jason1255-blog1 · 4 years
The Field Army teaches you how to read a map (illustration) For a long time, people only understand the recognition and mastery of map user FA on the level of text and pure graphics. This kind of square FA is relatively abstract, and there is no FA and terrain environment for comparison and reference, so it will be difficult to understand. Today, I will throw aside those boring textbooks and introduce to you some self accumulated square FA for map recognition in the form of illustration, hoping to make great progress in the future How to correctly identify the map in outdoor activities is helpful for us to have a rough understanding of the map.
It should be noted that what I have shown is an obsolete military map without military and important objectives. I will not show the full picture of the map here. First, let's take a look at what a 1:50000 military map looks like. The map consists mainly of contour lines and shows the altitude of the commanding heights. In short, the areas with high contour density are steep slopes. The sparse area is gentle slope, easy to walk. The dotted line in the figure is the path sign. The distance between the squares on the map is 2cm. According to the scale conversion, we can know that the time distance is 1000 meters. Don't look down upon these squares. Their functions are not small, which will be introduced in detail later.
It can be seen that the north elevation is not straight, and the elevation is not straight. The mountain in the East is circular, with sparse contour lines and gentle slope, which is suitable for hiking. In the figure, the yellow point is a gentle slope with sparse contour lines; the blue point has dense contour lines and steep slope, and the left side is blueThe location of the point is the valley terrain, and the two yellow points below the map are the top of the mountain and saddle respectively.
Mountain topography map in the figure, the contour lines around the mountain in the yellow circle are dense, which indicates that the terrain around the mountain is relatively steep and straight, it is difficult to climb, and it should be avoided when walking. The contour lines in the green circle area in the figure are relatively sparse, indicating that the terrain around the mountain is gentle slope, which is suitable for walking through.
According to the terrain and landform, I have drawn two hiking routes according to the mountain situation (topography) in the map, I have drawn two hiking routes the blue line is relatively straight, but it has to cross a relatively steep slope, so the walking intensity is higher the green line is relatively far away, but the route is relatively gentle terrain, so hiking is relatively easy
how to measure and determine the direction
how to measure and determine the direction The angle between the short pink line parallel to the longitude in the map and the straight lines in the map is the azimuth angle (green) between the origin and the destination. The specific square FA is: place the compass horizontally at the place of origin on the map, and parallel the compass due north scale with the map meridian. Turn the left and right to adjust the map so that the compass pointer returns to 0 degree (due north scale). At this time, the map azimuth adjustment is completed Yes, we can measure the azimuth of the destination. To illustrate, the measured azimuth should be calibrated at the origin position, so as to correct and adjust the direction of travel at any time during the travel. In outdoor activities, you can draw the longitude and latitude lines on your existing ordinary map according to the measured correct orientation and converted scale soil distance before you set out. These grids can locate your activity area in blocks and delineate your vision in a certain rangeWithin the enclosure, it is not interfered by other factors and moves in blocks (sections) to better ensure the accuracy of the route and reduce the probability of wrong judgment of terrain and landform. According to the drawn longitude and latitude grid and scale, we can calculate the walking distance. This is also one of the steps of making a simple map.
The map I'm showing you today is a military map. Some friends will say, why do you want that military map to fool us? Yes, why do I use this kind of special map that ordinary people can't touch. This is because it can better introduce how the topography and landform are displayed on the map, and it is easier for us to understand and understand. Another purpose is to hope that in the future outdoor practice, you can pay attention to the geographical environment and other topographical features of your hiking. If you are interested, you can also draw the geographical and geomorphic route of the area you are hiking through according to the map mode, so as to provide convenience for future generations. At present, some large-scale contour lines made by individuals or non management parties have appeared. Recently, it is said that Sichuan Province has a officially published contour map, which is a great good thing for outdoor sports groups. With it, it can help lost friends to get out of the predicament relying on their own map knowledge and Fang FA.
Map and compass understanding and use map is an indispensable tool in our life, from the market to sell a variety of different functions of the map, such as County, city map, street map, amusement zone map, global map Wait, howeverFor outdoor activities, especially mountaineering, the most needed map is contour map, which can show all kinds of terrain on the surface, such as mountains, valleys, dangerous or gentle slopes, cliffs or cliffs.
The basic mark of contour map is to connect the points with the same surface height into a loop, and directly project them to the plane to form a horizontal curve. The loops of different heights will not coincide. Unless the surface shows cliffs or cliffs, some lines are too dense to overlap. If the surface line is flat and open, the distance between the curves is quite wide The datum line is based on the average tide level line of sea level. There are instructions for making signs at the bottom of each map for users' convenience. The main illustrations include scale, map number, map sheet joint table, legend and azimuth angle.          Scale is a symbol that must be marked on a map. It shows the proportional correlation between the actual distance on the surface of the earth and the distance shown on the map. For example, 1 / 100000 of the map represents 1 cm, i.e., the actual distance is 1 km, and 1 / 50000 map means 1 cm, that is, the actual distance is 500 m. for the accuracy of maps with different scales and the actual distance, the scale is small The map accuracy of the ruler is high. Scale and actual distance conversion table map scale field distance (meters) map distance (CM) 1:25000100041:50000100021:10000010001 map number is the number representing the name of the map. Maps of different scales are coded with their own system codes, which are based onLatitude and longitude are defined so that each map can be closely joined. The azimuth deviation angle indicates the relationship between the North (the earth's north pole), the magnetic north (the magnetic needle shows the North), and the grid north (the map indicates the North). At the same time, the year-on-year magnetic variation value is also noted at the bottom of the figure. When we use the compass to indicate our position and then compare the map, we can quickly know where we are and where we are going next Terrain changes.
The legend is to explain the meaning of various symbols on the map. The symbols that most climbers will pay attention to are triangle point, collapse wall, river, lake and slope. Contour map and terrain analysis I. types of contour lines When we look at the contour map carefully, we will find that there are two kinds of lines for drawing the map. This is designed for the convenience of users to read. The thick line is called the gauge curve and indicates the altitude. The distance unit between the measured curves is 0.2cm. The fine curve is called the head curve. It is between the count curves and has the function of convenient terrain analysis. There are four first curves between each two curve So the distance between each line is 0.04 cm. 2. Blind spots of contour lines the higher the scale, the worse the precision of the map. The reason is that the actual distance between the contour lines is too wide, which makes the terrain in this space unable to be clearly distinguished, resulting in blind spots. Taking one out of 50000 maps as an example, the actual distance between each curve is 20 meters (equivalent to the height of a seven storey building). 3. Slope gradient is one of the most easily recognizable terrain features on contour mapFor example, the narrower the distance between curves, the steeper the slope, the wider the distance between the curves, the slower the slope. 2. The uniform distance between the curves indicates that the section is of equal slope. If the distance between the upper and lower parts is less than the distance below, it means that the section is concave slope, and on the contrary, it is convex. The calculation of concave slope and convex slope is based on the formula of trigonometric function method, formula: tan-1 (vertical distance + horizontal distance) = angle. Take 1 / 50000 map as an example: the relationship between slope, actual distance and curve spacing. (slope) θ = tan-1n / M Table 2: slope, slope condition and walking degree slope condition: walking degree: 1 ° to 5 ° gentle hillside, easy to walk on 5 ° to 15 ° gentle slope, easy to walk on 15 ° to 25 ° semi steep slope, 25 ° to 30 ° steep slope, 35 ° to 45 ° steep slope, 45 ° to 90 ° cliff and cliff. Drawing and reading contour maps When we buy a contour map, we must see whether it completely covers our intended activity area. Usually, we have to buy and piece together two or four maps. Usually, we will not carry the original map to the field. We (1) give priority to photocopying and re pasting the map of the predetermined activity area; 2) read the map carefully to distinguish the main and branch edges (i.e. the line connecting the two mountains) )(3) draw the main edge lines, streams, streams, and mark the scheduled routes and campsites with different color fluorescent pens; (4) use transparent tape to book maps and activitiesThe travel plan is fully bonded and sealed, so it is convenient to carry and has waterproof function. Compass operation compass is an indispensable tool for mountaineering. Its basic function is to use the earth's magnetic field to indicate the north direction. It must cooperate with the map to find the relative position of the ball to understand its position. At present, there are many types of compass on the market. In this paper, according to the transparent bottom compass which is widely used in mountaineering, it is called forest compass for short, and describes how to use the compass for orientation. The compass return to zero operation is a very important pre operation to use the forest compass. Its steps are: 1. Place the compass horizontally. 2、 The North zero scale outside the ring is overlapped with the position of the pointer in the ring indicating the north. In this way, the operation of returning the north pointer to zero is completed. Target azimuth: when measuring the azimuth angle of the target, the north of the site must be parallel to the north of the grid on the map, and then point to the red line of the north arrow to aim at the target, read out the angle between the target and the grid north, and correct the azimuth deviation angle of the map, which is the target azimuth angle. *0b "[-} 0t'e5 the main destination of using map and compass is that the user should know the relevant position and terrain change between himself and the destination and be able to mark it on the map. This method uses the known points of two maps to measure the target azimuth angle of the unknown point of the other map, and the extension line of the two target azimuth angles must intersect at this unknown point. FieldSurvival technology manual field first aid kit in the wild, no one can predict what will happen. A first aid box can prolong your life, so be sure to carry it with you: an aluminum or stainless steel lunch box - not only for packaging, but also for cooking utensils. The inner surface of the box cover is also a signal reflecting plate thin and strong plastic cloth used to maintain body temperature, prevent the heat from losing too fast, prevent moisture or as tarpaulin waterproof match - the fire must be kept well, and can be sealed with film box big candle - lighting, fire making and increasing warmth multi purpose knife - still in use? Compass whistle - for help a small bag of salt, candy, multivitamin adhesive tape patch or emergency bandage, prick removal needle and thread bag pick out foreign body to mend clothes prevention and treatment of blisters you must have experienced a long journey with worn-out feet, blisters, and pain every step. Now let this painful feeling leave you completely: prevention: it's better to wear shoes that are used to running in with your feet, cotton or thread socks that absorb sweat. Place a band aid in advance where blisters can easily form. If conditions permit, you can buy a bottle of spray to prevent foaming in the store (mainly to reduce friction). Once has worn out the blister, first of all, the liquid in the bubble should be discharged. Prick a hole on the surface of the blister with a sterilized sewing needle, put the liquid out of the blister from the top, then smear the wound and its surroundings with disinfectant such as iodine and alcohol, and finally wrap it with clean gauze.
Prevention and treatment of heatstroke in summer, the mountain area is humid and windlessThe main symptoms of heat stroke are headache, dizziness, irritability, strong and powerful pulse, murmur of breathing, body temperature may rise above 40 ° C, and skin is dry and red. If not treated in time, people suffering from heatstroke may lose consciousness quickly, and the degree is very deep, which may lead to accidents therefore, before climbing in summer, it is necessary to prepare drugs for prevention and treatment of heatstroke, such as shidishui, Qingliang oil, Rendan, etc. In addition, should also prepare some cool drinks and sunglasses, sunshade hat and other heatstroke equipment. Once someone heatstroke, it should be moved to a cool and ventilated place as soon as possible. The clothes should be soaked with cold water to wrap the body and keep it moist. Or keep fanning to dissipate heat and wipe the patient with cold towel until the body temperature drops below 38 ° C the heatstroke person should be conscious, half of the sitting position should be allowed to rest, and the head and shoulder should be supported if the heatstroke person has lost consciousness, he / she should be allowed to lie on his / her back Through the above treatment measures, if the body temperature of the heat stroke person has dropped, they should be covered with clothes and have a full rest. Otherwise, the above measures should be repeated and sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible The main symptoms of heat syncope are: feeling exhausted, but restless, headache, dizziness or nausea. Pale,The skin feels cold and wet. Breathing fast and shallow, pulse fast and weak. It may be accompanied by muscle convulsions in the lower extremities and abdomen. Body temperature kept normal or decreased in order to avoid heat syncope, some climbers with weak system should pay special attention to avoid excessive physical exertion activities, pay attention to rest rhythm and maintain physical strength in summer mountaineering activities. Drink more salt containing water or drink, even if the electrolyte loss in the body is supplemented in case of heat syncope, the patient should be moved to a cool place as soon as possible. If the patient is conscious, he should be allowed to drink some cold boiled water slowly. If the patient sweats a lot, or has cramps, diarrhea, or vomiting, add salt to the water (1 teaspoon per liter). If the patient has lost consciousness, he should lie down in a lying position, rest fully until the symptoms are relieved, and send him to the hospital for further treatment
how to deal with snake bite when taking part in outdoor activities, resting or passing through grass, stone crevices, dead trees, bamboo forests, stream banks or other dark, humid and humid places where snakes inhabit, don't be scared to death. First of all, we should judge whether it is a snake bite. usually, we can judge whether it is a snake bite by observing two large and deep teeth marks on the wound. If there is no tooth mark, and there is no local pain, swelling, numbness and weakness within 20 minutes, it is a non-toxic snake bite. Just clean, stop bleeding and bandage the wound. If possible, they can be sent to the hospital for injection of tetanus needle. the main symptoms of being bitten by poisonous snakes are as follows: in case of hemorrhagic snake venom, the wound is burning and swollen, and there are purple spots and ecchymosis around the woundThere are blisters, plasma blood exudates from the wound, skin or subcutaneous tissue necrosis, fever, nausea, vomiting, bleeding of the seven orifices. There are blood phlegm, hematuria, decreased blood pressure, pupil narrowing, cramps and so on. The victim may die within 6-48 hours after being bitten. If it is neurotoxic snake venom: wound pain, local swelling, drowsiness, dyskinesia, ptosis, mydriasis, local weakness, swallowing paralysis, stuttering, drooling, nausea, vomiting, coma, dyspnea, and even respiratory failure. The injured person may die within 8-72 hours generally speaking, the symptoms gradually appear 10-20 minutes after being bitten by a poisonous snake. After being bitten, fighting for time is the most important thing. First of all, you need to find a cloth strap or long shoelace and tie it close to the upper part of the heart for 5-10 minutes to relieve the spread of toxin. But in order to prevent limb necrosis, relax for 2-3 minutes every 10 minutes. The snake venom on the wound surface should be washed repeatedly with cold water. Then take the tooth mark as the center and cut the skin of the wound into a cross with a sterilized knife. Then squeeze with two hands, pull out the cupping, or cover the wound with 4-5 layers of gauze, suck with gauze across the mouth (there should be no wound in the mouth), and try to suck out the venom from the wound. Take jieshedu tablets immediately and apply the powder around the wound. Try to slow down the movement of the injured and send them to the nearby hospital for treatment. (if you are not sure what kind of snake venom it is, you should kill the snake and take it to the hospital)
how to deal with bee sting stay away from the grass and bushes, because they are often home to beesIt is better to wear light colored and smooth clothes, because the bee's visual system is very sensitive to the movement of dark objects in light background if someone mistakenly provokes the bees to attack, the only way is to protect their head and neck with clothes, run backward or lie down in place. Do not try to fight back, otherwise it will only lead to more attacks if you have been stung by a bee, you can pick out the bee sting with a needle or forceps, but do not squeeze it to prevent the remaining toxin from entering the body. Then use ammonia water, soda water and even urine to smear the stung area to neutralize the toxicity. Can be soaked in cold water towel applied to the wound, reduce swelling and pain. Finally, go straight to the hospital
tips for dealing with rainy days put the map in a place that is easy to take, such as a raincoat pocket or top bag of a backpack, and do a good job of water splashing prevention. If you have glasses, please wear a baseball cap with a protruding front brim and then a rain cap, so that you can have a better view. Wear rain gear immediately in case of rain. Don't wear it because the rain is small. It's too late to wear it again when you are drenched in water! Two section raincoat is suitable for rain gear. Rain pants are supported by sling to prevent sliding. Rain gear should always be placed in a convenient place, such as the side bag, top bag or top of the main bag. Short Leggings prevent rain from slipping from the trouser legs into the inside of the boots. Recording in the rain is a hard job. You can use sealed plastic bags to pack notebooks to prevent water. There is a notebook on the market to prevent paper from being soaked in water or ink. Remember, the skin that is wet and cold and exposed is much closerThe skin with wet and cold cotton cloth is for heat preservation. No matter how much the backpack manufacturer boasts of its water resistance, it is necessary to put a waterproof cover on the outside of the backpack. The clothes and sleeping bags in the backpack should be wrapped with waterproof bags or plastic bags. The hard shell fresh-keeping box can be used to hold fragile and damp food, medicinal materials, negative films or matches.
1. Dome mound: the contour line indicates loose, close to the loop line, and refers to the surrounding lowlands or independent hills close to the highlands. 2. Cone shaped hill: the contour lines form a circular line, the closer to the height, the more dense it is. It is more common to see in mountainous areas, like a cone. 3. Hilltop: near the steep slope of the top of the mountain, the slope suddenly flattens and protrudes like a person's forehead. The contour line from then on to the top of the mountain indicates that this part is particularly wide and bends downward. 4. Slope concave land: the low and narrow land on the slope, or the low and shallow part of the plain extending into the highland. It is usually flowing through and separated by ridges on both sides, and its shape is very similar to that of a valley. 5. Steep wall: the end of edge line is broad and steep, called steep wall. It is common near river valley or coast, where contour lines are particularly dense. 6. Shoulder: the upper or lower part of the ridge appears steep, but the middle part is gentle and flat. It is called the shoulder. The contour line indicates that the middle part is particularly wide. 7. Ridge: it is a long and narrow highland with steep sides. The top may be flat, broad or in the shape of knife edge. The slopes on both sides may be uniform, or one side is sharp and straight, and the other side is gentle. It is often found in broad and flat areas. In addition, if the terrain is higher and longer than the surrounding area, it can also be regarded as a ridge. The contour line indicates that the ridge is formedOval line. 8. Depression: located on a narrow, lower part between two mountains, the river flows from this side to the back, and there is no clear difference between the two sides. Generally, the two sides are wide and gentle inclined to make it easy to cross the depression. Both sides of the saddle are relatively narrow and precipitous. It is usually rarely used to make contour map of mountain crossing road to show the depression and bend upward from the low ground. 9. Saddle part: it is also the low and shallow part between the two mountains on the ridge, but it is slightly higher than the depression. If the terrain of saddle is narrow and deep, it is used as a road across both sides of the ridge, it is called mountain pass. 10. Crisscross ridge: in a young river valley, when the river is curved, the edge lines on both sides will protrude to the concave part of each other, forming a hacksaw shaped, protruding edge line. The slope of the concave edge line is gentle, and the concave edge line is steep. The contour line represents the protruding edge line, which bends downward slightly away from the river bank. On the contrary, it indicates that the concave ridge bends downward close to the bank. 11. Cliff: it is a high and nearly vertical rock surface, which is formed by erosion and faulting. It is found both inland and coastal areas. Contour lines indicate the place where the wall is erected. Many contour lines may overlap together, but there are also special symbols.
Understanding and use of map and compass Map is an indispensable tool in our life. We can sell maps with different functions from the market, such as county and city map, street map, amusement area sketch map, global map, etc. However, for outdoor activities, especially mountaineering, the most needed map is contour map, which can display various terrain of the surface, such as mountains, valleys, dangerous or gentle slopes, cliffs or cliffs It can be shown.
The basic mark of contour map Contour map is to connect the points with the same surface height into a loop, and directly project them to the plane to form a horizontal curve. Loops of different heights will not coincide. Unless the surface shows cliffs or cliffs, some lines can be too dense to overlap. If the surface line is flat and open, the distance between the curves is quite wide, and its datum line is the average of sea level According to the sea tide level line, there are instructions for making signs under each map for users' convenience. The main illustrations include scale, map number, map sheet joint table, legend and azimuth angle. Scale is a symbol that must be marked on a map. It shows the proportional correlation between the actual distance on the surface of the earth and the distance shown on the map. For example, 1 / 100000 of the map represents 1 cm, i.e., the actual distance is 1 km, and 1 / 50000 of the map represents 1 cm, that is, the actual distance is 500 m, The accuracy of small scale map is higher. Scale and actual distance conversion table map scale field distance (meters) map distance (CM) 1:25000100041:50000100021:10000010001 map number is the number representing the name of the map. Maps of different scales are coded with their own system codes, and they are made in the unit of longitude and latitude, so that each map can be closely linked. The azimuth angle is between due north (Earth's north pole), magnetic north (magnetic needle shows North), and grid north (map indicates North)At the same time, the year-on-year magnetic variation value is also noted at the bottom of the map. When we use the compass to indicate our position, and then compare the map with the map, we can quickly know where we are and know the next direction to go and the surrounding terrain changes. The legend is to explain the meaning of various symbols on the map. The symbols that most climbers will pay attention to are triangle point, collapse wall, river, lake and slope.
Contour map and terrain analysis When we look at the contour map carefully, we will find that there are two kinds of lines for drawing the map. This is designed for the convenience of users to read. The thick line is called the gauge curve and indicates the altitude. The distance unit between the measured curves is 0.2cm. The fine curve is called the head curve. It is between the count curves and has the function of convenient terrain analysis. There are four first curves between each two curve In this way, the unit of distance between each line is 0.04 cm. Table (1) shows contour lines of various scales. Table 1: actual distance between contour lines of map actual distance of unit contour line actual distance scale curve head curve 1:50000100m20 meters 1:2500050 meters 10 meters 1:1000025 meters 5 meters 2. Blind spots of contour lines The higher the scale, the worse the precision of the map. The reason is that the actual distance between the contour lines is too wide, which makes the terrain in this space unable to be clearly distinguished, resulting in blind spots. Taking one out of 50000 maps as an example, the actual distance between each curve is 20 meters (equivalent to the height of a seven storey building)Degree). 3. Slope Slope is one of the most easily recognizable terrain features on contour map. We can understand the slope of each mountain peak by observing the map roughly. For example, the narrower the distance between curves, the steeper the slope, the wider the distance between curves, and the slower the slope. 2. The uniform distance between the curves of peaks indicates that the section is equal slope. If the distance between the upper and lower parts is less than the distance below, it means that the section is concave slope, otherwise it is convex. Concave slope convex slope slope calculation is based on trigonometric function method calculation formula, formula: tan-1 (vertical distance + horizontal distance) = angle. Take 1 / 50000 map as an example: (Table 2 and table 3), the relationship between slope, actual distance and curve spacing. (slope) θ = tan-1n / M Table 2: slope, slope condition and walking degree slope condition: walking degree: 1 ° to 5 ° gentle hillside: easy to drive; 5 ° - 15 ° to walk on gentle slope; 15 ° - 25 ° to walk on semi steep slope; 25 ° to 30 ° steep slope; 35 ° to 45 ° steep slope; 45 ° to 90 ° cliff; cliff to be climbed with equipment; table 3: slope represented by 1 / 50000 map The relationship between actual distance and map slope actual vertical distance (m) map display distance (mm) 5 ° 204.610 ° 202.215 ° 201.520 ° 201.130 ° 200.745 ° 200.4 when we purchase contour map, we must see whether it completely covers our scheduled activity areaUsually we don't take the original map to the field. We (1) give priority to photocopying and re pasting the map of the predetermined activity area; (2) read the map carefully to distinguish the main and branch lines (i.e. the line connecting the two mountains), streams, slopes, cliffs, and collapse walls; and (3) draw the main edge lines and streams with different color fluorescent pens (4) use transparent tape to seal the map with the plan of the activity, which is convenient to carry and waterproof.
The compass is an indispensable tool for mountaineering and hiking. Its basic function is to use the earth's magnetic field to indicate the north direction. It must cooperate with the map to find the relative position of the ball to know its position. At present, there are many types of compass on the market. In this paper, according to the transparent bottom compass which is widely used in mountaineering, it is called forest compass for short, and describes how to use the compass for orientation. The compass return to zero operation is a very important pre operation of using forest compass. Its steps are as follows: first, place the compass horizontally. 2、 The North zero scale outside the ring is overlapped with the position of the pointer in the ring indicating the north. In this way, the operation of returning the north pointer to zero is completed. Target azimuth: when measuring the azimuth angle of the target, the north of the site must be parallel to the north of the grid on the map, and then point to the red line of the north arrow to aim at the target, read out the angle between the target and the grid north, and correct the azimuth deviation angle of the map, which is the target azimuth angle. Field on your order positioning The main purpose of using map and compass is that the user should know the relative position and terrain change between himself and the destination and be able to mark it on the map.
This method uses the known points of two maps to measure the target azimuth angle of the unknown point of the other map, and the extension line of the two target azimuth angles must intersect at this unknown point. When we see an unknown mountain in the distance and want to know the exact location of the peak, we can use this method. 1. We give priority to mark our position point (point a) on the map and measure the target azimuth of the unkn
own peak (point C). 2. When we travel best baseball cap a certain distance to another known point (point B) on the map, we can measure the target azimuth of the unknown peak. 3. By drawing the extended lines of two target azimuth angles on the map, we can draw the intersection point of the two lines, that is, the unknown peak (point C). Example 2. When we lose our way or want to know where we are on the map (point C), we first look around the surrounding terrain peaks and select two target points (points a and b) that can be clearly marked on the map. In this way, we can measure the target azimuth of the known points (points a and b). At the same time, the intersection point of these two azimuth extension lines is our location point (point C).
Looking for water source if one day, when you are on the top of a high mountain and travel through the vast forest all day, and the water is exhausted and thirsty, and there is a sea of forest before, and there is no water source after that, how can you use your wisdom to obtain itWater needed? I believe you may not have this experience, but if you experience it, can you find water immediately? Where is the water source? Unless you're in a desert, it's easy to find water sources, and alternative water for plants is everywhere. As long as you have a deep understanding of plants, sharp discrimination and observation, you can get them by beating your hands. First of all, ordinary water sources: 1. Groundwater: for example, snow melting in high mountains, streams, rainwater infiltrating into the ground, ponding in valleys and depressions, mountain springs flowing out of rock joints, etc., can be regarded as groundwater. Such water sources are easy to obtain, and only need to pay attention to disinfection. 2. Ground water: including muddy water, rain water, dew, etc., and its collection method is as follows: muddy water: firstly, the grass is made into a cone-shaped straw implement about one foot long, and the water is put into the filter volume, and the bottom is filled with a container, filtered for several times, and then it can be drunk after disinfection. Rainwater collection: when it rains, dig a hole in the big tree trunk and insert a bamboo tube. The rainwater will gather and flow along the tube, and the bottom can be filled with a container. If there is no sharp tool to dig the hole, a long cloth strip can be used to wind along the trunk of the tree, and the length of the cloth should be left to allow the rain water and the rain cloth to be introduced into the container. Dew collection: the use of metal plates, placed in the open at night, to be collected when the condensation of water droplets. Or you can collect stones and dig a shallow pit about three feet in diameter on the ground, and spread a canvas (or paper, clothing, potato leaves and other products) on the ground, and then arrange the stones on the chess board to form a V-shaped shape about three feet high. The dew will accumulate in the canvas along the stone and remove the stones the next day to get 3-5c. C. and then disinfect and drink it. 3. If it meets the ground or the earthWhen the water source is dry, or the water source is not clean and can not be drunk, alternative water can be found on plants. The collection method is later: water tree: if the tree has large volume, wide leaves and many fruits, the tree body contains abundant water. As long as you dig a hole in the trunk with a sharp tool, water will flow out. However, it should be noted that when digging a hole, water can only be obtained after sunset. Shuiteng: distributed at 800 meters below the stream bank, wet area. Cut the stem into a section, that is, water flows out. After the flow is exhausted, cut a section about a foot a year above it, and the water flows out at the source. Cactus: all kinds of cactus are rich in water, cut off the top, the juice is from the incision, and then smash the shell and pulp to suck the pulp through the straw. However, if the juice is found to be milky white, do not drink it because it may be toxic. Wild cane: as long as you dig a hole in the trunk, the water will flow out. If there is no other method, the wild banana is also the best plant alternative water. Palmolive: this method is more time-consuming. Cut down the trunk, cut off the top, and put it on the ground obliquely. Take a section of the stem every eight hours and get about five to eight cc of water a day. Bamboo: for example, thick bamboos, Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Guizhu, mengzongzhu, etc., the stem wind contains a little moisture, and the dried bamboo stem contains more moisture, so it is convenient to take after rain. Only pay attention to whether the water in the tube is clean. Coconut: immature small coconut can be eaten, ripe coconut fruit, its juice quench thirst cool incomparable. It can treat constipation and dyspepsia. Wild loofah:Cut off the stem and root, collect it in a container, or wrap the incision with a plastic bag and take it back the next day. About 5-6 cc of water can be obtained. 4. The other can also get water by using the guidance of animals. There must be water source nearby where animals are found. Secondly, we should also pay attention to whether the water source is clean. The general method of monitoring is to spit out saliva on the water surface. If it disperses rapidly, you can drink it. If it can not be gathered, the water must be unclean and must be disinfected before drinking.
Common disinfection methods: 1. Boiling method. 2. Iodine disinfection method: add 8.2% iodine to 1000cc in medicine box. 3. Tablet disinfection: the ordinary first-aid box should have such drugs, and two pieces of drinking water disinfection tablets should be added in 1000cc water.
Water and life The functions of water include: 1. Transporting blood; 2. Removing wastes; 3. Too low water content in the body will damage the renal function; 4. Digestive and metabolic system. The purpose of sweating is to regulate body temperature and maintain body temperature; while breathing is to maintain lung moisture. In a single day, each person weighs about 1.5 to 2 liters of water per kilogram, that is, ordinary people consume 3 to 4 liters of water every day, and drink more before going to bed Water helps digestion. The amount of water loss per person in a single day is about 3 to 6 liters, and 1 to 2 liters is urine However, diarrhea will cause an amazing loss of 25 liters of water. The amount of water evaporated from breathing will be 1 to 2 liters per person in a single day. If the weather is dry, there will be more evaporation of 1 to 2 liters of perspiration. If you work hard, you will have 1 to 2 liters of sweat per hour, which is equivalent to carrying 40 POUThe amount of sweat that NDS's backpack walked. If the water supply is insufficient, you will have slight headache and fatigue. If you fail to supplement only 1.5 liters of water, you will lose 22% of your endurance and 22% of your oxygen intake (from the cardiopulmonary function test). If you use less than 3-4 liters of water, your endurance will be reduced by at least 50% and your oxygen intake will be reduced by 25% (oxygenuptake). At this time, the urine is dark yellow, so it is better to camp because people are dehydrated State, its symptoms are loss of judgment, irritability, increased pulse speed, exhaustion.
Dehydration symptoms of human body 1. Mild: dry mucosa, slight thirst, normal pulse speed, dark yellow urine 2. Moderate: mucous membrane is quite dry, thirsty, pulse speed is fast but weak, urine is dark yellow. 3. Severe: the mucous membrane is quite dry like paper, thirsty, drowsy, with fast but weak pulse speed, shortness of breath, no urine and tears, shock and pale skin. The absorption of cold water is higher than that of warm water. When the amount of sweat on the slope is very high, it should be supplemented at any time, mainly depending on the color of urine. Generally, the best way to consume water for mountaineering is 250cc every 15 minutes. Even if the stomach peristalsis is slow, increasing 6-8 sugars (especially glucose, sucraseormaltoxtrin) can provide heat and improve physical condition. Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium will be lost with sweating. You can drink sports drinks without supplement to maintain body balance. Of course, salt has this functionBut can not eat too much, some drinks are not suitable for drinking, such as: alcohol: will force cells to release water, coffee is diuretic, juice is too sweet. Generally, 3.5G sodium chloride + 1.5g KCl + 20g sucrase + 2.9g trisodium citrite / l can be used to prevent dehydration. drinking about 0,5 liters of water every morning. The duration of exercise was 250 CC / 15-20 min. More water is needed in snow season and high altitude. Avoid frequent drinking, coffee and tea. According to a review of energybar published in December 1994, Snickers is considered to be the best and cheaper in terms of price, weight, carories, carbos, protein, fat, favorsand flavor of 17 kinds of energybars. Nutritionists suggest that if you carry a 50 pound backpack and walk for 6-8 hours a day, the best amount of action is high carbohydrate and low-fat food, because 60-70% of heat energy is carbohydrate, and 30 or less is fatty food. During the first 20-30 minutes of a person's exercise, the glycogen in the muscle starts to provide the energy needed. Of course, the blood sugar part of the blood helps. When the glycogen in your liver drops, the homorone in the blood begins to changeAfter 90 minutes, blood sugar and fat changed from the main contributor to drink 6-7% carbohydrate beverage, which was better than high concentration of sugar water. This involved osmotic pressure and the degree of acceptability of stomach, which caused stomach cram, nausea and vomiting. In summer, the average healthy person loses nearly seven liters of water every day, so it is the best suggestion to eat about six grams of salt a day.
How to sleep comfortably whether you are using a newly purchased sleeping bag or a sleeping bag that has been used for a long time, how to make yourself sleep comfortable is the first priority. Remember: the sleeping bag does not heat or heat itself, it only slows or reduces the body's heat release. The best way is for the body to store more heat energy. The external environment factors will affect the comfort of sleeping stay away from the bad environment: the tent can increase the temperature by about 30 degrees when it is located in a comfortable position. The camp should not be located at the bottom of the stream, because it is a cold air gathering place, and do not camp on the ridge ridge line, leeward side or forest, or use sleeping bags or digging snow holes. Puffiness of sleeping bag: the new sleeping bag will be slightly less bulky and less warm when it is used due to being squeezed in the sleeping bag cover for a long time. It is better to spread out the sleeping bag to make it fluffy after setting up the tent. Of course, the better the sleeping bag is after a long time of standing. material: the heat insulation coefficient of each kind of mattress is different, which can isolate the heat released from the bottom layer of the sleeping bag. Yes, different seasonsIn case of snow season, it is better to choose a full-length and solid sleeping pad or an automatic inflatable sleeping pad, and then put the backpack, main rope or other items under your feet. Complete waterproof: any damp sleeping mat will be unbearable and uncomfortable. If there is no waterproof sleeping bag cover, you can replace it with a large garbage bag. When the tent is soaked in water, the wet items can be placed inside. Between the external curtains or the corner of the inner tent, away from the sleeping bag. In bad weather, water droplets will gather in the inner tent. Therefore, the window of the tent must be slightly slit to ventilate the tent. When the rain passes, it must be taken Out and sun sleeping bag, if snow period, then directly spread in the tent. Wear enough clothes: mountain guides once said that if you don't sleep with all your clothes on, it means you're wearing too many clothes. It's better to wear a hat because half of the body's heat dissipates from the head. Satiety: food is the fuel. Don't empty stomach or empty oil depot before going to bed. Eat some high calorie materials before going to bed. At the same time, adequate water is very important for the metabolic function of human body. When you feel tired and wake up from thirst, or when you want to drink water, you should drink more water. The urination frequency is about four to five times a day. The urine should be transparent. If it is yellow, the body is still dehydrated State, Warm up: the sleeping bag will not maintain and produce heat energy. Do not drill into the sleeping bag immediately after going to the camp. It is useless to have a good and enough dinner and hot drinks, and then walk in the moonlight for a while. Warm up and sleep with the standard of not sweating. No matter what kind of sleeping bag is used, it will still be uncomfortable in a humid environment and has poor thermal insulation Outside the Gore Tex sleeping bagIt can ventilate the water vapor from the body. Even if there is little water in the tent or living in a snow cave, it is still comfortable. However, the plastic products will not ventilate, causing the sleeping bag to be wet. Generally, the head of the sleeping bag will be dirty. It is better to wash the sleeping bag by hand, use neutral detergent or special feather cleaner. There should be no residual detergent in the sleeping bag during the cleaning process. Clean the sleeping bag dry and use a washing machine It is not recommended to use. It should be dried for several days before collection. In particular, the feather sleeping bag should be kept beating to prevent it from agglomerating. After the activity, the sleeping bag should be hung and dried immediately. Do not put it in the sleeping bag cover for a long time. It will squeeze the feather or fiber. It is better to put it in a large bag or in a wardrobe. Try not to dry the feather sleeping bag, which will cause the natural grease of feather Wash it out, unless you send it to a special store.
Sleeping in the open Sleeping in the open is a kind of light and light way that doesn't need too much materials and equipment. It is usually divided into planned and unexpected situations. Some climbers use the similar Spartan way to sleep in order to achieve the goal in the shortest time. However, it is quite uncomfortable to have to sleep in the unexpected situation without plan, which may cause injury, bad weather or get lost The way of sleeping out is to plan carefully and carry enough equipment, food and clothing. Even if the emergency sleeping is not as planned, they can get through safely. They can use sleeping bags or simple tents. In case of sudden emergency, the backpack can be used to put the backpack into the lower body, and the raincoat can cover the rest of the body. It is acceptable to sleep outdoors at low altitude because it can make a fire to cook some hot drinks, and it will be more comfortable and there is no need to bring too much clothesHowever, most of the outdoor sleeping is not so comfortable. For rock climbing, you must ensure your own safety and the stability of the equipment. Then you should take off your wet boots, change into dry socks and clothes, or do not let the snow stay on your body. If you want to take off the snow at any time, loosen the belt or think that it will hinder the blood circulation of the body, put on enough clothes It depends on your own field experience, physiological conditions, psychological factors. The best choice of camp is to stay away from water sources, grasslands, footpaths and other campers. The campsite should be inclined so that it is easy to drain. It is not necessary to dig drainage ditches. It should be at least 50 meters away from water sources (lake side, stream side, etc.) to avoid polluting water sources and try not to camp in valleys. It will be very cold There are hills or hills and other protuberant terrain.
Tips for camping The tent should face south or southeast to see the early morning sunshine. The camp should not be located on ridge or top of the mountain. At least there should be a groove. Do not set up beside the stream. So it won't be too cold at night. The camp should be located in sand, grassland, or rock debris ground with good drainage. It is not necessary to dig drainage ditches, stones and tree trunks to replace camp nails. It is better to find a camp with trees to cover the wind. Don't make a hasty decision to use the camp post. don't rush to work. If you want to finish the covering in the shortest time, it may cause cracking of the camp post or loosening of the metal ring. It is better to carry a section of aluminum alloy pipe with a length of three inches for standby. Climbing boots are not allowed to be put into tents. Mud or small stones on the bottom of the boots will pollute and wear. If the bottom layer enters the inner tent, you must take off the raincoat and wet clothes to avoid wetting other items, especially sleeping bags,Keep the interior dry and refuse to live with people who behave badly in the future. Before folding the tent, dry it in the sun and then wipe it. In the snow season, you can use the snow to wipe it. Don't dirty the sleeping bag, or turn the tent upside down to dry and wipe it. The lighting system in the tent can carry candles, which is light and convenient to carry. However, gas lamp is the mainstream at present. When you leave the tent for a whole day, you'd better spread your sleeping bag on the sleeping mat and let the sun shine for a while. Fuel oil, main rope and other climbing equipment can be placed in the corner of the tent. Avoid cooking in the tent. The resistance of the tent to fire is very weak, especially if the interior is full of inflammables, such as jackets, sleeping bags, etc., it is better to cook between the internal and external tent, or use a 6x6 inch triple plywood as the bottom. All doors and windows must be fully opened and ventilated to avoid moisture gathering on the inner wall of the tent. During preheating, the flame can not be controlled. During cooking in the tent, the fire should be strictly controlled No one is allowed to sleep or get sleepy. The sleeping bag must be put away to avoid flooding the tent. Kerosene stove is forbidden because it will have a pungent smell. At the same time, the stove must be moved out of the tent after the fire is turned off, so as to avoid that the inner tent is full of irritating and suffocating smell. After the construction of the camp, the articles that are not needed to be used should be put into the tent cover again. If the joint of the camp post is loose, it must be tightly pasted with adhesive tape. If some part of the tent is lost, the tent can not be combined. After daily maintenance after the end of the activity, it is better to clean immediately, if the weatherIt is not allowed to take it out and wipe it once, dry it in the air, hang it in a ventilated place as far as possible on weekdays, and do not seal it. It will not feel moldy when used in this way. If you want to have a good dream in the mountain area, even if the bad weather will not have any problem, it is better to strengthen some joint points, such as corners, camp column joints, etc.
Different manufacturers have the same design for camp nails, ranging from six to eight inches, T-shaped, I-shaped or half moon shaped, or even spiral shaped camp nails. For hard ground, rock or snow, of course, the trunk or branch near the camp, and the root of the tree can easily be used as camp nail. During camping, the backpack should be closed tightly to avoid food theft by small animals. After nightfall, the backpack cover should be used. Even in sunny weather, dew will still wet the backpack. In snow season, the backpack can be used as the door of the snow cave. If walking or crawling in the woods or shrubs, it is more suitable to load the backpack and lower the center of gravity. The empty backpack can be placed under the feet and put outside the sleeping bag to insulate the cold surface If it is too dirty, you can clean the backpack with neutral detergent, and then put it in a cool place for air drying, but avoid exposure to the sun for too long, because ultraviolet rays will damage nylon cloth. During the exercise, basic maintenance should be paid attention to. If the backpack is scratched, it should be repaired immediately. Thick needle and thread are specially used to sew the cushion, which should be sewn firmly. Nylon thread can be used Cut off with fire.
camping knowledge do you also want to adjust the formula of work life, and then use the holiday to throw into the nature? And the easiest way to get into nature is to camp, not to mention camping life, you can stay away from boredomHustle and bustle of the city, you can also change the monotonous and boring rest, when the holiday, you will have a new life impulse. What is camping? Camping refers to living overnight in the mountains with props prepared by ourselves instead of relying on mountain houses, hotels and other artificial equipment. In the past, camping was the most common term used in scouting and military activities, while it generally refers to the wild. In nature, the free activity centered on sleeping is called camping. However, it still has many forms and methods, which are not the same. What's more, it can be widely recognized as camping, which is as big as the night stay of the army or as small as one person camping. Camping is very interesting, but safety is the first factor, and the following points must be paid attention to: 1. We should try our best to set up tents on hard and flat ground, not on river banks and dry river beds. 2. The entrance of the tent should be leeward, and the tent should be far away from the hillside with rolling stones. 3. In order to avoid the tent from being flooded in the rain, a drainage ditch should be dug under the roof side line. 4. The four corners of the tent should be pressed with big stones. 5. Keep the air circulation in the tent and prevent fire when cooking in the tent. 6. Before going to bed at night, check whether all the flames have been extinguished and whether the tent is firmly fixed.
quickly "settle down" when we choose a good camp and prepare to camp, we should first set up public tents. In the downwind part of the camp, first set up a cooking tent, set up a stove, burn a pot of water, and then successively set up in the upwind place for public useEquipped warehouse tents live in peace with their own camping tents. When the whole camp tent was set up, the water was boiling, ready to drink and start cooking. In addition, don't forget to set up a simple toilet in the downwind, far away from the water source, so as not to use it in a hurry.
outdoor toilet when participating in outdoor activities, we often camp in the field. When we arrive at the destination to build a camp, it is very necessary to build a simple outdoor toilet. Outdoor toilets should be located downwind of the camp, slightly lower than the camp, and should be far away from the river (at least 20 meters away). The best way is to dig a rectangular pit about 30 cm wide, 50 cm long and about half a meter deep, and put some stones and fir leaves (to eliminate the smell). Three sides should be enclosed with plastic cloth or packing box and fixed well. The open side should be leeward. Prepare some sand and a shovel in the toilet, and prepare a piece of wood or cardboard. After defecation, the excrement and toilet paper should be buried with some sandy soil, and the toilet pit should be covered with wood or cardboard to eliminate the odor and maintain hygiene. In addition, a more obvious sign board should be set up outside the toilet so that others can see whether the toilet is being used in a distance. When the camp is over, bury the toilet pit with sand and mark it to tell other people who take part in the field activities.
Ice axe: the length of the ice axe is holding the ice axe, the arm is vertical, and the height of the axe tip and ankle is the same. The best length of ice axe rope is to make two rope rings, one is wrist rope ring, the other is buckle safetyThe rope ring of sling is not easy to lose the ice axe in the climbing process, and it has a more secure fulcrum. 2. Ice claws: the early belt type ice claws were very troublesome and time-consuming to bind. At present, the latest type of ice claws is the quick button type. This type of ice claws is quite easy to put on and take off. Wearing the ice claws must be carefully and firmly bound to avoid falling off and causing danger. The claw tips of the ice claws should not be too sharp, nor can they be sharpened. The snow in Taiwan is relatively wet, so it is easy for the ice claws to walk due to shoes If you fall down due to snow between the bottom and the claw, you can tap the ice claw with an ice axe to let the snow fall, or install a snowboard at the bottom of the claw to prevent soft snow from adhering to the claw easily. 3. Safety harness: when purchasing safety harness, it is better to choose a size larger after fitting, because snow climbing will wear at least three to four pants. 4. Shackles: one safety type shackle and three left and right uninsured shackles are prepared for each person. Safety ring: use an uninsured hook ring to tie a Prussian rope ring. The rope loop is a double fisherman's knot. The rope length shall not exceed the knee and shall be fastened to the waist side of the safety harness. D-ring: carry an uninsured D D-ring to a convenient place for rescue and erection of pulley. 5. Brake: the brake, also known as the downer, should not be too small. A wide 8-shaped ring is better. 6. Climber: the climber is erected on the main rope. It can only be pushed forward but not backward. It is a sharp tool for the rope team to climb high. The climber must be fastened to the user's safety belt with Prussian rope, but the rope length shall not exceed the knee. 7. Prussian rope rings: two for each personA Prussian rope about two meters long with a double fisherman's knot at the end. Snow clothing complete snow equipment and selection of suitable snow equipment are very important for snow climbers. Choosing the wrong equipment or missing any one of them will have a significant impact on the life in the snow. If it is serious, it may lose a valuable life. The basic snow equipment is divided into snow clothing and snow climbing equipment. I. snowstorm clothes and trousers: the outermost clothing is necessary for snow activities, which has the function of wind and snow resistance. The best material is Gore tex. no matter what type of shirt you buy, you must attach a hat to protect your head. The suspender type snow pants are the most effective way to prevent the snow and ice from running into the inner layer of pants when falling down. 2. Warm coat: Feather coat or pile material coat is better. 3. Lining: shirt or sweater. The sweater with loose collar is better and suitable for sleeping at night. 4. Innermost layer: the underwear is made of P.P. material to keep warm. 5. Change clothes: use two to three sets of clothing and spare clothes. Clothes need not be taken too much. If the clothes are worn for a long time, the inner layer of clothes will leave the cuticle layer of skin off and lose the function of keeping warm. Socks: wear two pairs, short and thick. 7. Insole: put wet insole into sleeping bag or feather coat to dry at night. Avoid wearing wet insole the next morning to avoid frostbite of toes during climbing. 9. Mountaineering shoes: the sole of the shoes should be thicker, and when the shoes are not worn, they should be placed in a moisture-proof bagIn addition, the shoes should be renewed after a long overseas expedition, because it is easy to oxidize without wearing the upper for a long time, so it is better to use double boots in snow. X. Leggings: wearing Leggings first and then snowy pants can not only improve the heat preservation effect of about 5 ℃. In action, the shoe cover can also be prevented from being hooked by branches and snow falling into the leggings. 11. Hat: there are three layers of hat: the inner layer is a hood for skin protection, the middle layer is for keeping warm, and the outermost layer is made of Gore-Tex, which has the function of preventing wind and snow. It is commonly known as "master hat". 12. Cold proof gloves: there are basically two kinds of gloves. One is the wool gloves with two fingers. The inner layer is insulated, and the outer layer is resistant to wind, wind and snow. It is convenient to move. The other is P.P. glove, which is light and convenient and has heat preservation effect. Therefore, it is recommended to take several pairs of spare gloves. Wearing these two kinds of gloves at the same time is the most warm method. Sunglasses or Sunglasses: in Taiwan, because the snow condition is not very good, you can use sunglasses with colored lenses. If you go on an overseas expedition, you need to use sunglasses into sunglasses. The sunglasses should be dark, such as dark green, which can prevent ultraviolet rays. The sunglasses should be light and windproof, but the lenses should be prevented from breaking due to freezing. Snow blindness usually occurs after 8 hours, and the duration of snow blindness depends on the intensity of ultraviolet light. 14. Head lamp: there are many kinds of head lamps. It is better to use the lamp cover and switch. This kind of lamp is convenient and light and easy to carry. The backup battery and light bulb should be carried more.
FieldClothing when it comes to clothing, it seems that it has always been "Luobu cabbage, each has his own love". Most people are used to reflecting their own personality through clothing. However, the clothing for outdoor activities should not only reflect the personality, but also consider its practicability. In our daily life, some of us have had this experience: when a group of good friends go on an outing, you spend a long time thinking about what to wear. As a result, you try the mirror again and again, and finally choose a beautiful dress. As soon as I got up early, I got a lot of applause, but the final result was very bad. You can't have fun with your friends and you're embarrassed by your beautiful clothes. Clothing for outdoor activities should be loose, comfortable, wearable and casual. Even in midsummer, try to avoid short dress up, girls do not wear skirts, boys do not wear shorts. This is mainly considering that there are many kinds of insects in the wild. You don't want to be their delicious food. In addition, whether it's climbing mountains or drilling trees, plants with thorns will also be merciless to your skin. If you don't want to be a "flower melon", you should try to reduce the exposed part of your skin. Close fitting clothes, should choose soft and sweat absorbing cotton products, avoid nylon fabric. In spring and autumn, a loose cotton or wool coat or a windbreaker is enough. Here's to talk about windbreaker. Windbreaker is a very popular outdoor clothing in the world at present. It is usually made of waterproof and breathable Gore-Tex fabric, which has good wind making and heat preservation performance. The most important thing is that this kind of high-tech products can't get through the rain and produce sweatThe magic effect of raw steam. Most of these windbreaks are made into loose short hooded windbreaker styles with bright contrast colors. The waist size is adjustable, which is convenient to wear and is conducive to outdoor activities. If you add a pure wool sweater or outdoor special grab sweater, you can resist the cold below zero. Of course, to activities in alpine areas, such as climbing mountains of more than 7 kilometers, you also need to prepare a good down jacket. The wear resistance of trousers is very important. For general outdoor activities, jeans are a good choice. But be careful not to wear jeans that are very tight and short in the crotch, which will make you inconvenient to move, and also very painful to sit and lie down. Loose jeans and cotton casual pants will give you comfort and chic. As for the special field activities, such as windbreak pants and rock pants for mountaineering, I will not describe them in detail here. Also, don't forget to wear a hat with a brim.
Outdoor sports, which is English for outdoor sports, covers a wide range of contents, from general outing or hiking to mountaineering, rock climbing, mountain bike (MTB), rafting, paragliding, etc. Therefore, there are many kinds and styles of outdoor activities clothing, such as mountaineering windbreaker and breeches, skiing also has a special one-piece ski shirt. But according to the function of these clothes, they can be roughly divided into three categories, namely, the three layers from the inside to the outside, which are usually called the inner layersClothing, warm layer clothing and coat layer clothing. First of all, talk about the requirements of outdoor sports on clothing. The first requirement is waterproof, which is a very basic requirement. Secondly, windproof performance, because sports such as mountaineering, skiing or gliding are carried out in the environment with high wind speed. In order to maintain body temperature, windproof performance is very important. At the same time, there are some demanding requirements, such as the air permeability of clothing, which can make the wearer keep dry and comfortable. In addition, the wearability of clothing can not be ignored. In order to adapt to these special and demanding requirements, outdoor sports clothing from the inside to the outside of the three layers came into being. It is not necessary to wear these three layers on all occasions, but the three layers can be combined or used alone to cope with a complex environment. The early outdoor clothing materials used natural materials, but with the development of science and technology, most of the outdoor clothing use advanced artificial materials. Only a few natural materials with irreplaceable superior performance, such as down, have been preserved. Due to the strict requirements of materials for outdoor sports clothing, only a small number of high-tech advanced village materials are used in modern outdoor sports clothing. The inner garment is somewhat like the autumn clothes and trousers we usually wear. This kind of clothing is usually worn close to the body. Its main function is to keep the body dry and keep warm. The material of inner garment is made of some materials with strong water conductivity, such as Coolmax of DuPont company in the United States. These materials have unique quick drying property, and some materials can be washed for 10 minutes~It will dry in 15 minutes. After sports, a lot of sweat will accumulate in the inner layer of clothes, which will easily catch cold and cause cold, and also cause frostbite in mountaineering or polar exploration activities. This kind of material can solve this problem to a great extent. Thermal insulation layer clothing includes down, chemical fiber and cotton clothing. These clothes are usually used in winter or in cold areas. Down is still recognized as the best insulation material. We know that the reason why down can keep warm is that it has the characteristics of air preservation, so the thermal performance of down clothing mainly depends on the down content and down filling amount. Down content refers to the proportion of down and feather in down. The higher the down content is, the better the thermal insulation and compressibility of clothing are. For example, the "osoka" down jacket worn by the China South Korea joint mountaineering team climbing the Japanese peak of qiongmu gang in Tibet last year has more than 85% down. Down filling amount refers to the weight of down filled in clothing, which is directly related to the thermal performance of clothing. Although chiran's down content and down filling increase, the price of clothing will also rise. Compared with down, the price of man-made fiber cotton is much cheaper. Although the overall performance is still unable to compare with down, some properties can not be achieved by down. For example, the thermal insulation performance of water soaked man-made fiber material is obviously better than down. Five hole or seven hole cotton of DuPont company, Thinsulate fiber cotton of 3M company and polarguard3d / HV cotton are common in various outdoor clothing. ReturnThere is a category of clothing between the thermal layer and the inner layer. These are jackets and vests made of fleece material. It is said that compared with wool of the same weight, the former has better thermal insulation than the latter. The perspirability of fleece material is also very good, but the disadvantage is that it can not be directly worn in some places, and a windproof coat must be added. The combination of fleece jacket and windproof and rainproof jacket has become a very popular way to wear in outdoor sports. Coat layer clothing is also known as full-function coat, which is the most important and classic part of outdoor sports clothing. They are in the style of short windbreaker or corset jacket, and most of them have hats. The inner two layers of clothing need to rely on this layer to make up for, such as insulation layer clothing wear resistance is poor, the fleece jacket wind resistance is not good. There are many unique features in the design of this kind of clothing. For example, wear-resistant oxford nylon cloth is applied to the abradable parts of the shoulders or elbows of these clothes. A layer of glue is pressed on the seams of the clothes to prevent the rain from getting into them. A zipper is added under the sleeves of the clothes, which can be opened and ventilated during sports. All these designs bring great convenience to users. It is worth mentioning that these kinds of clothing are made of waterproof / breathable materials. As long as the materials marked with the words "waterproof / breathing" are more or less waterproofQigong can. Gore-Tex material produced by w.l.gore company in the United States is famous in the world and has a long history. The "osoka" series mountaineering windbreaker is made of polycreathane waterproof and breathable material, with excellent performance. The so-called waterproof and breathable material refers to that the inner layer of cloth is coated with a layer of gum, and there are many holes with diameters between the water molecules and the steam molecular diameters, which can discharge water vapor, but the rainwater can not penetrate, which solves the contradiction between waterproof and air permeability. It is the emergence of these new materials that has brought great changes to outdoor sports. It is unimaginable that human beings can challenge the world's highest peak in winter or rainy season. American thorthface outdoor clothing enjoys a high reputation in the world. Although the history of osoka series outdoor clothing is relatively short, its quality is also quite excellent. Many kinds of clothing of thorthface brand are processed and produced by livico company, which produces orsoka brand clothing. The price of outdoor clothing is higher than that of general sportswear, but its function or durability mostly exceeds people's expectation, and most of them are worth the money. At present, more and more people like traveling, mountaineering, rock climbing and other outdoor sports, but many people do not realize the importance of outdoor clothing. In fact, for a climber, a windbreaker with good heat preservation and wind proof and air permeability is more important than the safety belt or ice pick in many cases. At present, there are some high-quality outdoor clothing on the domestic market, so outdoor enthusiasts may as well have a try.
Detailed introduction of outdoor sports clothing "Outdoor sports" is English for outdoor sports. It covers a wide range of contents, from general outing or hiking to mountaineering, rock climbing, mountain bike (MTB), rafting, paragliding, etc. Therefore, there are many kinds and styles of outdoor activities clothing, such as mountaineering windbreaker and breeches, skiing also has a special one-piece ski shirt. But according to the function of these clothes, they can be roughly divided into three categories, namely, the three layers from the inside to the outside, which are usually called the inner layer clothing, the warm layer clothing and the outer layer clothing. First of all, talk about the requirements of outdoor sports on clothing. The first requirement is waterproof, which is a very basic requirement. Secondly, windproof performance, because sports such as mountaineering, skiing or gliding are carried out in the environment with high wind speed. In order to maintain body temperature, windproof performance is very important. At the same time, there are some demanding requirements, such as the air permeability of clothing, which can make the wearer keep dry and comfortable. In addition, the wearability of clothing can not be ignored. In order to adapt to these special and demanding requirements, outdoor sports clothing from the inside to the outside of the three layers came into being. It is not necessary to wear these three layers on all occasions, but the three layers can be combined or used alone to cope with a complex environment. In the early days, natural materials were used in outdoor clothing. However, with the development of science and technology, most of the outdoor clothing materials are made of advanced man-made materialsThere are a few natural materials such as down which have irreplaceable superior performance have been preserved. Due to the strict requirements of materials for outdoor sports clothing, only a small number of high-tech advanced village materials are used in modern outdoor sports clothing. The inner garment is somewhat like the autumn clothes and trousers we usually wear. This kind of clothing is usually worn close to the body. Its main function is to keep the body dry and keep warm. The material of inner garment is made of some materials with strong water conductivity, such as Coolmax of DuPont company in the United States. These materials have unique quick drying property, and some materials can dry after 10 ~ 15 minutes. After sports, a lot of sweat will accumulate in the inner layer of clothes, which will easily catch cold and cause cold, and also cause frostbite in mountaineering or polar exploration activities. This kind of material can solve this problem to a great extent. Thermal insulation layer clothing includes down, chemical fiber and cotton clothing. These clothes are usually used in winter or in cold areas. Down is still recognized as the best insulation material. We know that the reason why down can keep warm is that it has the characteristics of air preservation, so the thermal performance of down clothing mainly depends on the down content and down filling amount. Down content refers to the proportion of down and feather in down. The higher the down content is, the better the thermal insulation and compressibility of clothing are. For example, the "osoka" down jacket worn by the China South Korea joint mountaineering team climbing the Japanese peak of qiongmu gang in Tibet last year has more than 85% down. Down filling amount refers to the weight of down filled in clothingAlso directly related to the thermal performance of clothing. Although chiran's down content and down filling increase, the price of clothing will also rise. Compared with down, the price of man-made fiber cotton is much cheaper. Although the overall performance is still unable to compare with down, some properties can not be achieved by down. For example, the thermal insulation performance of water soaked man-made fiber material is obviously better than down. Five hole or seven hole cotton of DuPont company, Thinsulate fiber cotton of 3M company and polarguard3d / HV cotton are common in various outdoor clothing. There is another category of clothing between the thermal layer and the inner layer: jackets and vests made of fleece material. It is said that compared with wool of the same weight, the former has better thermal insulation than the latter. The perspirability of fleece material is also very good, but the disadvantage is that it can not be directly worn in some places, and a windproof coat must be added. The combination of fleece jacket and windproof and rainproof jacket has become a very popular way to wear in outdoor sports. Coat layer clothing is also known as full-function coat, which is the most important and classic part of outdoor sports clothing. They are in the style of short windbreaker or corset jacket, and most of them have hats. The lack of two layers of clothing need to rely on this layer to make up for, like insulation layer clothing wear resistance is poor, graspPlush jackets are not windproof either. There are many unique features in the design of this kind of clothing. For example, wear-resistant oxford nylon cloth is applied to the abradable parts of the shoulders or elbows of these clothes. A layer of glue is pressed on the seams of the clothes to prevent the rain from getting into them. A zipper is added under the sleeves of the clothes, which can be opened and ventilated during sports. All these designs bring great convenience to users. It is worth mentioning that these kinds of clothing are made of some waterproof / breathable materials. As long as the materials marked with the words "waterproof / breathable" are more or less waterproof and breathable. Gore-Tex material produced by w.l.gore company in the United States is famous in the world and has a long history. The "osoka" series mountaineering windbreaker is made of polycreathane waterproof and breathable material, with excellent performance. The so-called waterproof and breathable material refers to that the inner layer of cloth is coated with a layer of gum, and there are many holes with diameters between the water molecules and the steam molecular diameters, which can discharge water vapor, but the rainwater can not penetrate, which solves the contradiction between waterproof and air permeability. It is the emergence of these new materials that has brought great changes to outdoor sports. It is unimaginable that human beings can challenge the world's highest peak in winter or rainy season. American thorthface outdoor clothing enjoys a high reputation in the world. Although the history of osoka series outdoor clothing is relatively short, its quality is also quite excellent. Many kinds of clothing of thorthface brand are produced by ossoka brand clothingIt is processed and produced by livico company. The price of outdoor clothing is higher than that of general sportswear, but its function or durability mostly exceeds people's expectation, and most of them are worth the money. At present, more and more people like traveling, mountaineering, rock climbing and other outdoor sports, but many people do not realize the importance of outdoor clothing. In fact, for a climber, a windbreaker with good heat preservation and wind proof and air permeability is more important than the safety belt or ice pick in many cases. At present, there are some high-quality outdoor clothing on the domestic market, so outdoor enthusiasts may as well have a try.
Wind resistant posture when the climber is unable to move forward when encountering strong wind gusts, the climber must use the windward posture to ensure that he or she can survive the bad weather for a short time. Action: open your legs, straighten your knees, insert the ice axe forward into the snow to form a triangle between the two feet and the ice axe. Press the body downward. Hold the ice axe hand tightly to hold the axe blade, and the other hand is flat against the snow surface, with the mouth of the ice axe facing outward and close to the handle of the axe.
Mountain and snow slope in order to avoid losing direction, save physical strength, and improve the speed of travel, we should strive to have roads that do not cross the forest and climb over the mountains, while there are roads that do not take paths. If there is no road, you can choose to travel on the longitudinal ridge, ridge, hillside, edge of rivers and streams, as well as the terrain with high trees, sparse forests, large gaps and low grass. In general, do not walk in deep ravines and canyons, where the grass is luxuriant and where vines and bamboos are interwoven. Try not to walk in the beam, not in the ditch, not in the horizontal. We should follow the principle of big strides, so should the mountains. If you increase the stride, three steps and two steps, a fewTen kilometers down, you can take a lot less steps and save a lot of physical strength. As the saying goes: "not afraid of slow, afraid of standing.". When you are tired, use relaxed slow walking to rest, do not stop, standing for one minute, slow walking can walk out of dozens of meters. Mountain walking, often encounter a variety of rock slopes and steep walls. Therefore, rock climbing is the main skill of mountaineering. Before climbing the rock, we should carefully observe the rock, carefully identify the rock quality and weathering degree, and then determine the climbing direction and route. The most basic method of climbing rock is "three-point fixation", which requires that the climber's hands and feet can cooperate well. After two hands and one foot or two feet with one hand fixed, move other points to make the body center of gravity gradually rise. When using this method, it is necessary to prevent jumping and jumping, and to avoid two points moving at the same time, and must be stable, light and fast. According to your own situation, choose the most appropriate distance and the most stable fulcrum, do not stride, grasp, pedal too far points. Grass slope and gravel slope are the most widely distributed among mountains. In the mountains below 3000 meters above sea level, except for cliffs, most of them are grass slopes and gravel slopes. Climb the hillside below 30 degrees and go straight up. Lean forward slightly, landing on the ground with all the soles of your feet, bend your knees, and keep your feet in a figure of eight. Don't walk too fast. When the slope is greater than 30 degrees, it is more difficult to climb in a straight line. Because the wrist joints of both feet are not easy to extend, it is easy to fatigue; the slope is large, the gravel is easy to roll and slide. Therefore, "zigzag" ascending method is generally adopted. That is, according to theThe "zigzag" route runs horizontally and obliquely. When climbing, the legs are slightly bent, the upper body leans forward, the inner toes are forward, the whole soles of the feet are on the ground, and the outer toes are slightly turned out. When passing through the grass slope, pay attention not to grab trees and climb grass vines, so as not to pull off and make people fall. When walking on the gravel slope, pay special attention to the steadiness of the feet and light lifting of the feet to avoid the gravel rolling. If you are not careful, you should face the hillside immediately, open your arms, and straighten your legs (toes up), so that the body's center of gravity moves upward as far as possible, so as to reduce the sliding speed. In this way, we can try to find the climbing guide and support in the sliding. Never sit facing out, as it will not only slide faster, but also roll easily on steep slopes. When traveling in mountainous areas in rainy season, low-lying areas, such as valleys and rivers, should be avoided to prevent mountain torrents and landslides. In case of thunderstorm, you should immediately go to the nearby low-lying land or dense bushes, do not hide under tall trees. Big trees often lead to landing thunder, causing people to be struck by lightning. In case of lightning protection, metal articles should be temporarily stored in an easy to find place. Do not take them with you. You can also find low-lying places. In case of severe weather such as wind, snow, fog and strong wind in the mountain area, you should stop walking, avoid under the cliff or in the cave, and wait until the weather improves. Don't overestimate your physical strength when you are traveling in mountainous areas. When you are tired, you should have a good rest. Don't take a rest until you're exhausted. It's not easy to recover your strength, and you can't lift yourself again. The correct way is to stride for a while, then relax and walk slowly for a while, or stop to have a rest and adjust breathing. Don't unload the gear when you are standing and restingBackpack, can support a wooden stick under the backpack to reduce the weight of the body. If the weather is cold, don't sit on a stone to rest. The stone will quickly absorb the body's heat. When climbing glaciers and snowy slopes, you should be careful. There are many cracks on the glacier. The most serious threat to people is the crevasses at the edge of the icefall area and the foothills, especially the hidden cracks covered by snow. When passing through the crack, several people should act in groups and connect each other with ropes. The distance between two adjacent people is 10 ~ 12 meters. Those who lead the way in front of them should often detect the real and the virtual. People in the back must step on the footprints of the people in front of them, which is safer. When you cross the ice bridge on the crack, you should crawl forward. We should pay attention not only to crack prevention, but also to prevent snow from collapsing. At the junction of snow and snow mountain slopes, the snow is often very deep and must form groups when moving. When crossing the snow bridge, the one who opens the road will detect the virtual and real situation of the snow bridge, and then pass through the ground. If the snow is very soft and must pass through, it should crawl. When climbing a snowy slope with great slope, you must stand firmly on both feet before moving. Step forward, step on the snow with your forepaws, step on steps, and then move your back foot. If you slip, lie prone immediately to prevent slipping. When climbing the glacial snow slope, we should walk less where there are cracks. When marching on the snow, you should pick the hard place. Go hot, do not use ice and snow to quench thirst, suddenly swallow ice and snow, easy to get laryngitis. If you are thirsty, you can gargle with melted ice and snow, and try not to swallow it into your stomach. Water will increase the burden of human circulatory organs and affect your physical strength. When walking on the soft snow for a long time, take big strides and shorten the time in the snowTime to walk. When walking, you should first step back a little bit, then lift your feet up and stride forward. Foot back is to make the snow shoes in front of the room to move forward can also play the role of blowing snow. When walking on steep slopes, you should step on the inner edge of snowshoes and try to avoid leaning towards the outer edge. When the snow is very hard, take off your snowshoes and walk. When walking in the valley, it should be close to the center line of the valley to avoid rolling stones on the hillside. Don't get close to the snow eaves, let alone walk under the snow eaves, so as to avoid triggering avalanches. A snow eaves extending downwind to a ridge or cliff. The windward slope is gentle and easy to form snow eaves, while the steep slope of about 45 degrees is not easy to form. Special attention should be paid to areas with variable wind direction and different slopes on the side of edges. Mountain action, avalanche is a huge disaster. In May 1957, Ding Xingyou, the first mountaineering martyr of new China, died in an avalanche on Gongga mountain. In January 1991, a Sino Japanese joint mountaineering team composed of 17 people was killed by an avalanche in Meili Snow Mountain between Nujiang River and Lancang River in Northwest Yunnan Province. Avalanches are caused by sound, vibration, falling rock or snow, and wind. Avalanches usually occur on slopes with small snowballs rolling down, slopes with cracks in snow, slopes with snow eaves, steep slopes without trees of about 36 ~ 42 degrees, large slopes, convex slopes, and slopes in the South and southwest to cover new snow with old snow and soft snow due to rising temperature. Generally speaking, it will be sunny the next day after the new snow, and the snow avalanche occurs at 9-10 o'clock in the morning. When passing through the avalanche dangerous area, you should pay attention to: loosen the harness in advance, in case of necessityWhen the release of large backpacks and other equipment, to protect the freedom of movement. Remove the wind and snow cap that hinders vision and hearing, and detect avalanche symptoms as soon as possible. Avoid crossing dangerous snow slopes. Avoid shooting and other acoustic vibration. Avoid falling and other actions that impact the snow surface. If you are involved in an avalanche, you should swim bravely and repeatedly in the moving snow flow to try to float to the surface of the snow flow. Since it is difficult to move hands and feet after the avalanche stops, try to float out of the snow surface during the movement of the snow flow. When buried in the snow, let the saliva flow out of the mouth, look at the direction of the flow, determine whether you are upside down, and then try to save yourself.
Looking up at the sky, you can predict the weather changes from the sky color, cloud types, wind conditions, and the convergence of the sun, moon and stars. This is called cloud observation and sky recognition. Weather has a great influence on outdoor activities. Accurately grasp the weather changes, you can smoothly carry out and spend the field life. If the morning glow does not go out, the sunset will travel thousands of miles; if the weather is relatively stable, it indicates that the weather will be fine, and the morning glow will be full, and there will be a great possibility of rain. Cirrus clouds appear in the sky, that is, the clouds appear pure white horsetail shape, but gradually become dark, which means that it is sunny in the eyes, but it may rain one day later. The sky appears disorderly cloud, that is, the cloud layer is dark and thick, which indicates that there will be thunderstorm and strong wind. There are thin cirrus clouds in the sky, like white stones on the beach. It may rain after half a day.
Spring night, hazy, but the sky appears in the dark chaos of clouds, like waves of the sea, representing several hoursIt will rain later. Halos appear around the moon or the sun, and the next day is neither wind nor rain. If there are no more clouds around the mountain top, people's feeling of depression will be reduced, which means that it will not rain in the short term.
(2) From the behavior of animals to identify the weather
signs of good weather
1. In the morning, the sparrow calls to show that the weather is fine. Sparrows are very sensitive to the weather changes, and the better the weather is, the louder the call is.
2. A rising skylark's call indicates a fine day - the brisk call of a Skylark from a distance proves a fine dry weather.
3. On a sunny day, the temperature is low in the morning, so that the water vapor in the air condenses into small water droplets, which twinkle on the spider web. Usually, it won't rain.
The signs of rain are the signs of rain.
In addition, there are several kinds of ants:
1. Ants cross the road - ants who dig holes on the ground will drown when it feels like rain, that is to say, they will flee before the rain.
2. Earthworm out of the hole - the ground is moist and soft, and the earthworm will climb out of the ground, indicating that it is going to rain.
Other signs of rain are swarms of mosquitoes, rain ants and cats washing their faces.
(3) In the morning, before the sun goes out, look at the eastern black clouds, such as chicken head, dragon head, flag, mountain peak, chariots and horses, stars, fish, snake, Ganoderma lucidum, peony, or purple and black gas running through, or on or off the sun, there is rain on the main day, mostly at 13-17 o'clock.
2. At night, look at the color of the moon, blue or red,There was thunderstorm on the main day and the next day. Around the moon there are white clouds forming a round light, or as big as the wheel (halo), the main wind. The so-called "solar halo is rain, moon halo is wind, where there is lack, where there is wind.". On the other day, "the moon faints while the wind blows, and the foundation moistens and rains". The foundation moistens, that is, the pillar base stone has water droplets oozing out, and the Lord has rain some day. Combined with the modern situation, some people have summed up the "sudden heat generating wind and pipe moistening and generating rain", that is, if there is sudden heat storm for several days, there must be strong wind in one or two days, and there are water droplets seeping out on the water pipe. If it still seeps after wiping off, there will be rain in one or two days.
3. The stars twinkle, the wind must make. The white clouds cover the big dipper for 2-4 hours. In summer, moss grows on the bottom of the water, and the water is indigo blue. When the water is muddy or fragrant, the main rain will come. When it rains, it is hard to clear up in one or two days.
4. On the seventh and eighth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the north wind will surely send out. The third day of February, the Qingming Festival of March, the summer solstice of April, and June 12 of the lunar calendar are mainly cloudy or rainy.
5. To the East, the wind blows yellow; to the south, the rain drifts; to the west, water drips; to the north, the wheat is dried. Although the east wind is the main rainfall, in the Huangmei season, it is sunny when it blows east wind. The north wind often rains in autumn, but it is sunny when the north wind blows in autumn night.
Due to the different geographical location and natural conditions, we should make a comparative judgment based on our own experience and local conditions while referring to the above experience.
(4) Mountain weather
the weather in the mountains in spring
the mobile high pressure and low pressure pass most often in April, and the weather change is very intense, and the temperature is warm every dayThe temperature in the mountains will suddenly turn cold. After entering may, the average change cycle is three to five days, and the cycle lasts until the last ten days. It turned rainy under the cover of clouds and fog.
In summer, where the weather in the mountains is
there is plum rain, if the plum rain lasts for nearly a month, it will enter the most stable season in the four seasons of the year. The outdoor activities are selected in the month after the end of Meiyu. Due to the vast territory of our country and the time of entering plum varies from place to place, the travel time should be selected according to the actual situation. In summer, there are often thunderstorms in the afternoon, which come very quickly. Special attention should be paid to prevent it, and even hail may occur.
The weather in the mountains in autumn
typhoons are still frequent in late summer and early autumn, and there are autumn rains in October. The temperature in the mountains begins to drop and the mountains are ready for winter. The temperature changes greatly, and sometimes there are signs of severe winter. Most of the days are getting shorter and shorter.
The weather in the mountains in winter
as soon as the winter type atmospheric pressure appears, it turns into a severe winter, and there are often underground storms for many days. The temperature in the daytime is warmer because of sunshine, but it turns cool at night, and snow occasionally occurs on the mountains. In winter, the most dangerous is the cold current, which can make the temperature drop ten degrees and cause severe frostbite.
Winter climate change has a certain cycle, so it is best to engage in outdoor activities in the warm sunny days.
2、 Field direction judgment
in the field activities, such as geological investigation, mountaineering, hiking, exploration, tourism, etc., in order to prevent getting lost and correctly determine the location and direction, it is necessary to master the positioning and lateral methods. In nature, some animals have a sense of directionInstincts, such as pigeons, some members of human beings also have this ability, but most people do not have or only have this potential. Therefore, the direction of the field mainly depends on experience and tools.
There are many methods to determine the direction and position in the field. Several common methods are introduced here.
Place the compass or compass horizontally to center the bubble. When the magnetic needle is still, the black end marked with "n" refers to the north.
In addition to measuring the north to the outside, the compass or compass can also measure the specific orientation of a certain target. The method is to open the compass to align the collimator with the target, or align the 0-scale on the dial with the target, so that the target, 0-scale and magnetic midpoint are on the same line. After the compass is horizontally stationary, the scale referred to by the N-end is the azimuth from the measurement point to the target, for example, the N-end of the magnetic needle points to 36 degrees. Then the target is 36 ° north by east of the measurement position.
Although it is simple and fast to use compass or compass to identify direction, it should be noted that:
1. Keep horizontal as far as possible;
2. Do not be too close to magnetic materials;
3. Do not mistake the S-end of the magnetic needle as North, resulting in 180 ° direction error;
4. Master the magnetic declination angle of the active area for correction. How to identify directions in the field?
(1) Using the sun
in a clear day, we can easily know the East and the West according to the sunrise and sunset, and then we can judge the direction, but it can only be roughly estimated. There are several methods for more accurate measurement:
1. The time of watch direction finding is half to the sun, 12 refers to the north ", which is generally between 9 am and 4 pmQuickly identify the direction, with half of the time pointed to the sun, 12 degrees is the north, such as 14:40 PM, half of the time is 7:20, then the clock to the sun, then 12 refers to the north, or put the watch flat, the hour hand points to the sun, the reverse extension direction of the bisector of the hour hand and the 12 hour degree is the north; or put a watch, put a stick vertical Stand in the center of the watch and rotate the watch so that the shadow of the stick coincides with the hour hand. The bisector between the hour hand and the 12 hour degree is the north.
It must be noted that: (1) when judging the direction, the watch should be flat; (2) it should not be used around noon in the area between the south latitude and the north latitude of 20 ° 30 ', that is, the longitude of the standard time shall prevail, and one hour shall be added for each 15 ° east direction, and one hour shall be subtracted from 15 ° to the West.
2. In sunny days, a stick is erected on the ground. The shadow of the stick moves with the change of the sun's position. These shadows are the shortest at noon. The line connecting the ends of the stick is a straight line, and the vertical line of the line is north-south.
Draw a series of concentric circles on a 50 × 50cm drawing paper. The radius of the concentric circles increases by 1cm. Nail it on the flat plate and fix it horizontally. Insert a 12-15cm long thin steel needle or needle into the center of the circle vertically. When the position of the sun changes, the end points of the shadow always intersect with the concentric circles, plot these points, and then connect the two straight lines on the same circle, and connect the midpoint of these lines with the center of the circle. This line is the north-south line, and the direction of the top of the arc is the north.
(2) Night stars
when nightAccording to the North Star and the Southern Cross, the direction can be judged.
1. Polaris
Polaris is located in the north sky, and its exposed altitude angle is equivalent to the local latitude, so we can quickly find Polaris. It is usually determined according to the Big Dipper (big bear) or w (celestial queen).
The Big Dipper star is seven bright stars, which are shaped like a spoon. When the two β's of the spoon head are connected to α and extend about 5 times, it is Polaris. When you can't see the Big Dipper, you can look for the North Star according to the w star, that is, the constellation Cepheus.
The constellation Cepheus is composed of five bright stars, shaped like the letter "W". The opening direction of the letter is about twice the width of the opening, and the distance is Polaris.
2. The Southern Cross Star is sometimes seen in the south of 23 ° 30 ′ n. It is composed of four bright stars, which are similar to the character of "ten". At the lower right of the star, the Southern Cross is due south at four and a half times the length of the line between the two stars.
(3) Characteristics of ground features and plants
sometimes some features and plant growth characteristics in the field are good direction indicators, and increasing this knowledge can help you quickly identify directions.
1. Features of features
houses: doors generally open to the south, especially in the north of China:
Temples: they usually open to the south, especially the main buildings in the Temple group
outstanding features: the base of the north side is moist and may grow low mosses.
You can also identify directions from ants' burrows. Because most of the openings of the mother ants face south; in places where there are many rocks, you can also find a striking rock to observe, and the rock is covered with greyThe mossy side is the north side, and the dry and bare side is the south side.
2. Plant growth characteristics
generally, the north side of the slope, low ferns and vines are more developed than the sunny side.
The branches and leaves on the sunny side of a single plant are more luxuriant, and the trunk of the North shady ground may grow moss.
Many tree trunks in the north of China have clear rings on their trunk sections. The rings on the south side are sparse and those on the north side are more compact.
(4) Shadow clock method
on a flat ground, vertical placement of 1 meter long vertical trunk. Mark the position of the shadow of the tree, mark the top with a stone or a tree stick (a in the picture) 15 minutes later, and then mark the new projection position of the top of the trunk on the ground (B in the picture). The line between the two points will give you an east-west direction - the West first. The north-south direction is perpendicular to the connecting line. This method can be used in any latitude and longitude, at any time of the day, except that there must be sunlight. It can be used to detect the direction of your movement
(5) a piece of iron wire (sewing needle can) repeatedly rub with silk in the same direction, which will produce magnetism, and it can indicate the north pole when it is hung up.
3、 Map and compass understanding and use
map is an indispensable tool in our life. There are various maps with different functions, such as county map, city map, street map, amusement zone map, global map, etc However, for outdoor activities, especially mountaineering, the most needed map is contour map, which can show all kinds of terrain on the surface, such as mountains, valleys, dangerous or gentle slopes, cliffs or cliffs, etc.
(1) how to use it when traveling abroadMap
how to use a map when traveling abroad
when going out, you should always consult the map. There may be several situations of routes not recorded on the map. First of all, it may be a new road completed after the map is issued. The road can be divided into two types, namely, the newly built road, the landslide can not pass through and the other access road. This kind of road is completely opened up by manpower. The indicators and paint signs along the road are set up perfectly. From the appearance, you can know all kinds of conditions of the route. Rest areas or local residents adopt new routes for convenience. Information on the route will also be provided. If you can confirm the route to your destination according to the signpost, you may as well choose the route with ease.
Secondly, it may be the path leading to the river, the shortcut to the rest place, the shortcut opened by the activity itself, etc. The indicators set by these paths are easy to be neglected if they are not paid attention to, and there are many cases in which there are no signs at all. Once you break into these paths, after all, they are different from ordinary people's roads and have no idea where they lead to. Therefore, it is inevitable to feel uneasy.
As the path leading to the river has no way to go once it reaches the valley area, so try to walk a section and you can identify it. In order to ensure the safety of field workers, signposts should be set up in the near way to rest places. However, some outdoor activities also set them up by themselves. That kind of road, different from the regular road, is rarely well renovated and can be felt as if it was just opened up. It may even go straight up a cliff, pass through a cliff, or pass through a dangerous area. If you don't want to be in a dangerous situation, and there's no big difference in time,We should abandon the shortcut and choose the right route.
Finally, even if the map is detailed, it is often due to various restrictive factors. Therefore, the routes not recorded on the map are not limited to the above-mentioned shortcut roads, and the well-built roads are also omitted. Therefore, in order to avoid missing the road signs, we should also ask the owners of nearby houses or other activities carefully for identification.
There are also some special routes which are easy to be broken by mistake, and these roads can not be recorded on the map. If you do not pay attention to them, sometimes it will lead to great danger. If you find it wrong, you should take the opportunity to make a decision and resolutely turn back. Never try to be brave. These routes include:
trails used during snow cover periods, which are different from summer roads in that there are more straight climbing parts and pass through many difficult places such as valleys. Because winter is completely frozen, it's easy to climb. In addition, the red cloth strips or flagpoles used in winter, and traces of climbing spikes on rocks and tree roots can be found.
What are the characteristics of the roads opened up for the victims? It must feel unnatural when you see it. Because most of the roads lead to cliffs or valleys. There are many dangerous places, and there are still knife edges cut during rescue and hook marks on the cliff.
The roads used for logging or high-voltage line erection projects are also well built and easily confused with mountaineering roads. However, most of them are far away from the normal route and have logging or engineering equipment.
(2) The basic mark of contour map
contour map means that the surface height is the sameIf there is a flat and open hillside on the surface, the distance between the curves will be quite wide, and its datum line is based on the average tide line of sea level, which is made under each map The main illustrations include scale, drawing number, map sheet joint table, legend and azimuth angle.
Scale is a symbol that must be marked on a map. It shows the proportional correlation between the actual distance on the surface and the distance shown on the map. For example, one hundred thousandth of the map represents one centimeter, that is, the actual distance is one kilometer, and one-fifth of the map represents one centimeter, that is, the actual distance is 500 meters. For maps with different scales and the actual distance, the accuracy is small The accuracy of the scale map is high.
Map number is the number representing the name of the map. Maps of different scales are coded with their own system codes, and it is made in the unit of longitude and latitude, so that each map can be closely linked.
The azimuth deviation angle indicates the relationship between the North (the earth's north pole), the magnetic north (the magnetic needle shows the North), and the grid north (the map indicates the North). At the same time, the year-on-year magnetic variation value is also noted at the bottom of the figure. When we use the compass to indicate our position and then compare the map, we can quickly know where we are and where we are going next The terrain changes.
The legend shows the meaning of various symbols on the map. The symbols that most climbers will pay attention to are triangle point and collapseWalls, rivers, lakes and slopes.
Contour map and terrain analysis
types of contour lines
when we look at the contour map carefully, we can find that the lines drawn on the map have two kinds of thick and thin lines, which are designed for the convenience of users to read. The thick lines are called the count curve and indicate the altitude. The distance between the measured curves is 0.2cm, and the fine curve is called the head curve. It is between the two curves, which is convenient To analyze the function of terrain, there are four head curves between every two curves, so that the distance between each line is 0.04 cm.
Blind spot of contour line
the higher the scale, the worse the precision of the map. The reason is that the actual distance between the contour lines is too wide, which makes the terrain in this space unable to be clearly distinguished, resulting in blind spots. Taking one out of 50000 maps as an example, the actual distance between each curve is 20 meters (equivalent to the height of a seven storey building).
slope is one of the most easily recognized terrain features on contour map. We can understand the slope of each mountain peak by observing the map roughly. For example, the narrower the distance between curves, the steeper the slope, the wider the distance between curves, and the slower the slope. If the distance between the peaks is less than the distance below, it means that the section is concave, otherwise it is convex.
Drawing and reading contour maps
when we buy contour maps, we must see whether they fully cover our predetermined activity areas. Usually, we have to buy and piece together two to four maps. Usually, we will not carry the original maps to the field. We (1) give priority to Photocopying and re pasting the maps of the scheduled activity areas; (2) we will not take the original maps to the wildRead the map in detail to distinguish the main and branch lines (i.e. the line connecting the two peaks), streams, slopes, cliffs, collapsed walls and other topographical features; (3) using different color fluorescent pen to draw the main edge lines, streams, and mark the scheduled route and camping site; (4) using transparent tape to completely seal the map and the scheduled itinerary plan, so it is convenient to carry and has waterproof function.
(3) The compass is an indispensable tool for mountaineering and hiking. Its basic function is to use the earth's magnetic field to indicate the north direction. It must cooperate with the map to seek the relative position in order to know its position.
At present, there are many types of compass on the market. Here, we will describe how to use the compass to orient according to the transparent bottom compass, which is the most widely used in mountaineering.
(1) the return to zero operation of compass
the operation of returning compass to zero is a very important pre operation of using forest compass. Its steps are: 1. Place the compass horizontally. 2、 The North zero scale outside the ring is overlapped with the position of the pointer in the ring indicating the north. In this way, the operation of returning the north pointer to zero is completed.
Target azimuth: when measuring the azimuth angle of the target, the north of the site must be parallel to the north of the grid on the map, and then align the red line of the North compass to the target, read out the angle between the target and the grid north, and correct the azimuth deviation angle of the map, which is the target azimuth angle.
(2) field positioning
the main destination of using map and compass is that the user should know the relevant position and terrain change between himself and the destination and be able to mark it on the map.
(3) directional line intersectionThis method uses the known points of two maps to measure the target azimuth angle of the unknown point on the other map respectively, and the extension lines of the two target azimuth angles must meet at this unknown point
example 1. When we see an unknown mountain in the distance and want to know the exact position of the mountain peak, we can use this method.
1. We give priority to mark our position point (point a) on the map and measure the target azimuth of the unknown peak (point C).
2. When we travel a long distance to another known point (point B) on the map, we can measure the target azimuth of the unknown peak.
3. By drawing the extended lines of two target azimuth angles on the map, we can draw the intersection point of the two lines, that is, the unknown peak (point C).
Example 2. When we lose our way or want to know where we are on the map (point C), we first look around the surrounding terrain peaks and select two target points (points a and b) that can be clearly marked on the map. In this way, we can measure the target azimuth of the known points (points a and b), and the intersection point of the two azimuth extension lines is our location point (point C).
4、 Water is the basic condition for human survival, especially for outdoor explorers and field workers. So, how to find a drinking water source in the field?
in fact, the sources of water are very extensive, as long as you pay attention to observe, you can find drinking water sources.
with sensitive auditory organs, pay more attention to the foot of the mountainWhether there is the sound of running water from mountain streams or waterfalls in mountain streams, cliffs, basins and valley bottoms, whether there are frogs and waterfowl calls. Especially in the early morning or foggy morning, because the air contains more water molecules and negative ions, so the sound can spread far away. If you can hear the water, you can drink it directly. But we should pay special attention to the sound of the wind blowing leaves as the sound of running water, which will lead you astray, get into trouble, and may get lost.
through the nose, smell as wet as possible, or the smell of soil and grass brought by the wind. Then look for water in the direction of the smell. Of course, this must have certain training quality and experience accumulation.
with rich experience and knowledge, we can also find water sources by observing animals, plants, meteorology, climate and geographical environment. According to the terrain (geographical environment) to judge the level of groundwater level.
For example, there is often groundwater at the foot of the mountain. The groundwater level is high in low-lying areas, rainwater concentration areas, and the downstream of the reservoir. In addition, under the dry river bed, at the lowest place outside the bend of the river, water can be found by digging down about 2 meters. However, there are a lot of slurries, which need to be purified before drinking. In addition, you can also stand at the height of the mountain to observe the surrounding environment and see if there are rivers, rivers, waterfalls, reservoirs, etc. in such places, you can also find drinking water sources
according to the climate and the dry and wet conditions of the ground
for example, in the hot summer, the ground is always very humid, under the same climate conditions, the ground is not dry and hot for a long timeThe water level is high; in autumn, there is water vapor rising on the surface, and there is often gauze like mist in the early morning, and the dew is heavy at night, and the ground is wet, which indicates that the groundwater level is high and the water is sufficient; in the cold winter, when there is frost at the cracks on the ground surface, the groundwater level is also relatively high; the groundwater level is in the places where the thawing is early in spring, the place that is frozen late in winter, and the place where the melting is fast after snowfall High.
Looking for water source according to plant growth
Where cattail, Salix psammophila, Malacca, golden needle (also known as yellow flower) and water mustard grow, the water level is relatively high, and the water quality is good; where there are gray vegetables, Penghao, and shaliwang, there is also groundwater, but the water quality is not good, with bitter or astringent taste, or with rust; in early spring, when other branches have not sprouted, there is only one branch that has sprouted, and there is groundwater; in autumn, the same One of the other leaves has already withered and yellow, and a single leaf is not yellow. There are underground water. In addition, it is also found in the areas of water, such as poplar, sycamore, willow and salt. In addition, in the dense forest valley, there will be streams flowing out.
Looking for water sources according to the activities of animals and insects
in summer, mosquitoes gather and fly into the cylindrical shape, and there must be water in the places where frogs, big ants and snails live; in addition, the routes of swallows flying and the places where they build nests with mud are all places with water sources and high groundwater level. What's more, quails fly to the water in the evening and fly back to the water in the morning; turtledoves fly to the water source sooner or later, which also indicates where the water is.
Looking for water sources according to weather changes Where there is a rainbow in the sky, there must be rain; under the dark cumulonimbus clouds with thunder and lightning, there must be rain or hail; there must be water in the valley where there is always heavy fog; it can also alleviate the urgent need by collecting dew water
directly taking water from plants
in the southern forest, there are wild plantain, also known as immortal banana. The core of this plant contains a lot of water. As long as you cut it quickly from the bottom with a knife, clean liquid will drip out of the stem core, and you will have water to drink. It is suggested that the tender core of Musa edulis can also be eaten, and it can satisfy the hunger when the food is cut off. In addition, there is a kind of bamboo. There is water in several diabolo festivals near the root. Shake those old, yellow bamboo stems. If you hear the sound of water inside, cut a small slot at the bottom of the second bamboo joint with a knife, and pour out the water inside to drink. If you can find Pueraria lobata, grapevine, Schisandra chinensis and other vine plants, you can also get drinking water. In addition, drinking water can be obtained from the trunks and branches of birch, elm and other trees when the trees are about to sprout in spring. Note: do not drink those vines with emulsion or irrigation, tree juice, toxic.
In addition, drinking water can also be obtained from aloe, cactus and their fruits. Coconut, guava, pineapple, sugarcane, and the stems of immature Cymbidium and agave also contain a lot of water.
It is suggested that the drinking "water" obtained from plants is easy to deteriorate. It is better to drink it immediately and not to store it for a long time.
The above method is effective in water shortage in the field. However, simply relying on the above methods to find water is not long-termIt is not suitable for a large number of people or too long time. As far as safety is concerned, I hope friends are better not to stay away from the water for a day or two, and not to go into the jungle alone. Because in nature, the ability of people who leave the group is extremely weak.
When you are extremely tired and thirsty, when you find the water source, it is better not to drink too much immediately. You should purify and disinfect the water source according to the environmental conditions at that time, so as to avoid poisoning or disease caused by drinking water.
(2) Do you know how to make a fire?
Fire can contain death and increase vitality. It can not only cook food, but also has a wider range of uses: the fire releases heat to generate warmth, which can save heat loss in the body; it can dry clothes; smoked meat can keep fresh for a long time; fire can scare away dangerous wild animals; smoke can drive away pests; in addition, it can also forge metal tools and sharpen sticks. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to make a fire under any conditions and in any place.
1. Under normal circumstances, lighters and matches are the most important ignition tools. Drop wax on the match before departure to prevent it from becoming damp. If the match is wet, rub it in your hair, and the hair will generate static electricity to dry it. In addition, remember that a small candle can last for a long time with the minimum energy consumption, and the candle is a good combustion promoter.
2. Use convex mirror: the strong sunlight can generate enough heat to ignite the fire through the convex mirror. Magnifying glass, telescope or camera convex mirror can replace convex mirror for you.
3. Battery fire: the spark emitted when connecting the positive and negative electrodes of the battery in the vehicle, flashlight or radio with wires can be used to ignite the fire.
4. Drilling wood to make fire: This is a simple fire making technique, but it needs a lot of practice. When a hard spindle shaped wood is used to drill holes on a cork base, fine sawdust will fall at first, and then the friction will become hot. In order to drill the wood easily, the hard spindle shaped wood is often wrapped on the self-made wooden bow to accelerate the rotation speed and ignite the fire as soon as possible.
Ignition and practical application of fire:
the first thing is to find out the combustible igniters, such as dead grass, birch bark, pine needles, resin, twigs, paper, cotton, etc.
The second is to pick up and carry dry firewood: dry and non decayed trunk or branches should be selected for dry firewood. As far as possible to choose pine, oak, oak, birch, locust, cherry, apricot and other hardwoods, burning a long time, fire, charcoal. Do not pick up firewood close to the ground. The wood close to the ground has high humidity and is not easy to burn.
The next step is to clear up a sheltered, flat space away from dead grass and dry wood. Place the lead-in in in the middle, gently put fine pine branches, fine dry wood, etc., and then set up larger and longer firewood, and then ignite the igniter. According to the local conditions, the fire can be designed as cone, star, "and" shape, side-by-side, roof shape, ranch shape and so on. It can also be used to prop up dry firewood with stones or under the cliff, lean the dry firewood on the rock wall, place the introduction below and ignite it. Generally, a pit with a diameter of about 1m and a depth of about 30cm is dug at the shelter. If the groundIf it is hard to dig a hole, you can also find some stones to form a circle. The size of the circle depends on the size of the fire. Then put the introduction object in the middle of the circle, put some dry wood on it, and light the lead-in object to ignite the dry wood to form a campfire. If the dry wood has not been ignited when the igniter is about to burn out, the igniter should be added into the gap of the dry wood until the dry wood is burned, instead of re erecting the firewood for ignition.
It is better to light a campfire near the water, or prepare some soil, sand and stone, moss, etc. beside the campfire for timely fire fighting.
5、 Camping knowledge
correct selection of camping sites and familiar with how to build simple and strong tents are the skills that must be possessed by field survivors. This chapter describes a variety of tent construction methods, from the simplest shelter to a simple shelter suitable for long-term living.
(1) Where to build a tent
if you are in a high open area, move down; if you are in a low humidity area, move up. The ideal location should be a high place that can be protected from wind and rain, and not be threatened by falling rocks or avalanches. The density of hot air is less than that of cold air, so cold air often accumulates at the bottom of valley. When the temperature is low, it is easy to form wet fog and frost. In some areas, there are many platforms along the hillside to receive rainwater, where it is relatively humid. The rest of the hillside is relatively dry.
The ideal location should also be close to the water source and there are sufficient available trees nearby. Don't put your tent too close to the water source, which will easily be disturbed by mosquitoes, and the sound of running water will interfere with your judgment, and the danger will not be detected, orThey missed the rescue team.
We should find the height that the maximum flow of flood on the river bank can reach - the mountain stream can turn into a turbulent current within a few minutes after the rainstorm, and the water level can rise by five meters in an hour! In the open land, the flood may even exceed the river course. Torrential rain from nearby mountains and rivers can easily turn into rolling floods without any warning. Flat enough space for rescuers to pick out.
Look up to see if there are beehives around and if there are dead trees that may fall in the next storm. To stay away from the isolated tall trees, it may become the target of lightning. Being on the edge of a forest allows you to see what's going on around you. Tents can't be built on the path that wild animals often run - because you don't want the animals that are looking for food to be your guests, and maybe a group of wild animals that go to drink water will step down your hard-built tent in an instant. But tents can be built where there are traces of humans.
In hot, humid weather, swarms of mosquitoes can be the most terrifying thing for campers. This situation will be more serious at night when there is no wind, so when choosing a campsite, you should pay attention not to choose the dead water pool, the dense grassland and any place where there may be water, which is the breeding place of starfish mosquitoes. In addition, mosquitoes don't congregate in ventilated areas, so it's a good idea to choose a place where the wind blows on a muggy night, such as between two hills, or a ventilated tunnel. Return to the windy night in a windy night, shouldThe tent should be set up in a leeward. However, in many cases, the weather during the construction of the camp is very calm, so we should make a forecast of the weather changes. In windy weather. As much as possible, tents should be placed in undergrowth or in big rocks. In a storm, the first thing to consider is not comfort. It's about whether the site you choose can ensure the safety of the tent. Flat terrain in the strong wind is not a good choice.
Places not suitable for setting up tents:
1. Windy hilltops (move down the mountain to look for leeward places).
2. The bottom of the valley and the unfathomable caves - quite wet, and if the weather is clear during the day, there may be frost at night.
3. Hillside and flat land - easy to gather moisture.
4. The mountain mouth leading to water source is often the only way for wild animals to drink water. In particular, the construction of the whole camp is particularly important for a certain scale of field camp, which can be divided into the following steps:
1. Site leveling: clean the selected tent area, remove stones, shrubs and other things that are easy to pierce the tent, and fill the uneven areas with soil or grass.
2. Site Division: a complete camp should be divided into tent camp area, fire area, dining area, entertainment area, water area (washing), sanitary area and other areas. The fire area should be downwind, and the tent should be destroyed by fire star. The dining area should be close to the fire area for cooking and dining. Activities and entertainment areas should be in the downwind of the dining area, in order to prevent the dust from polluting tableware and other things. WeiThe living area should also be downwind of the active area. The water use area should be divided into upper and lower sections of the stream and its river. The upper section is for drinking water and the lower section is for domestic water.
3. Construction of tent camp area: if there are several tents in the tent camp area, attention should be paid when arranging tents: the tent doors should be opened in one direction and arranged side by side. There should be a certain distance between tents.
4. Construction of fire dining area: dining is usually the same as using fire. The best place to cook is the place with soil and stone ridges, so as to dig a stove and build a stove. The firewood collected by everyone should be stacked outside the area or in the windward place. It's better to have a lawn around the dining area, and a big flat stone can be used for the dining table, or it's on the ground.
5. Construction of health area: the health area is a convenient place. If you only stay for one night, you don't need to dig and build a pit. You can specify a convenient place for men and women. If the length of stay is more than two days, it should be excavated and built. The temporary toilet should be built in the place with dense trees, so there is no need to pull the curtain. Everyone's defecation should be carried out in the built sanitary area, instead of being full of mountain solutions and killing the scenery.
6. Construction of entertainment area: as long as the entertainment area is flat, and clear up the stumbling and meeting things in the site. Sometimes when playing some games, you should pull a protective rope in a designated circle to avoid accidents.
6、 Knowledge of shrubbery crossing (1) understanding of shrubbery makes hiking dangerous and difficult. Shrubbery covers cliffs, boulders and canyons, causing danger to people; and shrubs are also rope traps.
Shrubbery grows in humid areas, low latitudes and subalpine areas with few trees. The rivers that often change the river course are unfavorable to the growth of big trees, but they are very suitable for the dense growth of shrubbery. When the erosion Valley is hit by an avalanche in winter, all the shrubs are covered by snow, but as soon as the summer comes, their heads are exposed without any injury and new shoots are spit out.
Climbers prefer old forest or open line to young forest. The thick branches and leaves of the old forest block the sunlight and inhibit the growth of shrubs. But shrubbery can be seen everywhere in the young forest. When a forest destroyed by forest fire, storm, or deforestation revives, it will grow thick shrubbery, which is most difficult when it reaches seven meters (twenty feet).
Wind blown trees, avalanche fans, and debris left behind by logging are harder to get through. These messy debris can make the speed of travel slow, such as cochlear pupil, it is better to change a route. The dense and intertwined Western Cedar climbs the cliff and rock area, forming another obstacle.
If you have to fight the Bush, the following measures can reduce the difficulty. Find the shortest path through the shrubbery. Walking on long, straight fallen logs. Push and pull away the branches of shrubs, step on the lower branches, and lift or climb the higher branches for passage. When you encounter steep terrain, use strong branches as a place to grab.
But it's better to avoid the bush. Here are some tips for avoiding shrubbery:
try to make the most of the mountain path. It's easier to walk a five mile path than to cross a one mile bush.
Consider traveling during the snow covered Bush season. Some valleys are covered with snow and ice in May. It's goodLet's go, but the snow melts in July.
Avoid avalanche tracks. For long valleys, it is better to go south or west, and the frequency of avalanches is low. When climbing the valley wall, you should pass through the woods between the two avalanche routes.
The target is the dense forest, because usually the Shrubs under the big trees are sparse.
Walk on the gravel or snow, don't walk beside the shrubbery.
Look for hunting trails. Animals usually find the best way to go.
It is dry and has no shrubs, and the bottom of streams and valleys is often full of shrubs.
If one side of the stream is covered with shrubs, please check whether it is better to walk on the other side.
If the route is parallel to the stream, it is considered to enter the river directly. The stream bed may form a tunnel in the Bush pile, which is easy to walk, but must wade. The dry stream bed is ideal, but in deep canyons, streams may be blocked by fallen trees or form waterfalls.
If the route is parallel to the valley, consider climbing directly to the forest line or plot line, and choose the route higher than the shrub.
If there are cliffs on both sides of the valley, walk to the foot of the cliff, and a flat and open corridor will be formed under the cliff.
(2) Br >
, what kind of thrilling experience do you think of in the jungle?
Before starting a trek in the jungle, we must be fully prepared to face severe challenges and unforeseen dangers. So, what kind of weapons do you need?
FirstFirst of all, you should remember several important safety tips:
when you see a leopard, don't run away immediately, but walk towards it, shouting and clapping. When encountering dangerous snakes, such as boa constrictors, Bungarus multicinctus and lance headed snakes, they must escape quickly. Avoid most insects - most of them have special defense systems, and it's much smarter to live with them in peace than to fight first. If spiders and scorpions climb on you, just brush them off gently. Patting them can lead to biting. Learn some defensive techniques from aborigines, such as applying garlic to your body to drive away bugs and snakes. To survive in the jungle, you don't need the chores of chocolate, soda, or CD player, and your Aboriginal guide will ask you to drop them.
Guides know that to survive, you only need four basic elements - water, food, shelter and fire.
Water: spring water, river water and lake water can be used as water sources. But don't forget the water vine. They can be found everywhere in the tropical rain forest. In many cases, the river water and lake water are not drinkable. But the water vine is always full of sweet slurry. Just cut off a meter long section with a knife and drink the liquid out of it. The big leaves of tropical plants can be used to collect rainwater or dew. You can also make a special solar distiller to collect drinking water. When you are not sure about drinking raw water, you can boil the water or add iodine tablets to the water to kill parasites and other bacteria. Don't carry water purifiers or other things. They will increase your burden in practice, a few days later Filter elementIt will be blocked by impurities or oxidized by substances in water.
Food: you can take some rice, coffee, tea and sugar when you leave, but the jungle, especially the tropical rainforest, is full of bioactive compounds, many of which can be used as natural food. Like potatoes and taro. There are many guinea pigs without tail spines in the jungle, which is a kind of delicious food. Its meat taste is similar to beef. Caiman (South American alligator) tastes good, can be smoked or roasted to eat, squeeze some jungle lemon juice on the meat will be more delicious. In addition, fishing in the stream, often can harvest such delicious as barbed tailed sunfish. The nutritional value of green vegetables is incomparable. You can pick the heart of water spinach from the palm leaves. It is very delicious, which can be eaten raw or cooked with poultry into a pot of fragrant "chicken soup".
Shelter: among the three elements of life support, shelter is the easiest to obtain. With the wide leaves and branches of palm trees, a simple "rat tail" waterproof shelter can be built quickly to shelter against rain. If you frame them with more branches and tie them together with vines, you can make more elaborate triangular sheds, which will be enough for you to settle down when the night comes or the rain falls suddenly.
Fire: it is very important to make a fire in the jungle for heating, cooking and boiling water. Indigenous people often carry kindling, but for people from modern cities, carrying a hot lighter, such as a magnesium lighter or a hexane lighter, is enough. Finally, it's best to prepare a pair of high quality when you startHis boots, a Raincloth and a military mosquito net. If you can also bring a sharp machete, which can be used as a defensive weapon as well as a tool to cut down trees for food, you will have another guarantee for your journey to the jungle.
7、 Can you walk in the wild?
The introduction of outdoor sports should start from walking. Walking is one of the most basic human skills. Walking is the simplest sport, regardless of the site. Take a trip to the wild and enjoy the taste of cutting through the thorns and thorns, and you will have a lot of fun.
The length of walking time and the speed of walking depend on the individual's physical ability. Walking for a long time, it's better to walk at a constant speed.
When you go uphill, keep your steps small and steady. If the ascent is too steep, you can go zigzag. When you go downhill, don't destroy the original rhythm of walking. You should walk in a down-to-earth manner. Tie the laces tight, especially at the ankle, so as not to top the toe. When passing the suspension bridge, the suspension bridge is easy to sway, and it is better to cross one by one. If there is a fear of heights, look forward and keep the rhythm. When crossing a single wooden bridge, change your steps to the outer "eight" character, and look at the front one or two meters. The speed of passing should be determined according to the length and width of the single wooden bridge. If the single tree bridge is narrow and long, you should be careful and keep balance. When crossing a river, it's best to go together. You should first understand the depth of the river. When the river is deep, other routes should be selected; the river water is shallower than the thigh, and it can be waded across the river in summer or spring and autumn, but barefoot is not safe. When it's cold, you should choose the dry stones in the river, pay attention to the stability of the stones and their own balance。
A long march requires proper rest. Generally, March for about an hour and rest for 5-10 minutes. Because everyone's physical fitness is different, the rest depends on the individual situation. Don't stay still when you have a rest. You should do some relaxation exercise, drink some water and eat some snacks.
8、 (1) preparation for typhoon prevention
the prerequisite for typhoon prevention is to be informed of typhoon warning in advance and fully prepare Countermeasures before the typhoon comes. People are very vulnerable to typhoons. It is suggested that if necessary, they must stay in the surrounding population areas for help. Typhoons often cause disastrous consequences, such as muddy roads, landslides, broken trees, flooding, and so on, which cannot be resisted by individuals.
Windproof, rainproof and cold proof are the basic principles of typhoon prevention. If there is no such place, you should choose the place where there is no risk of landslides or floods. For example, high ground, rock or forest are safer places for refuge. If you must continue to move forward, you should also bend down and do not rush to the rain, damp clothes will take away body temperature, resulting in physical imbalance. In case of strong wind, try to lie down on the ground to escape from the forest, not under the dead trees.
(2) Lightning avoidance is one of the most terrible natural disasters to the people who live in the field. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid lightning strike. If there is a temperature difference of more than 20 degrees between the mountains above 3000 meters and the ground, lightning is easy to occur.
Lightning is easy to hit high objects and metal objects, so when lightning occurs, we should try to lower the posture and escape into the low-lying or hole. On top of treesThe ground with a 45 degree angle can rely on trees to avoid direct lightning strikes (absolutely not allowed to lean on trees), so it can be safely avoided. Try to throw the metal objects or copper plates on your body at a distance.
In order to ensure safety, when you are on the top of a mountain or feel dangerous, you should move to a low-lying area immediately. Distant mines may come by surprise or fall directly from the surrounding clouds. Therefore, once there is a sign of thunder and lightning, we should not wait and see to be brave and take refuge in a safe place as soon as possible.
In our life, we can encounter many disasters, and many disasters are inevitable. Many disasters will bring us huge property losses, even the cost of life. So how can we avoid all kinds of disasters as far as possible, or how to protect ourselves in the face of disasters.
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