janissx · 4 years
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I believe that when people look at this edited version of the photo they will think its a normal picture of a long bridge one side is bright and the other is night. However, in the orginal photo it doesnt have a night side but can be misleaded by the whole concept because in this edited version, one side being dark could mean something bad has happened.  In the orginal photo its a picture of a long bridge with bright blue sky’s it leaves a message behind saying life is long and the older we get there will be a lot of happy and great opportunnies for you ahead.  If i were a press photographer I wouldn’t post this up on the news because it may mislead others from the original. It could mean that maybe a hurricane is coming because it gets darker. Both the original and the edited version are art photography because it expresses a message in the photo by the artist. In module 7 of our readings, we talked about Alexander Rodchenko, Peter Kennard and John Heartfield. Kennard and Heartfield are artists who focus on photomontages. I decided I wanted to create a photomontage where I cut the picture and inserted a different image onto it. This photo also relates to module 9 of our readings the original image could also show photojournalism because there is a story behind the image that some viewers may be able to understand the image better. In this photo, I cropped both photo into two and edited one side with a dark filter and combined the two photos together.
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janissx · 4 years
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Picture #2 Original Image
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janissx · 4 years
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In the original photo it is a picture of a big clock almost like a grandfather clock, in the middle with vintage buildings surrounding it. This was taken recently at the christmas market, the photo represents that every minute is important, remember to always think about the important people in our lives even if it's far back in the past. The sky is bright and the photo gives a relaxing, calm feeling, the buildings in the back are side by side and the bricks are different colours. In the edited version of the photo, it has a sad feeling to it because of the darkness in the photo. The photo is only focused mainly on the clock and nowhere else which doesn't give it much liveliness, it also shows up more as a old photo taken in the past. This will misguide the audiences because people will believe that this is an old unhappy looking photo, whereas its supposed to allow the audiences to feel relaxed, happy and calm when they look at the orginal photo. If I were a press photographer I would not present the photo to the public because the edited version degrades the whole meaning of the original photo, it throws away the idea of the colour in the photo which is supposed to allow the audiences to feel happy when they look at the photo. Art photography is when an artist expresses an idea, message or emotion into their photography and a press photography is when a photographer takes images that could be used to document on the news, current events and support their printed words, it would be pictures of people. I believe both my images would go under art photography because it conveys a message to readers. This connects with disscussion week 3 where we read about mechanically reproduction in images. When an images is reproduced many times it ruins the meaning of the original art and aura of the art. Mechanical reproduction is when an art work of an original image  devalues the artist uniqueness. In art making another copy in the modern would change how people look at it just like in this image of the grandfather clock. Also, in Module 5 talked about whether images capture the realites, in my photos they both capture the realities of images taken, it wasnt edited to make it look unrealistic. What I did in this photo is use a phone editing app to use a dark filter, and coloured in the clock to make it stand out and focused. I also used a paper effect to make the image look old fashioned.
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janissx · 4 years
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Original Photo
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janissx · 4 years
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The Lake Louise In Alberta, Banff . Came here for vacation with my family.
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