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Learning outcomes
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This is how my learning outcomes looked like in the beginning of my CAS experience. Unfortunately, meetings with the kid with cerebral palsy have been cancelled - not for my fault. When it comes to Theatre classes all of the outcomes have been accomplished with demonstrating that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process as an additional outcome.
The fact that Amnesty International meetings did not give me much experience, I would say that none of the outcomes have been accomplished. Unfortunately, the meetings looked nothing like I had been expecting.
However, I have to say that organising TEDx Event was a great success and all of the learning outcomes have been gained. Especially I showed commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences. Being responsible for such a successful event is something I will remember for a long time.
When it comes to KIK group - I am a little bit confused. At first, I had much time and energy to work and to do something special for those kids. However, it turned out that no matter how hard I tried, they did not appreciate it and eventually I lost my perseverance to work and limited my work only to the necessary things. I think that the learning outcomes have been made, except the point with “perseverance”.
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Creativity + Service 04.03.19
Igor has made a great progress since we started our lessons. His teachers said that they never suspected that he would do that. I am very proud of him, because I can see how motivated he is when we work together. Also, I can see that he perceives me as a some kind of authority. At the beginning of the lessons I did not suspect that I would be able to do that much for him.
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Activity 04.03.19
I took part in Polish Championships for mixed teams under 20 years old. Our team consisted of people from different parts of Poland, because neither of our teams had enough of the young players to create their own team. Despite the fact that we saw each other for the first time, we managed to win fourth place out of 8 teams, which is a good result given the circumstances.
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Creativity + Service 16.02.19
Tomorrow is the next meeting with KIK group after the camp. We decided to give them some time without the meetings. We are going to create a new set of rules that are going to apply in our group.
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Activity 16.02.19
Unfortunately, we lost the final in open division and the match for the third place in mixed, but the girls form our team managed to win the match for the first place!
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Creativity + Service 28.01.19
In order to make Igor’s learning progress, I decided to take him on a walk and talk in English. I was describing the things around us in such a way so that he could understand it. In my opinion he managed to take something from this lesson. 
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Activity 28.01.19
It is official that our team will play for the first place in categories open and women and for the third place in mixed in Warsaw Ultimate League. The date of the finals is 16th of February.
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Creativity + Service 12.01.19
I continue to help Igor with his homework and try to improve the way he learns on his own. On the last meeting I showed him how to do fishcards - he seemed to like this idea.
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Activity 12.01.19
Warsaw Ultimate League is going really good for our team. If everything goes right, our team will participate in 3 finals (open, mixed and women).
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Creativity + Service 15.12.18
The KIK camp has been confirmed officially a week ago, so we are ready to go. We have many plans for the free time and we hope that the weather will be good. We are going to walk approximately 3/4 hours daily, so it is going to be fun!
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Service 15.12.18
Every Wednesday I go to Igor to help him with his homework and help him keep up with the material. He is doing a great progress. The beginnings were hard, because I wasn’t sure what problems he had in particular. Now I know how to help him and how to conduct the lessons so that he takes as much from them as possible.
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CAS Project final reflection 30.11.18
TEDxYouth at IB Raszynska was a great event and everyone who was there congratulated us for the good job we had done. Most of the talks addressed crucial problems of the modern world, including the topics such as global climate change, gender or the future for the youth of today.
I had a really great time working on this project, because together with the team we have done something amazing from nothing. This was the first time when I was responsible for so many people - for an adult group of people - who had different things to do. Everyone had to do their job in order for everything to be ready for the event. You can imagine how happy I was when it turned out that the event was a success and we took care of all of the important things.
It was not always good. In one moment we had a problem with one of our sponsors - the money that we had been promised wasn’t sent. I had the worst thoughts in my mind. Fortunately, it was just a misunderstanding and the money was sent eventually.
Not only did I learn how to operate and work in such a big group of people (almost twenty of us), but I also learned a little bit about how cameras and the lighting on the stage works. After a quick tutorial from a Google Campus worker, I learned how to operate the devices (cameras, lighting, recording device) and record the event. I was an amazing experience to work with such an advanced technology.
One of the most important thing that I remember from the event is that everyone who took part in the conference (both participants and organisers) were fond of my work. I am very glad that I could take part in it and I am proud that I was responsible for  such a great part of the conference’s success.
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Service 30.11.18
I decided to visit a 12-year-old boy in Powiślańska Fundacja Społeczna - a place where children from tough families come to spend some time after school in order to be able to learn some new things to school, do their homework or spend time with their friends. I help Igor learn Math and English - these are the subjects which he has the most troubles with.
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Creativity + Service 16.11.18
TEDx Raszynska is going to be on 29th of November in Google Campus in Warsaw. I am very excited about it, because we have got many great sponsors thanks to whom we were able to buy gadgets for every participant. Moreover, everything is planned and ready, there is nothing left to be done - we are waiting for the conference!
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Activity 16.11.18
Every two weeks we play with different teams. So far, we have got a strong position at the top of the rank. Our team - Grandmaster Flash - plays in every category, so our chances are maximised. 
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