularized the terms social bookmarking and tagging. Tagging is a significant feature of social bookmarking systems, enabling users to organize their bookmarks in flexible ways and develop shared vocabularies known as folksonomies.
If youre like 1,000s of other you have taken a look at some of these sites and almost immediately went into overwhelm. It happens to all of us at some point. The easiest way to decide which sites are best for your business is an extremely good understanding of your ideal customer and/or client. With that information in hand you can take a look at these top 15 sites recommended here and decide which ones suit your needs the best.
Ask the following questions;
Does the site have lots and lots of traffic?
Are the people who are already there representative of my ideal client or customer
Is my niche represented?
You can check out eachsite onAlexato uncover where they fit in will all the other sites on the internet. When you go to each site check out whats already been posted, the categories and or topics. The sites all have the Search function to make that easier for you.
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*scoop.it *App.net *Bitly *Delicious *StumbleUpon *Feedspot *Pocket *Slashdot *Diigo *Folkd *deviantART *LinkaGoGo *Newsvine *Reddit *Digg
Addyour content to the mix on each of the sites you select, be sure that your content is relevant with quality high enough to attract attention. Remember to invest time in good titles as that is what will catch peoples attention. You want people to bookmark your content, just like they would have bookmarked a place in a book.
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You Want People to Bookmark Your Content!
One of the sure fire ways of have a post go viral is getting the post in front of all of the right people. With all of the social bookmarking sites available today this has become a lot easier. However, it is a lot of work. You will have to maintain minimalpresence on each site and the worst thing you can do is only post your own content. Remember, its social! Share content from others, be selective, pick the content you believe your audience would enjoy. Provide value and become that trusted source, in the long run it is well worth the effort.
Next week my post will be about some of the tools you can use to make your Social Bookmarking even easier.
My favorite tool isSyndwire!
Stay tuned, if you love the idea of Social Bookmarking Ill have a new product for you shortly! I will explain the ins and outs, how to do it right and a few shortcuts Ive learned along the way.
If your challenged with creating enough content to effectively use Social Bookmarking to your best advantage check out my latest product calledContent Creation Like A Pro, it is still available at the super low introductory price
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3 Simple Steps Effective Content Marketing Made Easy
3 Simple Steps Effective Content Marketing Made Easy
Every online business owner knows that effective content marketing requires more than just well-written, informative data and effective search engine optimization to increase traffic to a website. However many people make it harder than it needs to be, here are 3 simple steps effective content marketing. Thekey to your successful site is content marketing made easy. It is important for web developers anddesigners to incorporate useful and efficient elements such as content writing, SEO, and socialmedia marketing into their marketing strategies. Each of these elements contributes to your sitesvisibility, but when you add images to that list of important elements you can sit back and watchyour traffic grow.
Great Content Marketing Includes Images
The first of three simple steps involves the strategic use of images that will contribute greatly toyour sites visibility. When properly used they can add to and greatly enhance your site content,improve your reach through organic searches, and certainly catch both the eye and theinterest of potential new customers and clients. It is important to recognize that websites that useblogs with images receive more views than those blogs that contain no images simply because thehuman eye is naturally drawn to images first before written content. Nowadays it is ever so easyand fast to upload pictures to a site and certainly the wide range of images and the availability ofimages make this necessary task a remarkably easy one absolutely a necessary one. Using productimages is every bit as important to your site. Providing small, high resolution images of yourproducts will allow visitors to your site to quickly and effectively shop and compare your products.Be sure to use relevant keywords for the images name and make consistent use of Alt text as well.
Content Marketing Requires Research
Your second step to effective content marketing requires you to research and discover whatproducts, services or information your audience is looking for and what their primary needs maybe. In determining your target audience needs, you increase your capability of providing contentand images that are specific to their needs and ultimately contribute to increased traffic andpotentially increased revenues for your company as well. Keep in mind that using existing contentfrom other reliable sources such as news items, and commentaries and adding your own little spinto the content as to how it impacts your customers, can be an incredibly effective tool. Expandingon ideas, challenging comments and assumptions, weighing in on conversations are all tools youcan use to increase traffic to your own site without having to put time into creating your ownoriginal content time and time again. Give ample time to research questions your customers areasking, the topics that are of interest to them, the subject matter of their own forums and anythingelse that your customers may find to be useful.
Prepare Your Content for the Search Engines
The third step to your marketing strategy is that of preparing your content for search engines. Theuse of informative and creative content isobviously the most important rule when preparingcontent for SEO. By creating amazing content that people actually want to read, you are increasingthe chances of having your content shared. In addition, linking out to authority sites from withinyour own blog posts will help your site to show up in Google image searches as will abundant blogcomments which tells Google that your post is something that people are not only readingand interested in but are interacting on. Keep in mind that blog comments and added images keepyour content looking fresh and new. So posting often to your blog keeps your content from gettingstale and keeps your Google rankings up. When hunting for the images online be sure to use photos where copyright is not an issue.
Want even more information and resources on creating content for your business? Check out Content Creation Like A Pro ==>http://ClickHereNow.co/ContentCreation
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Free Webinar Solution Google Hangouts for Your Business
Are you looking for a free webinar solution to communicate more easily with your clients and customers online? When starting out with your online business it is important to recognize the variety of marketingtools available today that will help to improve your business productivity and enhance your dailytasks. One of the many resourceful tools available today to aid small businesses with their startup is that ofGoogle Hangouts.
Your Best Free Webinar Solution
Google Hangouts is a communications service that offers its users the capability to initiate andparticipate in text, voice and video chats, whether one on one with individual customers or witha group of customers at the same time. Built right into Google+ and Gmail and also available asa mobile app, Google Hangouts has earned its spot at the top of the list of useful and must havebusiness tools and resources for all business owners.
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Google Hangouts is growing in popularity more and more with every passing day because of themany benefits it offers to small business owners of every niche. Billed as a social network in and ofitself, Google Hangouts is designed with a primary focus on helping businesses with their overallmarketing and business strategies. Offering businesses a range of online marketing tools, including this free webinar solution, its easeof use and its diverse capabilities is ever present on all types of devices. The most practical andpopular of all its uses is that of setting up meetings with fellow business owners, potential customers,existing clients and vendors, and any other group of important peoples you, as a business owner,deem fit to communicate with.
WithGoogle Hangouts, your free webinar solution, you can introduce your targeted audience to your products and services andalso offer them insight on how to utilize the products. In addition, business owners can inform theircustomers and clients on the many features and benefits of their products and services as well asuse this spectacular tool as a means for customers to communicate with you on other issues,including problems with products or services. It goes without saying that any customer wouldappreciate having the capability of communicating with a product or service provider on a personallevel and receive prompt and attentive responses to their communications. Certainly GoogleHangouts allows for such a professional and satisfying experience.
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Automatically Posts your Google Hangout Directly to YouTube
Another attractive feature of Google Hangouts is the simple fact that you can record all yourmeetings or perhaps product or service presentations made, and then be able to post the videoscreated on your other social media sites. Your Google Hangout video automatically is posted to theYouTubeaccount associated with your Gmail. Further, you can add all your recorded videos to your business website or toyour company blog affording visitors to your site informative content about your business, yourservices and your products.
Overall, this simple, easy to use, and very resourceful marketing tool is a must have, must use forevery small business owner. Surely enhancing your marketing strategies is important to yourcompanys presence and success and indeed Google Hangouts is a truly innovative tool that canallow small business owners to accomplish that very task.
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Easy Social Bookmarking For You In Plain English
Social bookmarkingis an easy and very manageable approach used by people to organize, store, search, and manage preferred web pages or links by way of bookmarking. I hope to explain easy social bookmarking for you in plain English. Internet users select web pages or links that they like and/or want to share with others, and save them through the use of a social bookmarking site. This bookmarking site serves to actually store all your web pages or links of interest in an organized manner. More often than not, these bookmarks are public which allows them to be viewed by fellow members of the same social bookmarking site where they are being stored.
The organization of a social bookmarking site is accomplished by merely applying keywords or descriptive tags to specific content. By tagging content of interest, you can easily find it at a later time. By utilizing these keywords and tags, other people can also view the bookmarks that are affiliated with a specific tag or keyword. In addition, users have access to data with regard to how many total users have bookmarked the same pages, as well as the capability to insert comments, or even to vote on specific bookmarked items.
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Can you put your finger on all of your favorite web pages? Including your own.
When a website is listed on a social bookmarking site, quality traffic can be driven to that site. Users who end up at your site by way of a social bookmarking site end up there typically because your individual website showed up in a search for a specific topic or item they showed an interest in. Since search engines many times will list results from bookmarking sites, if you have a site that is bookmarked, you have a greater chance and more opportunities to show up in search engine results.
Benefits of Social Bookmarking
The benefit of being featured on one bookmarking site is that people may then tag your website on other bookmarking sites as well. People who typically book mark sites often use more than just one bookmarking site. This is a constructive way to promote a website. Adding social bookmarks or links to your website or your blog can increase traffic to your site because the bookmarks and links make it incredibly easy for readers to both save your content and share it as well. In doing so, other users are quickly able to find your content by way of sharing your bookmarks. This is much like the old-fashioned physical bookmark used in a hard copy book, except it is an online bookmark.
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Utilizing websites that are dedicated to easy social bookmarking, such as Flickr https://www.flickr.com/, del.icio.us https://delicious.com/, or Digg.com http://digg.com/that encourage other users to bookmark your website is extremely beneficial. One of the biggest benefits of bookmarking is the type of traffic your site will receive. Typically, traffic received is targeted. In addition, this same traffic is ultimately both interested and engaged in the content you offer on your website. With that said, it is obvious that social bookmarking is an instrumental tool in your website promotion and a strategy that is not only efficient but indeed every bit effective.
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There are a wide range of techniques and protocols available today for promoting ones website, but surely social bookmarking is fast becoming one of the most favored and visible of all strategies. Whether you are a new or existing online business, social bookmarking will most assuredly enable you to add, edit, categorize, store, and share your favored pages or files on the web and allow you to access them at any time, from any computer, anywhere.
Related Article:Powerful Social Bookmarking for Free Viral Traffic
If your challenged with creating enough content to effectively use Social Bookmarking to your best advantage check out my latest product calledContent Creation Like A Pro, it is still available at the super low introductory price
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Explosive Growth for Your New Business Using Social Bookmarks
Social bookmarkingis the simplest, yet most effective way to organize all of the most useful and informative content out on the web that is specific to your individual or company interests, all in one place. Though there is endless information and content on the web, until social bookmarking, it was near to impossible to find, sort, categorize, organize, and maintain the relevant information that users found valuable to their own businesses or needs.
However, with the creation of social bookmarking all that valuable information can now be easily organized and maintained on easy to access social bookmarking sites across the web. In addition, conducting business with social bookmarking allows users totransfer all their bookmarksand valuable data between computers, mobile devices, and varied locations. This is a critical element when structuring your website and streamlining all your valuable content. With social bookmarking, users are able to save all their chosen bookmarks online andshare them with other peopleall the while viewing what other users are bookmarking as well.
Using Social Bookmarking
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Your website is an essential part of your company and business. However, a website that does not generate traffic misses out on a large source of potential company revenues. Generating traffic to your site is critical not only to your presence but to the overall success of your company. The more visitors you have to your site the greater your visibility in the marketplace and industry. Therefore, it only goes to say thatwithout traffic, your website is all but nonexistent.
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Free Social Bookmarking Tools
With this in mind, one of the most effective ways of increasing traffic to your website for the long term is through search engine optimization (SEO). SEO offers techniques that not only increase traffic to your site but also improve your natural ranking on various search engines such as Google. Enhancing the presence of your website can be accomplished through increased traffic, higher rankings, and a successful social bookmarking campaign. The positive effects of social bookmarking for websites are astounding. Social bookmarking can effectively introduce sites to one another that share relevant interests and tastes, which ultimately drives both traffic and valuablebacklinksto participating sites.
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Remember, increasing both site ranking and traffic is not accomplished overnight. It takes time to build both, but in the end, performing each of these functions as well as effective social bookmarking will afford you many benefits including an increased customer base and increased company profits.
Related Article:Are You Using Social Bookmarking in Your Business? I Sure Hope So!
I found this great training program. If you really would like to have a ton of traffic to your website you need to take a peek at it. It is a step by Step Guide that reveals how to massively boost your traffic and get indexed rapidly using freely available resources.
Check it outhttp://clickherenow.co/SocialBookmarking
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Stop! Create Your Perfect Content and Explode Your Business
Stop! Create Your Perfect Content and Explode Your Business It's pretty challenging to come up with great content day after day, week after week. 3 great ways to generate ideas for content on your website and social media profiles.
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No Time for Social Media? Find It Now!
No Time for Social Media? Not enough time in the day to keep up with all your social media tasks?
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Youve heard it before, Your Business Must Be On Social Media, but youve tried it and just couldnt make it work. It took up too much time and just didnt seem to be worth the effort. Can you relate?
Unfortunately social media is something you must do if you want your business to thrive. Why you ask
In todays world people search for your business on line before making a buying decision. Personally I dont like to do business with someone who isnt on social media. Even if they have been told about your business from someone else if the do a search for you and cant find you the chances of them calling you or walking into your store are pretty slim. Social proof is very important to the decision making process in our internet connected world. People want to know you can be trusted.
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Dont get stuck behind your desk all day!
But that still leaves the question where do I find the time?
Who wants to be stuck behind their desk all day long?
Experts say we must be posting daily, in some cases 2 or 3 times per day. The good news is that for small business owners who have a following of less that 10,000 once per day on Facebook is effective! The idea is to be present and active. Interact with people, like, comment, share and answer questions.
Its time for you to squeeze all you can out ofyour social media profiles/pages using the Worlds 1st ALL-IN-1 Social Media Marketing Tool!
I am regularly being asked to review social media products and rarely do I find one I really like. This tool I am sharing today is something I wish I had when I first got started. It certainly would have made life a lot easier.
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You have got to see this
In just a FEW CLICKS you will be able to manage ALL of your social media accounts!
Heres what I found the Worlds 1st ALL-IN-1Social Media Marketing Tool, BLEUPAGE PRO.
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Not only will you GET MORE traffic, leads and sales from using BleuPage Pro but yourbiggestsocial media marketing problem will be solved.
You will no longer miss out on opportunities because with BleuPage Pro you will be able to manage your:
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The best part is you willSAVE MONEYbecause you will not have to hire a social media manager, like me.
Imagine being able to sign into all your accounts fromjust one place AND having resources at your fingertipsto help you create great content! BleuPage Pro will do all of the work for you 24/7 365 days per year!
==>Get your hands onthe markets ONLY ALL-In-1 Social Media Management Software today and solve the problem of No Time for Social Media today.
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I selected this product based on several factors, including member feedback, customer satisfaction, and other criteria.
While Butterfly Networking does receive a commission if you elect to buy, I do not accept compensation from vendors who want me to review their product.
Check out BleuPage Pro Today ==>http://ClickHereNow.co/BluePagePro
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Skyrocket Your Ability To Be Found By Google
Why is it important to be found by Google?
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Google is pretty much the king when it comes to search, heres an amazing fact for you61,109Google searchesin 1 second.That really is an amazing stat and you definitely want your website and/or blog to show up in some of those searches. Even if it was 1/10000 it would be a HUGE pile of traffic!
Imagine having all those eyes on your content, not only would it help your website ranking but your sales and bottom line too.
Google has extensive reach andwhen people search for the product or service you definitely want to be found. Let everyone elses site be one of those billboards in the middle of the desert, that no one sees!
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People are becoming more and more dependant on their computers, tablets, and/or phones. How many people do you know who dont go anywhere, including sleeping, without their phone? Ill bet that is quite a few people. Many people today have their phone chargers right beside the bed or even sleep with the phone beside them.
Google focuses on the end user (the searcher) its important to Google that people find what they are looking for. As an end user I am very happy they do this. As a business owner with products and services to sell it definitely makes it more work for me, however it is definitely worth it in the long run! Think about all of the free products that Google has made available, a great example for business owners isGoogle Hangouts.They do their very best to keep we searchers happy and coming back to Google again and again.
It takes time money and effort to get Google to find your site and content. Being found on Google is know like and trust factor, people trust the results they receive from Google. When you are on the first page of the search results it is seen by many as the authoritative source. Wouldnt it be awesome to be seen as the authority in your niche. There are a number of factors that influence where your website shows up the search, here are the main ones;
Quality content posted on a regular basis this provides your visitors with value and when people find your content of value they will share it more often.
Include other sources using hyperlinks this will increase your credibility and any forward links you include will be noticed and rewarded by Google.
Are you popular, are people linking to you? Just asking people to link to your site likely wont be enough, you have to give them a reason to link to you.
the way your website is set up Be sure to have a business plan and a marketing strategy before you start. This will be extremely valuable for creating website traffic and converting visitors to customers.
website name
age of your website (even purchasing your hosting for more than one year makes a difference)
One of the super easy and quick ways to be found is to make sure you are using tags in all of the pages and posts on your website. What are tags you may ask
In information systems, atagis a keyword or term assigned to a piece of information (such as an Internet bookmark, digital image, database record, or computer file). This kind of metadata helps describe an item and allows it to be found again by browsing or searching.Source Wikipedia
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Categories are general,this is where you implement your long term strategy. An example is Content Creation Tools vs a specific tool name (eg: XYZ Best Content Finder). Content creation tools come and go. There are times when the creator realizes it will be too expensive to upgrade to the latest Google changes and decides not to update their product. As a result the categoryXYZ Best Content Finder would be moot, dead wood on your website.
When creating your categories think about your long term strategy and what you want to be found for in the next five years. Use your big broad topics that are not likely to change in 5 years.
Tags are specific, and theyplay a huge role in helping your sites rank. An example of a specific would be XYZ Best Content Finder.
The benefits of using tags;
fully indexable,
improve the visibility of your website, increase traffic and boost your brands revenue
improve usability for all the visitors who come to your website
easier for search engine to know what your post is all about
improves visitor experience (remember, this is what Google is looking for)
boosts your website ranking
However you will have to create the right content, add images, videos & then create 100s of backlinks to rank your site higher. Finding the right tags can be even more of a challenge! I found this great tool that will help you tag your posts, a new WordPress plugin find all the right keywords and tags to add to your posts so you dont waste hours trying to figure it out yourself. The work of tagging your blog post can be done in seconds rather than hours. I have a bonus for you, buy WP Tag Machine today, forward your purchased receipt to [email protected] and I will have 10 of your blog posts indexed by Google in 48 hours or less. Using both of these tools will really help Skyrocket your Ability to Be Found By Google!
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Easy Social Bookmarking Tips to Make Money in Your Growing Business
Storing, organizing, searching, and managing individual bookmarks of your favorite web pages is calledsocial bookmarking. Choosing easy social bookmarking sites and saving links to your favorite web pages and to web pages you want to share has become an effective tool used by many people to make money and grow their businesses.
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