jamie--kirk · 3 years
Another Twisted Truth
continuation of --> x
Half an hour later, Jamie was back in the woods. He’d gone and gotten the dead girl out of his car boot and dragged her back through the trees. He was glad Baberton was always so dead at this time - ha. dead. He chuckled a little to himself before stopping, ltting go of the girl and then turning back to look at Sophie Baker. She’d moved. It looked like she had come around again and tried to crawl away but she was out again. She was a fighter, he’d give her that.
He got to work, dragging the dead redhead that he had killed a few hours earlier and placing her exactly where Sophie’s body had been. Then he moved to grab Sophie, dragging her back to his car. He didn’t care about being gentle, as far as Jamie was concerned that baby inside her would be dead by now, from the stress and trauma or whatever. One more problem down as far as he was concerned.
Jamie took Sophie to the Dollhouse and threw her into one of the holes. She was his first doll but she wouldn’t be his last.
The woman he’d killed was some pregnant prostitute from Bridgefield who nobody woud be looking for. He’d made her face unrecognisable but her body type and her red hair matched Sophie’s enough to pass for her if her parents or friends went looking. He’d left her in the woods where Sophie had been and Kelly and Imogen would soon stumble upon the body and think it was their best friend. Jamie went on to blackmail Ravi Singh and Lydia Sykes, one to cover up the pregnancy entirely (just to keep the games going), and the other to make sure Sophie’s records matched the dead girl.
When the news of the pregnancy being covered up got out, Jamie hadn’t expected it but it just amused him. It caused pain to Sophie’s family and friends so Jamie thought it fit his agenda quite well. What he hadn’t expected was to be completely outed later and for Sarah Clarke to be released from her own Dollhouse prison. It shocked him but he told himself that at least Sophie Baker and Brad Everett were hidden away in a separate section that maybe this new -A would never find. He could only hope anyway... if they got out, his game was well and truly over.
Though, of course, nothing ever stays buried forever... not even dolls.
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
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get to know me meme: [22/?] favorite movies: remember me.
“So, dessert first in case of asteroids, yes. But kissing a guy you seem at least somewhat attracted to before riding off into the unknown New York night alongside a panda you’ve only just met, no?”
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
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Name: Jamie Kirk Age: 31 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Male Portrayed By: Robert Pattinson Availability: Not Playable
“I know she was behind it… but I never retaliated or anything. It’s not my style. I mean, it’s not like I died right?”
→ Background
One of Jason and Thomas’s best friends. Jamie was one of the ‘cool guys’ who didn’t exactly enjoy Annie’s behaviour. He didn’t see it as flirty or attractive… more often than not she just irritated him. Which, in turn, irritated Annie. She was used to being able to wrap the college guys (and everyone else) around her little finger with her looks and her manipulation. It just didn’t work on Jamie one little bit.
Jamie was always fairly laid back and relaxed, going with the flow and not taking life too seriously. This didn’t mean he had no backbone, though some people could have interpreted it as such. Annie certainly did. She kept pushing and pushing, trying to get him to obsess over her as much as other people did, and it was getting him more and more worked up. One day he couldn’t take it any more and just snapped, shouting at her in front of everybody before storming away and leaving her standing there with all those people staring at her with pitying or triumphant expressions. That made Annie angry. She didn’t like being made a fool of. The next day Jamie got into a near fatal car accident when his brakes refused to work. The police suspected foul play but Jamie got them to drop the investigation. No one knows why. He knew who’d done it though. Annie. The same Annie who came skipping into the hospital the day after his accident with a shocked expression and a bag of grapes. Not that she fooled him. He made a point of staying away from her for good after that, though often thought about just going to the police because he was sick of the stupid little smug smirks she would throw him. Bitch. The day he resolved to do just that… Annie disappeared.
→ Back to Baberton
Jamie took a year out to go travelling abroad after Annie vanished. When he came home he was still the same old laid back, easy-going guy he’d always been and fit right back in with his old group of friends. He got a job waiting tables at Spice restaurant, which he enjoys immensely. When Annie’s body was found, Jamie wasn’t surprised. It was obvious something bad had happened to her. After all, how would a sixteen year old like Annie survive on her own all this time. Never mind that, why would a girl like Annie run off in the first place. He went to the funeral to pay his respects to Annie’s family but couldn’t stop thinking that maybe, just maybe, she’d actually gotten what she deserved.
These days, Jamie is still working at Spice and he usually spends time with Katie White, someone who he became friends with through quite strange circumstances, and who seems to dislike Annie’s old friends just as much as he does. He’d known her for a while of course, most people knew most people round here but they’d never really been friends until one night a few years ago. Jamie had been breaking into Imogen Ford’s house for -A and Katie White showed up beside him, told him -A had sent her to help, and that was kind of that. Jamie had started to feel alone in this whole -A thing so having someone to relate to and talk about it with was fantastic. He couldn’t exactly tell his mates that he was helping torture Kelly Sharpe, Ruby Peterson, Imogen Ford, and Sophie Baker could he? They wouldn’t understand but Jamie wanted revenge and so, it turned out, did Katie. They’ve become some sort of team and even after Daisy Ramsey was outed as the culprit or multiple murders (and there was talk of her being -A) they were both pretty eager to keep up with some kind of revenge scheme. Lucky for them, a second -A decided to rear their head a few months later, just when things were getting back to normal.
→ What’s His Secret?
Was willingly part of the first -A Team because he hates Annie’s friends and believes they had something to do with his car accident too. He wanted to be a footballer and was very talented but the accident ruined his chances because his leg will never fully heal. He hates Annie’s friends with a passion and is willing to do whatever he has to do to get his revenge. Which is why he jumped at the chance to be part of the new -A’s game.
Slept with Sophie Baker a few months before she died. She’d broken up with her boyfriend, Liam Turner, or something and was drunk and needed comforting and, boy, did he comfort her! He’d been planning to blackmail her with a video of them together later or send it to -A. They’d be proud, right? Things backfired though when she told him she was pregnant a couple months later. He argued with her the day that she was killed, wanting her to get an abortion, and he was quite nasty to her. Luckily, Sasha Miller was thrown in prison for murdering her later that night before anyone could suspect him of anything worse than a simple fight and (again, luckily) the fact that she was with child was conveniently erased from the death report by his good friend -A and nobody ever had a clue.
Faked Sarah Clarke’s death and kept her captive in his Dollhouse, the underground bunker type torture chamber place where he once locked up Annie’s old friends and two others.
Is the one who really killed Sophie Baker that fateful night in the woods, after Sasha Miller had pushed her. Though, this is also a lie in itself. Jamie killed a pregnant prostitute from Bridgefield who had the same bright hair as Sophie, made her fact practically unrecognisable but recognisable enough to pass for Sophie, and he bribed Lydia Sykes a new doctor, to make sure Sophie’s dental records would come up in the system, as this woman. He also got Ravi Singh to remove the pregnancy from the records altogether, so nobody would know that Sophie was pregnant (though the fact she was did come out later). Jamie then took an injured Sophie Baker and locked her away in The Dollhouse, where she has actually been ever since. He did the same thing with Brad Everett, shoving him down there with her and the baby she’d given birth to.
→ Where did he go?
Jamie faked his death way back during the Halloween party in 2016 so that Imogen Ford would no longer suspect he was -A (which he of course was). He then went into hiding and cut off his own finger to prevent any suspicions falling onto him. He was hiding from everyone, pretending to be dead (except to Katie White, who knew the truth) and was continuing his reign of terror against Annie’s friends and the rest of the town. He got too big for his boots and felt untouchable. After this, he was eventually outed by -A #3, Ella Burke, who had been watching him and setting him up so they could take over. He is now in prison.
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
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ᴄᴏꜱᴍᴏᴘᴏʟɪꜱ (2012)
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
Tyler wasn’t even sure if Jamie would care. He would be surprised if he did but then again he had been sending letter to her. They had allowed him to bring in the newspaper clipping. “What happened to her was your fault.” Those words came out without him stopping them. Taking the article out of his pocket, he slid it across to him. “Frances is dead because of you.” 
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Jamie wasn’t sure what he was expecting. They got news in here but not often from Baberton in a timely manner. Which could frustrate him when he wanted to keep up with the new -A shit - figure them out so maybe he could break out of here and kill them before he turned himself in again - just for the satisfaction. And to kill those three left in the Dollhouse of course, in case the bitch decided to let them out like Sarah. He frowned at the words, not understanding who Tyler would be talking about, and he opened his mouth to speak but then his gaze moved to the clipping that was slid towards him and everything felt like it froze. Like time just stopped dead. Frances. Franny. Fran. No. No, this had to be a trick. But he knew it wasn’t as he tore his eyes away from the article finally, feeling sick to his stomach. Not his sister. Never his sister. She didn’t deserve this. This was wrong. Jamie loved her. He stood up in a quick motion, took hold of his chair and lifted it, throwing it across the room at the wall in pure anger. “No!”
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
No one had told him yet because no one had thought to inform the prison of it, so Jamie was pretty oblivious when he walked into the room. He couldn’t think of a reason that his cousin would be here and he wasn’t sure he was in the mood for it. He was tired from a fight earlier on that day with some twat in the next block. “Well, I wasn’t planning on spending my whole day here.” He stated, moving to sit down with a sigh before looking over the table at Tyler silently.
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Tyler stood outside of the building for a moment, just looking at it. His cousin was in there, he didn’t deserve to know about Fran but he had been her brother. Sighing a little bit, he made his way inside. Checking all of his stuff before being moved into a room. He was still in complete shock and he felt like this was horrible dream. Had they attacked her because of him? Was it Jamie’s fault after all this time? Damn right it was. When he came in the room, he looked up at him. “I’m not staying that long. So let’s not get comfortable.”
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
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Goodbye, Dexter.
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jamie--kirk · 4 years
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jamie--kirk · 5 years
“Don’t really see how it’s her fault wanting to keep her baby. It’s your own damn fault for killing them. You could have let her live. Played things differently.” Eric rolled his eyes. “Oh but everything does in the end. Because you will go back to your little jail cell and I’m going to walk right out the door into freedom. Now he was going to get up and go until Jamie said that. That was when he felt so much anger from well everything that had been built up that he reached across and punched Jamie right in the jaw. Pushing the table aside, he grabbed him and punched him again. “She isn’t anything like Annie..” He punched him again. “She never will be.” His thoughts went to Annie’s words about he didn’t deserved to be loved. But he had that now.
Jamie shook his head. Eric didn’t and wouldn’t understand. He didn’t have it in him. He was weak. “Some freedom. You might as well still be in that hole Daisy locked you up in. My bars might be physical. Yours and your wife’s, not so much, but they’re there.” Jamie smirked. “You’re all out there walking around but you’re still in prisons.” He tilted his head. “You’re still being killed off.” Hopefully they’d finally finish that blonde bitch off this time. He wasn’t weak by any means and when Eric came at him and punched him, Jamie was quick enough to gather himself to start fighting back. Shoving him hard away from him and swinging his own fist to lay a punch right on Eric’s jaw. “There’s so much you don’t know. Ask her.” He punched him again, shoving once more, then giving a kick. “Don’t come back here.”
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jamie--kirk · 5 years
“No there will not be a we’ll see. It’s never going to happen. You will never get to see my daughter or wife.” Eric could feel his blood boiling, he wanted to punch that smug look off from Jamie’s face. “No she isn’t with us because in the end you would have killed her anyways. Just to hurt one of Annie’s friends.” He wasn’t buying any of the shit that Jamie was trying to say. “And did you enjoy killing one of your suppose to be best friends? I can only imagine but I also have no desire to kill or lock someone up.” He pointed out. “Emma Woods?” He questioned. “Is that so?” He questioned, noticing the frown. “Oh I know she isn’t innocent. She has flaws everyone does. But that doesn’t mean they deserve to die or think they have a target on their back.”
“I wanted them all in my Dollhouse - I didn’t want Sophie dead quite so soon. If she hadn’t tried to trick me with that baby she’d be alive and crying alongside your wife. It’s her own fault.” He stated bluntly. Jamie rolled his eyes. Brad again. Jesus Christ. “It didn’t matter in the end.” He shrugged, looking blank. Honestly, Jamie hadn’t cared who he killed in the end. Except Katie and Frances. “Flaws.” He laughed. “It’s a bit more than just having a few flaws. She’s just as bad as psycho bitch Annie was.”
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jamie--kirk · 5 years
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jamie--kirk · 5 years
Eric was doing his best to keep his composure and not punch Jamie in the face again. “And you will never see her. Ever. Because you will be in here for the rest of your miserable life.” He really felt the need and want to punch that smug look off from Jamie’s face. Especially after the threat. He could take on his mother so he could certainly take on Jamie fucking Kirk. “You know exactly what I am implying.  And I’m guessing the only way that Sophie would have touched you is if she had been drunk or fighting with someone else. So you got her when she was vulnerable.” Sitting back a little bit, he glanced over at him doing his best to control the anger. “So you killed one of your best friends because he threatened to end it? You could have done something else like you did with Sarah Clarke but you choose to make the decision to kill him. Why?” Shaking his head a little bit. “They didn’t deserve any of it just because they were friends with Annie. Annie did fucked up shit. I get that. But you took it out of the wrong people. They aren’t her.” Leaning forward again, his eyes never left Jamie. “You are insane and so is the person that took over for you.” 
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He smirked just slightly, looking back at Eric. “We’ll see.” Not that he thought they would ever let him out of here but you never knew and anyway, playing mind games and planting seeds of doubt or paranoia was amusing even in here. He shrugged and glanced down at the table, tapping his fingers on the surface. “Another one who’d still be here if she’d just made the right decision.” Sophie Baker. Stupid girl. Yes, she’d been far too drunk, but it’s not like he liked her - it had only been so he could use it to blackmail her - she was stupid enough to get pregnant and try to keep the baby. “It’s more convenient to kill. It’s easier. It’s more fun. Do you know how hard Sarah Clarke was?” He muttered, shaking his head. “That was a one off. Pulling what Daisy did but better. I’m not talking about Sarah.” He was annoyed that she had been let out - he’d wanted her to die in there with nobody ever knowing. “You’re giving them too much fucking credit.” He said firmly, frowning over at Eric. “You didn’t marry some innocent little angel so don’t pretend that you did.”
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jamie--kirk · 5 years
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jamie--kirk · 5 years
Eric watched him narrow his eyes, he clearly struck a nerve or something with what he said. “Oh she is wonderful. We got married and we have a beautiful baby girl. And she doesn’t even think of you or dream about you at all.” Eric stated, looking over at him again. “I need answers to why do it. Why did you kill one of your best friend, why do you kill someone that has a family? Was it all to not get caught? Was it because you didn’t give two shits. I need to know and understand why and I’ll give you something in return. And if you don’t answer me why I can have a guard visit you every day until you do decide to answer me. I’m just guessing here that he wouldn’t mind doing whatever it is that you did to my wife.” His Matthews colors were showing and he hated that but he wanted answers to all of this. “Why did you become -A after Diasy?”
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Jamie laughed. He truly doubted that Imogen was living quite so happily as he painted it, but he was happy to let Eric dream. “I bet she’s gonna be gorgeous when she’s older.” Not that a baby had ever done anything to him but Jamie couldn’t have one conversation where there wasn’t a veiled threat or solely sarcasm. He rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re implying - your wife and I had a wonderful night just. Just like poor, poor Sophie and I did.” Jamie shook his head, looking levelly back at Eric. “All of the above.” It truly had been a combination, there wasn’t quite one explanation that fit all his victims. “If Brad hadn’t gone on about shooting his big fuckin’ mouth off, he’d still be here today.” It’s not like he’d relished that one. But the game would have ended, he’d have wound up right here, and revenge would be off the table. Daisy felt like so long ago now. “Because I could.” A long silence as he stared back. “Because they deserved more.”
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jamie--kirk · 5 years
“How are they treating you in here, Jamie? Getting enough sunlight? Exercise? How is that knee of yours? The doctors treating it good?” Eric questioned, looking over at him for a moment before leaning forward a little bit. Making sure the wedding ring was in view for Jamie to see. “Answers. But I also know I won’t get them if that is on.” Eric gestured towards the camera. The little red light stopped flashing. “And now it is just us. No one else. So you are going to tell me what I want to know. Or else I can make your time here even more uncomfortable then what it already is.” He would do it because he could, he had more than enough money to make it happen. “So no more games. Got it?”
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Jamie narrowed his eyes a little in Eric’s direction when he mentioned his knee. He still cursed that Charlie and Ruby had come upon him attacking Imogen in the school that night he’d gone after her own leg - he’d wanted her more hurt than she had been. “How’s my good little friend, Imogen?” He asked in return, an edge to his voice. “Does she still dream about me?” Jamie didn’t know what Eric meant by coming here - what good it would do if he wanted something. Jamie couldn’t give anyone anything. He looked up at the camera then back to Eric. “Answers to what?” Jamie had no worry about any threats - he still had one person on the inside on his side but he was curious all the same.
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