jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
Talon knew Jason had had it today. This was not something that happened ofen. Jason was an example cop. One of the best even. He had spoken to him and asked him to come with him because he knew this had a more likely outcome to help than punishing him and Talon was not afraid of suspending one of his cops, but this was a different case. “You don’t think I’m being polite already Ulrich?” You are funny.” He said as he took a small sip from his beer. “Cheer up. The guy is behind bars ad I’m paying your drinks. You know well I don’t do that every night.” He said. It was might be a little too informal for a captain to take out one of his workers for drinks, but it really had been a bad and rough case and the kid deserved a break and hopefully a good night sleep. That was what the alcohol was for. “Order a snack even. I’ll pay that too.”
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Jason wasn’t sure what approach Talon was going to go with talking about performance. The drinks were a nice gesture but Jason was always on edge. And not because this was his boss, but given the job title he had. Jason had to be on edge and always looking at different angles. Maybe his choice of words didn’t help the matter. So he tried to laugh it off with the captain. “Yea I know you don’t, thank you by the way.” Jason spoke as he took another sip but this time loosening up his shoulders. Letting them shrug a bit. “No, you don’t have to pay the snack. I can do that. It’s the least I can do.” Jason’s eyes looked tired. He always looked tired, but that was besides the point. “I’m sorry, I knew I shouldn’t have flipped out on him and it won’t happen again. I don’t want your name dragged for my stupidity.” 
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Hard Day’s Work
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jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
Hard Day’s Work
Today was a rough day in general. Lately for Jason it seemed like everything was moving in slow motion. Working like clockwork with the same routine and same people to catch. But today he was more off his game. Jason had put his anger out on the same crack head that always gives any officer shit. Then he had fucked up a report, and to top off the day, Jason spilled his coffee all over his shirt. Of course he didn’t tell anyone. He just changed it and let the day roll on. He was surprised that the captain wasn’t yelling at him by now. But when he was heading out for the day he was stopped and offered a drink which he couldn’t resist. So here he was now. At a bar with his captain, the first few buttons of his shirt undone and drinking the Scotch provided to him. Not sure what to say or where to start. Just awkwardly drinking and then turning to Talon and finally saying something. “If you wanted to be polite about my performance today, just go ahead and say it.” 
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jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
In all honesty, police officers made Franklin nervous. He had no reason to be, other than his visa. He had yet to gain citizenship in the United States, and was on a long-extended stay for school, both undergraduate and graduate, totaling five years thus far. He loved Canada a lot, but had no desire to be shipped back there under undesirable conditions. Therefore, he was always very conscious to follow the law. This officer in particular, Franklin knew to be rather friendly. They had not ever said much to each other, save the occasional ‘how do you do?’, but that was still more than you would get from most strangers, who might bustle right past you as if you were about as much worth looking at as an inconveniently-placed mailbox. This was especially true when Franklin had gone to school in New York City, but he found the environment to be somewhat different in Chicago, and especially in Boystown. 
“Hi- hello,” Franklin replied with a polite smile, taking his earbud out and pausing his music on his phone. “I am well, just heading home from school.” Using the trains meant that he had to leave extremely early for his classes and get back rather late, but it was easier than paying to use a ride-share every day, and he of course did not own a car.
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Jason wasn’t any certain type of cop. Quite honestly, he had a mix of everything. The bad cop, the good cop, the one that ate the donuts first thing getting in the station, or sometimes the moody one that took their anger out on his arrests. Which he was never proud of. But even with all that he was when working, he was still a genuine guy. “Okay, nice. What’s your major?” He asked wanting to strike up a conversation with the young student.
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jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
It had been one of those uneventful days for Danny, where he’d spend the morning boxed up at his studio dealing with the couple of clients that he had on his schedule. He hadn’t been very busy these past couple of weeks, but he figured it was just a lull—with the end of the school year coming up, he was sure he’d been inundated with parents wanting to get prom and graduation photos for his kid, so he should enjoy this time he had to himself while he had it. He’d decided to pop into the nearest coffee shop to grab something for lunch when he heard someone calling out to him. “Oh, hey there!” Danny exclaimed, realizing it was Jason. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? Eh, it’s goin’ alright. How about yourself?”
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“Hey, take a good glimpse. You never know when you’ll see me again.” Jason chuckled lightly as he played with the lid of his coffee cup with his index finger. Being a cop, he was everywhere and anywhere. He was dragged so many places at a time due to his job. “I’m surprised you aren’t stuck in the studio. With spring around the corner I’m sure everyone and their mothers are wanting their family photos.” He remembered Danny pretty well. The only down side was that Danny was the photographer that took photos of him and his ex girlfriend. It was one of his favorite pictures that is now buried in a box only for him to pull up every now and then to feel the pain of the past. Come to think of it, did he ever tell Danny about the break up? It had been awhile and Jason barely talks to anyone about it. “Same actually. Going alright for the most part.” 
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jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
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Leaving the store Harley was trying to balance two bags of food as he headed back towards his apartment, weaving through the crowd he grinned a little seeing Officer Ulrich outside a coffee shop. He’d bumped into the cop a couple of times since moving to Boystowns, never for trouble of his own doing just being in the wrong place when wrong things were going on. Catching his eye he grinned and winked. “Hello Officer you’ll be pleased to hear I’ve been squeaky clean since January. Are you proud?”
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Harley Kenzie, a face he would never forget. It almost laughable for Jason whenever he would see Harley at a wrong place, wrong time scenario. Jason has probably questioned him so many times that they should be best friends at this point. For the ironic purpose of course. “I am very proud to hear that Harley.” He replied after putting his coffee down. “Are we sticking with organic or just a bunch of junk food?” Jason joked as his eyes wondered to the bags of groceries.
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jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
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“Oh crap..” James growled as he tried to get the ladder from his bike, he had offered to help out some of the students around campus put up signs and posters for a few upcoming events. He was having a bit of trouble 
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Jason stared at the man struggling for a half a second. He wasn’t sure what was going on in all honesty. Why was the man adding a ladder to a bike? Or a bike to a ladder? Who knows. Finally Jason spoke up. “Do you want some help?”
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jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
After finishing off the last bite of his sandwich he took his coffee to the bottom of his lip. Ready to take his next sip. Washing down his food with the bitterness that warmed his heart. He had been on a routine lately. Going to work, serving his city, running into old drunks or others he had arrested before. He still hadn’t got his own place yet. Maybe because he was still numb from the break up of his last relationship. He would then go home, eat whatever food his friend made, shower and sleep. Then repeat the next day. All the same patterns for him. Today was no different. Except, there was a familiar face walking past him near the coffee shop. “Hey there stranger.” He said with a slight tilt of his head and the smallest of smirks growing on the corner of his lips. Seeing someone he hadn’t seen in a while was a refreshing start to his day. “How’s it going?” Jason asked. 
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jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
Hwelllooo people! I’m A#2 or you can call me Ayye whatever works. 
I haven’t got through all the people to follow and I need to update my tags and fix things up. But quick intro of Jason Ulrich. He’s a cop. **Not a Grimm** Honestly I’m currently watching the show and I’m obsessed. 
Jason is 38 just broke up with his girlfriend of four years. Was planning on marrying her but she was interested in another man.
He maybe an alcoholic Haven’t decided yet. Alcoholism tends to run in the Ulrich family. 
He tries to do good as a cop but can lose his temper a bit. 
On his spare time he likes spending time at the gym, kick boxing, reading, and hanging out at the bar. 
He currently lives at a friend’s house while he is trying to get his own place.(Since him and his girlfriend had a house together. It was best for him to move out.) 
He is pansexual. Before his girlfriend, he had been in two other serious relationships. One with another female(for a year) and the other a male(for almost two years) 
His parents are alive and live just outside of Chicago. Jason has a brother, Issac who his parents love more since the brother followed the footsteps of working in the family business. 
That’s all I have off the top of my head so far. I’m sure I can add more. But who knows if I will take away or tweak some facts around. I like some good drama and I go for dark and mysterious twists with my characters. So I will definitely let you all know when it comes to mind.
ANYWAYS I have to be at work in like 4 hours or so. So I must sleep. HMU if you want to plot and work on connections. 
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jasonnulrich-blog · 5 years
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