jaspermorgan · 1 day
Jasper nodded. "I understand. If it was up to me then all of that wouldn't be an issue, but some people aren't as considerate as others. You're not to blame and if anyone has an issue with that then direct them to me.”
Jasper hated it when people- and his hotel guests in particular- would blame all manners of things on the staff that aren't involved. There had been one too many times when he, or even Matteo, had to intervene and deescalate situations. He was fine with the idea of ‘the customer is always right’ as long as they weren’t berating his staff.
"I wouldn't have a clue; I've never picked up a skateboard in my life. I know that you do it all the time and I trust that you know what you’re doing, but you still must be careful. Accidents can happen at any time.”
Jasper took off his jacket, straightened out his waistcoat and rolled up his sleeves, before lying it neatly on a spare chair and making a mental note to return for it later. He then turned to Robbie with a smile, saying, “Excellent. Then let’s get to it. And music always passes the time well. What have you got?”
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“I’m not being a snitch about the room charge because I’m not a stickler for fees, it’s just so annoying when they aren’t scheduled for a late check-out and I show up only to find they’re still in their room. Ruins my rhythm, and all that nonsense.”
It’s not as if the late fee ends up in his pocket, but this was the second to last room on that floor. Robbie skipped it, finished the next, but now that entire corridor still can’t be marked complete for the incoming reservations. “Just saying, it’s not my fault if someone rolls in at three o’clock, expecting an ocean view room and gets upset because they have to wait or settle with one on the opposite side of the hall.”
Robbie will be damned before he takes that fall. Fortunately, Jasper is a reasonable boss.
"What? You think I'd be so clumsy? I'm super rad and all - it's like skateboarding." A hobby Robbie does not partake in. "But yeah, sure. I have my speaker, we can put on some tunes and get that room cleaned up before check-ins start."
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jaspermorgan · 2 days
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jaspermorgan · 2 days
Jasper smiled in return. "I love meeting people who have had the same passions their whole life. You can see the light in their eyes when they talk about them and I see that in yours."
He loved the subjectivity of art. How some people loved the so-called great pieces of art and artists, whilst some hated them; the same going for how some people don't consider a blank blue square art and some do. Jasper had his likes and dislikes, of course, but he appreciated all forms of art and music- it was all poetry, all unique, all emotive in some way.
“No, I went to acting school in London," he then answered. "Which is where I’m originally from, if you couldn't tell from my accent. My mother made me learn the piano when I was about seven and at first I thought it was so tedious, but I really grew to love it. I suppose I could have gone to school for it, to become a concert pianist or something similar, but acting was my real passion. I couldn’t imagine life any other way. But now I’m running a hotel in this beautiful part of the world. Just goes to show how things can change and not be exactly how you expected."
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Claudia felt her cheeks heat up at his compliment, as much as she considers herself an artist, it was always hard for herself to show off her art work to people. But it was something she was working on again to get in the groove of things at least, something she has been completely out of touch with. Claudia always wanted to make it a career which was probably why she preferred being a freelancer than working for a company, work on her own hours and what not.
"Really? I'm jealous. I've been told I'm tone deaf so I guess I make up for it with creating things." Claudia laughed lightly as she flashed them a smile. "Uh...a couple years, I like to say it's always been in my blood since I was a kid. I just followed my dream in becoming an artist, went to school for it and all. How about you? Did you go to school for music?"
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jaspermorgan · 3 days
Her compliment made Jasper smile, but he guessed she was just a little bit drunk and he didn’t blame her as the cocktails being served were very good, almost rivals to the ones served at the Seascape (and he wasn’t biased on that at all). He’d wandered around the festivals, soaking up the electric atmosphere and enjoying the smiles and laughter of others. It had been a while since he’d taken some time out for himself and where better to spend it than on the beach?
“Cheers to you, too,” he laughed, taking a sip of his cosmopolitan after their toast. “And I see you’re enjoying the Summer Bash as well. Don’t you think it’s a great way to end the season? I love how relaxed everyone is.”
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Location: one of the sand bars Open || @aurorabaystarter
Nikki was actively aiming for a nice buzz, as she picked up the cocktail the bartender offered her and handed the other one to the person next to her. "Cheers, gorgeous!" she exclaimed, ever the hype-girl, as she brought her glass forth to clink to a toast.
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jaspermorgan · 3 days
the most romantic thing a person can do is read and annotate your favorite book and then give it to you.
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jaspermorgan · 3 days
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Billy Crudup as Cory Ellison - 2024 Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Emmy nominee
The Morning Show - Ghost in the Machine [x]
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jaspermorgan · 4 days
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It's rooftop season in the city.
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jaspermorgan · 4 days
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jaspermorgan · 4 days
You’re my father. The words echoed in Jasper's mind. Just like that, in a split second, his life had changed. Even when he was certain he was too old and too experienced to be shocked by anything, the confirmation he was a dad- something he never thought he would be- to a beautiful young girl completely shook him. Just looking at her and seeing a mixture of Natalia and himself in her eyes, her face, her hair, her mannerisms, hadn’t prepared m in the slightest.
She was 26, independent, and certainly past the age of needing a parent- let alone a father- but she wanted him in her life, otherwise she wouldn’t have come all this way. He also wholeheartedly believed Hannah when she said she didn't want his money, but it was always a possibility for the future that the two would be close and Jasper would want to spoil her, knowing she deserved the world especially after what she must have endured when Natalia died. It was crazy to think that in losing her mother, Hannah gained a father. Jasper was never sure about whether to believe in fate, but this might have been just the thing that swayed him.
He never thought he’d had any paternal instincts, though. His own father, despite Jasper marginally preferring him over his mother, was distant and strict, rigid and not prone to affection. The only positive male influence he had growing up was his Grandad Phillip (of course it was thanks to him that Jasper pursued acting and fell in love with films), but even then he wasn’t the epitome of a good dad. It was only with Natalia and Twyla, his longest and most serious relationship, that the possibility of children was ever discussed. Both had talked to him about marriage, too, but as much as his heart wanted it, his head said no. It wouldn't have been wise, not with his career excelling in the way it was at the time he was in those relationships, nor would it have been fair on them. Having a wife and never seeing her because of long, sometimes unpredictable filming schedules wasn't fair. And not when they had both been actors themselves. Jasper could have easily have taken on less work or even quit completely, but nothing was going to stop him from acting. Did that make him selfish? In some people's eyes, probably. But to him he had worked too hard to get where he was to simply throw it away. There was no balance to anything, so he had to decided which way the scales tipped.
“Hannah,” Jasper began quietly. “I don’t know if this means anything, but if I’d known about you at any point in you're life, whether it was when you were born, or six months old, or thirteen years old, I would have been there. I would have been there for you or at least been able to provide some kind of support- financially or otherwise. I'm sure you must have felt as though I knew about you and didn't care enough to stay, but if I was there for you then you’d never have thought that you had a father that didn’t love you. No child should feel that way. I don’t know how good of a dad I would have been, but I like to think I would have given absolutely everything for you.”
Jasper found it difficult to envision himself holding a baby of his own, feeding and comforting them in the dead of night, helping them to learn to read or ride a bike when they got older, sitting with them as they did their homework, fought with them over not wanting to eat their greens, and the heartbreak that came with them going off to college. But the moment he processed Hannah’s words, something within him ignited. He’d missed all of that: all the wonderful things that went with parenthood. Jasper wondered momentarily what could have been, but decided not to linger on thought out of fear he might lose composure.
"I appreciate you coming to tell me the truth," he then uttered. "I know how tumultuous the decision must have been and... I'm glad you're here. I really am. And I don’t expect you to call me dad. Jasper will do just fine until such a time when, or if, you feel like you might want to call me dad. I need to get used to this whole situation, too. It’s a bit of a shock.”
Understatement of the century. Jasper didn’t want to overwhelm Hannah or scare her off, so tried his best to keep cool, but deep down his emotions were stirring in a way he’d never known. He was scared, happy, anxious, confused, angry, and sad all at the same time. He had many questions of his own, but no doubt Hannah had more.
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Hannah watched Jasper carefully, studying his face as though she were committing it to memory in case she spent another twenty-six years without him in her life. It was odd, having seen his old movies and watching them without the slightest idea that he was her father. She'd asked her mother a million times who he was or where he could be, but the topic of who Hannah's father was had quickly become taboo in her home. She always assumed he wanted nothing to do with her or maybe he was an awful human being, but the truth was that he had no idea she even existed. And all those times she daydreamt of what it would be like to have him in her life, even at one point watching Jasper's movies and wishing he was her father, she had no idea she was so close to the truth.
"Thank you." Hannah didn't know what else to say. She'd performed on stage in front of thousands of people, walked on red carpets with her mother with hundreds of flashing cameras, and yet this was the most nervous she believed she'd ever been in her life. "This is insane. I know it is, but... I have no idea how else to say this without just ripping the bandage off, but you're..." Hannah paused, feeling her anxiety rising. "You're my father. A-and you don't owe me anything, so don't think I've come here for your money or success or whatever, I just-- I just needed to meet you."
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jaspermorgan · 5 days
˚⋆𓇼˚。 𝑶𝑷𝑬𝑵 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 @aurorabaystarter
With work having taken over his life from the moment he moved in Aurora Bay, Jasper hadn’t thought very much about dedicating his time to something else and having a new kind of purpose. He still donated what money he could to the youth theatre charities he was involved in when he lived in New York City, but acting made him who he was; it was in his blood and he lived and breathed it, even now when he only rarely got the chance to put on a show for people at the hotel.
The theatre had been named after the founder of Aurora Bay and Jasper had first learned of the town’s history when he first came to film ‘Of Fire and Stars’ in 1998. Any and all history fascinated him, but especially that of the place he now called home. The theatre itself was a beautiful rustic building that had been around almost since the town’s inception; Jasper loved its style and its vibe, but it made him realise he hadn’t crossed the boards of a theatre stage as a working actor in 13 years. He missed the adrenaline rush he got right before a performance and how it carried through the show to finish it all off with raucous applause- it was a high he thought he’d never again chase after giving up his career. But theatre had been so magnetic, so powerful, and as of late Jasper missed it dearly.
So once outside the building he found himself pacing the pavement, looking as though he was impatiently waiting for something or someone, and smiling bashfully at people who walked past. Jasper was trying to decide if going in was a good idea or not and he was getting nervous. Actually nervous. All he wanted to do was inquire about getting involved in productions, not necessarily starring in them (although he wouldn’t pass up that opportunity) but doing more behind the scenes work and offering up his expertise, if it was wanted, of course.
Maybe his anxiety was because he was now Jasper Morgan: hotelier, and not Jasper Morgan: award-winning actor, even though he would always be the latter, just not in current practice. What if it wasn’t as he remembered? What if his desire to get back on the stage, or behind it, was only fleeting? What if this was a mistake?
As he questioned his choices, Jasper turned on his heels to do yet another lap of the section of pavement and was mere inches from colliding with somebody. He held out his arms, steadying both himself and the other person, his heart racing and a sheepish laugh escaping his mouth.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he said, flustered. “I was just in my own little world; I didn’t mean to get in the way.”
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jaspermorgan · 5 days
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Billy Crudup as Jack Billings HELLO TOMORROW! (2023-) “Your Brighter Tomorrow Today” (1.01)
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jaspermorgan · 5 days
Jasper nodded. "I do know. I'm a stickler for details myself; always have been, but especially now I run a hotel. Ten years ago I would have called myself crazy... But a tattoo studio? Wow, running this shop is a little different to that, I imagine. I'm too much of a wuss to be getting a tattoo; shopping for clothes is painful enough sometimes! I spent so long being dressed by the costume department on film and TV sets that I never really put much thought into dressing myself, but I'm glad this little place is here; I feel better about clothes shopping. And your grandmother was absolutely right about every item in the shop having a story and I think that's the most beautiful sentiment."
Jasper remembered going to buy clothes with his mother as a young boy and even now he shuddered at the thought. She was very much a perfectionist and practically did the seamstresses job for her when he was getting blazers measured. She always made him wear the itchiest material and shouted at him when there was even the slightest scuff on his shoes. The only good thing about being sent to boarding school for a while was that he didn't have to put up with her incessant nagging.
“But I see suits as a kind of uniform and that makes my life so much easier and I feel more professional, too. That being said, I really do love this tie. I mean, really love it and one-of-a-kind is just an added bonus." He lifted the collar of his shirt, slipped the tie underneath, and deftly knotted it up, glancing to the mirror on the counter and admiring how the pattern shimmered in the light. "Well, that's probably the quickest I've ever decided to buy anything. I'll definitely take this one. You really have an eye for fashion, Miss. I suppose you have to do, but it seems to come naturally. If you're not careful I might end up buying one of every design."
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Maia glanced up from the necklace she was rearranging, her lips curling into a warm smile as his words sunk in. There was a moment of gratitude in her eyes, a silent acknowledgment that his advice hit closer to home than he might have realized. She was still finding her footing, trying to honor her grandmother's legacy while making the shop her own, and hearing that kind of encouragement from someone like Jasper—a person who had already faced and overcome his own battles—meant more than she could easily express.
"Thanks," she said softly, her fingers lightly brushing over the jewelry display before she turned her full attention back to him. "It’s easy to get lost in all the details, you know? To worry about doing everything just right, especially when it feels like I have these big shoes to fill. She did choose me though because she knows I'm a certified boss bitch. But running a tattoo studio is very different to this."
His thoughts on kindness and giving back resonated deeply with her as well. Running the boutique was about more than just business; it was about creating a space that brought joy, even if in small, everyday ways. “I love that you think that way,” she continued, her voice thoughtful. “Making people feel good, helping them create memories… it’s kind of what this place is about too. My gran always said that every piece in here has a story, and I want to keep that alive.”
When he mentioned looking for ties, Maia’s eyes lit up. "Ties? Well, you’re in luck! I’ve got a few that just came in—vintage and a bit quirky, but I think they might be right up your alley." She motioned for him to follow her to a nearby display, where a small collection of ties was neatly arranged.
“They’re all unique, one-of-a-kind pieces,” she explained, picking up a deep burgundy tie with a subtle floral pattern. “This one’s my favorite—classic but with a twist. I think it could be perfect for someone like you who’s always put together but not afraid to show a little personality.” She handed it to him, her smile widening. "Give it a try! And if you don’t find what you’re looking for, I’m always on the lookout for new pieces, so just let me know what you have in mind. We’ll find something that suits you perfectly." @jaspermorgan
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jaspermorgan · 5 days
“Oh, no,” he laughed. “Definitely not as lucky as me.” And Jasper meant that. “I have a bright ray of sunshine in my life and her name is Tess.”
Jasper took a sip of his drink, so he didn’t add anything else to that sentence. He and openly flirted with each other, but it had been nothing more than a joke. Well, that’s how they made it seem, completely oblivious to the feelings they were beginning to have for their respective selves. Jasper really did look at Tess like she was the sun and never had he grown to love and admire someone so much in such a short space of time. Getting to talk to her about films and books reminded him of his passions outside of work, which tended to consume his life, and that he was just a regular guy.
“I didn’t expect to finish it that quickly either,” he added. “But you’re right: that’s the sign of a good book. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve read a book that fast since I arrived in Aurora Bay… I’m certain almost every English teacher has read it at least once, but ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ has to be my choice for you to read, or reread. Of course it’s a classic, but as you well know it’s one of my favourites and it’s been a while since I picked it up. How’s that sound?”
Jasper used to read a lot- mainly film and television scripts, of course, but would often have a book with him on set or back at the hotel he was staying at. There was something comforting about having a book nearby, knowing you can just pick it up and get lost in its world. His parents were avid readers and so were his grandparents, so being one himself was in his blood.
Part of Jasper wished he’d bought a house rather than an apartment since there would be far more room for his books and better space to organise them in, but if he had then maybe he wouldn’t have crossed paths with Tess when he did. And no amount of books- rare or otherwise- would make up for the fact that decision could have cost him a priceless relationship. Finishing ‘The Waves’ in record time also proved how much he cared about Tess and her interests. Jasper could have easily put the book to one side and just picked it up whenever, but he’d made the effort to read even when he was too tired from work because he wanted an excuse to talk to Tess- being in her apartment with a good glass of whisky was just an added bonus.
“Why, thank you,” he grinned. “I like having you around, too.” Like was too much of an understatement. “Someone has to put with me and I’m glad it’s you.”
Spontaneously spending time together was a habit that Jasper is glad they picked up and one that he didn’t want to break. But he also didn’t want to overstay his welcome and feel like he was pestering Tess. He was sure that she had better things to do than entertain him in the evenings, especially when she was so busy with her own work. But he felt more assured when she said ‘not that I’m complaining’; he certainly hoped she wasn’t. Jasper enjoyed his time with Tess beyond words and thought he’d be lost without their book discussions, their silly jokes, and candid conversations.
Jasper leaned back on the incredibly comfortable sofa as he took another sip. “So, what delights have you been up to today? Or have you just been working?”
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“Oh, go on then, I’ll join you,” she says in that jokingly ‘twist my arm, why don’t you?’ sort of way, ignoring the fact that she already has half a glass of wine left to finish on the coffee table. Hard liquor isn’t normally Tess’ drink of choice, but she’ll indulge in it every so often. In the right company.
As she continues listening to the other, Tess begins rummaging through her cupboards for the bottle of Glenfiddich she had in mind - and a pair of crystal cut glasses for the two of them - humming appreciatively in response to his thoughtful commentary on The Waves. “You’re very welcome,” she glances back to him with an easy smile. “I’m glad you liked it; I had a feeling you would.” And then, after quickly checking whether Jasper preferred his Scotch neat or on the rocks, she proceeds to pour out their drinks. “Yeah... Not as lucky as you are, though, hm?” she quips in return, flashing him a playful grin.
In all seriousness, though, Tess does feel rather lucky to have made such a good friend already. She’d been informed prior to moving into this apartment here in Crystal Cove that she’d be neighbours with a retired Hollywood film star, but never in a million years had she expected to bump into Jasper on the very day she moved in, let alone get on with him like a house on fire.
During their first interaction, she’d made a conscious effort to treat him exactly as she would anyone else, but now that she knows him on a personal level, it’s not something she even has to think about. Of course, it helps that he’s refreshingly normal despite the glitz and glamour of his past. Makes it easy to forget that the man she now calls her friend is the same Oscar-winning actor she once saw in A Conflict of Shadows some years ago.
“Favourite wine?” she echoes with a teasing lift of her brows, heading over to the lounge area with their Scotch glasses, passing his over. “Talk about spoiling me. That’s a Pinot Grigio then, please.” She gestures with her hand towards her three-seater sofa next, encouraging Jasper to make himself comfortable on one end while she takes a seat on the other. “It might be a challenge to find a classic I haven’t read,” she starts to answer properly, huffing a gentle chuckle. “But there’s plenty of modern literature I’m yet to delve into. And even if I have read it, well... it might be nice to recap,” because for all Tess loves discovering new books, she’s more interested in learning about him - and why he might like a certain story - than anything else.
“I have to say, I wasn’t expecting you to finish my own recommendation as quickly as you did,” she’d guessed it might take him a couple of months, at the very least, considering how busy his schedule is and all. “But that’s always the sign of a good book, isn’t it? The ones you simply can’t put down.”
Tess subtly managed to make that sound like he just wanted an excuse (not that he needed one) to see her again this week, the hint of a smirk on her lips implying as much.
As if contemplating something, she swirls around the liquid amber in her glass before taking a quick, testing sip, relishing the soothing burn as it trickles down her throat. “We seem to be making quite a habit of this lately, don’t we?” Spending the evening together, she means, in a way that makes it feel like an unofficial date, but she daren’t say it in so many words just yet.
“Not that I’m complaining. I like having you around.”
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jaspermorgan · 5 days
“Don’t apologise," he smiled reassuringly. "Non-guests are always as welcome as the guests. Especially such talented ones who appreciate the scenery as much as I do. You're more than welcome to stay as long as you like. I think other people would appreciate seeing an artist drawing in real-time- that's always more impressive."
Jasper eyed the drawing again, able to make out the waves of the ocean and the beginning of a cluster of clouds. Despite the piece being in black and white there was still so much life and light in it. He could easily see it framed and on the wall of his office.
"I'm a musical artist myself," Jasper then remarked. "Not a painting or drawing artist like you. But I can sure admire and commend the effort you lot put into creating something. It's incredible. How long have you been drawing for? By the looks of it, I'd say a good few years."
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"Oh!" She exclaimed as she dust off the erasing marks left behind and showed the little sketch she made of the view she was sketching to the other. "I was just sketching the view since it was so gorgeous." She said with a simple shrug and placed the sketchbook down on the table for the man to look it over. "It's nothing great but you know...trust the process."
Claudia used to be so self conscious of her sketches but she grew more confident as she realized that 'trust the process' was the key and it always worked in her end when she seen the results. "I'm sorry if I appear to be in the way of your guests or what not."
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jaspermorgan · 6 days
Jasper smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, that’s wonderful. I’m glad there were no hiccups. And yeah, it was a lovely couple from New Zealand and fans of mine. They said that their favourite film I starred in was ‘Unity’, which they saw on their first date, and that took me by surprise; hardly anyone mentions that one to me, but their story is so sweet. I agreed to talk to them about the film later this week before they head to San Francisco and I’m rather looking forward to it.”
Jasper had been starring in a medical drama called ‘Heartlines’ when he took on his role in ‘Unity’ and looking back on it doing two projects at once was crazy, but it had been a blast. It was an abundance of experience and playing two doctors (albeit in different time periods) simultaneously was one of the funniest things to have happened to him.
“If you don’t have any other jobs to do,” Jasper then said. “You’re more the welcome to clock out for the night. It’s quieter now anyway and I have had you wandering around the place for a while. Go home. Or we could grab a drink at the bar if you’d like?”
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Mateo was more than happy to assist his friend and boss by overseeing those installing the new security cameras. Mateo had once been security himself, though not in the same way, but he knew a thing or two about securing a place and making sure everything went smoothly. Besides, he'd heard of countless stories of people working for security companies installing their own cameras to spy on people, and with this being a hotel, they surely didn't need any of that. Their guests deserved to feel safe and be safe.
Once everything was set up and Mateo had seen the men off, he returned to the front desk to report on what was done. "Everything looks great and it's all up and running. No problem, really." Mateo gave him a smile with a little nod. "Late check in?" He asked as he shifted to put a bit more weight onto his cane.
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jaspermorgan · 6 days
Jasper had clocked out early (a rare event indeed) and decided to decompress by taking a stroll on and by the beach. It was busier than usual at this because the End of Summer Bash was in full swing, but he didn’t mind. He loved the atmosphere, the laughter, the food smells, and it was just nice to get out and do something.
Jasper stopped at a stall to buy a funnel cake. He never had them before coming to America and found them to be delicious staples of carnivals and other such events. His mother would have hated them and the thought of her turning her nose up at it in sheer disgust made him smile. The first bite was utterly delicious and as he went to take a second, the cake fell from his hands, scraped down the front of his jacket, and onto the floor. The initial shock of being bumped into by a stranger and the annoyance of having white powder all over him turned into amusement when the stranger mentioned ‘Scarface’.
“You should have kept your mouth shut anyway, they'd have thought you was a horse and let you out,” Jasper responded in his uncanny Tony Montana voice. Al Pacino was one of Jasper’s favourite actors to do an impression of and had seen Scarface one too many times, so could quote most of it at will. Of course he had seen it countless times- it was iconic. And who doesn’t love Michelle Pfeiffer?
He then laughed, switching back to his natural English accent. “Sorry, I’m always looking for an excuse to do impressions. But it’s quite alright- accidents happen! I’d appreciate a new cake, though, thank you. Perhaps you could join me? If you have a spare five or ten minutes.”
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where? the beach
who? open event starter
Axel had to leave the area to get away from the noise. He had to answer a phone call from a colleague back in New York. The call took way longer than he had expected, having lasted over an hour and a half. He knew Sloane would be looking for him by now. Making his way back to the beach, he looked down to shoot off a few business messages. Not paying much attention to anyone around him, he shouldered someone just hard enough that he felt them stumble back. "OH shit... sorry." He looked up to see he had not only knocked their funnel cake to the ground, but he had gotten powdered sugar all over them. "Jesus.. sorry. Didn't mean to make you look like Scarface. Let me get you a new one." @aurorabaystarter
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jaspermorgan · 6 days
pardon the way that i stare there’s nothing else to compare the sight of you leaves me weak there are no words left to speak but if you feel like i feel please let me know that it’s real you’re just too good to be true can’t take my eyes off of you @jaspermorgan
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