jasnaseva · 9 years
One Week Until Our November Meeting!
Remember to come hear Professor Kim Wheatley speak on Jane Austen and Romanticism one week from today--Sunday, November 15th, at 2:00 in the Williamsburg Regional Library’s Schell Room!  It promises to be great fun and a fascinating afternoon!
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jasnaseva · 9 years
Janeite Updates!
Dear Hampton Roads Janeites, as well as our further-flung followers:
If you love Northanger Abbey and haven’t been watching the webseries “Northbound,” go catch up!  Despite being probably the least-famous of Austen’s works, Northanger Abbey has always struck me as the best one to translate to the modern world, and this webseries demonstrates just how well it can be done!  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRZKTFpT6ToTeNtPR2v0IZA
Secondly, our upcoming November meeting is going to be spectacular, a lecture that I think many Austen heroines would themselves enjoy:  “Jane Austen and Romanticism,” meaning Austen and the so-called “Romantic” age from which she stood apart and yet with which she co-existed.  Our delightful speaker, Professor Kim Wheatley of the College of William and Mary, hails from Bath, England and primarily studies the Romantic poets (Shelley in particular).  However, she also teaches a class entirely on Jane Austen, and I, for one, can’t wait to see her tie all her interests together in a marvelous program for us!
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jasnaseva · 9 years
Sunday May 17th, 2:00
Williamsburg Regional Library, Schell Room
Speaker will be Anthony Batterton, formerly of our region, who will discuss religion in Austen’s England with a particular focus on Austen’s clergymen characters.  Anthony is currently studying at Princeton Theological Seminary, and has been an Austen enthusiast for many years, so this talk promises to be one of our very best offerings!  Don’t miss it!
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jasnaseva · 9 years
Calling All Cricketers!
Well, faithful Janeites, we hope you're enjoying the spring at last!  It's a great time of year to get outside.  And with that in mind...
Our Sunday, April 19th meeting will be an exciting one, featuring a presentation from Williamsburg's own Capital Cricket Club!  Join us at 2:00 to learn about the game of cricket as Jane Austen knew it and Catherine Morland played it in the late 18th and early 19th century--it's a bit different from the modern sport!
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jasnaseva · 10 years
Mellifluous Musical March Meeting
Our meeting is TOMORROW!!  Join us at **1:00** at the Williamsburg Community Building across from the library for our Mellifluous Musical March Meeting!  
Ever been curious to hear your local Janeites play and sing?  Don't miss this opportunity!  Plus, English country dancing and a discussion of music and dance in Austen's novels, with scenes acted by our usual delightful amateur thespians!
We'll see you there!!
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jasnaseva · 10 years
We're back!
Our first meeting of 2015 will be, rather coincidentally, on 2/15--Sunday, February 15th at the Williamsburg Regional Library on Scotland Street, where we'll discuss the Janeite paradise that is the JASNA Annual General Meeting, and why everyone should attend at least once!
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jasnaseva · 10 years
Follow Us!
Don't forget our survey below, and remember that we're also on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/JASNASoutheasternVa) Twitter (@ColonialJaneite) and Pinterest (http://www.pinterest.com/jasnaseva/) Follow us everywhere!
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jasnaseva · 10 years
Help us, Virginia Janeites!
We want to make the coming year more interactive, and we'd appreciate your input so we can better respond to your interests and meet your needs. We've created this handy-dandy online survey for the purpose, so please follow the link and share your ideas--it's very short, only 9 questions! Every response is valuable! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S6V97KD
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jasnaseva · 10 years
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Guys guys guys we really need to make this one thing clear
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jasnaseva · 10 years
I know I have reblogged this to my personal blog, but I think perhaps I have not done so here.  Enjoy!
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How to tell you’re reading a gothic novel
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jasnaseva · 10 years
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jasnaseva · 10 years
Get Your Tickets Now!
Dearest Janeites, we hope you've put September 14th on your calendars and plan to attend our once-in-a-lifetime event with JASNA president Iris Lutz and the cast of Panglossian Players' "The Milliners."
While we will have tickets available at the door, it would be a great help to us if you purchased your tickets in advance so that we might get a rough idea of how many attendees to expect.
Please contact us here, or e-mail Alethea at the address provided in the notice below to secure your tickets!
Bring your friends, and prepare for a thoroughly delightful afternoon!
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jasnaseva · 10 years
Special Meeting on Sunday, September 14th
So, it's September, which means it's time to start plugging our JASNA region's upcoming event, the visit from our national president, Iris Lutz! Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 14 at 2:00 pm in the Williamsburg Regional Library on Scotland Street! We'll enjoy a lovely 18th century theatrical performance from Panglossian Productions, plus a compelling lecture from Ms. Lutz herself! Tickets are only $5 for non-JASNA members, so the event is very student-friendly.
Contact me, or use the e-mail or phone number listed in the event description to secure your tickets ahead of time! And above all, spread the word!
Here's the link to the Facebook event:  https://www.facebook.com/events/273982136133504/
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jasnaseva · 10 years
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A new web series coming to Youtube in December 2014.
From Mansfield With Love is a contemporary adaptation of Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, and is produced by UK - based company Foot in the Door Theatre. 
The series is currently in development, and will be cast in October 2014.
Following other examples, From Mansfield With Love will include multi media storytelling alongside it’s main series. 
Follow Foot in the Door Theatre on Twitter or Facebook for more information, including details on casting. 
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jasnaseva · 10 years
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So earlier today I saw this post by therealelizabethbennet, but the data was from 1988, so I thought I would do some updated calculations.
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jasnaseva · 10 years
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JASNA Southeastern Va's September 14th meeting will now be FREE for members of JASNA and attendees in Regency costume.  Tickets will cost only $5 for non-JASNA members.  Please buy or acquire your tickets as soon as possible, as there is limited seating (although remaining tickets will be sold at the door).
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jasnaseva · 10 years
Ladies and Gentlemen, the President (of JASNA)
Keep Sept 14 free on your calendars! Our region has attracted a very special visitor! See the announcement below sent out in our last e-mail blast.
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