jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
That about sums it up.
How I Write LongFic in Ten Easy Steps
Step One: Get an Idea Step Two: Deliberately avoid writing Idea because I already have a thousand other stories to write. Step Three: Give in and start writing Idea Step Four: Write a LOT, but (and this is key) do not finish the story. Step Five: Writing hangover; reread what I’ve already written to try to kick-start momentum again. Step Six: Realize that everything I’ve ever written ever is complete rubbish and I should just give up. Step Seven: Despair. Step Eight: Avoidance; set story aside ‘for just a day or two,’ until I can be more objective about what I just wrote. Step Nine: Do not look at story for weeks, if not months. Step Ten: Reread story, realize that it’s not as bad as I thought. Return to Step Four. Repeat.
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
Hi Jamie. I dont think youll remember me, but Ive been following your blog and reading your stories for a few years now, & I think your version of the hunger games series is amazing! Because of that, I have a question for you. Ive always wanted to write one of my own, and it took me awhile to work on an idea, but after all this time, I think I did it. Do you have any advice on writing multi ch thg fanfic? I have some questions about narratives and POV's, and if you could help me, Id be thankful!
Of course I remember you. And thank you so much for all of your kind words over the years. Congrats on your decision to write a fic! How exciting for you. The best advice I can give to you is to get a beta and/or someone you can bounce ideas off of. You'll want your editor to be as detailed as possible. This translates into, grow a thick skin. Don't take their suggestions as a personal stab to the heart. They're asking you the questions your readers will have. When we write we tend to know why we're writing something, but our writing may not be as clear as what's in our heads. Make sure you have a beginning, middle, and an end to your story before you put pen to paper. And if you're writing something with smut, try to have a purpose behind it. I find that my best work comes from a spark within myself as opposed to writing something because you think people will like it. If it's coming from your heart, people will know and they'll respond accordingly. Most of all, have fun! Writing is a great way to create an escape. Not just for your readers, but for yourself. Good luck, and thank you for asking me. I'm truly flattered. ~J
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
I just reread Intimate Stangers, Outtakes, and Intimate Confessions because I was in need of a good old Joshifer fix, and you are the queen! Is there a part six or continuation of some sort for Confessions somewhere? What a cliffhanger!
There would be if I had been able to write, but I had to give that up for a while. I've been working on finishing up my everlark stories and then IC. But thanks so much for saying such sweet things. It made me smile. I really needed to smile too. Thank you. ~J
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
This made me smile. Love you and thank you, baby.
@jamiesommers23 for the love of me I can’t find your post to reblog but
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Always, sweetie.  You’re the best!
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
Is Mockingjay: Broken Wings finished? Or dead? Or dead, but not at a completely horrible place? I've read your first book version and I love it, but I want to re-read it and move on to your catching fire, but I'm hesitant to start it with the last book unfinished. If you completely abandoned Mockingjay would you consider having someone else write the last few chapters and submit it to you for you to potentially add on (if you like it) so it wouldn't be unfinished?
Last week I started to read the entire series so I could remember what I wrote, and I'm happy to say I've finally found some inspiration for the final chapters. I had one and a half of them finished, but I didn't like it, and I've since deleted them. Now I'm starting from scratch and I'm happy with the direction I'm going. Don't know how long it will take me, but I'm happy to be back in the zone. Thank you so much for your patience and for the kind words. ~J
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
I miss you, boo. Many kisses! 💋💋💋
I miss you, too. Life has been very sucky and something had to give, but damn I miss this fandom and my friends. I just might cut out something else from my life and come back here full throttle. Life was much happier then. ;) How are you? How's life? What's new?
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
*Waving back* Life has been so very up and down for me. Medically I've been dealt several different blows and haven't had the energy to spend on anything but me and my family. I take advantage of the days I'm feeling good by doing basic things like going to the store or walking my dogs. Most of the time the hired help has to do those things for me. Tumblr can mentally drain a person so I had no choice but to step away. I've missed you all though. ♡ ♡ ♡
It had been brought to my attention that I haven’t updated my tumblr since Christmas. So here I am updating it. I am so on the ball sometimes.
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jamiesommers23-blog · 8 years
It had been brought to my attention that I haven't updated my tumblr since Christmas. So here I am updating it. I am so on the ball sometimes.
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jamiesommers23-blog · 9 years
Happy New Year!
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jamiesommers23-blog · 9 years
My joshifer Christmas Story from last year's secret Santa exchange.
Prompt 2: The Shelter of Your Arms (NC-17)
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Set between the years, 1939 - 1944. Actor Josh Hutcherson is trying to get home to Kentucky for Christmas, but with the country at war his trip takes much longer than expected. Travel with him across the country as he remembers his first meeting with actress, Jennifer Lawrence, faces her family’s crisis that ultimately changes his life, and fall in love, right along with America’s Sweethearts, Josh and Jen.
  Dedicated to the women who run this blog. Merry Christmas!
  Keep reading
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jamiesommers23-blog · 9 years
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Merry Christmas tumblr!
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jamiesommers23-blog · 9 years
Hi Jamie, I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and wonderful new year! I hope you are enjoying your holidays with your family and friends. You know how much I love your stories. They are perfect. ILY
Merry Christmas, Any. I miss seeing your beautiful artwork all the time. When I was on here all the time it would come across my dash multiple times a day. May you have a wonderful Christmas and fabulous new year, my dear. Big hugs and kisses. J
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jamiesommers23-blog · 9 years
It's a hollow day.
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jamiesommers23-blog · 9 years
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Awkward moment when the name you shouted isn’t in the choices. 😂
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jamiesommers23-blog · 9 years
Just get married already!
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You know what…God, I really do love him. Oh no! I really do love him! Oh my God!
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