janeyxe · 5 months
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The man who had come to help her smelled of alcohol. The hotel bar truly did that to people, Jane thought. There were some times when she had stayed up all night too to get drunk and have fun. It's one of the many things she liked about the hotel and New York and general, the city never seemed to sleep--perfect for people like her. "Well... to be honest with you, I was thinking of eating them all up and then feeling guilty about it later." She joked, noticed that he was eyeing the bag of Cheetos in her haul. "Thank you for getting the elevator. You know, I could share some of these snacks. I heard they're good for avoiding hangovers in the morning." She wasn't sure if that was the truth, Jane didn't really get bad hangovers. "Cheetos?"
Keegan had stumbled out of the hotel bar. He was completely drunk. He was lucky that none of his patients could see him now. He needed to sober up fast before he went into work the next morning. Could he even? He wasn't sure. Only time could tell. He would make it work either way. With two wobbly feet, he made his way to the elevator. He was on the pent house floor. He was almost there and then he heard someone ask a question. "Sure, yeah." He pressed the up button for the girl. "That's a lot of snacks. You sharing them with anyone?" He asked curiously. He was especially intrigued by the bag of Cheetos she was holding.
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janeyxe · 5 months
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She had recognized him as someone who worked for the hotel's spa, but she didn't really frequent it enough for her to be too familiar with him. Still, grateful for the assistance, Jane grinned at him and went along with his teasing. "Oh definitely, I've had a very eventful 24 hours, but why stop at 24, right?" To be honest, Jane didn't feel very tired, if the 24 hour livestream hadn't capped, she knew she could have gone longer. "Do we?" She furrowed her brows, thinking if the hotel did offer those services. She had been here for a couple of years but she didn't know that was something the hotel did. Nonetheless, she preferred going out doing her chores by herself. "Even if we did, honestly, I like going out on late night convenience store runs. It makes me feel exhilarated, you know? It's just... something about it being dark out, the city's as quiet as it could get and it's just you snooping around in the convenience store. It's a different kind of thrill." She laughed. "I'm Jane, by the way. Thank you for getting the elevator for me."
After the spa closed for the night, Andrew would sometimes lock up and then take a dip in the pool. The boy loved swimming and had grown up swimming in the lakes near his house, but swimming in a fancy, large pool was a different experience altogether. As he was heading back after a few laps in the pool, he noticed Jane, who he recognized vaguely as one of their guests, standing in front of the elevator with a sheepish grin. Immediately, his lips curved into an amused, lopsided smile.
"Of course, ma'am." He said, voice low at this time of the night before he quickly rushed to her side, pressing the elevator button for her. The familiar whirring of the elevator could be heard as it started to make its way to them. Andrew's eyes trailed over all the snacks and he grinned a little. "Big night ahead?" he asked teasingly. "You know, we always have someone who can run to the store and get you snacks. You don't have to do it yourself." He shrugged, although he wasn't sure if that was a service they offered. He'd do it for someone so cute, though, he thought to himself.
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janeyxe · 5 months
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"Oh my god, babe!" Jane exclaimed, upon realizing who her hero for the night was. Seeing Evie in the hotel hallways was always a delight, and knowing that it was Evie that found her in this not very great state gave her some relief. "You caught the stream? Thank you!" She appreciated how supportive Evie was. "Oh, you bet, I am so hungry I could eat this entire thing in one sitting." Jane often forgot to eat whenever she was in front of the camera, focusing on her games and talking to her viewers. "How was your day? Had a good one?" Jane asked, taking this opportunity to catch up with Evie after a long day of interacting only with viewers.
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evie's nights were often spontaneously planned. she wasn't fond of a strict schedule. however, it was more often than not that she found herself getting drinks and spending the night out. of course, she had somewhat of a schedule but mainly, she liked the freedom of being able to get up and go. tonight was no exception, most of it spent dancing and sipping on lighter drinks. she had of course seen jane's stream on and off throughout the day. she did enjoy watching her friend game, but a twenty four hour stream was long. as she returns to the hotel, she spots a familiar face having trouble at the elevator, she can't help a laughing just a little at the sight. "in need of snacks?" she asks playfully, raising a brow as she pressed the door for the elevator. "you were on fire tonight."
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janeyxe · 5 months
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"Okay, perfect!" She exclaimed. "We could get ready at my place, would that be fine for you and Ana? We could meet tonight at seven, if that's good for you." She knew that Ana was Ivy's priority, but Jane was always an advocate of Ivy enjoying her day out as well. "I'll start calling everyone but I'm not going to tell them the news yet, promise! This is going to be so fun."
ivy laughed as the other playfully pinched her arm, "okay this is real" she said laughing some more. "thank you jane, it means so much." she said smiling as they hugged again before linking arms together. "tonight is perfect. i can call my sitter for her to watch ana. i'm up for dancing the night away so we can invite people. i'm sure most people will be out tonight anyway" she said smiling.
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janeyxe · 5 months
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"Yes, perfect! I'm always at home, so just knock on my door honestly I'll probably answer." She was excited to start hanging out with him again. She had been holing up in her room most of the days, not even going out to see the light and maybe she needed to get out of the hotel more but this was what she liked, and she was happy that he was game to hang out with her like this. "Alrighty, I'll get you coffee. It'll be the best coffee you ever had in this hotel." She joked. "See you in a bit!"
carter smiled at the other. "you're welcome and oh you do an amazing job at what you do. honestly, its so cool and incredible." he said looking at her. "yes will do. ill just the new roster which has come out and let you know" he said before following her out of the elevator and to her room. "yeah just for a little bit longer so i can come in for a little but then got to get back. if i don't finish the stock count its not gonna be good" he said chuckling. "i could go for a coffee if you wouldn't mind" carter said before closing the door before him.
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janeyxe · 5 months
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Jane sighed a breath of relief when the doorman came to her rescue. Squinting through blurry vision, Jane read his nametag as she watched him press the elevator button for her. "Thank you, Angus. Yes, I... I overdid it tonight but I promise I deserve it!" She said, not even knowing why she was justifying herself already even though he did not question her choices. "I would appreciate that, you know this bag of Cheetos is pretty special to me right now." She joked, handing him one of the bags and finally standing up straight now that she was not balancing bags. "But I don't want to take your time if you're busy, I'm on the eight floor."
Angus was on duty for the night. He much preferred working during the night vs. during the day. He was not a morning person by any means and usually he spent his days sleeping. The only bad thing about working nights is that it usually wasn't busy and he was more security vs. a doorman. He had to find ways to keep himself up and busy. His station was near by the hotels convivence store when he noticed a woman whose hands were full of junk food. It amused him. He was surprised she was up at all but like someone he knew once said, New York is for those who don't sleep. "Yeah, sure thing. You need help up to your room? I need the walk anyway." He admitted as he pressed the elevator button for her. "I don't want you to drop any of your precious snacks."
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janeyxe · 5 months
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Jane playfully pinched Ivy's arm, then pulled her once again into a tight hug. "You're not dreaming! You're so amazing, I always knew you would make it. They would be stupid not to have you!" Jane released Ivy from the hug, opting instead to loop their arms together closely. "Okay, how about tonight? Would you be able to go out? Do you want this to be a lowkey thing or would you like to invite other people? This is big news!"
ivy smiled as the other looked excited for her. “thank you jane, it feels so surreal. like it really says they want me to be a IMG model” ivy exclaimed with a smile before taking a deep breathe and hugging the other. it was so exciting. something that she wasn’t expecting. she always wanted it but she never thought she would make it with IMG. “thank you. i just can’t believe me. i think someone is gonna have to pinch me” ivy said laughing slightly. "but yes i think we need to celebrate"
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janeyxe · 5 months
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She was used to staying up late for university, and that seemed to translate even better when she was playing games so it was almost a no-brainer for Jane to challenge being on stream for 24 hours. "Thank you! I really work hard on growing my channel, it's all I got." She said, voice coming low in a whisper towards the end of her sentence. This really was all she had going for her, and she didn't know what she'd do if this didn't go right. The elevator door dinged open, and Jane led the way out towards her front door. "Of course! Just message me whenever you're free. You know me, I'm always online." It was not at all an exaggeration, Jane was always on her computer. She might not be playing games but she would be handling emails or having business meetings. Unlocking her door, Jane looked at Carter. "You're on break, right? You got anything else to do? I have coffee, tea, and--all this. You want to come inside?"
carter smiled at the other as she spoke about her twenty-four hour stream and her food haul. "oh i get it. i'm sure it will all be great" he said. "i can imagine. honestly. don't know if i could do it for a whole twenty-four hours so major props for you. but glad you reached your sub goal and you had fun" the boy said before readjusting the bag he was holding. "those are good games and you can never go wrong with valorant and i would love too. i have some time off in a couple of days or i can come over after work one time and we can play for a bit?"
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janeyxe · 5 months
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Carter was always a familiar face to be around, and Jane appreciated how lucky she was that he was here taking a break from work to find her in distress with the weight of her choices. "Thank you! To be honest, I think I kind of went crazy and just grabbed whatever I wanted without thinking much." She said, tucking herself against the wall of the elevator. "Yes! They're so fun but honestly so tiring. I had to take naps on stream to keep me going but I reached my sub goal so that's great! I played a lot of indie horror games, but you know me--I always end up playing a lot of good o'l Valorant." She relayed to him excitedly. "Are you free soon? We should play together again. It's been so long!"
carter smiled at the other. he had met the other when she had first moved into the arconia and they soon became friends and starting bonding on the games they would play online. "it looks like you got a good selection of food too." he said smiling before he nodded before taking some of the bags she was juggling. "no bother at all. i need a quick break from stock counting anyway" he said before he walked into the elevator. "oh you're doing another one of those. how fun. what game did you play?" carter asked looking at the other before pressing her floors button. "
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janeyxe · 5 months
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Startled by the sudden exclamation by the other girl, Jane looked up from her phone. "What?!" Suddenly, she understood the other's reaction with the news coming out of her mouth. "Ivy! Oh my god!" Jane exclaimed, hopping over to where Ivy was, putting her arms around her and pulling her into a hug. "Ivy! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you. You deserve this so much!" She knew how much Ivy had wanted to start modeling again, and Jane couldn't be any happier for her. Ivy had been with Jane to help her out whenever she had to attend exclusive events, and she was so glad to bear witness to Ivy's life-changing news. "We should celebrate!"
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“oh my god, oh my god, this has to be a dream.” ivy said with so much excitement in her voice as she looked at her phone. the girl had been waiting to hear back from the agency to see if she was going to get signed with one of the top agency’s in new york for this year. “IMG signed me as one of their models for this year. i can’t breathe. is this really happening” she said before bringing her hands up to her mouth.  @arconiastarters
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janeyxe · 5 months
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How embarrassing! Jane thought, sheepishly stepping away from the elevator doors to allow him to press the button up for her. "Unfortunately," she said, grateful for him offering his help, "I promise I'm a normal person... this is just... a treat?" She glanced down at the paper bags full of junk food in her arms. She didn't know why she found the need to justify her choices to him but it was so late and she was here sneaking around like a thief in the night with questionable food choices. "You sure? I don't want to be a bother, really. Usually, I could handle this amount of bags in my hand but I have been awake for twenty four hours so my balance is... not the best." She said, eventually making a move to hand one of the bags to him.
the polo bar had closed for hours now but the boy was working the graveyard shift. it was that time of the month where they had to do a stock count of everything in the bar plus the stock room. alcohol, glasses, mixers, absolutely everything. carter had just finished in the stock room when he noticed one of the guests having trouble with the elevator. carter walked over and nodded at her. "of course, here" he said before he pressed the up button. "do you need any help? looks like you've got your hands full there" he said smiling at the other.
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janeyxe · 5 months
OPEN STARTER!! @arconiastarters location: hotel hallways time: late night / early morning relationship: any, stranger or close friends
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Twenty-four-hour streams are things that Jane knew she could only do about once or twice a year, otherwise, she would go crazy. As much as Jane loved her job and loved the fact that she could play games for a living, doing it for twenty-four hours straight could make her burn out. After ending her stream, Jane runs down to the nearby convenience store to splurge on junk food. Hey, she deserved it, didn't she? It didn't matter that it was an ungodly hour of the night, Jane wanted her chips and chips she would get. But one problem--with her haul costing her both of her hands, Jane had trouble getting the elevator. Turning around to the sound of footsteps approaching her, she looked at them with an embarrassed grin, almost guilty of the sin of being caught with bags of junk food. "Hi there. Elevator, please?"
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janeyxe · 5 months
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hi, it's jane suh!
was that [ JENNIE KIM ] spotted in the lobby of the infamous arconia hotel? must just be, [ JANE SUH ] the [ TWENTY FIVE ] year old [ STREAMER ]. whenever i hear [ MINOR FEELING BY RINA SAWAYAMA ] it reminds me of them. [ SHE ] is known for being [ RECKLESS ] and [ HARD-HEADED ] but they make up for that by being [ FRIENDLY ] and [ SMART ]. they have been living at the arconia for [ TWO YEARS ]. ( ooc information: katie, 24, gmt+8, she/her ).
full name: jane suh / (suh jinhee 서진희)
age: 25
dob: september 19, 1998
ethnicity: south korean
pronouns: she/her
gender: cis woman
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: twitch streamer
education: bachelor of science in computer engineering from nyu, discontinued master's degree
living arrangement: two years at arconia, suite.
faceclaim: jennie kim
jane was born in seoul, south korea and her family immigrated to new york when she was two. she has an older sister who was six years old when they moved. she is unable to speak fluent korean but can understand it.
she was always good at school, but not because she liked it, but more so because she wanted to please her parents. all her life jane felt as though she was living in the shadow of her older sister. admittedly, jane looked up to her all her life, she liked everything that he sister liked, and wanted to do everything her sister did. but as it came to be, jane figured out that the only way for her to receive the same validation as her sister was to do her best in her school. and so, it was what she did.
her sister ended up going to law school and jane pursued computer engineering in university. she liked it, but it was not something that she found herself passionate about. instead, jane could often be found playing games on different consoles. when she was in class, games would be distracting to her. she found a group of friends in college that she could play with and for the first time in her life, jane was passionate about something. she wanted to do something because she liked it--and not because her sister or her parents liked it.
jane managed to graduate from university, but didn't want to find a job yet. so, she found residence in the hotel with the help of her parents with the promise of completing her masters. and that was two years ago.
a year into her masters degree, jane found herself burnt out and found the streaming platform twitch. she tried to stream her favorite games on it, not expecting anyone would actually watch her but one lucky strike, jane's life changed for the better. her channel began to pick up viewers and subscribers, she started growing on different social media platforms and finally, jane knew what she wanted to do.
her parents however, are not very keen about this change of career. jane found it very hard to admit to them that she had stopped pursuing her masters degree, and right now, she still hadn't told them that she stopped studying and is a full time twitch streamer. she'll have to face the wrath of her parents one day, but for now? she'll play her game and she hopes that you'll come and play along with her.
avg 2500 subs
streams valorant, stardew valley, just chatting, and a lot of variety games!
university friends
best friend
influencer friend
fwb/one night stands
gaming duo
ex that she always kept coming back to
ex that ended on good terms + permanently
childhood friends (or the special: her gay awakening in highschool)
a friend of her sister that she tried her best avoid but kept running into
people who know her parents/close to her parents and don't know that she hasn't told them that she stopped going to grad school
someone she asked to be her fake date to a friends wedding (i already have a starter for this pls claim this connection I BEG)
a person that for some reason she dislikes to their bones
gym buddies? someone who does boxing with jane?
hello everyone! my name is katie and i am 24, from southeast asia. i haven't rp'd in years (maybe 2018 is the last time?) but i missed writing stories so here i am back here again. looking forward to meeting everyone!
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janeyxe · 5 months
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beautiful jennie in CK vlog <3
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