jamie-reid · 3 years
“I went to the flower shop a week ago, Cam’s daughter was there and it kind of came out that I’m her father, Cam confirmed it-” It was like his brain hadn’t caught up to everything she had said till that moment. He hadn’t computed the question Jamie had asked until he’d already started talking. When it finally clicked, he stopped dead in his tracks, whirling around to face her. “What do you mean, do I know? Do I know what, Jamie?” he asked, too stunned as his brain still worked to understand what this meant. 
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       As Jamie realized the consequences of her actions, the blonde could feel her heart begin to thunder away inside of her chest. She knew the meaning of the look on Marcus’ face, though it was an expression she had only ever witnessed in the past. As the woman searched for the right words to explain, she stood there wide-eyed and helpless like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. 
       “I.. I um. I know what you’re going to say. And before you freak out on me, I wanted to tell you. I really did. But I know what it’s like and it wasn’t my place. I promise I haven’t known for years or anything close to it. Just.. the subject of Damien and our son came up one day and Cam needed a friend who could relate. I never meant to hurt you and I know how much you must be going through right now.”
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jamie-reid · 3 years
The sight of the (assumed) mother and daughter duo before her made Nora smile, and instantly gave her a bit of a regret. Maybe if she’d brought Nate with her, and made him apart of the process of choosing his books, it would go over easier. But every time she asked, she was always met with a ‘no.’ While the child seemed young and excitable, it also seemed like they got along well. These days, she and Nate were oil and water, with the latter being more like a moody teenager than the former had known to expect this early. He’s just having a hard time, Nora’s mother had insisted. But the brunette just wasn’t so sure. 
“Oh, that’s quite alright. I’m never one to turn down a chance to make new friends! Especially ones that seem to come with book recommendations.” Nora was just trying her hand at a little small talk; in truth, she had no idea what the little girl or her mother liked, if anything. But, there was only one way to find out, right? 
As Nora accepted the once-dropped novel back into her hand, she introduced herself to the other parent, “Hi, uh, Nora. Nice to meet you guys.” 
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       Much to Jamie’s relief, the stranger didn’t seem all too bothered by her daughter’s nosiness. Not everyone had a tolerance for children and while she knew that those people were few and far between, Jamie had learned that it was better to be safe than sorry.          With a warm smile, the blonde extended her hand out towards the other woman and chuckled. Having lived in Mystic her entire life, Nora’s face definitely looked familiar, though she had never been given the opportunity to introduce herself in the past. “I’m Jamie and this is Kennedy. It’s nice to finally meet you. I think I’ve seen you around before.. That being said, working at the Inn, you see a lot of different faces.”
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jamie-reid · 3 years
late night self reflective asks 🌙
cosmos: what's one thing you wish you could say to someone you are no longer friends with?
galaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?
waxing: what is your proudest accomplishment?
waning: what is your biggest regret?
full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
contemplation: if you could wake up one morning and everything in your life was perfect, what would that look like?
night light: who/what makes you feel safe?
ponder: what do you want to do with your life?
sunset: who is someone you thought would be in your life forever, but you no longer talk to?
midnight: are you a different person late at night than in the early morning?
candle light: are you an indecisive person?
reflection: have you ever changed something you liked about yourself to satisfy someone else?
sweet dreams: are you happy?
nightmare: what are you most afraid of?
constellations: who is someone you could talk to for hours and never stop?
reminder: who is someone you will never forget?
11-11: what's something you want, but feel like you will never have?
shooting star: who is someone you trust to help you make the right decisions?
earth: where do you feel most at home?
soothe: what's one thing that always makes you feel better when you're upset?
slumber: what's one thing that helps you fall asleep when it feels impossible?
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jamie-reid · 3 years
He was honestly a little surprised that she breezed past his rather blatant bearing of his soul, relieved for sure, but definitely surprised. When her sharp questioning turned toward Jesse, he couldn’t help the impish grin that came to his lips. “Look, we just wanted to make sure you got home safe. That’s all.” He held up his hands in a show of innocence. “You’ve heard about all those burglaries lately, right?” he asked, leaning closer a bit as he had lowered his voice. Truthfully, he was glad Jesse had called him. The dead body they’d found had really rattled him and until things started calming down around Mystic, a worry he’d never thought he would need to have, Sam didn’t mind being ‘on call’ for things like this when it came to Jamie or Kennedy.
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       While the mother in Jamie could appreciate their concern, the independent adult in her did not. Especially coming from none other than her ex husband. Shooting Jesse a quick death glare, the blonde soon turned her attention back toward Sam, who was still seated beside her. Although she, like others, had heard the recent news, Jamie’s pride was far too big to admit that she had been worrying about their daughter’s safety just hours before. Not to mention the fact that the amount of alcohol in her bloodstream was currently clouding her mind with a false sense of security. 
         “Yeah, so?” Annoyed by his line of questioning, Jamie slid down from the bar stool and onto wobbly legs. While she had convinced herself that some fresh air would help her sober up, getting there was going to be the real challenge. Grabbing onto Sam’s arm, she steadied herself for a moment before taking a few steps toward the door. She had to get out of here. She had to get home.
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jamie-reid · 3 years
Marcus was glad he let Jamie go first. As his alcohol jumbled brain processed what she had just said, he slowly moved towards the other chair, where he slumped down into it. He shook his head a few times. “You’ve gotta tell him, James.” he may be a little tipsy still, but Marcus hadn’t been more serious about anything in his life. “You gotta fucking tell him or else he’ll find out from someone else and it’ll be even worse than what you’re afraid of now.” He had been starting to calm down, but now as he thought about Jamie and Damien’s situation, all it did was remind him of his own and the frustration he’d been feeling before was bubbling back to the surface. 
He couldn’t remain seated, pushing himself out of the chair, he began to pace up and down Jamie’s porch. “I don’t think you realize how terrible it feels to find out someone hid your child’s existence from you. That they’ve been out there walking around, being part of you, and yet you didn’t even know they were a thing.” He probably wasn’t making much sense right now. Especially because Jamie wasn’t aware of the bomb that had just gone off in his own life. 
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        Although Jo had always encouraged her to follow her heart and do the right thing, Marcus had never been very strongly opinionated about the subject. As one of her and Damien’s only mutual friends, it had once worried the blonde that Marcus may accidentally spill the beans. But luckily for her, his loyalty had been proven to her through such events.
       Surprised by the amount of passion in his voice, Jamie felt her brows furrow in confusion as she tried to process the words he was saying. “What.. What happened? I mean, don’t get me wrong, you have a point, but why do you suddenly feel so strongly? You’ve never mentioned any of this in the past and why does it sound like you’re speaking from personal experience? Unless... Do you... do you know?” 
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jamie-reid · 3 years
STARTER: open. LOCATION: hailey’s comet. TIME: midday.
After a parent-teacher conference revealed that Nathan was not too keen on reading, Nora was determined to help her son in any way she could. Except… nothing she’d tried had worked. He was too old for picture books, but too young for the sort of novels she’d liked to read at his age. Moments like these made Nora long, for a moment, for her son’s father to be a little bit more involved in his life. And that was putting it delicately. Sure, she could talk to Ben, and he’d listen. He’d likely offer some pragmatic advice about tutoring, maybe even offer to help her find one, but he didn’t have the perspective of a parent — through no fault of his own. No, the news that her child was struggling made the woman just want to shelter him and resolve it, just the two of them, if they couldn’t rely on his father.
Startled by the sound of the bell at the front door tinkling to alert the entry of a new shopper, Nora dropped the copy of Sky Raiders she was looking at, and it tumbled to the ground, right into the path of an oncoming stranger. She was balancing her phone and the novel, trying to scroll through the list of ‘13 Books That 9-to-12-Year-Old Boys Say are Awesome,’ and the book had slipped from her grasp. 
“I’m so sorry,” she said immediately, “Trying to… figure something out. Sorry.”
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        Although it wasn’t often that her daughter had any extra spending money, a visit from Jamie’s father meant that there was now a fifty dollar bill burning a hole in her pocket. Although she had first thought to spend it on candy and sweets, the mother had managed to convince her daughter to spend at least a portion of the money on new bedtime stories. 
       As the duo made their way into Hailey’s Comet, the bell chimed from above their heads and a friendly associate greeted them. While the small child hadn’t been all too excited about their book shopping the day before, Kennedy seemed to have had a change of heart as she took off down the aisle before them.
      As the book landed with a thud before her, Kennedy reached down to grab it before turning it over in her hands. Always a curious one, she couldn’t help but want to know more. Especially when she saw the brightly coloured imagery that decorated its cover. “What’s it about?” The little girl mused, just in time for Jamie to catch up to her. “I’m so sorry about that. She loves talking to new people. Kennedy, c’mon. We’ve got to find our own book.” With an apologetic smile, the blonde rested one hand on the child’s shoulder before using her other to pass the novel back to Nora.
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jamie-reid · 3 years
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He almost winced at her visceral reaction to him. He deserved it though, so he folded his arms over themselves and leaned against the bar as he let her have at it. When she had finished talking, he raised one shoulder in a shrug. “I wasn’t thinking, that was the problem.” he answered simply. He wasn’t trying to be a smart aleck, it was simply the truth and there was no excusing it. He glanced over at her, gauging just how intoxicated she was at the moment. Maybe she was at the point where this wouldn’t stick out in the blur of memories she’d have from tonight. So he forged ahead, being bluntly honest with her for the first time in what felt like ages. “I wasn’t thinking, I was feeling, and that was it.” he let out a sigh before pushing forward. “What you don’t know is that before I made an ass of myself, I had been watching you for a while. And watching you laugh, joke, have a good time with another man was a little… well, a little more than I could deal with, okay? And I know that’s not fair and I’m working on it.” By the end, he was rushing through, trying to get out as many words as possible. He glanced over at her again to see if she’d kept up. 
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      Although she had been wanting answers to begin with, Jamie had truthfully been hoping that her response would be enough to scare her ex-husband away. Sam had never been good at confrontation, which was the reason he’d left Moonie’s straight after making his accusation, as well as the reason she suspected he hadn’t fought for their marriage. But tonight, whether the blonde had been ready for it or not, Sam had far more of an explanation to offer her.
      Though her eyebrows furrowed, the woman gulped back another few sips from her drink as she listened to him speak. While it was hard to wrap her mind around things in such a state, his confession did bring a small ping of pain to her chest in a way that she hadn’t planned to be affected. “... So what are you doing here? Why are you here tonight, Sam?” Her green eyes bounced back and forth between her ex and Jesse, who had already exchanged knowing glances since his arrival. “Don’t tell me he called you here because you men thought that I needed a babysitter.”
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jamie-reid · 3 years
💔 - Someone who broke my muse's heart.
"My ex-husband, Sam. I would have done just about anything to make our marriage work, but sometimes you're faced with the reality of a situation. I wanted more love and attention than he was able to give me." @samuelbrennan
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jamie-reid · 3 years
👀 + 👑
👀 - Someone my muse likes, but doesn't trust.
"This is a tough one. Maybe Ben Holder? I enjoy his company and think he's a cool guy, but it's rather hard for me to trust a Holder. At least yet." @benholder
👑 - Someone my muse is jealous of.
"Honestly? I've always been a little jealous of Jo. Not in a toxic way, though. I just envy the fact that she gets to do what she loves. I wish I had the drive and determination that she does, but also admire the fact that she has such a positive outlook on life. No matter how hard life gets. They're all things that I would love for myself." @johanna-malcom
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jamie-reid · 3 years
She smiled, taking Jamie’s words as the compliment that they were, and allowing such things to brush away the minor anxiety that had risen within her chest. The worry that she had overstepped all but forgotten as her straw would return to her lips. The icy goodness drawn in as she waited for Jamie’s next response, swallowing gently as her friend would speak—teeth claiming that paper thing in a way that threatened to flatten it. Busying her mouth with something to allow the other too finish.
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In some way, Johanna could understand the hesitation, just as much as she could see the worry—the near fear, that sat written upon the other woman’s face. Yet still, her heart, couldn’t let her believe that any scenario would end terribly. There could be hurt in the beginning—anger too—but Johanna knew that the world would right itself again. That things like forgiveness and understanding were obtainable. “You’re not hateable,” she countered simply, straw falling from her lips as she smiled at her friend. Such things were not an exaggeration for over the countless years they’d spent together, Johanna found it hard to name a person that could hate Jamie.
“I’m a glutton for punishment—so probably not the best gage for an reaction,” she teased, “But I would like to think that after the initial shock and maybe pain, that I would understand. You were so young—both of you were, and then there was your mom…What else were you supposed to do?”
        Whether it was due to the fact that she’d consumed one too many cocktails or the topic of conversation itself, Jamie could feel her stomach churn with every passing second. It felt as though there was so much at stake, though she had to remind herself of reality. She hadn’t seen Damien in years prior to this coincidence, and although there was a rather large chance that he would never speak to her again, the only thing she would be ruining is their civility. 
        “You have a big heart and when people are genuinely sorry, you tend to forgive rather easily. Damien, though... I’m not sure. I’m not even entirely sure he forgives me for leaving New York without explanation. Not that I can blame him. We may have been teenagers, but we were in love.” As she spoke, Jamie felt her eyes wander in her ex’s direction. While a lot had changed and the blonde had long since gotten over their romance, she had always considered him ‘the one that got away.’ 
         “I suppose you’re right. I’ll feel things out for the next little while and then I’ll make my decision. Or at least build up the nerve to tell him.”
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jamie-reid · 3 years
👰 - Someone my muse would consider marrying.
"Honestly, after my last experience with marriage, I haven't even considered marrying somebody else. I'm sure that's also because I haven't experienced love again since Sam, though." @samuelbrennan
👻 - Someone my muse considers a best friend.
"Johanna is at the top of my list, for sure. But I can't forget about Marcus either. Don't know what I would do without the two of those goons by my side." @johanna-malcom @marcustcrner
👌 - Someone my muse has only met once, but will never forget.
"Definitely my son. We spent less than five minutes together, and yet that little boy has impacted my life in ways I can't even begin to explain. He'll never leave my mind, or my heart."
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jamie-reid · 3 years
🌟 - A compliment for Johanna Malcom.
"Jo is truly the most supportive and caring person I know. I am lucky to be able to call her my best friend and I am so glad that she has been a part of my life for so many years now. She always makes me feel seen and understood, and for that I am truly grateful."
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jamie-reid · 3 years
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Leaning precariously against the door frame, he waited for Jamie to answer. He knew she was home cause she had texted after she left the beach party to let him know she’d gotten home safe. Of course, in his downward spiral, he hadn’t replied, but it was helpful now. As the door opened and Jamie hurriedly stepped through it and closed it behind her, he wondered where to start… how to start. Instead, he would let her go first, while he tried to put some order to his alcohol mumbled thoughts. 
He stayed where he was, only turning so that his back could lean against the house as he faced her. “What’s up?” he asked. They knew each other far too well, he could tell something was bothering her. And maybe hearing her problem would help him somehow get his off his chest. 
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      For how urgently he had needed to talk, Jamie was rather surprised when Marcus gave her the floor to speak about what was bothering her. Of all her friends, he had definitely known Damien the best and in turn, understood the situation far better than any of her other friends would or could. He had been by her side back in New York City and again, in Mystic, after having the baby. Marcus would probably also be the only person to understand why Damien’s presence was having such an affect on her.
      Taking a deep breath, the blonde seated herself in one of two patio chairs before finally allowing her lips to part. “Damien’s here. He’s.. staying at the inn. I guess the mayor hired him to help out with some kind of documentary he’s working on. And.. I’m freaking out, not only because I haven’t seen him in years, but because he still doesn’t know. I’ve never been so torn on what to do and I can think of just as many reasons why I should tell him as I can think of reasons why I shouldn’t.”
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jamie-reid · 3 years
bold which habits your muse has
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
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jamie-reid · 3 years
“Sorry—yeah, we spoke or rather I started talking to his dog and he just so happened to be around at the time,” she offered with an apologetic smile and simple shrug. “He looked familiar but neither of us could place the other it seemed…” Her brow creased with the memory, the notion that Johanna had forgotten Damien’s name shocked her then. Given his connection—his past relationship—with Jamie, someone she considered a sister, well it made the brunette feel bad.
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That feeling only seemed to take firmer root as Jamie continued. As the other spoke of things like guilt and horror. Johanna could understand such feelings, or rather she could sympathize. The secret Jamie had been carrying had to have been a heavy one—but one that could have been kept at the periphery of her mind thanks to things like distance. But now, with Damien being in town—Johanna could only assume that it made things all the more difficult. “Anyone that knows—that knows you, won’t spill the beans,” she assured her friend then. Unable to think of anyone that would do that to either Damien or Jamie—even by mistake. No, she believed the secret could be kept. “It’s a heavy thing for you to carry too,” she offered then, after another slow sip from her straw. Returning to Jamie’s earlier point. Just one thing on that list of reasons as to why she couldn’t tell him.  “Would it be such a bad thing to tell him?” she wondered then.
        Knowing that Damien had brought his rather adorable dog along for the ride, Jamie shouldn’t have been surprised by the fact that Johanna had made an effort to introduce herself. Not only were new furry friends good for business, but they often loured her in, like a moth to a flame. With a small chuckle, the blonde nodded her head, instantly dismissing the other woman’s apology. “It’s okay, I should have known. If you see an animal around, you’re going to say hi. It’s just the way you are.”
       Although she wanted to believe her best friend’s words, it was a rather impossible thing to predict. As much as she trusted her close friends and family members, she was sure that there were some who thought that he deserved to know. After all, she had once been one of them. “I really hope you’re right because if he does find out, I would want it to be from me. Not anybody else.” Jamie had, had no real plans to tell her ex about their long lost son, however, the more that she saw of him, the more she found the information difficult to conceal. “I mean, how would you feel? You wouldn’t hate me forever?”
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jamie-reid · 3 years
“Don’t remind me,” she would say, a playful frown capturing her lips, as they’d wrap once more around her straw. The cold embrace of that drink a welcome feeling, one that sent a delicious shiver down her spine as she swallowed. Johanna had been terribly disappointed when she realized she’d be missing out. For despite knowing the good she’d be doing with her stall, there was very few things Johanna appreciated—loved—more than spending time with some of her favourite girls. “Though it does mean I’ll be kidnaping you both in the near future for a rain check,” she teased, though the truth in those words would tell Jamie she meant them. As did the look that swept across her face, one that said – fair warning.
The playfulness that had clung to her only took further root at the way Jamie’s features would react to her tease. A near giggle forming upon her tongue—bringing light to her eyes—as she waited for the other woman to continue. She could understand how such an idea could be ‘gross’, yet some part of the hopeless romantic that she was, had always wanted Mama Reid to find someone. That feeling of play would shift ever so slightly as Jamie went on, mind flashing—jumping between the past and the present. Between their teen years and a rather beautiful dog. “So that’s who he was…” she said, more so to herself as that straw would balance between her teeth. Eyes darting over to the man in question—as stealthily as she could. Or rather as stealthily as Johanna Malcom could ever be. “Horrified?” Her brow creased then, attention pulled back to Jamie then.
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       Jo’s comment only caused more confusion and concern for Jamie as she allowed the woman’s words to completely sink in. “Who he was? What do you mean? Did he talk to you?” Head suddenly filled with questions for her best friend, the blonde soon realized that she had failed to answer one of Johanna’s.         “Yes, horrified. Because the longer he’s here, the more the guilt begins to eat me alive. It’s been so many years and I really don’t want him to have to live with the weight of knowing he has a child somewhere out there. But at the very same time, my heart tells me that he deserves the truth.” There it was again. That sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. The very feeling that had plagued her since Damien had first walked into the inn the night before. One that she knew would remain until her ex had either left town or been told the truth. “Plus it’s not as though it’s a complete secret. A lot of people know. What if somebody were to find out that he was my ex and tell him?”
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jamie-reid · 3 years
🤔 for a random text.
✉️ Jamie [11:15 AM]: When were you going to tell me you were back in town!!!
✉️ Jamie [11:16 AM]: Dinner at Rosie's soon?
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