jamfinity · 3 years
A Project is an attempt to achieve a particular goal. Usually, a project includes a series of tasks that are assigned to qualified individuals. These tasks need to be completed within a deadline in order to achieve the desired outcome. To reach that outcome, individuals involved in the project collaborate, communicate and follow a plan to keep the project on track and within budget. However, someone has to plan, organize, monitor, and give neutral feedback to the assigned members in order to achieve success at the end of the project. That’s where project management comes in.
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jamfinity · 3 years
Introduction to Project Management
What is a Project?
A Project is an attempt to achieve a particular goal. Usually, a project includes a series of tasks that are assigned to qualified individuals. These tasks need to be completed within a deadline in order to achieve the desired outcome.
To reach that outcome, individuals involved in the project collaborate, communicate and follow a plan to keep the project on track and within budget. However, someone has to plan, organize, monitor, and give neutral feedback to the assigned members in order to achieve success at the end of the project. That’s where
project management
comes in.
What is Project Management?
Project Management
is the application of specific knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to deliver value to the project and reach the desired outcomes.
In a business, it is essential to complete projects within the scheduled time and on budget. Project Management ensures the expected outcomes are delivered on time and within budget.
Real-life Examples:
We are subconsciously managing projects throughout our lives. In university, we manage group projects, collaborate with the team, and finish the tasks within the due date. Each of the members is assigned to do particular tasks that they are experts in. The course faculty assigns the due date, and the group plans, organize and delivers the completed project before the deadline.
Let’s look into another practical example- suppose a small town signs a deal with a Pharmaceutical company to make sure that local students don’t miss out on school due to health issues like headaches or fevers. The deal has to be completed by the end of the year. The students will be able to communicate with doctors using smartphones and tablets. Here, implementing the technology into the school is the project. The outcome is defined and the start and end date are clear. In order for this plan to be successful, the plan has to be carefully laid out and monitored. This can include training the teachers, creating a budget for tablets and smartphones, establishing a stable internet connection, etc. There has to be strong communication among the team members, the manager, and the pharmaceutical company. To successfully launch the project, every task need to be completed within the deadline and on budget.
This is called Project Management
What does a Project Manager do?
Project managers usually follow a process that involves planning and organizing, managing tasks, budgeting, controlling costs, and other factors. Everything they do helps make sure the project can be completed on time and on budget. A project manager not only adds value to the project but also ensures that the project outcome in bringing value to the company. It’s the job of a Project Manager to ensure that the project is both successful and valuable to the stakeholders.
Some of the important responsibilities of a project manager are as following:
Planning and Organizing: Project Managers have to create the project plans while setting the tone of the project so that everyone is on pace and aligned with the project objective. This makes the project flow smoothly, reduces conflict, and helps move tasks along.
Managing Tasks: A project manager has to help his team manage tasks and communicate key milestones to the larger team or customer. The tasks should be assigned to qualified individuals. It is the job of the project manager to motivate and influence the team members with a sense of responsibility. It is important to keep in mind that the job of a project manager is not to complete the technical tasks involved but to ensure those tasks are performed by qualified individuals and completed on time
Budgeting and Controlling Costs: A project manager has to make sure the project stays within the agreed budget. Of course, there could be situations where the budget may need to be changed. In that case, a project manager communicates the changes with the stakeholders and makes the necessary adjustment accordingly.
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