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The Preparations
First you have to do if you want to organize an MUN of this size (200 participants) is to complete its MyMUN profile and advertise the event there. MyMUN is like facebook, but for MUNs. Crazy, right? So after having our sexy logo done by our graphic designer, we made the profile public and the conference appearing in global MUN calendar. Now, it was time for the real action. Work on MUNs is generally divided into committees. Each committee has to have 2 chairs- members of staff chosen from a pool of applicants for this particular position. Their role is to inspire and moderate the debates taking place in each committee. 
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The Idea
Since we are frequent attenders of the Model United Nations conferences all around Poland, we figured that it would a splendid idea to organize our own MUN, carrying the name of our school. MUNs, because of their size and complexity, are something very challenging to bring to life. The concept bloomed in our heads since a conference in Poznan few months back. Together with our friends from the other branch of our school, who also gathered a significant experience in “MUNing”, we decided it is salient that we make it happen. The work started at once. 
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