jan-pansoki · 14 days
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my friend wrote this in his notes app while extremely drunk
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jan-pansoki · 14 days
i love the soft crack-hiss sound of flare guns being fired and falling through the sky. it's like the whisper version of a firework. it's strangely comforting in spite of the context of being in distress that it usually implies.
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jan-pansoki · 2 months
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jan-pansoki · 2 months
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my friend wrote this in his notes app while extremely drunk
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jan-pansoki · 2 months
by yours truly
adrift. atop a throng but all the same
adrift. afar: a land I once had moored
a drifting rubbish pile upon. we sent
adrift that pile, myself atop it, mired
within a web of truthful lies that push
within to be without. unending blue,
without remorse, presents that land. a push
without a shred of malice—yet, the blue
aspiring throng suggests i join i join
aspiring hands conjoined with blood-backed coin
from landborne cloth—the throng, it tore its cut
to finance crucifixes for the damned.
afar, I spy that land. it rests atop
a drowned volcano built of corpses.
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jan-pansoki · 3 months
Happy birthday to the bolshiveks, menshiveks, SR's, social democrats and liberals being fucking cowards and calling off revolution, only to be shamed into action by the women of St. Petersburg who came out in force in the streets on March 8th, International Women's day.
They went from factory to factory, throwing rocks and heckling the passivity of the union men that had rolled over in the face of the Tsar, and the next day they too came out into the streets in a show of solidarity with their sisters and siblings.
International Women's day marks the start of the 1917 revolution. Within days, the liberal Duke Lavrov called off the soldiers, and a short time later the Tsar himself abdicated the Russian throne.
the bolshiveks (especially under Stalin) would slowly begin to push the importance of this day under the rug, as they betrayed the decades of work that Russian feminists had been doing both within and outside of their ranks. Upon it's founding (under great pressure from radical feminists), the USSR was the first country in Europe to legalize abortion, only to revoke that right within a matter of years under the command of Stalin.
People have a tendency to forget the Febuary revolution, saying that it matters little since the bolshiveks end up winning in the end - but it behooves us, regardless of our political tendencies to remember the bravery of the women of St. Petersburg, slowly left out of our historical accounts in favor of those that ironically never could have won without them.
So, to working women everywhere: remember the power in your hands. You have the power to topple empires.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
If it happened once, it can happen again.
Happy International Women's day.
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jan-pansoki · 3 months
It's stupid that bread goes bad so fast. Bread should last ten million years on your countertop. You should be able to feed yourself off the same loaf of bread from the day you are born to the day you die. They should pass down bread between generations like a family heirloom. There should be remnants of still-good bread after the heat death of the universe.
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jan-pansoki · 3 months
i say "godspeed, soldier" way too much for someone who puts their faith in neither god nor the military
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jan-pansoki · 3 months
i feel like the boeing whistleblower case should radicalize more people. a major airline company is producing planes with less and less regard for safety and it's starting to get noticeable. man takes them to court, which would reduce profit at the cost of public safety. he fucking dies the night that boeings legal team asks him to stay an extra day. if nothing happens about this, i hope it gets through to people that america would literally kill you for a few extra cents
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jan-pansoki · 3 months
“jesus died for you” well i didn’t ask him to do that and my therapist says i am not responsible for other peoples actions
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jan-pansoki · 3 months
but yeah. "what about the hostages" right? uh-huh.
from Sarahofmagdalene, 11/Mar/2024:
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jan-pansoki · 3 months
it's important to mock and belittle military and law enforcement to signal to others that these are not respectable professions, both to dissuade entry and to devalorize the institutions in the public eye
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jan-pansoki · 3 months
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🍉Data sources under the cut🍉
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jan-pansoki · 4 months
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"free palestine," he shouted until his last breath. aaron bushnell, we will never forget you.
as much as bushnell's actions has moved us all, please seek other ways to take actionable measures against the injustices we face in the world. none of us wanted him gone, and the least we can do is prevent another such tragedy by supporting each other in our efforts to enact lasting change.
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jan-pansoki · 4 months
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jan-pansoki · 4 months
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Can’t get over the fact that everything people say will be worse under socialism is already at its worst under capitalism.
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jan-pansoki · 4 months
yeah i dual-wield
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