japanesealteration · 4 years
But here’s the thing. I don’t know that. I don’t know you, I don’t know what you’ve done. I don’t know what kind of person you are. How do I trust that your critique comment was done in the best possible way? How do I know that I can trust your critiques on my work? I don’t know what kind of writer you are, or what things you’ve done, or even what your history is or how you act with people. How do I know any of your intentions when critiquing my work? You may be like ‘well why does that matter’. In the current internet climate, where people get death threats over fics with content people find questionable, there is absolutely a reason to be cautious about those long ass critiques. If a writer wants Critique, they will ask. That’s how it works in publishing, that’s how it works online. We have beta readers, critique partners, and other people that we can work with in order to get the work to be our best possible to us. Plus, not all critique is valuable. Even published authors will tell you if critique is not valuable, just get rid of it. We leave comments open because Ao3 doesn’t have any other good messaging system and it is a great way to stay in touch with readers. ‘Link your twitter/tumblr’, not everyone wants to use twitter or tumblr or is comfortable sharing it everywhere. Comment sections are great for those kinds of people. You may be like ‘well if people don’t want critiques, they should close their comments’, but the comments are not just for that. And people have the absolute right for their own happiness to delete comments on their fics they don’t agree with. Unsolicited critique like that, especially 10k, is not good for other people. That is an information overload that you have just spat at someone that they might not be prepared to take in. You said that it was like you being an art gallery. I cannot imagine any artist at an art gallery being okay with you going up to them and critiquing their work to their face. Especially if you are not an artist they know themselves. You’d probably get laughed at and then ignored entirely. Which is what ended up happening here. I hope that, in the future, if you do this, you first ask the author if they’re okay with critique. And that you work with them to help improve their work. By spatting out a 10k comment, you’ve basically brushed your hands of the situation, and went ‘I’ve done my part’. By asking the author, you start a relationship with them, if they’re open to it, and it’s going to end much better than this. Also btw if you want to plug my AO3 on your blog, it’s https://archiveofourown.org/users/metropoliszone and I will delete any unsolicited critique comments without reading them because I work with other people on my fics and I know the information I’m getting is legit. Anyways, TTYN.
If you ever did this in any of my fics, I would tell you to shove it all up your ass and then delete your comment.
I would be so mad that I, in my free time, in the time that I have while working my job and trying to enjoy, got fed constructive criticism that I did not ask for. Because at that point it’s not constructive. It’s just criticism. You’re not giving me feedback I need, you’re giving me the feedback you THINK I need. And I think I don’t need you at all.
Yeah, honestly, I don’t care. Be rude, at worst I’ll complain on my blog that you’re an entitled dick. You’re only hurting yourself.
I mean… I didn’t write a 10k crit comment for someone that didn’t ask for it, got it deleted and complained on twitter. So I mean I’m doing pretty fine, thanks. I got a lot of fics people like and you know, if someone wants to critique one, all they’d have to do is just be like ‘hey, do you want some critique?’ cause I’ll say yes. I appreciate the critique, but I’m not always in the right space for it. I don’t always want it, and I don’t always know that it comes from a space of good intentions. If you just critique me out of no where, I’m incredibly suspicious RIGHT off the bat. Why are you critiquing me? What is your purpose? What is in this massive comment? How can I trust that it’s coming from a place of good faith rather than something meant to drive me out of the fandom and writing in general? I don’t know you. I don’t trust you. I cannot trust you. The problem isn’t that you’re being a dick, although that is part of it, it’s that you’re entitled. You think that your opinion is SO IMPORTANT that you have to let EVERYONE know about how IMPORTANT your opinion is that you left a 10k crit comment on a fic, it got deleted, and you spent it complaining. Also it says a lot about who you are that you’re only responding to people who are having issues with your attitude over the people being nice up above. It’s kind of not a good look, I’d suggest dropping the whole thing and moving on with your life. Sorry that someone didn’t want your opinion, maybe someone else will.
I didn’t complain on twitter?
The mentality of the author isn’t really my problem. If you’re not up for constructive criticism, by all means, turn off comments. If you have a thin skin and you can’t handle the concept of people not liking your work, yes you’re totally allowed to turn off your comments and not want people to respond. There are options.
You’re assuming the comment was rude, because you’re being insanely defensive and only thinking about how unhappy you’d be about getting some rude comment. It wasn’t rude. It was incredibly constructive, and phrased in a helpful and encouraging way. My being a dick is entirely reactive to people being damn rude.
Yeah, I was annoyed about it getting deleted because it was a dick move, and so I complained on my own tumblr blog about it, without giving anyone even the barest ability to figure out what the fic or author was, so that the person in question did not then get any rude attention, and they themselves would never need to see the comment and feel called out themselves.
Since then people have come at me with completely insane concepts like ‘make a callout blog dedicated to publicizing criticism against authors and their work because that’s less toxic and more helpful than a review on the work’ and ‘no one should expect to receive critical reviews without asking for them, because writing a story automatically entitles you to only praise and compliments’
Normally, I’d just ignore weird aggro comments that come from tumblr’s bizarre cultural quirks, but the comments have been so weird and harmful to fic writers as a whole (depriving people of real feedback because people are afraid to say anything, even good intentioned, is toxic) that I just end up responding anyway.
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japanesealteration · 4 years
I mean... I didn’t write a 10k crit comment for someone that didn’t ask for it, got it deleted and complained on twitter. So I mean I’m doing pretty fine, thanks. I got a lot of fics people like and you know, if someone wants to critique one, all they’d have to do is just be like ‘hey, do you want some critique?’ cause I’ll say yes. I appreciate the critique, but I’m not always in the right space for it. I don’t always want it, and I don’t always know that it comes from a space of good intentions. If you just critique me out of no where, I’m incredibly suspicious RIGHT off the bat. Why are you critiquing me? What is your purpose? What is in this massive comment? How can I trust that it’s coming from a place of good faith rather than something meant to drive me out of the fandom and writing in general? I don’t know you. I don’t trust you. I cannot trust you. The problem isn’t that you’re being a dick, although that is part of it, it’s that you’re entitled. You think that your opinion is SO IMPORTANT that you have to let EVERYONE know about how IMPORTANT your opinion is that you left a 10k crit comment on a fic, it got deleted, and you spent it complaining. Also it says a lot about who you are that you’re only responding to people who are having issues with your attitude over the people being nice up above. It’s kind of not a good look, I’d suggest dropping the whole thing and moving on with your life. Sorry that someone didn’t want your opinion, maybe someone else will.
I mean even if it is rude, I’ll delete unasked for criticism. I already have people I trust to look at my stuff and give me their opinions, period, so if I didn’t fucking ask for it from you I don’t fucking want it from you. Unless this random person knows how I wanted my story to turn out (by way of psychic waves from god or whatever) then what business do they have telling me it ain’t just what I intended?
And since it’s my fic, the product of my time and effort and thought, made in my image and no one else’s, if I don’t like what someone has to say their comment can get the boot. I’ve done it before and I have no doubt I will do it again.
I’m comfortable with some people thinking I’m rude because of it. I doubt they were my target audience anyway.
….so turn off comments.
If you’re not ‘fucking asking’ for my opinions ‘period’, turn off your comments you utter dingus.
if you have your comments open to everyone you are implicitly opening yourself up to comments from everyone. Positive or negative. Heck, you’ve opened yourself up to rude comments and non-constructive criticism, too. That’s what happens. Trust me. I know.
But when a comment is constructive criticism, it’s not a ‘shitty comment’, it’s not rude. You can’t twist things around into making it rude.
You are, for wasting your readers’ time by pretending you’re open to anything they have to say so you look good when you actually only care about readers who are willing to pat you on the back and tell you how great you are.
Why would I turn off comments when I can easily get rid of people who offer unsolicited critiques? Comments are not reviews and my fic isn’t an amazon product, period. It’s a hobby, worked on on my free time, for fun, and shares for free, hopefully for the fun and pleasure of others. My fics are My House and I don’t have tolerate anything I don’t want in the comments, anymore than I have to tolerate people rocking up to my actual house and criticizing my decor choices.
People who don’t like it and feel motivated to provide unasked for reviews are more than welcome to fuck off. I didn’t seek them out and ask them to read, so if they wasted their time that was certainly a personal choice and they should handle it like the rest of us do when we click something we didn’t care for: hit the back button and find something else. If you cannot do that then *you* open yourself up to my response, be it rude or polite, which may just be deleting your comment.
This aint McDonalds, you don’t get the fic your way.
Dress it up all you want, all I hear is someone who thinks they’re entitled to have the world baby them and treat them like doting parents who praise their children regardless of whether or not their work is any good.
If you think you only deserve to be praised, and that anyone, no matter how polite or helpful they are, who doesn’t just spew praise at you shouldn’t be allowed to say anything you’re the rude and entitled one no matter how you try to excuse yourself.
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japanesealteration · 4 years
If you ever did this in any of my fics, I would tell you to shove it all up your ass and then delete your comment. I would be so mad that I, in my free time, in the time that I have while working my job and trying to enjoy, got fed constructive criticism that I did not ask for. Because at that point it’s not constructive. It’s just criticism. You’re not giving me feedback I need, you’re giving me the feedback you THINK I need. And I think I don’t need you at all.
I mean even if it is rude, I’ll delete unasked for criticism. I already have people I trust to look at my stuff and give me their opinions, period, so if I didn’t fucking ask for it from you I don’t fucking want it from you. Unless this random person knows how I wanted my story to turn out (by way of psychic waves from god or whatever) then what business do they have telling me it ain’t just what I intended?
And since it’s my fic, the product of my time and effort and thought, made in my image and no one else’s, if I don’t like what someone has to say their comment can get the boot. I’ve done it before and I have no doubt I will do it again.
I’m comfortable with some people thinking I’m rude because of it. I doubt they were my target audience anyway.
….so turn off comments.
If you’re not ‘fucking asking’ for my opinions ‘period’, turn off your comments you utter dingus.
if you have your comments open to everyone you are implicitly opening yourself up to comments from everyone. Positive or negative. Heck, you’ve opened yourself up to rude comments and non-constructive criticism, too. That’s what happens. Trust me. I know.
But when a comment is constructive criticism, it’s not a ‘shitty comment’, it’s not rude. You can’t twist things around into making it rude.
You are, for wasting your readers’ time by pretending you’re open to anything they have to say so you look good when you actually only care about readers who are willing to pat you on the back and tell you how great you are.
Why would I turn off comments when I can easily get rid of people who offer unsolicited critiques? Comments are not reviews and my fic isn’t an amazon product, period. It’s a hobby, worked on on my free time, for fun, and shares for free, hopefully for the fun and pleasure of others. My fics are My House and I don’t have tolerate anything I don’t want in the comments, anymore than I have to tolerate people rocking up to my actual house and criticizing my decor choices.
People who don’t like it and feel motivated to provide unasked for reviews are more than welcome to fuck off. I didn’t seek them out and ask them to read, so if they wasted their time that was certainly a personal choice and they should handle it like the rest of us do when we click something we didn’t care for: hit the back button and find something else. If you cannot do that then *you* open yourself up to my response, be it rude or polite, which may just be deleting your comment.
This aint McDonalds, you don’t get the fic your way.
Dress it up all you want, all I hear is someone who thinks they’re entitled to have the world baby them and treat them like doting parents who praise their children regardless of whether or not their work is any good.
If you think you only deserve to be praised, and that anyone, no matter how polite or helpful they are, who doesn’t just spew praise at you shouldn’t be allowed to say anything you’re the rude and entitled one no matter how you try to excuse yourself.
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japanesealteration · 4 years
oh my god shut the fuck up.
I mean even if it is rude, I’ll delete unasked for criticism. I already have people I trust to look at my stuff and give me their opinions, period, so if I didn’t fucking ask for it from you I don’t fucking want it from you. Unless this random person knows how I wanted my story to turn out (by way of psychic waves from god or whatever) then what business do they have telling me it ain’t just what I intended?
And since it’s my fic, the product of my time and effort and thought, made in my image and no one else’s, if I don’t like what someone has to say their comment can get the boot. I’ve done it before and I have no doubt I will do it again.
I’m comfortable with some people thinking I’m rude because of it. I doubt they were my target audience anyway.
….so turn off comments.
If you’re not ‘fucking asking’ for my opinions ‘period’, turn off your comments you utter dingus.
if you have your comments open to everyone you are implicitly opening yourself up to comments from everyone. Positive or negative. Heck, you’ve opened yourself up to rude comments and non-constructive criticism, too. That’s what happens. Trust me. I know.
But when a comment is constructive criticism, it’s not a ‘shitty comment’, it’s not rude. You can’t twist things around into making it rude.
You are, for wasting your readers’ time by pretending you’re open to anything they have to say so you look good when you actually only care about readers who are willing to pat you on the back and tell you how great you are.
Why would I turn off comments when I can easily get rid of people who offer unsolicited critiques? Comments are not reviews and my fic isn’t an amazon product, period. It’s a hobby, worked on on my free time, for fun, and shares for free, hopefully for the fun and pleasure of others. My fics are My House and I don’t have tolerate anything I don’t want in the comments, anymore than I have to tolerate people rocking up to my actual house and criticizing my decor choices.
People who don’t like it and feel motivated to provide unasked for reviews are more than welcome to fuck off. I didn’t seek them out and ask them to read, so if they wasted their time that was certainly a personal choice and they should handle it like the rest of us do when we click something we didn’t care for: hit the back button and find something else. If you cannot do that then *you* open yourself up to my response, be it rude or polite, which may just be deleting your comment.
This aint McDonalds, you don’t get the fic your way.
Dress it up all you want, all I hear is someone who thinks they’re entitled to have the world baby them and treat them like doting parents who praise their children regardless of whether or not their work is any good.
If you think you only deserve to be praised, and that anyone, no matter how polite or helpful they are, who doesn’t just spew praise at you shouldn’t be allowed to say anything you’re the rude and entitled one no matter how you try to excuse yourself.
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japanesealteration · 5 years
Glory Hole | Bukkake | Sexual Frustration | Roleplay
Soft Dom/Coaching | Painplay | Pregnancy | Intercrural Sex
Breastplay/Nippleplay | Shower/Bath/Underwater - Grimmjow/Ichigo - Playing with Ichigo’s breasts in the shower and watching him lactate.
Lactation | Orgasm Denial - KageYama - Kageyama takes Yamaguchi’s milk in public but refuses to let his wife cum from the stimulation.
Size Difference | Distension | Knotting | Breathplay
Upskirt Sex | Domesticity | Creampie - BakuDeku - Surprising Deku after a long day of work
Object Insertion | Begging - BokuYama - yama only gets to cum when he begs for it. And Boku isn’t nice about letting him cum.
Jealousy/Possessiveness | Feederism/Foodplay - Akashi/Kagami - Akashi, slightly jealous with Kagami getting comfortable with an alpha, decides to feed him in public to show everyone who’s in charge.
Praise Kink | Power Bottom - Moses/Senel - Senel is going to top whether Moses likes it or not… Moses really does like it, though.
Body Modification/Decoration | Bondage - Akashi/Kagami - Akashi decorates his Omega nicely, tattoos and piercings while tying him up.
Anal Pounding | Anonymous Sex | Medical Play | Electricity
Cum Swallowing | Prostitution - OverDeku - Overhaul’s pretty little pregnant prostitute is so good at taking his fat cock.
Pillow Prince(ss) | Vore (Soft) | Dacryphilia | Face-Sitting
Auralism - Jae-Ha/Hak - Jae-Ha getting off to hearing Hak’s heavy breathing and moaning.
Somnophilia | Clothing Theft | Breeding Mount /Immobilization | Cervix Penetration
Stuck in a Wall | Power Difference/Authority | Fisting (Consensual) | Drunk Sex
Mutual Masturbation | Double (or More) Penetration | Mirrors- Johenzji/Yamaguchi/Ennoshita - Two heavily pregnant pack omegas need to be properly broken in. One down one to go
Body Worship - Moses/Senel - Moses worshiping Senel’s baby bump
Daddy Kink | Sadism/Masochism | Dirty Talk - Endeavour/Bakugou - Who knew Bakugou had such a dirty daddy kink? Especially when he’s getting fucked out of his mind.
Semi-Public/Public Sex | Formal Wear - Grimmjow/Ichigo - At a friend’s wedding, they sneak off to deal with Ichigo’s increasing libido
Semi-Public/Public Masturbation | A/B/O | Sounding | Dub-Con/Non-Con
Massage - Jae-Ha/Hak - Hak’s sore after a long day of travel, so Jae-Ha comforts him with a massage and happy ending.
Stockings/Socks | Degradation/Humiliation | Collar/Leash - Culter/Ozy - if only Ozy knew that being knocked up didn’t mean that Cu Alter would stop being so dominating.
Cross-dressing - Ushijima x Omega Yamaguchi - Yamaguchi didn’t plan to get pregnant, but he did, and now he has to be a good omega wife.
Body Swap | Tickling | Size Queen | Sensory Deprivation
Ageplay | Lingerie | Fangs - Dantes/Amakusa - Dantes is older and he’s gonna torment the shit out of Amakusa while he’s all knocked up
Latex | Phone Sex/Sexting | Maid/Butler | Tentacles
Micro/Macro | Cum Inflation | Outdoor Sex | Master/Mistress
Omorashi/Watersports | Office/Workplace - YamaKuroo - Yamaguchi tries to prove he’s independent. Yeah, Kuroo’s not letting him get away with it.
Three(or More)some | Petplay | Shot-gunning - Ushijima/Oikawa + Matsukawa/Hanamaki/Iwaizumi/Kunimi - Omegas make far better pets than wifes, as everyone knows. Thankfully Alphas are more than willing to take care of their stupid pets.
Power Difference/Authority | Deep Throat | Object Insertion - EnnoDai - Ennoshita randomly got pregnant. Daichi thinks someone needs a lesson in what being an omega really is.
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japanesealteration · 5 years
Fandoms for Kinktober
BNHA, KnB, Haikyuu (very behind on it), Fire Emblem (Fates/Awakening), Fate/Grand Order, Akatsuki no Yona, Tales of Legendia, Bleach, Persona 3/4/5, Pokemon, Boruto’s Dad.
0 notes
japanesealteration · 5 years
currently plotting this out
Kinktober 2019 Prompt List
*This list was created with the help of @damnedxfate and our followers. This list is available for everyone to use. You do not need to credit us for the list!
Glory Hole | Bukkake | Sexual Frustration | Roleplay
Soft Dom/Coaching | Painplay | Pregnancy | Intercrural Sex
Breastplay/Nippleplay | Breeding | Phallic Gags/Gags | Shower/Bath/Underwater
Forniphilia (Human Furniture) | 69 Position | Lactation | Orgasm Denial
Size Difference | Distension | Knotting | Breathplay
Upskirt Sex | Domesticity | Creampie | Bulges
Spit-Roasting | Angry/Hate Sex | Object Insertion | Begging
Jealousy/Possessiveness | Menstruation | Solo/Masturbation | Feederism/Foodplay
Praise Kink | Face-Fucking/Deep Throat | Power Bottom | Heat Cycle
Body Modification/Decoration | Bondage | Frottage | Cock Worship
Anal Pounding | Anonymous Sex | Medical Play | Electricity
Xenophilia | Cum Swallowing | Prostitution | Coiling
Pillow Prince(ss) | Vore (Soft) | Dacryphilia | Face-Sitting
Auralism | Fem-Dom | Biting/Marking | Seduction
Somnophilia | Clothing Theft | Breeding Mount /Immobilization | Cervix Penetration
Stuck in a Wall | Power Difference/Authority | Fisting (Consensual) | Drunk Sex
Mutual Masturbation | Double (or More) Penetration | Suspension | Mirrors
Body Worship | Bloodplay | Brat Taming | Sex Toys
Filming | Daddy Kink | Sadism/Masochism | Dirty Talk
Semi-Public/Public Sex | Dom/Sub | Aphrodisiacs | Formal Wear
Semi-Public/Public Masturbation | A/B/O | Sounding | Dub-Con/Non-Con
Primal Play | Voyeurism | Kemonomimi/Tails | Massage
Stockings/Socks | Degradation/Humiliation | Collar/Leash | Hypnosis/Mind Control
Cross-dressing | Reluctant Sex/Blackmail | Window/Balcony Sex | Overstimulation
Body Swap | Tickling | Size Queen | Sensory Deprivation
Ageplay | Lingerie | Exhibitionism | Fangs
Latex | Phone Sex/Sexting | Maid/Butler | Tentacles
Micro/Macro | Cum Inflation | Outdoor Sex | Master/Mistress
Cuckolding | Omorashi/Watersports | Office/Workplace | Telepathic or Empathic Bonds
Three(or More)some | Fucking Machine | Petplay | Shot-gunning
Any combination of the above
*Have fun!
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