jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
"Oh, for definite people get watched in their own houses. I've just heard they only watch the houses they suspect people are... well, being 'suspicious,' as per usual." Of course, now his attention was caught with the mention of microscopic cameras bringing live feed to where ever those assholes waited and watched for anything that would tip them off. "... In the air? In your drink? That might be pushing it. But, honestly, I wouldn't push it past them to pull a fucking stunt like that."
ā€˜Donā€™t everybody know about you already? Donā€™t everybody know about everyone already?ā€™ She gestures the waitress to get her some coffee, then turns to Barris questioning glare rising an eyebrow and leaning forth a little, countering his slight invasion. ā€˜All three, Iā€™d say. Iā€™m from the East Coast, I believe; and I donā€™t go out that oftenā€¦ weather here sucks. Itā€™s not even natural.ā€™ Her fingers start tapping the table, a little anxious for her coffee. ā€˜Do you know everyone here? Are you CIA? DEA?ā€™.
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
Shoving everything he could off to the side somewhere, Barris planted himself in a chair in the corner, motioning for Vivian to sit down on the couch across from him. "There's a computer at the desk you can use, an extra bedroom down the pathetic excuse for a hallway. Food in the fridge if you want it. I can give you the tour later." Barris waved his hand absently, his eyes focusing on Vivian over the top of his glasses. "Now, where do you originally hail from, anyway?"
ā€œLet me put it this wayā€”Iā€™d rather not have to witness someone else go through the same type of treatment as one of my ex-friends. Addicted to substance-D, was arrested by authorities, and he took a seizure-type attack once he reached the rehab center.ā€ What he didnā€™t mention was that it was partially his fault. No sense in bringing it up. Barris opened the door, slipping inside, immediately shoving things off to the side, and picking up scattered papers and shoving them away. ā€œAgain, ignore the mess. I get on the lazy side.ā€
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
"Let me put it this way--I'd rather not have to witness someone else go through the same type of treatment as one of my ex-friends. Addicted to substance-D, was arrested by authorities, and he took a seizure-type attack once he reached the rehab center." What he didn't mention was that it was partially his fault. No sense in bringing it up. Barris opened the door, slipping inside, immediately shoving things off to the side, and picking up scattered papers and shoving them away. "Again, ignore the mess. I get on the lazy side."
It was surprising when Vivian accepted his offer without much fuss. He was prepared to offer up reasons why the man should, but clearly, it was no longer necessary. All the better. A smile crept up onto his face as he made his way down the pathway towards the house. ā€œJust ignore the mess. Itā€™s not as bad as I make it sound, but, some people are picky about their surroundings and all.ā€
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
It was surprising when Vivian accepted his offer without much fuss. He was prepared to offer up reasons why the man should, but clearly, it was no longer necessary. All the better. A smile crept up onto his face as he made his way down the pathway towards the house. "Just ignore the mess. It's not as bad as I make it sound, but, some people are picky about their surroundings and all."
Vivian shrugged as he never really thought about getting a name and truth be told he didnā€™t mind and he was used to it. ā€œShitā€¦I donā€™t feel comfortable with that, I already had people watching me enough when I was younger.ā€ He told James, referring to his stay at the asylum as a kid. ā€œSounds like bullshit alright.ā€ He agreed, he didnā€™t want people spying in him at his home, not that heā€™ll do anything stupid and horrible like he has in the past but still. ā€œIā€™m guessing they do that now to keep the control? That is creepyā€¦makes you feel like youā€™re in a more free prison so to speakā€
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
"... Not everyone. Most, but not all. And those that do know me, believe that I don't keep the drugs anymore." Which was a bull-faced lie, but it kept people from confronting him about it. For the most part. Some weren't in the loop, and he usually caved and gave them what they wanted. "Most people don't leave for fear of being watched; though staying at home tends to lead to more suspicion than none." With one finger, Barris pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Do I know everyone? No, not exactly. I know some by face, but I couldn't even begin to tell you what their first name is."
She shrugs her face ā€˜Takes one to know one, right? Times like these, better watch out, game goes both ways. And I donā€™t believe thereā€™s a single person in SoCal, let alone in the whole US that doesnā€™t do.ā€™. In a swift move she opens the bottle, takes two tabs, puts one in her mouth and another in the pocket of her plaid shirt while swallowing. ā€˜And risk losing my newfound supply? Never.ā€™ She says, shaking her head while pushing the bottle back to its rightful owner.
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
"I suggest getting used to it because around here, that's what the authorities do." Barris paused for a moment, his gaze wandering until he was looking straight up into the sky. He seemed to be pondering something; but how well it would be received was another story. "If the authorities watching over you will bother you that much, why not just stay with me? There's no cameras in my home, considering I just moved here not long ago, and they really have no reason to be watching me. And I doubt they ever will. Then I can help find you somewhere they can't see you at all."
Vivian let out a sign in a bit of annoyance at the reaction of his name admittedly not manly sounding name, but he was used to it. ā€œBlame my mother for the name.ā€ He said before confirming his next question, but the always watching you part got him a bit nervous. ā€œLooking for a new placeā€¦wait you mean like Big Brother is watching type of a deal?ā€ He asked.
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
Blame the parents. Always blame the parents. "You do realize, if you really wanted a name change the government can do that. It's a long as fuck process though." Barris' eyes scanned the area briefly, as if to make his point about them being watched. Hell, they traced phone calls now. Talk about creepy, and a major invasion of privacy. "Something like that, yes. They trace phones calls. Watch you when you're not expecting it. I've heard they'll even put cameras in your house if they suspect something out of the ordinary. It's bullshit."Ā 
ā€œI donā€™t know..I was just walking through this area to be honest.ā€ Vivian replied back, ā€œI was getting tired of the house I was staying at so I packed up what little of my stuff I had and left. Iā€™m Vivian.ā€
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
Without an answer, Barris snatches up the bottle, shoving it back in his pocket. "If everyone knew about me, I wouldn't have much to give away, now would I?" He continued to lean forward in his seat, pulling the glasses from his face. "I'm going to take a wild guess here and say you're not from around here. Either that, or you don't go out very often. Though, perhaps that's me."
Looks around nonchalantly ā€˜I could be if your mind werenā€™t deceiving you, if it were I could most certainly not be. Who knows?ā€™ She looks at him squinting a little ā€˜Plus, you certainly look the type, just maybe not as far gone as the rest, which shows you either get the better stuff or very much know what youā€™re doingā€¦ which makes you a better option than the rest of the other heads.ā€™
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
Barris leaned back in his own seat, his eyes briefly scanning the area before he shifts enough to shove a hand into his pocket. "Clearly my mind isn't going haywire like it does every once in a while." Pulling out a small bottle, Barris placed it on the table in front of him. "And you must have a keen eye for this game. Really. Most people don't even believe I take the stuff." Getting up from his seat ever so slightly, he moves the bottle to the other end of the table. "Just don't go telling the neighborhood I've got the damn things or everyone will want one."
ā€˜Well, I went out for a coffee, then I realized I had just had oneā€¦ so I figured Iā€™d just see if you could hook me up with some tabs. Or just point me in the direction of someone that couldā€¦ or notā€™ *flops on her seat* ā€˜I actually want another coffeeā€™.
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
"With some tabs?" Lowering his head a bit, Barris looked over the top of his glasses. "Are you asking for what I think you are? Or is my mind deceiving me once more? Besides, how did you even know I carry things like that on me?"
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ā€œPretty sure Iā€™ve never seen all of you around here before. So that leads to my next question: why in godā€™s name are you here?ā€
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
One glance down and Barris found that Vivian wasn't kidding. A laughed escaped him as the name clicked in his mind as one that... wasn't very masculine. he covered it up by getting up from his chair, making his way over to Vivian. "Looking for a new place to live then? Or do you plan on walking the streets forever? If the second option if your choice, I'm warning you that they're always watching." Barris removed his glasses before continuing. "Name's James, but Barris is fine too."
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ā€œPretty sure Iā€™ve never seen all of you around here before. So that leads to my next question: why in godā€™s name are you here?ā€
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
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"Pretty sure I've never seen all of you around here before. So that leads to my next question: why in god's name are you here?"
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jamesbarris-blog Ā· 11 years
ā€œDo you believe I remember that? I remember being a child, but barely.ā€
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