james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
“You WHAT--!?” 
Jim pressed his hands against the spacecraft, his gaze set on the blue creature in disbelief. It was just Jim’s luck to get tangled up with fleeing criminals again..
“Oooh no. I am not getting involved in this..” he immediately mumbled as he stepped away from the vehicle, hands up. The spacer had already been apprehended one too many times in the past. He was not going to further tarnish his record, especially when he was trying to turn a new leaf.
Friendly Neighborhood Mechanic- Jim & Stitch
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
Stopping his handiwork, Jim looked up to see a petite woman in front of him. He didn’t know what fairytale this one jumped out of, but she seemed very out of place. 
All he really could do was listen to what she had to say and -- wow. This girl was very out of place. She probably had as few friends as he did, if she got lost with a bunch of animals in the woods..
“Uh..a diamond mine?” he asked, “Do I look like I know where one of those are?”
Snow White gave him a nice smile. “Oh no, I’m not here for a job. Actually, I believe I am lost.” She looked down at the ground, slightly embarrassed. “I can’t seem to remember how I got here. I was walking in the forest with a few of my animal friends…”
She looked up at Jim, shaking her head slightly. “I suppose it doesn’t matter much. Just as long as I get home before the dwarfs return from the mine. You wouldn’t happen to know where the diamond mine is, do you? I can find my way back home from there.” 
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
It was a lazy day for the spacer at the inn, carving into a piece of wood out of boredom. He wasn’t sure what he was going to create, but he was sure something would come to mind once he whittled away long enough.
Sensing a person approaching the inn, he spoke up.
“If you’re here for a job, there’s no openings,” Jim said, his eyes not leaving his carving.
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
“Wait, you’ve never checked your oil..?” Jim yelled from the hood compartment.
All was fine until a sudden shrill of horns almost busted his eardrums. In shock, the spacer banged his head against the hood as he scrambled to crawl out from the engine compartment.
“What the--!?” Jim looked over the hood to see the blue creature banging his head against the steering wheel. “Hey hey HEY!” he shouted, rushing to the driver’s window, “Do you want me to fix this thing or not!?” 
Friendly Neighborhood Mechanic- Jim & Stitch
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
The hand at his neck returning to his pocket, Jim listened to the stranger ask questions in return. “Yeah I’m just stopping by,” he replied, “This place is pretty cool, I guess. For a city..”
“Jim. I’m Jim Hawkins,” he replied ,”So, Giselle, is there any place that a guy can get some food without emptying my pockets?”
City Never Sleeps | Jim and Giselle
Giselle chuckled, knowing the young boy was probably right. “Thank you!” She replied grateful, although she didn’t knew there was a bad way to be different, but still appreciated the compliment, after all, not many people were really nice in New York to strangers. “You also don’t seem to be from around here, are you visiting the city?” She asked. In truth, he did look different from the young boys she had seen, with the strange clothes and all but then again, New York was full of strange people. 
“Oh! I forgot. My name is Giselle.” She said offering a warm smile. If he was a lost boy in New York, then she would gladly help him and show him around, as she knew how hard it was to be lost in the city. “What’s yours?”
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
City Never Sleeps | Jim and Giselle
Jim shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket, examining the bright-eyed woman in front of her. 
“You seem pretty different from the people I’ve seen in New York,” he commented before quickly adding, “Well--not in a bad way, I mean..”
He rubbed the back of his neck. What was everyone’s problem in the city? They always seem in a hurry and were usually hostile when approached. There had to be something the the water. However, the person before him said otherwise.
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
Friendly Neighboorhood Mechanic- Jim & Stitch
“Okay, so when was the last time you had your oil changed?” 
Jim was torso deep in the engine, inspecting wires at his fingertips. This poor..whatever it was--some alien...was on the side of the road. Luckily, Jim was passing by when he saw it and decided to be a good samaritan. The spacer knew he’d appreciate the same treatment.
When he didn’t hear a response at first, he climbed out and looked at the creature, his hands remaining on the car.
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
Jim stood up and faced at the girl as she spoke, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Her polished pink armor was a stark contrast to his rugged russet attire. With slumping posture, he gave a sigh. He hardly gave her time to finish her sentence when he spoke up again.
“I mean-- how are you anyway? No offense-- but you look a too..out of place to be in the police force...”
Futuristic Vigilante || Jim & Honey Lemon
Oh it was her that did this. Jim could only hear the muffled tone of her voice, still peppy and positive. He watched her take the surfer from his hands and toss it. 
He would have shouted at her to respect his possessions, but obviously could not. The stranger placed a glove on the ice that enveloped him, and the ice quickly melted away. Now freed, Jim shivered, the cold still having a hold on him as he shook the water out of his damp sleeves. 
“I had it under control,” he replied in a mumbled tone. Not even looking at the vigilante, Jim scooped up his solar surfer and placed the straps around his shoulders.
“But thanks, anyway..”
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
Oh it was her that did this. Jim could only hear the muffled tone of her voice, still peppy and positive. He watched her take the surfer from his hands and toss it. 
He would have shouted at her to respect his possessions, but obviously could not. The stranger placed a glove on the ice that enveloped him, and the ice quickly melted away. Now freed, Jim shivered, the cold still having a hold on him as he shook the water out of his damp sleeves. 
“I had it under control,” he replied in a mumbled tone. Not even looking at the vigilante, Jim scooped up his solar surfer and placed the straps around his shoulders.
“But thanks, anyway..”
Futuristic Vigilante || Jim & Honey Lemon
With a huff of relief at the cease of conflict, Honey ran over, observing with a guilty expression the people she had caught in her trap. “All better now, right?” Honey giggled, pulling out Hiro’s newest invention. 
Honey had experienced quite a lot of difficulty when it came to undoing her chemical explosions, which always ended up being an issue. 
This new invention was a small, heated device that sat comfortably in the palm of a pink glove, fitting tightly around her hand. Holding it up to the surf board-thing Honey waited patiently as it worked quickly to melt away the ice. Grabbing the board quickly and tossing it over to the side, HoNey then melted the victim free. 
“Are you okay?” she questioned, eyes wide with concern, holding her arms close to her chest.  
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
“Oh, well since you offered, I don’t see the harm in it,” he replied. The two had remained in the middle of the walkway, annoying those who had to step around them. He hadn’t noticed until one brushed him out of the way.
“Uh..we shouldn’t be standing in people’s way..but we should get going.”
Cobbletones and Surfers || Wendy and Jim
“Oh, no it is just fine if you come to my house. We have a spare room where the nanny used to stay that you can sleep in. My brothers are off at university, so our home is quite empty, you see,” Wendy explained, much enthusiasm about finding something that he needed. Looking down in thought for a moment and a bit shyly, she looked back up again with renewed fervor. A slight smile on her rosy lips, the sun made her blue eyes glitter a little bit. 
“Do you have everything you need? There is a hardware store right near my house that I can take you to after you drop off your things,” Wendy replied, hoping her Mother and Father would be fine with her inviting a stranger to come stay with them. The thought of their approval made Wendy grit her teeth a little bit in distress, but her facial expression remained calm. 
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
+ What do you love most about your mother and the doctor and the captain and why?
“Captain Amelia gave me a bunch of crap at the beginning, but I realized that if she wasn’t that way, she wouldn’t have been the respected captain that she was.  And -- Uh -- she’s pretty cool I guess with her spacer skills, firearms knowledge, and all that stuff..”
“The doctor supported searching for the planet from the get go, and I’m incredibly grateful that he did, or my mom might’ve never agreed to it. He’s a bit of a nerd, but I have to admit that he was one of the reasons that we were spared from that black hole.”
“My mom...”
Jim sighed, not liking to get all sentimental and sappy..
“My mom never gave up on me when things got rough. I wasn’t the best kid - I admit that - but she didn’t once stop supporting me. Even when she didn’t want be to find Treasure Planet, it was only because she was worried for my safety. I’m still a troubled person and it’s hard for me to get along with everyone, but she tries to understand that. 
She’s my mom. I’ll always love her.”
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Throwing some good energy your way! Your past has been rough, but look how far you've come! Keep being great, Jim!
He rubbed the back of his neck in reply to the kind word the person said. It was true, his life was pretty rough, but it’s gotten so much better. He was taking more control of his life, his relationship with his mother couldn’t be any better than it was now, and -- most importantly -- he was finally beginning to feel respected. 
“Yeah..thanks.” It was the only reply he could think of.
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
For the mun, in response to the dating ask: What are your ships for Jim?
// Um, actually I kind of shipped him with Kate, who was supposed to be his love interest in the sequel/continuation of the movie. Unfortunately, it was scrapped.  I’ve considered shipping him with Audrey, but that’s too much angst tbh. I feel like Gogo and Jim would be bros. Um…I don’t really have hardcore feelings for any of the ships I’ve seen, honestly.
But at the same time, I don’t ship him with anyone, the same goes for Merida. I just don’t think either of them would be good in relationships tbh…
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
+ If you could date any girl in DRP, who would it be?
Woah, woah woah. I don’t think I’ve meet that many people yet, anon. Besides, I’ve got enough on my plate to even think about girls. I haven’t met a lot of girls, anyways..
// Okay but I ship him with people but then I don’t.
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
Anonymously send me '+' and a question and my muse has to answer honestly no matter how uncomfortable it makes them
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
Ugh. Great. How could Jim be so stupid? Did he really need to have that kind of reaction? He honestly felt embarrassed, expecting the woman to be disgusted with him. However, she was civil with him, making him to believe that his reaction to her appearance had gone unnoticed. Or perhaps she had noticed and was being polite. 
Jim, this was not the time to be overly paranoid..
Especially when the same woman comes flying at you after being pushed by a rude reptillan behind her. Quick on his feet, he consciously placed his hands at the sides of the stranger’s shoulders, trying to lower the level of embarrassment. Despite this, the stumble onto him was still quite embarassing. 
As the woman turned around after the rude remark, Jim looked past her, glowering at the being walking away. He opened his mouth to retaliate, but the woman spoke first, his angry expression disappearing.
“No, I’m fine,” he stated, “I should be the one who’s sorry, Mrs..?”
Reputations || Jim & Jessica
Jessica glanced up and over the stranger, biting back a groan. She should have noticed he was younger than the other men and creatures exiting onto port– She cleared her throat politely and ticked a polite, well-worn smile into place,
“That’s alright, I can ask someone else, thank you-”
But before she could do so, someone shoved her from behind. With a ‘oof!” and a clatter, her pen and her clipboard were flung from her hands and she was shoved roughly forward, stumbling into Jim, by a six-foot-tall reptilian looking fellow, sneering at her with six yellow eyes,
“Waattchhh it, two-footer-” Jessica turned sharply, pushing her hair from her face, eyes narrowed– But the creature had moved on, chuckling lowly in it’s throat, shaking it’s head as it weaved through the crowds. Jessica scowled and glanced up – Before pulling back quickly,
“Oh! I didn’t catch you in the crossfire, did I? Some people-” She muttered.
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james-pleiades-blog · 9 years
Feet shuffled against the pavement, and swings flew through the air. Jim was lucky to evade a few hits, but one landed smartly on his jaw. His academy training didn’t exactly cover hand to hand combat, unfortunately.
The spacer and the thief failed to notice the pink heroine tossing a shiny blue orb between them. Jim had loosened the surfer off the man’s back after sending the criminal off his balance. Jim spun the man around and yanked at the surfer on his back. The straps were about to break, but the next thing Jim felt was a bitter cold. The two were as if frozen in time, forever caught in this position of conflict.
Why can’t I move!? Jim wanted to scream, but he failed to do so.
Futuristic Vigilante || Jim & Honey Lemon
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