janthonygarnica · 24 days
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janthonygarnica · 24 days
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janthonygarnica · 24 days
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janthonygarnica · 24 days
Not all hustle is heard.
Sometimes it's just you.
All alone.
While no one hears a sound.
#dreamer #creator
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janthonygarnica · 5 months
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janthonygarnica · 5 months
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janthonygarnica · 5 months
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Photo by me JAnthony
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janthonygarnica · 7 months
The thing with being a visionary is; I’m already there.
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janthonygarnica · 8 months
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Doors on my path.
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janthonygarnica · 9 months
Rolling with cousin Bernadette.
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janthonygarnica · 9 months
Remember this amigos, you are braver than you believe.
Stronger than you seem.
Smarter than you think.
And loved more than you know.
If I could give you one thing in this life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes.
Maybe then you will realize how special you are to me.
You are light. Shine bright like a diamond
God only makes greatness!
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janthonygarnica · 10 months
So, I have some vulnerability issues.
We all do, I think.
We’re all, as a human race, pretty bad at being open about the fact that sometimes, life is hard. Impossibly, painfully hard.
Instead of being open about it, I tend to trick myself into thinking that it’s me being easy going, that I know that life happens and there’s nothing I can do about it so I’m accepting it and moving on.
But I don’t actually move on, because that’s not really how it works.
Experiences happen—life happens—and it’s true that there isn’t much we can do about it most of the time.
But it does more than just happen. It happens to us. It happens to every cell of our being whether we acknowledge that it does or not. The way we handle it is secondary, always, to the fact that every circumstance changes our lives in ways that more often than not we never even know, because it becomes our reality and what otherwise might have been is irrelevant and forgotten.
All those times that I have walked away from a person, a place or a stage in life with nothing more than a moment of stillness to take it all in one last time and a sigh as I turned around to leave, almost always without a tear shed, are still inside of me.
All of the emotions I didn’t show the world and all of the words I didn’t say are still there, too.
There were times when I know that was the right decision. My silence served me well and I avoided certain dramatics that would have done more harm than good.
But, of course, there were other times.
There were the times when my silence was painful even to me. There were times when my dry eyes betrayed me and instead of protecting me from hurt, shielded me from moments of connection and community. There are still times that I genuinely and with serious concern question my own ability to feel anything at all, because my expression of feelings is so infrequent.
All because vulnerability makes me shiver with discomfort.
And, of course, those are the times we are talking about here. Those are the times that taught, and continue to teach, me something about the way life works.
The lesson I’m learning is not to say exactly what’s on my mind.
I am a firm believer that silence speaks, and that the first word is not always the best word.
The lesson is not that emotions shouldn’t be bottled up.
Not because that’s not true, but because we all already know that.
The lesson is this:
Life is a reciprocal thing.
It happens to us whether we want it to or not. But how we happen to it, how we touch lives and hearts and leave our marks, that doesn’t come from stoicism and silence.
That doesn’t come from bucking up and accepting everything the way it is and walking away because what else is there to do?
It comes from looking someone in the eyes when we’re with them for the last time and telling them something—not everything, but something—that lets them know this is not a welcomed goodbye.
It comes from leaving our hearts on the floor, or the grass or the stones, every time we show up to a place that means something to us. That way, instead of leaving a place we can never go back to, we are imparting ourselves in a way that can never leave.
It comes from letting moments of sadness be sad and moments of joy be joyous and moments of any kind be exactly what they are—moments that are shaping our future and writing our past and changing us all the while.
We don’t have to be loud, or the boldest shade of red or fiercely courageous in all that we do.
We just have to give experiences back to the world and the people in it, in the same way that they give them to us every day.
That is how we happen to life, and that is how we leave our mark.
And, in the end, isn’t that what we’re here to do?
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janthonygarnica · 10 months
My goal is to help you believe mostly in yourself.
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janthonygarnica · 10 months
If I've learned anything from life, It's that sometimes the darkest times can bring us to the brightest places.
I've learned that most the toxic people can teach us the most important lessons; that our most painful struggles can grant us the most necessary growth; and that the most heartbreaking losses of friendship and love can make room for the most wonderful people.
I've learned that what seems like a curse in the moment can actually be a blessing, and that what seems like the end of the road is actually just the discovery that we are meant to travel down a different path.
I've learned that no matter how difficult things seem, there is always hope.
And I've learned that no matter how powerless we feel or how horrible things seem, we can't give up.
We have to keep going; even when it's scary, even when all our strength seems gone, we have to keep picking ourselves back up and moving forward, because whatever we're battling in the moment, it will pass, and we will make it through.
We've made it this far, we can make it through whatever comes next.
Dust off your dreams. Keep going, keep growing.
#LifeIsABeautifulDistraction #InsiringHabits #newbeginnings
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janthonygarnica · 10 months
Money will always come and go, we know that.
The most important thing in life will be the person in the room with you, right here, right now.
Be present.
#LifeIsABeautifulDistraction #lifestyle #lifelessons #wife #family #daughter #inspiringhabits
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janthonygarnica · 10 months
It's important we collect moments, not things.
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janthonygarnica · 10 months
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Travel. Fall in love with what you didn't know existed. #medellin #colombia
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