jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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             “Well don’t make me worry about you anymore than I have to.” His smile widened at that, shaking his head. “They said we could all go home a little while ago I heard. People are slowly starting to clear out, but it might be a while till power comes back on everywhere. Might as well shack up in this place till it’s all clear or something.” Brennan gave a light chuckle as her hand slid into his. “What’d you expect? I’m a wolf, we’ve got heat in our bloods or whatever.” Despite what she said about her lack of sharing, Brennan stretched out on what space was available on the bed. “Hey, I’m not some cheap space to cuddle. Cuddling is reserved for a select few.”
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“Great, because i’m dying for some hot chocolate and a big bag of Doritos.” She told her friend, “also since we are here might as well make ourselves a bit useful and stock up on the Jello cause why not?” She added, as she gave his a hand a light squeeze, “think if you give me some of your blood i’ll have heat in my system to? I know its gross, but......” she shrugged watching as he then filled the space on the bed beside her, “hmmm I wonder if I am on this list of selective few. If not I might have to start crying, and I mean, really ball.” Turning over on her side, looking over at the male, “so what do you say? Can we raid the kitchen?”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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          “Ah, come on, Jasmine – that’s just not cool.” There was a worried feeling that grasped at his heart despite how clearly she was over exaggerating how she felt. Brennan sat on the edge of the bed, shaking his head at her, “I’ve been worried about you this whole time, don’t make me want to punch you now.” It was with that statement he finally allowed a smile to form at his lips. “Good to see you’re hogging all these blankets; you need them.”
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Turning her head to look at her good friend who now took a seat at the edge of the bed, a light smile gracing the pale complexion her face now held. “I know you have, as I have you. Just glad we’re in the same place.” She told him, “like you would ever, I would pay to see that happen to myself. Besides you don’t have the bone in your bone to even inflict pain on me. I mean just look at this face.” She added, shifting just lightly under the blanket, “I would share one of them with you, but.....if I recall, you have the body heat I wish I could last me a lifetime. How jealous I am right about now.” Slipping her head just  barely out from the covers, she reached over to hold his hand. “Just as I thought, nice and warm. Why don’t you have someone cuddling you like a teddy bear right now beats me.”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Oh hey yeah, sure. —- You’re kidding me, right? I told you, no. There’s blankets over there, and Jon already pulled everything out of the lost and found. Do you need that in writing or?”
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“Well maybe if you haven’t noticed, the people in this wrong have at least two or three blankets covering themselves. And while i’m stuck with one, yes, i’d like one more. So if a hall pass is what I need to get out of this room, then sure. Write one up for me, or you could always just tag along instead of being the door monitor.”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Brennan is that you?” Jasmine called out as she laid there wearily on the hospital bed, at least two blankets placed over her body as she tried to find some warmth. “I’m dying, I really am. It’s. So. Cold.” She added, “not how I imagined my end.”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“The last thing I wanted was your help, I don’t deserve it. Not from anyone, but thank you, Chris. I’m tired of waiting, we should do something productive to keep the blood flowing, I say wheel chair race.”
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     “—-Listen,  it’s just a jacket alright, I’ll hardly freeze to death. You need it more than I do.“
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Apparently yes, because you don’t seem to react to the fact that it is freezing here.”
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     ‘ We get it, it’s fucking cold! You gotta state it every five minutes? ‘
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“I just want to go out and search the lost and found at least to see if there is an extra sweater. Come on, please? The last thing we all need in here is a dead body. If your not going to let me out, are you going to go?”
“Try all you want, I’m not opening the damn door, and you’re not getting out of here. Are we going to do this every single day we’re stuck in here? ‘Cause it’s getting fuckin’ old.”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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Running her hands through her hair, Rhaella had been sick catching the damn flu of all things but she’d survived and here she was cuddled on the couch beside her sister sucking in a deep breath. Only a couple more days of sick leave did she have left until she’d be going back to work but her smile faded into a small frown hearing Jaz’s words. “Jaz, a couple of days ago you could’ve rubbed up on me and gotten sick but I wouldn’t wish that on you. My body can handle that and I intend to keep you around be it kicking and screaming or not. Jaz you’re going to do fine. You’re my sister and I have complete faith in you. What’s the movie?”
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Staring at the laptop in front of her Jasmine’s gaze shifted to the red folder when her sister began to speak. She was sick, and Jasmine tried to help out, making her nice warm tea and soup as best as she could. Eyes now shifting to the blonde that rested on the couch, “I wouldn’t miss out on a sissy cuddle but since you insisted on not coming to close, I think I deserve a prize for keeping up this long.” She told Rhae, “Kicking and screaming huh, speaking of which, I tried bothering Rowan a bit and she won’t kick me out in the cold snow....that one is getting a bit soft. Don’t tell her I said that or she will kick me for real.” Jasmine teased, “I hope so, cause the pressure is really on. I haven’t felt like this since I took a final in college. Its that vampire movie, I got it off the lady selling it on the street. Underworld I think it’s called. You wanna watch it? We can learn some moves....”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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  “Oh I don’t mind if you take it. Got plenty of them.” He says with a chuckle, before nodding his head.”Maybe I could have a word with them. No don’t do that, there must be an easier way to handle this situation.” He says a smile playing on his lips hearing that growl only made him laugh a little more.”I’m a little under the weather, its nothing to worry about.”
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“Collecting leather jacket’s are we? Interesting hobby.” The blonde teased, looking at the male before her, “your willing to do that? What makes you think they would obliged to fixing the heat so quickly?” Jasmine inquired, as she then cocked a brow, curiosity definitely getting the best of her. “The whole system is imbalanced, some rooms are warm, others are burning hot and then you have the ones i’m in which have very little heat. So something needs to be replaced.” She told the male, “that doesn’t sounds to good, maybe you should be home and under a nice fuzzy blanket.”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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       “—Yes. And you’re annoyin’ me right now, so.”
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“How come you haven’t whipped out the Wolfie claws yet and set me straight in line to shut my yap?”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
 “ You need to unstress a bit. You are working to hard and with your health stress is not good. Come on lets go have a girls night. We can go get dinner, Go for a nice walk and just relax and hang out”  Matilda said grabbing Jasmine’s coat for her and her bag. “No arguing, lets go” 
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“When you say girls not does this involve drinking? Because i’ve been drink for two days straight, New Years Eve and New Years Day....so i’ve been off my meds. Kinda of want to try and be a good girl for the rest of the week, if you catch my drift.” She told the other women, a light smile on her face. “Okay......” Jasmine walked over and took her jacket from Tilly, slipping it on. “Any ideas for this girls night out, in particular the choice for dinner?”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“I’mma try ta convince ‘im bout hiring on’-an’ I’ll make sure she got a crystal ball.” he told her with a smile. “An’ nope, no numbness, tho’ she did slap me hard ‘nuff dat I had a red handprint th’ rest of th’ night.”
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“Sounds like you need to have some sort of protective gear for your face. just in case it happens again you know. Not that it will but you can never be to sure right? Take it you work the night shift?”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Okay, serious question. If I was annoying you right now, would you lock me outside and leave me out there with no coat or blanket?”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“I know it’s movie night, but...the Superintendent is coming tomorrow and I have to make sure this lesson is super perfect before I can sleep. The struggle is real, I am afraid, not only is she visiting my class but the principal to. Your my sister right? You love me right? Can you knock me out?”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Oh no! Please don’t beat me up for that. I mean don’t bite me.” Jasmine teased, pulling the throw that was on the couch over her head. “I wasn’t feeling to well, partied solo until 6am the next morning and my hangover was incredible and annoying at the same time. But I had lots of work. Also, I blame dad because he made me thing about stuff. I missed you though, can I get a big bear wolfie hug? Or are you holding it against me that I haven’t called or visited?”
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          “You haven’t called me since you wished me Happy New Year, Jasmine —- do I always have to come check up on you, now?”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
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“I have a jacket in the car if you’d like it? It’s not warm but it might do actually. The heaters aren’t working? I don’t think dying by cold is going to do anyone any favors. I have a temperature.”
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“If you’d be so kind. I will return it, no worries. I’m not a jacket collector or hoarder.” Jasmine teased, “they aren’t i’ve called the main office at least ten times to tell them i’m shivering and can even see my own breath when I exhale. I feel like I should visit the boiler room and cut a whole into the system down there.” She growled under her breathe, “what do you mean you have a temperature, I know you guys have more bodyheat then us women but that’s about it.”
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jasmineturner-blog ¡ 8 years
“Well, you can stick with just one. Grandma-or-grandpa tends to be a mouthful. As you’ll quickly find out, I have no skill with technology. Also, I like old music and keep finding hard candies in my pockets, probably courtesy of my flatmate. Trust me, these floors have seen worse things than feet. You don’t have to worry at all. That’s exactly what I’m trying to tell you. Don’t worry – I may know what I’m doing, but that doesn’t make up for my walking abilities. I’ll be tripping all over the second we stop.”
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“I’ll think about it, or maybe i’ll shorten it. If not i’ll just call you Kazzy, or Katz.” She chuckled, “really, I mean once you get to learn about the technology the basics you kind of catch on quite quickly. I can show you a thing or two if you’d like. I mean after all you are teaching me something. I’m sure they have seen tushies to if your sitting on the floor. As much as I would love to see that, I promise not to laugh and i’ll even hold your hand. So what’s the first move I need to learn?”
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