jasonischonk · 11 years
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jasonischonk · 11 years
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jasonischonk · 12 years
now you follow me?!?!?!? D:
i don't really use tumblr. lol.
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jasonischonk · 12 years
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jasonischonk · 12 years
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jasonischonk · 12 years
i am imagining little gnomes using those fringes as a swirly slide...
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jasonischonk · 12 years
"I've been scarred in my mind for real..." Rick Lee, how your lyrics speak to me these days... 
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jasonischonk · 12 years
Get up if you've fallen again. You're the only one holding yourself down. Get up if you've fallen again. From Him. Through Us. Back To Him. The Beautiful Cycle 2007 - Lyricks
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jasonischonk · 12 years
breakfast on a stick with mini waffles, strawberries, and cool whip.
Eiffel tower?
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jasonischonk · 12 years
produced by SANG HAM (UGP) written by rick lee pray for me. verse 1. this for the confused people who view me as two sided who gets moved by the spirit and flow. something that's smooth about it and after the show you walk up and casually pull aside me and ask me a bunch of bible questions like a school assignment! call me a fool for rhyming about God, get accused for lying if you approach me with your bias, what's the use of trying? i mean, people feel me right? they're confused as i am! i'm trying to be the light of the world but they just crucify him! i'm not a gospel rapper, but i'm a truth supplier. for the true Messiah, move Him higher, use the fire in pursuit of finding out who i am. what are my true desires?! and if you nod like you understand... but what if it's you that's lying? do you get death threats too? and judgmental views as i get? upload a movie on youtube and all these dudes are fighting and cursing and arguing! some person i never met trying to guess my distance from God and which state my heart is in. so pardon me if don't care... too much stress, funny how hate comes from the people who 'know' love best but they just strike me down faithfully. if you don't agree with me, it's fine. just pray for me. just pray for me.
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jasonischonk · 12 years
Red, White, and Blue.
First generation immigrants to the United States usually have it the hardest. Historically, they tend to take the most difficult, niche jobs, often requiring long hours and manual labor. Whether peddling a craft or working in a factory, their humble beginnings are all about the hustle and grind. My parents are first generation immigrants to the States and for the third decade in a row, are working consistent 80+ hour weeks, with maybe one week of vacation time a year. We are not debt-free but far from financially destitute, and there is no need for them to work such hours any longer. Yet they do. They plan to work until the day they die, and they do it with such vigor and pride. They have never told my brother or me to get a job, never used an iron fist to raise us, and have only ever shown warm smiles shining through weary, worked faces upon coming home from another long day. I am absolutely pained when I think of what they've endured all these years, a blessing, yet a heartache that I will carry all my life. Still, there are some days I manage to take for granted my parents' support. I stress and complain about the demands and prospects of law school and of trying to manage a startup. I feel my ego bruised at the thought of having to do anything resembling an entry level job. 'I graduated with honors from a top tier school! I deserve better than that!' It was a pompous attitude held by most of my honors-class peers. But as my friend once put it, we must not forget that there is no shame to be had in any line of work as long as it is honest and done with diligence. My friend's advice reaches to all these second-generation young adults - our parents worked through blood, sweat, and tears, wearing collars stained with red so that ours could be more white and less blue. Take your roots with the utmost gratitude and set your egos aside when going through your professional lives. With that said, I really wish I could work half as hard as my parents. I want to pass on the lessons of hard work to my children one day while at the same time showering them with affection and unconditional love. In Korea, my father taught college physics and wanted to be a doctor, but his family could not afford to send him to medical school. He is possibly one of the most scholarly minds to ever end up running a dry cleaners. My mother...well, she came from a wealthy family and married my father out of love. She had the option to never work a day of her life but left her family and friends and followed my dad to the States with the promise of a comfortable life, never suspecting the incredible burdens of work that lay ahead. These are the kinds of sacrifices our parents made. As a second-generation young adult, it is my belief that it is our duty to pay it forward. We take up studies in law and medicine so that our children may have the freedom to study art and music. Mom, Dad, and my Future Kids - I will not let you down! 
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jasonischonk · 12 years
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View from Water Street circa 2008
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jasonischonk · 12 years
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jasonischonk · 12 years
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Columbus Circle circa 2008
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jasonischonk · 12 years
"I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs." - Frederick Douglass I'm entering the eighth month since that day, the eighth month of my battle. Some people go through it unfazed, and they are able to joke about it a mere week afterwards. Many others let it define their lives and succumb to it, never able to recover. But I can overcome this. I know I can beat it, because He has told me so. I have been praying every day for the courage and the strength but have been too weak to do much. Last night, I let go of a girl I think I could have truly loved, because I have to focus on this and couldn't bear using her as a crutch. I can do this. It's time for me to pray through my actions.
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jasonischonk · 12 years
After I speak on a panel, I'm like
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jasonischonk · 12 years
When a big wire hits our account, I'm like
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