jamesgwapo2-blog · 7 years
No to Porno!
Ship is like a paid exile, wherein a bunch of seafarers are put together to run a ship to generate profit for the company. Seafarers have to stay away from their spouses or girl friends for months together, generating a mental and physical void, which forms the very basic of human needs. Needless to say, seafarers have to look for alternate ways to fill this void, to keep them going for long voyages, undisturbed, and mentally and physically sound. The recent arrests and prosecution of some seafarers found with pornography material, several shipping authorities and owners have started taking this subject seriously as they don’t want themselves or their ship’s crew to get into unnecessary legal issues. Pornography by default is a sin, a taboo which is banned throughout the world. However, when it comes to maritime industry we need to have a different perspective.Most of the countries where international merchant ships ply for exports and imports, do not allow pornographic material of any kind and a person found in possession of such material is subjected to prosecution. Most of the Port state control authorities do regular inspections and checks of crew’s cabin and personal stuff of the seafarers so that the prohibited terms can be followed in their waters. Some of the port state authorities who imposed prosecution and imprisonment to the seafarers on finding pornographic material are: U.K port states, New Zealand authorities, Canadian authorities, Philippines authorities, United States Coast Guard, Australian Maritime safety Authority, Middle east countries (Very strict rules) and many more.. The burden of various rules and regulations is already way too much on the shoulders of seafarers and workers involved in the shipping industry. It is advisable that seafarers do not add to it by carrying such unnecessary and useless liabilities while travelling on ships. Thesis statement: Pornographic materials onboard the ship can be dangerous to seafarers. Outline: I. Reasons why seafarers are tempted to use use pornographic materials. A. Most seafarere are male. 1.They stay away from thier spouse or girlfriend for months or years. B. It is an alternate way for them to fill out the void they feel. 1. Seafarers must be physically and mentally sound for long voyages. II. Consequences on this issue. A. Arresment of seafarer in some cases. 1. Shipping company have taken this illegal actions seriously. 2. Pornography on default is a sin. 3. Taboo is banned throughout the world. B. Most port state/countries do not allow this. 1. They do regular inspection and check up on crew's cabin and personal stuffs. 2. Seafarer possess such materials will be subjected to prosecution.
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jamesgwapo2-blog · 7 years
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Student: James Muyco Teacher: Mrs. Joanna Jacinth Ferer II.About The Author Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and A Child's Garden of Verses. A literary celebrity during his lifetime, Stevenson now ranks as the 26th most translated author in the world. His works have been admired by many other writers, including Jorge Luis Borges, Bertolt Brecht, Marcel Proust, Arthur Conan Doyle, Henry James, Cesare Pavese, Emilio Salgari, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Jack London, Vladimir Nabokov, J. M. Barrie, and G. K. Chesterton, who said of him that he "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins". (Wikepedia, 2017) Book Background Treasure Island For other uses, see Treasure Island (disambiguation). Treasure Island is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of "buccaneers and buried gold". Its influence is enormous on popular perceptions of pirates, including such elements as treasure maps marked with an "X", schooners, the Black Spot, tropical islands, and one-legged seamen bearing parrots on their shoulders. Treasure Island is traditionally considered a coming-of-age story and is noted for its atmosphere, characters, and action. It is one of the most frequently dramatized of all novels. It was originally serialized in the children's magazine Young Folks between 1881 through 1882 under the title Treasure Island, or the mutiny of the Hispaniola, credited to the pseudonym "Captain George North". It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883, by Cassell & Co. (Wikepedia,2017) III.Summary: The Treasure Island tells the story about Jim, a young boy who watches over an inn in an English seaside town with his mother and his gravely ill father. A new guest at the inn, Bill, terrifies everyone at the inn with his old sea songs and threats of violence. Bill falls ill and dies just as pirates descend on the inn to kill Bill and to pillage his things. Just before the pirates can burst in and find Jim and his mom, the two of them escape with a number of coins and a pouch. Jim finds out that there is a treasure map hidden in the pouch. After showing this map to the doctor that waited on his father and Bill, Dr. Livesey, the doctor and his friend Squire Trelawney decide to set sail to uncover the treasure. Jim goes along as a member of the crew. The squire and doctor hire a number of men to head the voyage, including Long John Silver as the ship's cook. Along the journey at sea, Jim falls asleep inside a barrel and awakes to hear that Long John Silver has planned a mutiny along with most of the crew! Once they reach the island with the treasure, Jim slips onshore with Silver and some of the rebels. After the rebels kill two men that don't want to join the rebellion, Jim runs away into the jungle on the island. While there, he meets an abandoned man, Ben Gunn. Meanwhile, Trelawney, the doctor, and the other men get ashore and find a stockade, or a giant wooden enclosure, something like a mini-fort. Eventually, after a meeting between Silver and the captain of the ship in the stockade, there is a battle. While a number of mutineers are killed, two men die and one is injured within the stockade, and Dr. Livesey goes out to find Ben Gunn and enlist his help. Jim sneaks out of the stockade and cuts the ship loose, crashing it on the beach, securing it for the crew, and killing a pirate left on the ship in self defense. Jim sneaks back to the stockade, where to his surprise, Long John Silver and his men are now staying! Silver explains that the captain and Dr. Livesey agreed to give up the map and the stockade for free passage. However, when the rebels get to the treasure, they find that someone has already dug it up! Before the angry rebels can attack Silver and Jim, the original crew pop up and ambush them with guns, having already dug up and hid the treasure. Though Silver slips away from the crew during the journey back to England, evading a trial and hanging, Jim still has terrifying dreams of him for many months afterward. IV. Lesson Learned The story of Treasure Island gives us so many moral lessons that we can apply in real life. Don’t judge other people by their appearance, in the plot of the story, Young Jim Hawkins learns not to judge a book by its cover and that appearances are not always true. For example, Smollett at first looks like a rude and unsympathetic person, but later Jim finds out that he is one of a few people he can trust. Greed will get the best of you, Treasure Island and Flint’s treasure itself is the symbol of greed and low desire that can turn men into animals. It is especially vividly seen at the end of the story: the closer the pirates come to their desirous treasure, the crueler and more barbarians they get. At the end of the novel, John Silver and the pirates reach the climax of this greed Greed will get the best of you, Treasure Island and Flint’s treasure itself is the symbol of greed and low desire that can turn men into animals. It is especially vividly seen at the end of the story: the closer the pirates come to their desirous treasure, the crueler and more barbarians they get. At the end of the novel, John Silver and the pirates reach the climax of this greed that had so many men killed. However, it is Jim and the captain’s crew who ultimately win the treasure, because they overcame their desire and stayed human. Another character, Ben Gunn, is the example of the uselessness of gold. Living alone on the island, he became oblivious to its power, being an example that treasure has its value only in society. Don't forget who you are, being tempted by John Silver with treasure, luxury and fame, Jim rejects all of it, instead coming back and saving his friends. The young boy shows as much courage and strong spirit as grown-up and experienced men, because he never forgets who he is and what is really important in life. Not gold, jewelry or pirate’s fame, but honor, true friendship and being true to yourself. Some more information on these characters can also be found here. V. Critique/Review/Reaction I really like this story because it is a definitive pirate story, yet also a deconstruction of the idea of how we see pirates. It’s a fast-paced boys’ adventure, full of stormy coves, sun-spangled seas, rebellious rogues, and honorable Englishmen, yet also something of a character study and a coming-of-age story. It is tremendously enjoyable, yet sobering upon reflection. It also one of the few books I can find no fault with. This is a genuinely exciting, even thrilling, adventure, and probably the best pirate story that has yet been told. The pace is fairly quick, but the characters and plot fleshed out enough, and the turns of event are fascinating not just for plot reasons, but for what they reveal about the characters involved. VI. References: Wikepedia (2017) Robert Louis Stevenson Retrieved from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Louis_Stevenson at 11:00, August 02, 2017 Wikpedia (2017) Treasure Island Retrieved from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island at 11:00, August 02, 2017
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jamesgwapo2-blog · 7 years
"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."
As a student, I encounter many challenges or obstacles in life. Studying, making assignments and projects that are tasked to us by our teacher, and even managing my time between knowledge and leisure.I have to stay awake late night just to study or work something in relation to the lessons in the school. I even consume my whole weekend just to memorize or study my lessons for the coming exams. I have to keep in mind that this sacrifices are just small things compare to the diploma I will receive when I'll graduate. We can't escape from this unfair world. Everyone don't realize your courage but they all look for your mistake. Everytime I participate in a class recitation, the claws of fear is holding me back, for I was afraid that my classmate will make fun of me. Life is not easy, but we must not give up to the struggles, this is only a test of our faith and a test of how strong we are. This difficulties improves us, enhance us, and makes us stronger to face anything that goes in our way. Amidst this challenges, I have someone who support and inspire me, my family, friends and even my loved one . In order to achive a better future we need to work hard. We have to pour sweat to reach the sweet success. My goal is to become a successful seafarer, no one can stop me. I will stop at nothing just to reach my beautiful destination.
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