jasmine-biersack · 3 years
Who will...
Keep that cactus you’ve had since you were 11 alive?
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jasmine-biersack · 3 years
Who will...
Kiss your cats head when you’re gone?
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jasmine-biersack · 3 years
“Some of us are born chasing poetry.”
— Sarah Kay,  “Lightning”, No Matter the Wreckage
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jasmine-biersack · 3 years
Seeing unhealthy patterns in your family and deciding that those pattens end with you and will not be passed down to future generations is an extremely brave and powerful decision.
Forgive yourself for repeating what was taught to you as a child, then put the conscious effort into deprogram these patterns.
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jasmine-biersack · 3 years
reblog if you support boys expressing soft emotions
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jasmine-biersack · 3 years
a "can we talk" can fix a lot
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jasmine-biersack · 3 years
you ever gave somebody else a motivational speech while you was hurt inside
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jasmine-biersack · 3 years
i just want to be touched really hard
like by a car
hit me with a car 
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
It must be so frustrating for my boyfriend to deal with a mentally ill witch who smokes they lungs dead. Sorry boo I need dis dab or I will cry in bed all day😙✌🏽
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
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Every time I think of death, I start to grin and crack a smile
Never gave no fuck about this life—and that’s me keepin’ it mild
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
Kill Yourself Part III live. One of the most emotional performances live.
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
I need a therapist but every time I try and find one I can’t afford it or they are overbooked :/ guess I don’t need it
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
I'm trying, I really am. But I feel like I'm such a failure at life and that's all people see.
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
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jasmine-biersack · 4 years
How do people have a will to live? I feel like a shell just fumbling along. Plz help
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