jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
6 DIY Fruit Mask to fight with your wrinkles and laugh lines! by http://www.bigstylist.com
                                                 Deep wrinkles develop due to a various factors and not just age. Premature aging comes from free radical damage due to environmental pollution, poor diet and especially improper skin care. Here are the best fruit mask to moisturize your dull skin and treat deep wrinkles.
6 DIY fruit mask to treat wrinkles:
1. Papaya:
Papaya is loaded with papain and vitamin A. Papain breaks down inactive proteins and removes dead skin cells, whereas vitamin A works as an anti-oxidant agent. Papaya works as a great skin-firming and anti-aging agent.
Mash half cup of ripe papaya and apply this paste on your face. For added benefits you can add milk to papaya paste. Use this fruit mask twice a week for better results.
2. Apricot:
Apricot helps in maintaining skin’s clarity and elasticity. Vitamin A present in Apricot is excellent for stimulating new cell growth. Due to its revitalizing and nourishing effects on the skin, it is one of the widely used fruit in beauty products.
Make a paste of fresh Apricots and apply it directly on your wrinkled skin. You can add  avocado paste, milk cream to moisturize and renew your skin. Wash off with cold water. For best results, use this mask once a week.
3. Banana:
Banana contains good amounts of vitamin C and B6 which plays vital role in maintaining the integrity and elasticity of the skin. The antioxidants present Banana protects skin from sun damage.
Simply make a paste of half a cup of ripe banana and add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Apply this mask on your face and neck. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water. This fruit mask can be used twice a week.
4. Lemons:
The citric acid found in Lemon removes dead skin cells from the face and fights bacteria at the same time. Natural chemicals present in Lemon helps in formation of new cells, clear up blemishes and wrinkles.
You can simply rub a slice of lemon on your wrinkled hands and neck. But applying lemon directly on your face may cause skin irritation. To avoid this, mix 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. This scrub exfoliates your skin, thus removing dead skin and wrinkles.
5. Apples:
Apples contain Vitamin B, Vitamin C which speeds up skin’s cell production and makes your skin look radiant. Smooth fine lines and wrinkles with this collagen boosting apple mask.
Grate a green apple and squeeze out the juice. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey to this extract. Apply this on your face, neck and hands. Keep it for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Repeat once a week.
6. Avocados:
Avocados are full of natural oils, vitamins A and E that nourish the skin and repair deep wrinkles. Vitamin A regulates sebum production to increase moisture in the skin and while vitamin E repairs skin damage and produces collagen required for a skin.
Make a creamy paste by mashing half a cup of avocado. Keep this paste on your skin for atleast 20-25 minutes. Repeat this once a week for effective results. This is the best fruit mask for deep wrinkles.
Follow the above mentioned fruit masks and get a radiant and wrinkle free skin.
No time for all these regimen at home? Call BigStylist- Salon at Home for all your beauty needs.
Download our Android and iOS app for easier bookings on beauty services!
for more such beauty tips visit: http://www.bigstylist.com/blog/
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
10 sex tips to make your Man go crazy over you for your First Night!
                                                 Few Sex Tips from Men to Their Women
The sheer joy of seeing the DESIRE in your man’s eyes is absolutely crazy. Soooo…some men helped us put together a list of amping that increases the desire for sex.
Moaning is So HOT:
We love compliments! But if you’re too caught up to give one, hearing you moan while he pleasures you is soooooooo HOT!
Racy outfits drives us crazy:
Please dress up for us. Wear something hot and naughty. It drives us crazy knowing that we are the only ones who can see you in those racy outfits.
Love Porn:
But there’s something we love more than that. Watching it with you.
Guide us:
A lot of us who don’t have all that much experience in sex with women really tend to focus EXCLUSIVELY on your gorgeous boobs and butt.
If you want our mouth and hands somewhere else, just tell us.
somethings hurt:
Sometimes, some things really HURT. Like giving our pewee a hickey…
Please don’t do those again.
Our NO also means NO:
Sometimes we aren’t in the mood. Sometimes we didn’t like what you did.
Dirty talks:
Talk dirty to us. Oh good GOD! When you have a filthy mouth and you’re using it on us, it kills us!
tasty you:
You ALWAYS taste great. Stop over thinking, lie back and let us both enjoy dessert
seducing twirls:
Dress seductively. Touch us. Drop suggestive hints. And when the time comes for us to finally get our hands on each other, just watch us go crazy!
horny touch:
Those beautiful hands of yours can do so much more than just cupping our face. We have a friend (wink wink) who’s terribly excited to see you. Try giving him a hand (if you know what we mean)
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
Get rid of Dandruff at Home using these 6 easy ways!
                            An itchy scalp & dandruff are a social nightmare. An itch can arrive suddenly, while in the middle of a conversation, a presentation, a meeting. And there’s nothing you can do, except scratch that itch. Not only is this embarrassing in public, but it can also cause you a lot of discomfort and sometimes even lead to hair loss.
Give your head an oil massage to reduce dryness of scalp
Whether you choose plain simple coconut oil, or something a little more medicinal like tea tree oil, sesame oil or jojoba oil, an oil massage will work like a charm, healing your dry, itchy scalp within a few weeks.
Fight dandruff with lemon Juice
Lemon juice has immense antiseptic properties, and is quite useful when tackling dandruff.You can treat itchiness by rubbing lemon juice all over your scalp, or applying a blend of lemon juice and curds.
Exfoliate with baking soda
Did you know baking soda can help alleviate an itchy scalp? It works by exfoliating the scalp and helping reduce dandruff. Apply a paste of baking soda and water on the scalp for the best results.
An apple cider vinegar wash
Apple cider vinegar,because of its acidic nature, is an excellent solution to tackle yeast and the virus causing the itchy scalp. Moreover, it helps balance your scalp’s pH levels, reducing the itching. Mix equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water, and spray on scalp before washing.
Say hello to aloe vera
The intense moisturising properties of aloe vera gel make it the perfect remedy for relieving dryness and itching. Apply all over your scalp for deep moisturising before washing your hair.
Conditioning with bananas and avocado
Bananas work in two ways. Not only do they treat an itchy scalp, but they also condition your hair. Apply a mixture of two bananas mashed with an avocado to work on your dry and itchy scalp.
These homemade remedies work beautifully on your problem and also naturally condition your hair, making it luxuriant. And the best part, all the ingredients for itchy scalp home remedies are available in your kitchen.
Download the BigStylist Android and iOS app for easier bookings on beauty services!
Visit: BigStylist- Salon at Home for more such beauty tips
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
Tackle your oily skin problems only with these face washes! www.bistylist.com
Oily skin is a common issue with most women. This type of skin is prone to several skin problems, acne and pimples. Individuals with oily skin suffer from variety of problems. One of the major problems which they suffer from is too much oil secretion from their skin. Acne and break outs are also quite common for these people.
These are the top face washes to treat oily skin:
1. Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Face Wash:
Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Face Wash is another good face wash for an oily skin. It has salicylic acid which helps in controlling oil and cleansing the oily skin effectively.
Price Rs. 474
2. Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash:
Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash is one of the most popular choices among natural face cleanser for oily skin. It removes all the dirt and impurities of the skin, leaving the skin sparkling and clean.
Price Rs. 60
3. Garnier Skin Naturals Fresh Deep Clean Face Wash Mint Extract:
Garnier Skin Naturals Fresh Deep Clean Face Wash Mint Extract contains menthol which gives a cooling sensation to the skin. It makes the skin clean and oil free and prevents formation of acne. It lathers a lot and has a refreshing smell.
Price Rs. 95
4. Lacto Calamine Deep Cleansing Face Wash:
Lacto Calamine Deep Cleansing Face Wash helps in removing dirt and impurities effectively in a gentle manner. It has a refreshing fragrance. It helps in controlling the skin without drying it out.
Price Rs. 48
5. Clean and Clear Deep Action Oil Control Face Wash:
Clean and Clear Deep Action Oil Control Face Wash helps in controlling the skin without making it dry out. It is economical and lathers well.
Price Rs. 95
6. Pears oil clear glow face wash:
Pears oil clear glow face wash will release oiliness from your skin and present your skin with brightness in front of the world. This is imbibed with the lemon flower extract that will clear oil from your skin.
Price Rs. 95
So, if you are looking for a face washes that can meet every need of oily skin, these are surely the best picks.
Download our Android and iOS app for easier bookings on beauty services!
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
6 DIY Baking Soda beauty hacks at almost zero cost!
Baking Soda is one such ingredient in your kitchen which is inexpensive and can do wonders for your skin, hair and body. It has antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties. Here’s how to use baking soda to enhance your beauty.
6 DIY Baking Soda beauty uses for hair and skin:
1. Acne:
Baking Soda has mild anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and swelling. Thus, reducing the acne appearance.
How to use:
Mix two tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of water to form a paste. Cover the acne with this paste. Let it dry for 5 – 10 minutes and then rinse off thoroughly with cold water. Repeat this twice a week.
2. Brightens Yellow Teeth:
This is a natural way to brighten teeth at home.
How to use:
Mix one teaspoons of baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Put a good amount of this paste on your toothbrush and apply it on your teeth. Leave the paste on for one minute and  then rinse. Do not keep this paste on your teeth for more than one minute.
3. Sunburn:
You can make homemade sunburn cream by using baking soda, here’s how.
How to use:
Combine 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil, 1 teaspoon of witch hazel and 2-3 tablespoon of water. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to this mixture. Apply this on the sunburn affected skin for 5 minutes. Repeat once a week. Do not over use this.
4. Skin Whitening:
Baking soda is composed of sodium and a pH neutralizer which exfoliates the dead skin cells throughout the skin.
How to use:
Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water. Apply this paste as a face mask on your face and neck not for more than 5 minutes. Repeat this twice a week.
5. Polishes Nails:
The bleaching property of baking soda can help remove yellowness from the nails.
How to use:
Mix two tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide in a small bowl. Apply this on your nails with the help of cotton swab. Keep it on for three to four minutes and then rinse with water. Repeat this process once a month.
6. Shampoo:
Baking soda is perfect to revitalize greasy looking hair your hair.
How to use:
Mix baking soda and water in 1:3 proportion in a squeeze bottle. The more hair you have, the more you’ll need. You can use baking soda on dry hair, when your hair is wet. Work the mixture in starting at your roots, and move it through to the end of your hair. Keep for 5 minutes and wash off with water. This can be your weekly shampoo. Use it once a week for better results.
Always do a patch test before using baking soda for your skin. It may not suit all skin type.
Do not apply baking soda on and around the eye area.
Apply moisturizer after using baking soda.
Do not over use as it makes the skin dry.
Consult your dermatologist before using any of these home remedies.
Baking soda is effective when used for short periods. However, excessive use can damage your skin and hair.
Use these home remedies and get good looking skin and healthy hair.
No time to try out these home remedies? Call BigStylist- Salon at Home for all your beauty needs.
Download the BigStylist Android and iOS app for easier bookings on beauty services!
for more such useful tips visit: http://www.bigstylist.com/blog/
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
Get rid of Wrinkles and look 10 years Younger with these DIY remedies
Want to look young???  Appealing??? By getting rid of wrinkles??? Here are the best remedies for it. No need of surgeries or any other painful treatments. Get the great looking skin with a few new smart ways.
Dark Chocolates
Consumption dark chocolates can protect the skin form the dangers of sun, which also reduces the forming of wrinkles. Dark chocolate mask can be applied on face for wrinkles.
Cabbage Juice
It is an ancient home remedy for the removal of wrinkles and sagging skin. The juice should be massaged over the skin around mouth. Let the juice up, and then wash off the face with cold water. This home remedy helps tighten up muscles around mouth for reducing wrinkles and loose skin around mouth.
Honey is the perfect remedy for your face winkles. Apply some honey all over your face and leave it on for about 15-20 minutes. Wash off the honey with cold water.
Papaya is useful as an effective home remedy for the removal of smile wrinkles. Make a paste of papaya and apply on your face. Wash it off after when it dries up.
Cinnamon Powder
Take a pinch of cinnamon powder and mix it with any of natural oils like Coconut oil, Olive oil or Vitamin E oil. Apply this mixture on your face and massage gently. This reduces wrinkles around mouth or lips naturally,
Make paste of Cucumber slices. Apply this paste on your face and neck. This face pack also soothes the face skin.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera is very effective skin hydrating agent . Get fresh aloe vera gel from the leaf. Apply this freshly squeezed juice on your face. This can also be applied around your eyes to reduce under eye wrinkles and crow’s feet.
Olive oil
Olive oil too helps to get rid of wrinkles on your face. Massage your face with a few drops of olive oil for 15-20 minutes.
Green Tea
Yes, a perfect cup of green tea too, either by the consumption of it, or by patting some warm tea on your face. It works both ways.
Grate a tomato. Add 2 tbs of honey and mix them together. Later apply this on your face. Allow it to dry. Rinse off with cold water.
Ice Cubes
Simply grab an ice cube and roll it all over your face. Do this for 5-7 mins. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles by tightening up the pores.
Egg White
Separate egg white from egg yolk. Apply this egg white on your face. Wash off  with cold water when dried. This maintains the elasticity of your skin. If your skin feels little dry after applying this mask, apply some moisturizer.
Coconut Oil
Apply coconut oil on your face daily before bedtime. Coconut oil is a natural antioxidant. It helps in reducing wrinkles.
Sugarcane Juice
Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice. Apply this face mask to fine lines around mouth and leave it to dry. Wash off with lukewarm water when dried.
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
These 10 superfoods are totally what our mom’s want us to eat!
Staying healthy and fit is the utmost necessity of any being! For staying healthy, one should start eating healthy too! In order to reap the benefits you don’t have to change your diet around so that you’re only eating these superfoods, but the more of them you can incorporate into your diet, the better.
10 Top Superfoods and their benefits:
1. Oatmeal:
High in fiber, antioxidants and tons of other nutrients, this breakfast staple has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, aids indigestion and even improve metabolism. And it’s downright delicious if eaten with dry and fresh fruits.
2. Green tea:
This ages-old health secret has been used as a natural remedy for everything from cancer to heart disease! The secret to this not-so-delicious drink? Antioxidants! This also helps in reducing cancer cells. Green tea has been proven a great way to lose weight and stay fit!
3. Broccoli:
This lean, mean, green machine is packed with vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting compounds, and the fiber essential in any diet. Though all member of this family are healthy, broccoli stands out for it’s exceptionally high levels of vitamin C.
4. Eggs:
A relatively inexpensive protein source loaded with nutrients,eggs certainly earn their superfood status. A single large egg is just about 70 calories and offers six grams of protein. Eggs are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for normal body function and heart health.
5. Lentils:
They’re pretty cheap, easy to prepare, a high in protein, iron etc. A great source of meat-free protein, a half-cup cooked lentils also gives you nearly half your daily folate, a B vitamin that protects a woman’s unborn baby from neural tube defects.
6. Bananas:
They are loaded with several kinds of good-for-you fiber, including resistant starch (which helps you slim down). Most of us know that bananas contain a good amount of potassium, but it’s also a good source of fiber.
7. Oranges:
One orange supplies more than 100% of the vitamin C you need in a day. It’s also a good source of calcium and folate. Oranges help you avoid diabetes and kidney stones, can help you digest the other foods you eat, and can help ease arthritis pain. So grab a bag of them next time you are in the grocery section.
8. Apples:
Turns out there’s a lot of truth in the apple a day adage. Aside from the obvious benefits of containing fiber and helping regular digestive bacteria, apples can  help regulate your blood sugar levels, which can be of great use in weight loss, and help you stay focused throughout the day.
9. Chicken:
The health benefits of chicken include its good supply of protein content, the supply of essential vitamins and minerals, benefits in losing weight, cholesterol control, blood pressure control, and a reduced risk of cancer. Chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world.
10. Almonds:
Even though almonds are high in fat, they are a way for you to reduce the risk of getting heart disease. They effectively lower your LDL Cholesterol, often referred to as the “bad” cholesterol. Almonds have been credited with helping you feel full when they’re added to a meal, helping to stave off hunger as a snack between meals.
We are sure you now must be busy including these super superfoods in your diet!
For more useful tips: www.bigstylist.com
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
Rock your upcoming party with this contour makeup tutorial!
Make-up is one thing that every woman loves no matter what. And contour makeup gives all new look to a woman. ALL NEW AVATAR.
Contour makeup is considered as the toughest and most expensive make-up. We don’t think so. Read on to find out easy steps to a contour makeover.
Contour Makeup steps:
Contour makeup can be done through foundation sticks as well. Yes! you heard it right. It is as easy as applying foundation. You just have to map your face.
Before starting contour apply foundation to lighten your complexion. Concealer under your eyes to hide dark circles. And a colour corrector to hide any spots redness.
1. Map your temples:
Take a darker shade foundation to trace your temples. To adjust your broad forehead, roll your brush downwards in the direction of your hair on the edges of forehead.
2. Contour your Pout:
To get a thinner effect on your face, pout. And apply the dark foundation in the hollow space of your cheeks from edge of your face towards your lips. Contour underneath your lips, and edges of your nose.
3. Time to Highlight:
Highlight the remaining parts with light foundation. Highlight bridge of your nose, mid forehead, cheek bone, below pout line.
Blend the contoured dark foundation first moving the brush in circles upwards from your lips towards the edges. Once done with the dark shade start blending the lighter shade. Blend with primer sprayed on brush and use different brushes for different shades. It prevents your makeup from cracking and gives you a smoother effect.
That’s it, you are done with your contouring. Now you can apply your eye shadows, eye liner, mascara, lipstick and you are all set to party.
If you don’t have time to experiment this contour, simply call BigStylist- Salon at Home to give you a makeover in no time.
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
We bet you did not know the right shampoo for your hair!
Great looking hair is what everyone desires. Beautiful hair does not always require exotic treatments and care. If you follow a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and take minimal care of your hair, you can no doubt get lustrous and long hair. Here’s some simple DIY Shampoo for you to choose according to your hair type for the great hair care.
6 DIY Shampoo for your hair:
1. Shampoo for dry and damaged hair:
Avocados are rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids, and minerals that will help to make your hair lustrous Mash a ripe avocado with one egg white. Apply this paste on wet hair. Leave on for at least 30 minutes. Rinse well with cold water. Repeat once a week.
2. Shampoo for greasy hair:
Mint Leaves are loaded antibacterial properties, making it great as a hair and scalp cleanser.
Pour half a cup of boiled water into a bowl.  Add 2 tablespoons of freshly chopped mint leaves. Add a 1 tablespoon of a cup of any shampoo and stir into the mix. Wash your hair with this mix and get grease free hair.
3. Shampoo for dull and frizzy hair:
Aloe Vera has a chemical similar to that of keratin which rejuvenates the hair. It also cleanses the scalp.
Mix 2 tablespoon of liquid castile soap, 2 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin. Pour this mixture into a bottle. Massage your hair and scalp with this. Keep for about 30 minutes. Remember to wash your hair with warm water only and not hot water.
4. Shampoo for glossy hair:
Though Fenugreek is commonly used in cooking, it can also be used for your hair care. Fenugreek seeds are rich in protein and amino acids which are essentials for hair growth. It also contains lecithin which makes hair stronger.
Soak the 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in 1-2 cups of water overnight. Next morning, grind them into a  paste and apply to your scalp. Leave it applied for 30 minutes. Wash off with plain water.
5. Shampoo for lice:
Neem leaves not only relieves itchy scalp but also has antifungal property.  Due to this it is helpful for killing those lic in your hair.
Add two handfuls of Neem leaves to 3-4 cups of hot water. Keep it overnight. Next morning, strain the liquid and use it to rinse your hair. You can also make a paste out of  these soaked leaves. Apply it to your scalp. Keep it for about one hour. Wash off with warm water.
6. Shampoo for all hair types- Conditioning Shampoo:
This is made by using Hibiscus flowers and leaves. Studies have shown that Hibiscus contains Vitamin C and other minerals required to promote hair growth.
Take 4-5 Red Hibiscus leaves and 2-3 flowers. Grind into a fine paste by mixing proper amount of water. Make a thick paste and should not be runny consistency. Else, it would slip off your hair. Cover your hair by this paste. Keep for nearly 30 minutes. Wash with warm water. You will have to rinse your hair several times to remove the residue of hibiscus leaves. This can be repeated once  a week for good results.
Try these shampoos and get the long, lustrous and healthy hair.
Want a hair care by experts? Book a hair spa at BigStylist- Salon at Home
Download our Android and iOs app for easier bookings on beauty services!
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
Current HOT & TRENDING 5 eyeliners just under 500 bucks!
Liner is like the obvious staple of any girl! Whether you’re adding a dash of magic to your daily style, or can’t get enough of dramatic cat eyes, us girls have to have a good eyeliner in our bags at all times! But sometimes buying eyeliners becomes expensive.
Here are our Top 5 eyeliner picks. That too just under Rs 500!
1. Lakme absolute shine line:
Bring some extra shine and glam to your eyes with this liquid eyeliner for some instant drama with minimum effort. Its matte finish is sure to give your eyes a dramatic makeover. This is one of the best eyeliners.
Price Rs 325.
2. NYX Jumbo pencil:
Made from a mix of mineral oils and beeswax, this creamy eyeliner glides on effortlessly without needing to pull or tug at your eyes. What we absolutely love about it is that it also doubles up as an eyeshadow too. Pretty awesome, right?!
Price Rs 425.
3. Maybelline eye studio lasting drama gel liner:
The drama of a liquid eyeliner in this gel liner is magic. The way it glides smoothly on your eyelids is a show to watch. Plus you also get an angled brush with it for the application too. It’s great for perfecting those wings!
READ NOW  Makeup Disasters!!
Price Rs. 475.
4. L’Oreal Paris Superliner Gelmatic Eyeliner:
A gel liner in the form of a pen. This makes it super easy to apply and convinient for a beginer as well. Lasting upto 5-6 hours, this gel liner gives an intense colour and matte effect too. Lining your eyes would never be a task again with this liner.
Price Rs 425.
5. Faces glam on perfect noir eyeliner:
It comes in a small, handy tube packaging that you can carry anywhere with you. Glides effortlessly on waterline due to its creamy texture. Also it dries quickly and lasts for long hours without smudging. Now this is a must-must have too!
Prices Rs 399.
These TOP 5 picks will surely send you shopping right now!!
For more such beauty tips visit: http://www.bigstylist.com/
Download our Android and iOs app for easier bookings on beauty services!
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
Beauty Services At The Comfort Of Your Home by BigStylist
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
Getting Rid Of Cracked Heels
Absolutely no one likes to have cracked heels & ugly looking feet. Use these 5 hacks for cracked heels can make you love your feet.
We care and moisturize our body in winter but we forget one of the most important part of our body, feet due to which we suffer from cracked heels.
So here are some easy remedies to give you WOW feet:
Glycerine-rosewater remedy:
Glycerine is one of the best moisturisers that one can imagine. Applying glycerine on cracked heels can accelerate the healing process as well. Blend together one tablespoon of glycerine with two teaspoons of rosewater and half a tea spoon of freshly extracted lemon juice.
Apply this mixture on your heels and wear a pair of clean socks. You should follow this remedy just before you turn in for the night. It can give you smooth and soft heels without any cracks.
Vaseline and Lemon Juice:
Soak your feet in warm water for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse and pat dry. Mix one teaspoon of Vaseline and a few drops of lemon juice. Rub this mixture over your heels and other cracked parts of the feet till it gets absorbed into the skin. Apply this mixture and wear a pair of woolen socks.
Rice flour scrub for cracked heels:
Not exfoliating your feet is also a reason for dry and cracked heels. So, exfoliating them is also necessary. Rice flour is best exfoliating scrub you can make for your feet at home. Mix one table spoon of rice flour with two table spoon of honey and one table spoon of lemon juice. Mix the scrub well and scrub your feet gently for 10 minutes.
If you have serious cracking then soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes before scrubbing.
Herbal Neem and Tulsi remedy:
Using neem is one of the Ayurvedic remedy to cure cracked heels. Use the anti-fungal and anti bacterial margosa leaves or neem leaves, when mixed with the turmeric, can do wonders to give you soft and smooth heels. This easy home- made remedy is particularly good for bleeding heels.
Milk and honey exfoliate for cracked heels:
Cracked heels occurs when you lack in taking proper care of your feet. Therefore, it’s essential to follow a daily regime of cleansing and moisturizing your heels and weekly regimen of exfoliating them during winters.
If you already have cracked heels, exfoliate them daily by using milk and honey untill they are cured completely.
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
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jasmine45me-blog · 7 years
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I can’t believe it’s finally happening…
IG: troimusic
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