Buying vs. Renting: How To Turn Renters into Leads
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As a real estate agent, you've probably experienced something like this: You're exploring a new lead that's looking to own a home, but they've only ever been renters. The daunting amount of money they'd be putting into a house makes them lean towards renting – but you know better. You know the obvious benefits of being a home owner – but do your clients? 
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This was going to be a quickie, no big deal post.  Sure, sure, sure – I can hear you saying!!Go get that coffee…I'll wait.Last week, the new season of Bravo's Million Dollar Listing - Los Angeles started and as usual, it's a blast to watch these young realtors – making millions selling high priced houses all the while acting like little ill-behaved children, dressed to the nines and driving the
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Crickets – a Top Winter Nuisance Pest for Offices
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Cricket Chirping Can Make You Crazy
Chirping crickets are a common sound in NJ on hot summer nights, but these pests can also become indoor nuisances in office buildings during winter. If you have these pests around this winter, you'll need NJ office pest control to eliminate them before they can cause damage.
Cricket Behavior in Winter
Crickets seek warm places to stay during the colder winter months in NJ. In some cases, this can mean office buildings. Crickets can enter through any gaps or cracks in the building's foundation or around windows and doors. Once they're indoors, they'll stick around and feed on certain materials, which can cause damage to office supplies and equipment.
Crickets are able to thrive in the right indoor environments, which allows them to eventually reproduce when the weather gets warmer. This, in turn, leads to a bigger cricket problem in offices.
Preventing Cricket Problems
How can you reduce your risk of having to deal with a cricket problem this winter or next spring? Having your building inspected is a good first step to ensure that you don't have these pests around already. Making sure that window and door frames throughout your office building are sealed up also helps prevent crickets and other pests from being able to get inside your building when they're looking for shelter during winter.
If you need NJ office pest control for crickets or other pests, contact Stern Environmental.
The post Crickets – a Top Winter Nuisance Pest for Offices appeared first on Sterns Chatter.
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New Life "Paints It Forward" for Ezra Lionheart
Hey everyone, Noah Winkles here from New Life Painting. This is going to be our first annual Pain It Forward for Ezra Lionheart. We are doing this in memory of Ezra, my best friend, Eric, and his wife, Sarah who are a part of a program called Angels Foster Care, and they had Ezra for about seven months, and he had passed away a year ago.
So what we're doing is we're going to do a Paint It Forward in his memory. We worked with Angels to get Cindy and Wally Hernandez and we're going to be painting their house today. We chose them just because they have worked with Angels for about six years. They've had 15 kids through their house in the foster program and so we're super thankful, and really happy to work with them and paint their house.  For colors, we're going to go from this sand color and the green fascia, and we're going to go to a bare color which is called perfect taupe. It's kind of a silver taupe color that's going to be for the stucco, and then it's "Starless Night" is going to be for the fascia, which is kind of a dark navy blue. And then the black is Black Bordeaux, and that's going to be going around for the doors and for some of the trim. So those are going to be the three colors we are going to use.
I want to thank Kelly-Moore Paints and Lalo at Kelly-Moore for donating about 25 gallons to repaint this home. We want to just say thank you for that.  
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Cute And Easy Winter Art Projects For Kids
Get creative with these cute and easy winter art projects for kids. Make snowman and polar bear paintings. The post Cute And Easy Winter Art Projects For Kids appeared first on Mama Smiles. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
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Five-Minute DIY Sweater Vase Project
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I finally took down my Christmas decorations.
I put it off as long as I could, but Valentine's Day was looking at me with a scolding face.
There's seriously nothing worse than getting chastised by a holiday.
After the boxes were packed and the twinkling lights were put away and the halls were undecked, it all looked clean.
And fresh.
And ready for a new year.
But truth?
It looked a little empty.
So I took 1/12 of an hour and a thrift store bargain and came up with this.
A five-minute DIY sweater vase project.
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I started with a random set of vases I had around the house.
They don't have to match.
No one will notice when they are wearing their sweaters.
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I found three cream sweaters at the thrift store.
You may have some sweaters around your house that might work, too.
The rest of the sweater might look a little awkward, but just make sure the arms are cute.
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Place your vase next to the arm of the sweater to measure.
Add six additional inches in case the sweater stretches.
(total aside:  don't worry if you mess it up-the sweater has another arm.)
Then cut the sweater arm off from the rest of the sweater.
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Pull the sweater arm onto your vase.
Straighten the seam in the back.
And then?
Just cut to fit, leaving a small hem at the bottom.
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Then just tuck the hem under at the bottom.
You could also add a little bit of fabric glue to hold it in place.
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Fill it with water and add branches.
Place the vases at different heights.
I used books to stack and arrange them.
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That's it.
Here are a few tips I learned along the project way:
1. Know your vases before you pick your sweater.  Some sweaters are looser and some are tighter weave.  You want to make sure your sweater won't overstretch.
2. Mix up the weaves of your sweaters to make the display even cozier.
3. I also thought it might be cute to add a pom pom to the top or front of the vase.
4. Cream sweaters are pretty, but you could add color and pattern, too.
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Hello 2019.
Best five minutes I've spent this year.
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PS  I've been getting so many e-mails from so many of you who are interested in starting a blog.
It must be all those New Year's resolutions.
I want to help, so I'm opening up FOUR slots for a one-hour consult.
Want to start a blog?
Want to grow your business?
Want to bring a product to market?
I'm all ears and here to help.
Here are the details on cost and what the consult offers and reviews of some individuals I've consulted with.
Just e-mail me at [email protected].
Here's to the BEST 2019 EVER.
The post Five-Minute DIY Sweater Vase Project appeared first on Thistlewood Farm.
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5 Super Awesome Pillows You Can Make at Home
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Pillows, pillows, pillows they bring so much to a room! Not only do they bring comfort but also can add a great pop of color to any room. If you couldn't tell by now, I am a huge fan of pillows! Here are five super awesome new ways that you can make a pillow for {...Read More...}
The post 5 Super Awesome Pillows You Can Make at Home appeared first on Infarrantly Creative.
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Simple Green Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette
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Every cook should know how to make a simple side salad and lemon vinaigrette. It's the easy side dish to pair with just about any entrée, comes together in 10 minutes with simple ingredients, and is incredibly versatile. Let me show you how it's done.
Start with a base of greens. We went with spring greens, but I also love spinach as a base, as well as thinly sliced kale, arugula, and romaine.
Simple Green Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette from Minimalist Baker →
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Scenes from a Nursery Trade Show
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The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show is happening in Baltimore this week, and garden communicators (formerly “writers”) were there in droves! Here we all are at the breakfast event for media. Well, here they all are – I'd already started canvassing the vendor booths for familiar faces and interesting stuff to post about.
GardenRanter Scott Beuerlein was there, too and he's actually in the photo – back row, right of center.
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So who should I spot right away but these titans of the plant world greeting each other like the old pals we know them to be. That's Dr. Michael Dirr on the left with Dr. Allan Armitage, both of the University of Georgia.
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What followed was the taking of lots of posed photos like this one, but the one I wish I'd gotten included a guy I later learned was UGA Coach Vince Dooley, who's famous for his garden.
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I visited Carolyn Mullet and her Carex Tours booth to chat a bit and give me an excuse to recommend her European garden tours with their emphasis on great design.
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I stopped here to ask the succulent expert how to keep alive the succulent houseplants I got for Christmas, which are suffering already. More on that in an upcoming post.
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I have recycled Adirondack chairs like these in a wonderful color and was pleased to see all sorts of other furniture options now available in similar materials and colors. They last a lifetime with no maintenance and are comfy.
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I caught up with Mark Highland of Organic Mechanics (right) and was happy to hear business is good.
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This fabulous booth introduced me to a garden center not far from me – so yay!
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Best Bees is an urban beekeeping service that's exhibiting at MANTS for the first time. I hope they're having a great show!
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I stopped at Terra Nova Nurseries in Oregon hoping to see owner Dan Heims, who's been having health problems. He wasn't there but I learned that he's planning to attend an IPM conference in Germany soon, so his spirits seem to be good.
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This is what even moderate-size trees look like when wrapped for moving and planting. I was told it weighs 3,800 pounds. Do not try this at home.
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The Kurt Bluemel booth is always attractive and a reminder of how much the founder is missed. (See Alan Bush's lovely tribute in memoriam.) I learned that the fellow in this shot is Kurt's grandson.
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Author David Culp was manning the booth for Sunny Border Nurseries and whatever they're paying him, he deserves a raise because the man can SELL. I left feeling guilty that I'm not interested enough in snowdrops (galanthus) to attend a whole conference about them (while applauding plant geeks who specialize in them, or really anything).
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I'm a fan of Sandy's Plants in my home town of Richmond, VA. Visitors get to drive around the nursery in individual golf carts! And it's just five minutes from Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.
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I was hoping to see the super-fun Lloyd Tavern at his Peace Tree Farm booth but he was busy working the floor.
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Now THIS was interesting – these magazines about the green industry include Cannabis and Dispensary. They serve the fastest growing segment of the hort biz, the growing and selling of cannabis. (If you've seen a book store lately and they have a gardening section at all, it's probably filling up with pot-growing books.)
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Kudos to Southern Living Plant Collection for a gorgeous display.
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At the large Knock Out Rose booth I asked a bunch of questions about rose rosette disease and will be posting about the answers soon.
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The National Arboretum booth was a sad reminder of the political storm brewing in nearby D.C. It's closed for the shutdown, with only friends-group volunteers available to man the booth.
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Lots of garden-communicator pals were stopping at the GardenComm booth (formerly Garden Writers) to greet president Becky Heath and let her talk them into speaking on camera about the organization. Here's Pat Stone of Greensprints Magazine stepping up to the challenge.
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This Halloween-packed booth was one of many selling nonplant-related STUFF that's so important to the business of independent garden centers.
So what's missing from this photo-packed post? Shots of the vast majority (maybe 98%) of the booths that sell products of no interest or relevance to home gardeners at all. This show is for the trade, not us. So I just breezed by all the nursery irrigation systems and the dozens of Christmas tree growers and made it home before dark.
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Wait! I found one more shot of a bunch of garden communicators lunching together that doesn't include me – because I'd just left the group. I'm sure that wasn't deliberate.
Until next January, that's all from the show (unless Scott has his own report. It was his very first MANTS.)
I love this event and the three media events and parties that come with it (thank you, event people!). It's an emotional lift in the midst of winter. And it makes me really happy to be part of the wonderful this world of plant people. I found my peeps.
For our Feedblitz subscribers, the author of this post is Susan Harris.
Scenes from a Nursery Trade Show originally appeared on GardenRant on January 11, 2019.
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In Australia, Two Families Live Surrounded by the Bush
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When Phoebe and Chris Bell found themselves trekking between the vibrant scene of Melbourne, Australia, and the more slow-paced, rural towns on the outskirts of the city, they realized that leading a suburban life in between the two areas that they loved wasn't how they wanted to wind down. When the couple eventually began planning a family and had their son Jude, opting to move to the leafy town of Warrandyte felt like a step in the right direction.
Phoebe and Chris' new country home, a two-story house with strong original 1970s vibes, allows the couple to return home to what feels like a remote bush retreat at the end of each day. “It's a retreat in every sense of the word and as soon as I walk through the door, I'm immediately more grounded and calm,” Phoebe explains. “It has big windows and a very strong connection to the sprawling bush that surrounds it, making it an incredibly nurturing home.”
Over the past five years, after deciding that a career as a lawyer wasn't for her, Phoebe has built her colorful and bohemian homewares brand, Sage x Clare (@sageandclare). In addition to carefully planning her homeware collections, she has fully embraced the process of sourcing vintage furniture and decor for her family's home. “Moving in here has taught me patience. It's not the sort of home you want to fill with mass-produced or new pieces. It needs vintage, soulful pieces and they can't always be found exactly when you want them,” she reflects. On top of selecting pieces that look good, everything should stand up to the demands of family life, ensuring that the home is not only filled with beautiful items but rich with memories and full of life.
Since moving into the house six months ago, the headcount in Phoebe and Chris' home has doubled, as they recently welcomed Phoebe's twin sister Jemma, her husband Paul and their six-week-old daughter Nelly to live with them. “Jemma and Paul have called Jaipur, India home for many years and decided it was time to come home for a year or so to have their baby and enjoy the support of family. We're loving having such a full house!” Phoebe shares. Both families seem to agree that the house in the bush has a special, welcoming energy. It has quickly turned into a hub for friends and family - and Phoebe and Chris wouldn't have it any other way. -Sofia
Photography by Phoebe Bell / @sageandclare
Image above: Phoebe remembers the first time she stood at the living room windows and stared in awe at the view over the bushy landscape. “It's spectacular and forever changing with the light and the weather. We're so lucky to have an aspect like this,” she says. The strong 1970s bones of the house have informed the family's design choices, which range from unique vintage pieces to bohemian details in line with the aesthetic of Phoebe's home decor brand Sage x Clare. 
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3 Things Senior Living Communities Should Consider When Hiring Landscape Maintenance
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  Considering landscape maintenance for your senior living community?
At Schill Grounds Management (SGM) we understand that a safe, clean and well-maintained landscape is attractive to families seeking senior living for their loved ones.
As the landscape maintenance and snow removal provider for one of the top rated independent and assisted living facilities in Ohio (St. Mary of the Woods), amongst other facilities, we have the knowledge and expertise of maintaining and preserving healthy, vibrant landscapes year-round.
To assist in your search, we've created a list of the top 3 things senior living communities should consider when hiring landscape maintenance professionals: Safety, Service and Communication. Let's get started..
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How To Keep Your Business Pest Free
Owning or managing a business is challenging enough without having to worry about pest control. And with strict regulations around commercial pest control, hiring a professional who specializes in commercial properties is your best option. To help maintain a pest free business and reduce the chance of pests, read the pest prevention tips listed below.
1. Cleaning
If your establishment includes perishable items and or a kitchen, deep cleaning once a month is not enough to keep pests and rodents away. Depending on your business, kitchens should be heavily cleaned on a weekly basis or even daily if applicable. Also, practice a First in First Out approach to storage to ensure that storage rooms are kept clean and there are no perishable items attracting pests
2. Check Shipments
When shipments come to your facility, double check pallets and boxes for signs of pests and rodents. These signs can include holes in boxes, or pest droppings. Noticing these signs is essential to avoid a pest infestation.
3. Keep doors closed
Although it may be tempting for convenience, keep entryways to your business closed as much as possible, so pests and rodents have a smaller probability of entering your facility. Especially during the colder months, pests are trying to find warmth, and your business can be very inviting to them.
4. Hire Viking Pest Control
It is crucial to hire a company that specializes in commercial properties, due to the specialization needed for pest control. Viking Pest offers SMART Technology that links wirelessly, providing 24/7 monitoring and communication giving us full control of the installation. If you like to learn more about SMART Technology or see how SMART Technology can help keep your business, follow this link: https://www.vikingpest.com/smart/ or call Viking Pest at 1-800-618-BUGS
The post How To Keep Your Business Pest Free appeared first on Viking Pest Control.
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Our Holiday Wish List for You
It's that time of year again! So many pleasant things are happening: the holidays, lots of good food, parties to attend, gifts to give, and visits with friends and family. You might also be reminded that it's finally time to make plans to re-do the kitchen, update the baths, or finish the basement.
Your family budget is probably another big thing that's on your mind this time of year. When it comes to updating their home, many homeowners think that getting good design puts remodeling out of reach. The truth is that a high-quality, well-designed project is a great investment that can actually save you money in the long run.
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What's on Our List?
The items on our wish list for you – this holiday season AND all year long – are probably on your remodeling wish list, too. Your lifestyle requirements and budget are at the top. We take a look not only at the budget, but also at creative design possibilities that make the most of everything in the remodeled space: from traffic flow and natural light to storage space and style.
Here are three ways we check our list to stretch your remodeling budget:
1. Thoughtful Space Planning
Intelligent space planning carves the most from every square inch of the remodeled space. It rewards you with a home that is designed specifically to fit your lifestyle and needs. You don't want to spend money on a beautiful kitchen remodel only to find out that there is no place for a trash can or the dog's bowl.
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Custom kitchen by Merrill Contracting & Remodeling
Space planning can also work magic in reclaiming “lost” space. The space between wall studs can become a niche that displays a favorite piece of artwork or provides an extra bit of storage in a small bathroom. A blank wall in the kitchen might be just enough room for a row of narrow cabinets, perfect for a beverage station or for stashing holiday china and serving pieces.
2. Design Savvy
With good design, any remodeling budget can buy major style. Here's an example: you may love the look of a certain kind of tile, but it's priced out of reach. With some clever design, however, you can enjoy that expensive look for less. It's possible to get an upscale look on a modest budget by combining handsome, budget-friendly tiles with sparing use of high-end accent tiles.
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Custom kitchen by Merrill Contracting & Remodeling
3. Products and Priorities
Because we know what products are available and how they work in real-world homes, we can help you spend your remodeling dollars most efficiently. We know what is fabulous and what is a flop! We can also help you get those special, extra items you crave. For example, if it's a priority to have a commercial-style range, we can show you how to include it and still stay within budget by scaling down on your cabinet choice without sacrificing your new kitchen's high-quality look and feel.
Remember, it's the choice of appliances, fixtures, and finishes that can eat up the budget quickly. We can guide you in making selections that don't cost more, but it will help assure that you end up with the features, functionality, and quality you need, and creativity you want.
It won't be long before the holiday gift list is replaced by your list of New Year's Resolutions to clean up and fix up your home. So, when January arrives and you find yourself pondering how to update your home before the next holiday season rolls around, call us and check out our wish list for helping you get the most from your remodeling investment!
Thinking about remodeling? Contact us for a free project consultation
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The post Our Holiday Wish List for You appeared first on Merrill Contracting & Remodeling, Inc..
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Things Are Getting Homier At The Duplex!
Last month we shared how refinishing the floors at the duplex made us feel like we turned a major corner at a house we've been renovating for over a year (remember when it looked like this?!). And now we are firmly in “the fun part!” You know, where you get to start bringing in rugs and light fixtures and furniture and accessories so it goes from looking like a construction zone to an actual home. It's THE. BEST. Especially after months and months of expensive improvements that you don't even see when the drywall goes back up (like plumbing and electrical upgrades).
So let's just get right into it. Behold, this wall of the left side's master bedroom that we pretty much rebuilt from scratch:
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bench / similar light / similar rug / walls: SW Spare White / doors: SW White Truffle
That rug is the one we originally bought for the pink house's living room (you can see it there in this post) but it often looked too dark paired with our dark sectional. But in this room with a fluffy white bed on top of it, we think it'll look worlds lighter and brighter – especially paired with our pretty pink closet doors and that capiz chandelier that we hung between them (which used to hang above our dining table in the pink house – more on that switcheroo here).
We actually added those two closets during framing because it was the largest room but it didn't have a closet at all originally. So we thought flanking the window with two of 'em added lots of storage and symmetry (whereas just one closet would take a bite out of the corner of the room and feel less balanced).
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Here's the same bedroom, as you view it from the door. We can't wait to add some thick wooden shelves in that little chimney nook that we were able to expose during the renovation.
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Below is a similar view of this bedroom when we bought the house. It was just a boring box, complete with a drop ceiling to hide a whole lot of mold and rot that was going on above it.
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The photo below is a picture of the back bedroom on the other side (the right side of the duplex) as it looks now. Over here we reused the only set of original doors that we could salvage: these cool skinny little pine doors, complete with their original hardware.
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bench / similar plant / similar light / basket / Walls: SW Spare White
They have tiny little latches on each side that stole my heart the second I saw them, along with little faux drawers at the bottom with old cup pulls. So much quirk & character!
And since they're not standard height (they're shorter than standard interior doors) we got to add cute little cubbies above them. I love how the curved baskets bring in some texture and some softness with so many rectangles going on around them. Same with the curved chandelier.
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We're also pretty excited about our kitchen progress, since we worked over the holiday break to assemble both sides (not without hiccups – more on that here) but we're really happy to be mostly over that hump. The appliances are on their way, and our counters should be getting templated and installed before the end of the month. We can see the finish line!!! (Ok, and then we have to add shelves, hardware, and a bold patterned backsplash, but we're closer to the end than the beginning!)
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cabinets / hood / pendant light
That's the kitchen on the right side and here we are in the adjacent mudroom/laundry room. We still need to build in that storage cabinet, but we're waiting for the stacked washer & dryer to be installed first. And those painted pocket doors (they're Oyster Bay by Sherwin Williams) lead to the kitchen, and will probably stay open most of the time. We added them in case people want to shut out the noise when laundry's going. And because they're just so dang cute.
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pendant light / floor tile / walls: Spare White by SW / doors: Oyster Bay by SW
We'll also be adding lots of mudroom storage in here, like hooks and baskets galore for shoes, bathing suits, towels and all that good stuff. The outdoor showers are a few steps away from the back door that leads into this room, so this space is going to be a workhorse for sure.
Ok, but now let's take a peek at the kitchen on the left side of the duplex. We chose some moody blue-green-gray cabinets for this side, but they look bright blue here. Wait for it…
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cabinets / hood / pendant light
They're still covered with a protective film that we aren't going to remove until after the appliances and counters are installed, but you can see from the piece John's holding up below that they're a lot grayer and greener underneath the film. We LOVE the color for a beach house. Feels really playful but not too out there.
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This is the mudroom off of that kitchen, where we did a similar tile pattern as the other mudroom, but in a totally different colorway. We love how each side feels related to the other side – but not identical. Kinda like they're cousins but not twins. We still need quarter round trim in here (most of the other rooms are done – but we held off on this room so we can add a few built-ins and then install it).
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floor tiles: pink, white, & taupe / door color: White Truffle by SW / door: secondhand find (!!!)
So those are just a few of the spaces that look SO MUCH BETTER already – even before our huge truckload of furniture arrives (yes, we're renting a giant box truck and driving things down ourselves in less than a week!). But even without all the beds and tables and sofas and chairs that are coming, we're soaking up this PROGRESS, BEAUTIFUL PROGRESS! And you know I'm counting down the days until I can share more photos with furniture and curtains and art and ALL THE THINGS!!!
P.S. To see all of our duplex progress from the very beginning, click here for around a dozen posts that'll cover a lot of ground (from buying it and floor planning to rebuilding it, tiling, and refinishing the floors).
*This post contains affiliate links*
One more P.S. – If you like blog posts, you can get an additional one each week delivered straight to your inbox – and it's free! Just sign up here (and if you'd like to see a few sample emails first, here's one, and here's another one).
The post Things Are Getting Homier At The Duplex! appeared first on Young House Love.
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8 Things to Avoid Buying in Bulk
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One of the rules of frugal grocery shopping is to buy in bulk.
Indeed, we're told to buy larger amounts of the things we like when they are on sale so that we save money in the long run. However, in some cases it's actually better to forgo buying in bulk.
Here are 8 things where this is particular true:
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1. Nuts
You might be able to get a great deal on nuts, but they actually expire in between one and two months. Nuts have a high fat content and can go rancid sooner than you might expect. Seeds (flax, sesame, etc.) can also have the same problem.
Before you stock up on these delicious snack, think about how often you really eat them, and make sure you can eat them in the prescribed amount of time.
2. Cooking oils
It depends on what kinds of oil you are using, and where you store them. Olive oil will keep for about six months in a cool, dark place. Peanut and corn oil can keep for a year unopened, and for six months after being opened.
Sesame oil and walnut oil are only good for a couple of months. You can prolong the life of cooking oils in the fridge, but they are likely to thicken in the fridge, so you will have to wait for them to warm to room temperature when you want to use them.
3. Brown rice
Brown rice does not keep as long as white rice (which is too bad, since brown rice is healthier for you). It lasts only six months to a year, although you can lengthen the shelf life by putting it in the refrigerator.
4. Condiments
You might be surprised how long it takes you to get through your condiments - and they're only good for between six months a year. Mayo, mustard and ketchup may all go bad before you use them if you buy in bulk. The same is true of peanut butter and jelly. (And Nutella.)
5. Cereal
Right now, we have a pantry full of bulk cereal that's about to expire. We bought it in bulk months ago, and we just aren't getting through it that fast because we eat other, healthier things for breakfast most mornings. Carefully gauge your cereal needs, and consider slowing down on the bulk buying.
6. Frozen foods
After a few months, frozen foods will get freezer burn. Even frozen meats won't last forever. Carefully consider how much space you have, and whether you will get through the frozen foods before they go bad in the freezer. You might find that it's better to keep a one to two months' supply at a time, and rotate it.
7. Spices
After six months to a year, spices start losing their potency. So buying huge bulk containers might not be the way to go - unless you cook a lot. Think about what you use most often, and whether or not you really need that much of each spice.
8. Nutritional supplements
Whether its a multivitamin, protein shake mix or a bottle of fish oil capsules, be aware of whether you will get through that big container before it expires. This goes for medication as well. My husband and I stopped buying massive bottles of Ibuprofen after we discovered one that was three years past its expiration date.
Part of frugality is buying what you will use, and not buying excess that you throw away. Take stock of your habits, and pay attention to expiration dates.
Good food storage is routinely rotated so that you eat things within their expiration date while having some months of food stored up. Making a plan can ensure that you have what you need - and that you aren't throwing spoiled food out on a regular basis.
This article originally appeared on MoneyNing.com. Let us know what you think (or read what others thought) here.
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Whole30 Pizza Alternatives
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If you're doing a Whole30, pizza is out for the month. But I've got something that'll help tamp down those cravings: nomtastic Whole30 Pizza Alternatives-recipes that evoke the flavors of pizza, but won't leave you feeling bloated or icky afterwards!
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Whole30 Pizza Alternatives, Not Substitutes
Before we get started, it's important to note that these recipes aren't pizza substitutes-they're alternatives. For me, this distinction is significant-I don't think you're well served to use paleo flours to recreate a pizza dough during your dietary reset because that's what the Whole30 folks call “SWYPO.”
Instead, these recipes are all made with meat/fish and veggies, and they're simply options and alternatives that evoke your favorite pizza toppings. All of these recipes are hits with my whole family and my picky kids like them, too. If you want to make a pizza with an alternative flour or cauliflower crust, that's cool-but make sure to wait until your Whole30 is over!
My Favorite Whole30 Pizza Alternatives
Meatza: This is one of my favorite Whole30 Pizza Alternatives-a sausage or seasoned meat crust with your favorite pizza toppings! Serve this delicious low carb, Whole30, keto, and paleo-friendly pizza alternative with a big green salad and a simple extra virgin olive oil and vinegar dressing! (Psst! Leave off the nut cheese if you have an unhealthy emotional relationship with cheese, use cheese as a comfort food, or find cheese is a trigger food for other unhealthy cravings.)
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Poached Cod and Tomato Sauce: I know the idea of poached white fish in marinara sauce doesn't even come close to resembling pizza, but Ollie (my picky youngest son) happily gobbles it up and calls it “pizza fish.” Any super fast and simple recipe that makes my kids eat more fish is a win in my book! 
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Italian Sausage + Kale Casserole: This Whole30-friendly casserole is a comforting supper that will please the whole family! Eat it now, or slice it up and toss it in the fridge for the coming week's pack-and-go lunches! 
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Want more inspiration from my past January Whole30s? Check out my Day 7 posts from 2018 and 2017!
2018 Whole30 Day 7: Veggie Dips
2017 Whole30 Day 7: Mac Nut “Ricotta” and Devils on Horseback
A note to my Nomsters: This is one of a series of daily blog posts I'm writing in the month of January 2019 to help those doing a Whole30 to kick off the New Year. Not sure what the Whole30 is, or want info on how to get started? Read my Whole30 prep post-and then come back to Nom Nom Paleo every single day for recipes to inspire, delight, and sustain you on your Whole30!
Looking for more recipe ideas? Head on over to my Recipe Index. You'll also find exclusive recipes on my iPhone and iPad app, and in my cookbooks, Nom Nom Paleo: Food for Humans (Andrews McMeel Publishing 2013) and Ready or Not! (Andrews McMeel Publishing 2017)!
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The post Whole30 Pizza Alternatives appeared first on Nom Nom Paleo®.
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What are the Quickest, Easiest, Cheapest Ways to Lower Energy Bills?
Grab your phone. Set a timer for ten minutes. And get ready to lower your energy bills.
No, you don't have to huddle in a dark, cold house all winter to do it. (We're in Minnesota so we know how Important it is to stay warm through a long winter-and to stay cool through a hot, humid summer!)
The post What are the Quickest, Easiest, Cheapest Ways to Lower Energy Bills? appeared first on Bonfe.
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